
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Vallabhesa Hrudayam

Vallabhesa  Hrudayam
(The heart of Vallabha Ganapathi)

From  Vinayaka Thanthram

Translated by

(Vallabha Ganapathi is the form of Ganesa   as the universal protector.  This stotra is taught by Lord Shiva to Goddess Parvathi. Here Valllabha denotes the consorts of  Lord Ganesa.  This is the only stotra which says in its Phala sruthi , that  this prayer would protect the kidneys and also  prevent excess urination. He is supposed to have eleven arms. This great Stotra was sent to me by Sri Krishna Muralidharan. May God  bless him.)

Sri Devyuacha
The Goddess Said:-

Vallanesa Hrudayam krupaya bruhi Sankara
Oh Sankara please recite the “The heart of the Lord of Vallabha.”

Sri Shiva Uvacha:-
Lord Shiva said:-
Rishyadhikam  Moola manthra vadheva Parikeerthidham  .1

The sages mostly  say the root chant and sing the stotra.

Om Vighnesa  Poorvatha pathu , Gana Nadhasthu Dakshine,
Paschime Gaja Vakthram thu Uthare  Vighna Nasina.   2

Om Let the east be protected by God of obstacles ,
 Let the Lord of Ganas protect the south,
Let west be protected by One who has the head of an elephant
And North be protected by the destroyer of obstacles.

Aagnetaam Pithru Bhakthasya  thu Nairyathyaam  Skanda Poorvajaa,
Vaayavyaam  Aakhu vaahanas thu eesaanyaam  Deva poojitha.  3

Let the South east be protected  by the devotee of the father,
Let South west be protected by   the elder brother of Subrahmanya,
Let North west be protected by him, who rides on the mouse,
Let the North east be protected by him, who is worshipped by Devas.

OOrdhwatha  pathu Sumukho Hyaadharaayaam pathu Gajanana,
Yevam dasa disa raksheth Vikata Paapa nasana,  4

Let the one who has a pleasant face protect   the  top direction,
Let the one with elephant face  protect below   the earth,
And like let the ten directions be protected by he who destroys horrible sins.

Shikaayaam Kapila pathu Moordhanyaa aakaasa roopa druk,
Kireeti pathu na phaalam , broovor Madhya Vinayaka     5

Let the brown  one protect the hair on the head
Let the head be protected   by one whose form is  seen in the sky,
Let the one who wears the crown protect my forehead,
And let the middle of  eye brows  be protected by lord of obstacles.

Chakshushee may Trinayana  , Sravanou  Gaja Karnaka,
Kapalayor Madha Nidhi , Karna moole  Madoth Kata,    6

Let  the eyes be protected  by one who has three  eyes,
Let  the ears be protected by one  who has elephant ears,
Let my skull be protected by treasure of inspiration,
Let the corner  of ears  be protected by the exuberant god.

Sadantho  dantha madhye  aavyaath  , vakthram pathu  Harathmaja
Chibuke Nasike Chaiva  pathu maam Pushkarekshana.    7

Let  the one with tusk protect the middle of teeth,
Let the  jaws be protected by the  son of Lord Shiva,
Let the chin   and nose  be protected by  the lotus eyed  one.

Utharoshte Jagat Vyapi , thwadaroshte  mrutha pradha,
Jihwaam Vidhyaa nidhi  pathu  thalunya aapath sahayaka,  8

Let upper lips be protected  by one who pervades the earth,
Let lower lips be protected  one  who destroys death,
Let the toungue be protected by the treasure of knowledge,
Let  the palate be protected by one who helps in danger.

KInnarai poojitha kandam , skandhouy pathu  disaam pathi,
Chathur Bhujo  Bhujo pathu  , Bahu moole Amara Priya.   9

Let the neck be protected by one worshipped  by kinnaras,
Let  the  shoulders  be protected by Lord of directions,
Let  the hands be protected by   the four handed one,
Let the joints of arms be protected  by he who is liked by devas.

Amsyor Ambika soonur , anguleescha Hari Priya,
Aanthram pathu Swathanthro , may mana Prahladha karaka.  10

Let the shoulders   be protected by son of Ambika,
Let  the fingers  be protected  by one who is liked by Lord Vishnu,
Let   the bowels be protected by the independent one,
Let my mind be protected by him  who creates joy.

Pranapanou Thadhaa  Vyaanam  Udhanam cha Samaanakam,
Yaso Lakshmim cha Keerthincha  pathu na Kamala pathi .11

Let the airs Prana ,apana,  Vyana , Udhana  and Samana,
And the honour, wealth   and fame be protected  by the Lord of lotus.

Hrudayam thu Para-Brahma-Swaroopo  Jagathi pathi,
Sthanou thu pathu  Vishnur may   sthana Madhyam  thu saankara, 12

Let  the heart be protected  the lord of the world  who is  the form of divine Brahmam,
Let Vishnu protect the breasts    and the middle of breasts by Lord Shiva.

Udharam Thundhila pathu , Nabhim pathu Sunabhika,
Katim pathwa amalo nithyam  , pathu Madhyam thu Paavana.  13

Let  Ganesa  protect the stomach  , let navel be protected by one having auspicious navel,
Let waist be protected by the stainless one , let the middle be protected  by  the pure one.

Medram pathu Maha yogi , thth paarswa  sarva rakshaka,
Guhyamn Mahagraja pathu, Anum pathu Jithendriya, 14

Let the great yogi  protect the male organ  and its  side by the protector of all,
Let private organ be protected by  the eldest one ,
Let soul be protected by one who has won over sense organs.

SHuklam pathu sushukalam , thu ooru pathu   Sukha pradha,
Janga dese HRuswa-Jangho , Janu madhye Jagad Guru.  15

Let semen be  protected by the very white one ,
Let the shanks  protected by one makes us pleasant
Let the place of thighs   be protected by one who has a short  thigh ,
Let the  knees be protected by teacher of the universe.

Gulphou Rakshakara pathu , Padhou may Narthana Priya,
Sarvaangam Sarva Sandhou  cha pathu Devari mardhana. 16

Let calves be protected  by the one who protects ,
Let the feet be protected by one who likes to dance,
Let all the parts of body  and all joints  be the killer of enemies of deva.

Puthra mithra Kalathraadheen pathu Pasangusaadhipa,
Dhana Dhaanya pasoomsa  chaiva Graham Kshethram nirantharam . 17

Let holder of goad and noose   protect  sons, friends  wife and others,
And let him also protect   wealth , grains , animals , house and fields permanently .

Pathu Viswathmako devo , Varado Bhaktha Vathsala,
Raksha heenam thu yath sthanam , kavachena vina krutham.  18.

Let the God who is the soul of the world , one who blesses and one who likes his devotees,
Protect  all those places   which are not protected   by the   armour.

Thatha sarva Rakshayed  devo Marga Vaasi Jithendriya,
Adavyaam Parvathagre vaa Maarge maanava Maanage.  19

Let that God who lives on the way who has won over his senses ,
Protect in forest , on the top of the mountain , on the road  and  time one gets insulted

Jala Sthala gathi Vaapi  pathu  Maayaa apaharaka,
Sarvathra pathu devesa , saptha Loukika  Samsritha. 20

Let the stealer of illusion   protect when one  goes in water,
Let that god  whoi is the protector in all the seven worlds protect everywhere

Phala Sruthi
Ya idham Kavacham Punyam  pavithram papa Naasanam,
Pratha Kaale Japen  Marthya  sadaa Bhaya Vinasanam.   21

This  armour   is  divine , holy and destroyer of sin,
And if a man chants it in the morning,  all his fears would be destroyed.

Kukshi roga prasamanam  , lootha sphota nivaranam,
Moothra krucha prasamanam , bahu moothra nivaaranam.  22

It cures diseases of tummy as also poxes and eruptions ,
It cures diseases of the kidney  and also cures  too much of urinating.

Baala Grahaadhi rogaanam   Nasanam, Sarva Kamadham,
Ya padeth Dharayeth Vaapi karasthaas thasya  Sidhaya.  23

It destroys the diseases of children due to planets  and others  , and fulfills all wishes,
If this is read or worn , the effect would be available  in our hand.

Yathra yathra Gathaschapi  Thathra Thathraa  Sidhidham.   24

To whichever  places one goes  this would effective ion all places

Yathra srunothi padathi dwijothamo,
Vighna raja Kavacham Dhine Dhine,
Puthra pouthra sukalathra  sampadha,
Kama Bhogam akhilamsa  cha Vindathi.   25

Wherever  a good  Brahmin reads or hears ,
This armour of the king of obstacles   daily ,
He would be blessed with sons , grandsons  , good wife  and wealth,
And  would acquire  love and affection everywhere.

Yo Brahma Charinaam achinthyam aneka roopam,
Dhyaye jaga thraya  hithe ratham   Aapadaghnam,
SArvartha   Sidhitham  Labhathe Manushyo ,
Vighnesa Sayujyam  upena na samsaya.   26

Those  men who meditate  on that  God who is a bachelor,
Who  is above  thought , who has many forms
Who looks after   welfare of the three  worlds .
Who destroys danger, and who  grants  all sort of wealth,
 Would  attain   the presence of Vignesa  without any doubt.

Ithi Sri Vinayaka  thanthre  Sri Vallabhesa Hrudayam sampoornam.

Thus ends  “The heart of  lord of Vallabha “ which occurs in  Vinayaka thanthra.

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