
Saturday, July 18, 2009

Ganesha Bahya Pooja

Ganesa Bahya Pooja
(External worship of Ganesa)

Translated by


Chathur bahum trinethrancha gajaasyam rakthavarnakam,
Pasangusadhi samyuktham mya yuktham prachinthayeth. 1

I meditate on that Lord Ganapathi,
Who has four hands and three eyes,
Who is red in colour and who holds in his arms,
The Rope and goad and other weapons.

Agascha brahmanaam nadha sura asura varjitha,
Sidhi budhyadhi samayuktha, Bhakthi grahana lalasa. 2

Be pleased to come, Oh Lord of all Brahmins,
Oh God who is worshipped by devas and Asuras,
Be pleased to come, Oh God who is with Sidhi and Budhi*,
Oh God who greatly likes to receive devotion.
* Sidhi and Budhi are his wives. It could be achievement and wisdom.

Kruthartho aham kruthartho aham thavagamanatha Prabho,
Vignesanugrheethoham saphalo may abhavath. 3

Due to your coming, oh God , Thankful and thankful I am,
And I am blessed and my life has become meaningful.

Rathna simhasanam swamin grahana gana nayaka,
Thathopavisya Vignesa , Raksha bhakthan Viseshatha. 4

Oh Lord Ganesa, please be seated in the gem studded throne,
And sitting there specially protect all your devotees.

Suvasithabhiradhbhischa pada prakshalanam Prabho,
Seethoshnambha karomi they grahana padhyamuthamam. 5

I wash your feet oh my Lord , with sweet scented water,
And please receive the slightly warm good water as a drink.

Sarva theertha hrutham thoyam suvasitham suvasthubhi,
Aachamam cha thu they naiva kurushva Gana Nayaka. 6

Oh leader of Ganas, please perform Aachamana*,
With water brought from all sacred waters which is scented.
* Inner purification

Rathna pravala mukthadhyai ranarghaisamskrutham Prabho,
Arghyam grahana Herambha dwiradanana thoshakam. 7

Oh Lord ,over and above the invaluable refined gems,
Please receive from me the water for your worship as Arghyam.

Dadhi Madhu grathair yuktham Madhu parkam Gajanana,
Grahana Bhava samyuktham maya datham namosthuthe. 8

Oh elephant faced god, Please receive from me Madhuparkam,
Made as the mixture of Curd, Honey and ghee, with emotions,
And may my salutations become yours.

Padhye cha Madhu parke cha snane, vastropadharane,
Upaveethe bhojananthe purachamanam kuru. 9

Please perform Achamanam for inner purification,
After washing of feet, receipt of Madhu parkam,
After bath and after wearing of the new cloths.

Champakadhair Ganadhyaksha , vasitham thailamuthamam,
Abhyangam kuru sarvesa ,, Lambhodhara namosthuthe. 10

Oh chief of Ganas , please do take oil bath,
With oil which is pleasantly scented,
Oh God with a big paunch, my salutations.

Yaksha kardhama khadyaicha , Vignesa , Bhaktha Vathsala,
Udhwarthanam kurushwa thwam , Herambha paramarthavith, 11

Oh Ganesa who is the lover of his devotees,
Please use this Yaksha khardama* paste prepared by me,
To wash of the oil which you have applied to your body.,
Oh Herambha who is the teacher of perfect truth.
* A paste made of musk. Camphor and other herbs.

Nana theertha jalai Dunde, sukhoshna bhava roopakai,
Kamadaloodhbhavai snanam maya kuru samarpithai. 12

Oh Ganesa who is known as Dundi, please accept,
This water brought from several sacred sources,
Which has been heated to a comfortable level,
And which is slowly poured over you from my pitcher,
And please practice the act of bathing.

Kamadhenu samudbhootham paya parama paavanam,
Thena snanam kurushwe thwam herambha paramathmavith. 13

Also use this very sacred milk obtained from the sacred cow,
And take your bath , Oh Heramba , who is the one who shows the truth.

Panchamruthanam madhye thu jalai snanam puna puna,
Kuru thwam sarva theerthabho gangadhibhya samahithai. 14

While taking bath using the five nectars, do take bath again and again,
By waters which are collected from sacred sources like Ganga,

Dhadhi dhenu payodbhutham malapaharanam param,
Grahane snana karyartham , Vinayaka dhayanidhe. 15

Please accept the curd prepared from the milk of the sacred cow,
Which is the destroyer of all dirt, Oh Ganesa, Oh treasure of mercy.

Dhenu samudbhavam Dunde, gratham santhosha karakam,
Maha malaa paghathordham , thena snanam kuru prabho. 16

Oh Dunde, for removing all ills , please take bath,
By the ghee , which is churned out from the curd of cows.

Saaragham samskrutha, poornam Madhu Madhu rasodhbhavam,
Grahana snana karyartham, vInayaka namosthuthe. 17

My salutations to you , Vinayaka, please accept from me for your bath,
The refined honey which has been collected by honey bees in the spring .

Ikshu danda samudh bhoothaam sarkaram mala naasineem,
Grahana Gana Nadha thwam thayaa snanam samachara. 18

Please accept the sugarcane juice prepared from sugarcane,
For removing all your dirt and take bath, oh leader of Ganas.

Yaksha kardhama kaadhyaischa snanam kuru Ganeswara,
Aadhyam mala haram shudha, sarva sougandhi karakam. 19

At the end please accept Yaksha Kardhama* , which is remover of all dirt,
And take your bath which is clean and which is full of sweet scent.
. *Please see 11 above.

Thadho gandhaksharaadheem scha durvanguraan gajanana,
Samarpayami swathpamsthwam , grahana Parameshwara. 20

Then I offer you small quantities of fragrant smokes,
Sandal paste , Akshatha* and Durva grass, Oh Ganesa,
And be pleased to accept them oh Lord of all.
*wet rice mixed with turmeric powder

Brahmanaspathya sookthaischa hyeka vimsathi vaarakai,
Abhishekam karomi they , grahana dwirdhanana. 21

Then I do abhishekam to you Oh Lord, who removes all ills,
After that I chant twenty one times the Brahmanaspathya Sooktha,
Which occurs in Rig Veda, and be kind to accept them.

Thatha aachamanam Deva sthavasitha jalena cha,
Kurushwa gana nadha thwam sarva theertha bhavena cha. 22

Then I would offer you, the scented sacred waters from every where,
So that you can be kind enough to do your Aachamanam.

Vasthra yugmam grahana thwamanrghyam raktha varnakam,
Loka lajjaharam chaiva Vigna raja Namosthuthe. 23

Then please accept a pair of red cloths for wearing,
And preventing the shame of the world,
My salutations to you Oh remover of obstacles.

Uthareeyam suchithram vai namaskarangitham yadha,
Grahana sarva sidheesa , maya datham subhakthitha. 24

I also give you with devotion an upper cloth,
Which is dotted with stars similar to the sky,
And please receive them ,Oh God who can give me all occult powers.

Upaveetham ganadhyaksha , grahana cha Thatha param,
Trigunyamaya roopanthu pranava grandhi bandhanam. 25

Afterwards please receive from me , Oh leader of Ganas,
The triple laced sacred thread tied with the chanting of the Pranava.

Thatha sindhoorakam deva grahana gana nayaka,
Anga lepana bhavartham sadananda vivardhanam. 26

Afterwards receive from me , oh leader of Ganas,
The powder of Sindhoora which increases happiness,
For applying to those parts of your body , which you consider fit.

Ashta gandha samayuktham gandham raktham Gajanana,
Dwadasangeshu they Dunde lepayami suchithravath. 27

I have made a red paste with Ashta Gandha, Oh Ganesa,
And I am applying it to twelve parts of your body like a picture.

Raktha chandana samayukthanadhava kumkumairyudhan,
Akshathan Vigna raja , thwam grahana phala mandale. 28

Please receive for wearing on your forehead , Oh Vigna Raja,
A paste made of rice powder and Raktha Chandana or Kumkum.

Champakadhi suvrukshebhya sambruthani Gajanana,
Pushpani sami mandhara doorvadheeni grahana cha. 30

Please accept flowers collected from great trees like Champaka , Oh Ganesa,
And also leaves of Sami, Mandhara and the doorva grass.

Dasanga guggulum dhoopam sarva soubha karakam,
Grahana thwam maya datham , Vinayaka mahodhara. 31

Then I present to you , the scented smoke made of ten compounds,
Which give rise to pleasant feeling , please accept it , Oh Ganesa with a big paunch.

Nanajathi bhavam dheepam grahana Gana Nayaka,
Agnana malajam dosham harantham jyothi roopakm. 32

Hey leader of the Ganas, please receive from me various types of lamps,
Lit by burning different fuels , which shines like the planets in the sky,
And which clear away all the ill effects due to unrealized sins.

Chathurvidhanna sampannam madhuram laddukadhikam,
Naivedhyam they maya datham bhojanam kuru Vignapa. 33

I am offering you four types* of cooked rice and sweets such as Laddu,
As an offering and so be pleased to receive them.
* Plain rice, curd rice, ghee rice and sweet rice.

Suvasitham grahanedham jalam theetha samahrutham,
Bhukthi madhye cha panartham , deva devesa they nama. 34

Oh god of Gods , my salutations to you, please accept from me,
Scented drinking water collected from different sources,
For drinking in between the food that you are taking.

Bhojanande karodwartham yaksha kardhamakena cha,
Kurushw thwam Ganadhyaksha , pibha thoyam suvasitham. 35

At the end of the meal please use Yaksha Kardhama,
To clean your hands oh president of the Ganas.
And later drink this specially scented water.

Dadimam garjuram draksham rambhadheeni phalanivai,
Grahana deva devesa , nana madhurakani thu. 36

Please accept from me God of Gods the sweet fruits,
Like pomegranate, dates , grapes and Banana for eating after meals.

Ashtangam deva thambolam grahana nakhavasanam,
Askruth Vigna raja thwam maya datham Viseshatha. 37

Oh God please receive from Thamboolam in which,
I have mixed eight different spices for a sweet smelling face.

Dakshinaamn kanchanaadyanthu nana dathu samudbhavam,
Rathnadhyair samyuktham Dunde , Grahana, sakala Priya. 38

Oh Dunde who is dear to al, please receive from me the cash offering,
Consisting of gold and various costly gems along with several costly items.

Rajopacharakadhyani grahana gana nayaka,
Dhanaani thu vichithrani maya dahani Vignapa. 39

Oh remover of obstacles please accept from me,
Several gifts which are suitable even for the kings.

Thatha aahbharanam thehamarpayami vidhanatha,
Upachareair vividhaischa thena thushto bhava prabho. 40

Afterwards I would be offering you various ornaments,
Which are suitable to different parts of your body,
Please accept all of them and be filled with happiness.

Thatha Durvanguaran Dundee ka vimsathi sankhykan ,
Grahana nyuna sidhyartham bhaktha vathsalya karanath. 41

If there are any draw backs in my prayer offering,
I am offering you twenty one plants of Durva grass,
Oh Dunde, please receive them due to my love and devotion.

Nana dheeepa samayuktham neerajanam Gajanana,
Grahana Bhava samyuktham Sarvagnadhi nasana.. 42

Oh Ganesa , who destroys all types of ignorance,
Please receive from me several types of lamps,
As well as the lighted camphor offered with devotion.

Gananaam thwidhi manthrasya japam sahasrakam param,
Grahana gana nadha , thwam sarva sidhi pradho bhava. 43

I chant “Gananan thu”, the chant from Rig Veda a thousand times,
Please receive them Oh Lord , and grant me all sort of occult powers.

Aarthikyancha sukarpooram nana deepamayam yadha,
Grahana jyothishaam naadha , tthadha neerajayamyaham. 44

I would burn camphor from Rithika desa and several lamps,
And oh Lord of all bright things, please accept that worship.

Padyosthe thu chathwari nabhou dwe vadane prabho,
Ekam thu sapthavaaram vai sarvangeshu neerajanam. 45

I would then worship with camphor , four times at your feet,
Twice near your belly, once near your face , oh Lord.
And also do it seven times in front of all parts of your body.

Chathurveda bhavai manthrai ganapathyair gajanana,
Manthrithani grahana thwam pushpa pathrani Vighnapa. 46

Oh lord of obstacles, Please accept the pushpa pathrams which have made strong,
By recitation of Ganapathya mantras from the four Vedas.

Pancha prakarakai sthothrai ganapathyair Ganathipa,
Sthoumi thwam thena santhushto bhava bhakthi pradhayaka. 47

I am praying you , oh Lord of Ganas using ,
Five different types of Ganapathya stotras,
And please become happy with my devotion.

Ekavimasathi samkhyam vaa trisankhyam vaa gajanana,
Pradakshinyam grahana thwam Brahman brahmesa bhavana. 48

Oh Brahman, Oh God who is the God of Brahma ,
Please accept my perambulations round you,
Either three in number or twenty one in number.

Sashtangam pranathim nadha ekavimsathi sammithaam,
Herambha sarva poojya thwam grahana thu maya kruthaam. 49

Oh Lord, Oh Herambha , Oh God who is worshipped by all,
Please accept the twenty one sashtanga* prostrations done by me
* Eight parts of body touching the ground.

Nyunaathiriktha bhavartham kinchid doorvanguram prabho,
Samarppayami thena thwam grahana thu maya krutham. 50

For completing deficiencies in my pooja,
I am presenting some Doorva grasses,
Please accept them and make my worship complete.

Thwaya datham swahasthenanirmaalyam chinthyamyaham,
Shikhaaym dharayaamyeham sadaa sarva padanchathath. 51

I accept the flowers which you wore and,
Which were given by you to me, after meditation,
And wear them in my tuft for getting all good blessings.

Aapraadhana samkhyaatham , kshamaswa gana nayaka,
Bhaktham kurucha maam Dunde, thava pada priyam sadaa. 52

Please pardon the innumerable transgressions ,
Which were committed by me , Oh Lord of Ganas,
And Oh Dunde make me , the devotee of your feet.

Thwam matha, thwam pitha may vai suhruthsambandhikadaya,
Thwame kula devascha sarvam thwam may na samsaya. 53

You are my mother, father , friend as well as relative,
You are the God of my clan and without doubt you are everything to me.

Jagrath swapna sushupthibir deha vaang manasai krutham,
Samsargikena yath karma Ganesaya samarpaye. 54

Whatever work I do mentally or physically,
When I am awake or asleep or in dream,
I offer all that to you my God Ganesa.

Bahyam nana vidham papam mahogram thallayam vrajeth,
Ganesa pada theerthasya masthake dharanaath kila. 55

The wearing the water washing the feet of Ganesa on the head,
Would completely remove all the great sins ,which we commit outside.

Padhodhakam ganesaya peetham narena thath kshanath,
SArvanthargathajam papam nasyathi gananathigam. 56

By drinking the water from the feet of Lord Ganesa,
Within an instant man gets rid of all the great sins,
Committed by him , however great they may be.

Ganesouchishta gandham vai dwadasangeshu charchayeth,
Ganesa thulya roopa sa darsanath sarva paap haa. 57

One becomes equal to Lord Ganesa himself,
By applying on his twelve organs, the sandal paste,
Which had already been applied to the body of Ganesa,
And people seeing him would get rid of all sins.

Yadhi Ganesa poojadhou Gandha basmadhikam charedh,
Adhavocchishta gandham thu no chethathra vidhim chareth. 58

Dwadasangeshu vignesam nama manthrena charchayeth,
Thena sopi Ganesena samo bhavathi bhoothale. 59

If you wear sandal paste or sacred ash before worshiping Ganesa,
Or according to rules wear the sandal paste applied to Ganesa,
Or if you worship lord Ganesa in your twelve body parts,
Then you would become equal to Lord Ganesa in this earth.

Moordhni ganeswaram chadhou , lalate Vigna nayakam,
Dakshine karna mole thu Vakrathundam samarchaye, 60

Vamekarna mole vai caikadantham samarchaye,
Kande Lambodharam devam hrudhi chinthamanim thadha, 61

Bahou dakshinake chaiva Herambham vama Bhuje,
Vikatam Nabhi dese thu vinayakam samarchaye, 62

Kukshou Dakshina Gayanthu mayuresam samachye,
Vama kukshou gajasyaam vai prushte swanandavasinam, 63

SArvange lepanam sastham chithrathamashta gandhakai,
Ganesaanaam viseshena sarva bhadrasya karanath, 64

THayochishtanthu naivedhye ganesasya bhunajmyaham,
Bhkthi mukthi pradham poornaam nana papa nikrunthanam, 65

Ganesayasmaranenaiva smaromi kala gandanam,
Ganapathyascha samvaasa sadaasthume Gajanana. 66

I worship the God of Ganas on my head,
The lord who removes obstacles on my forehead,
And the broken tusked one on my right ears.

I worship the God with one tusk in my left ear,
The Lord with big paunch in my neck,
And the gem of all thought in my heart.

I worship Lord Herambha in my right hand,
The lord who is cruel to his enemies in my left hand,
And the Lord who prevents obstacles in my navel

I worship the lord of peacock in my right belly,
The Lord Gayasya in my left belly,
And the lord who lives in places ,where people are happy.

Due to their causing all sorts of good things,
I specially apply the paste of Ashta Gandhas,
In peculiar manner on all organs.

Then because it grants pleasures as well as salvation,
And removes all the various sins committed,
I partake the remaining food which was offered to Ganesa.

I spend all my time usefully in the thought of Lord Ganesa,
And Oh Lord Ganesa , please bless me so that,
I would have the good luck of communion with your devotees.

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