
Monday, February 10, 2014

Guru Pavanesa Dasakam

Guru Pavanesa Dasakam
(A ten verse prayer  on the Lord of Guruvayur)

Kadathanad  K.Padmanabha  Varior

Translated by

1.Maruthalaya payoruha sthitham, bhaktha shad pada nishevithe sadaa,
Vigraham  yadhu varena poojitham  sarva papa haramakshi soukhyadham.

Very near the lotus  the Guruvayur temple, 
The bee  like devotees  are always staying,
The idol there was worshipped by the chief Yadava 
which destroys all sins   of devotees  and always looks towards their convenience.

2.Sura sannibha kireeta mandanam , neela neeraja samana lochanam,
Mandahasa madhurasya pankajam, sankha vaarija gadha ari  shobhitham.

Decorated by   a crown which he  wears like devas ,
With eyes looking like a blue lotus  flower,
With   lotus like   very sweet  soft smile,
He shines  holding a conch and lotus flower shines to his enemies.

3.Kousthuba arunitha kandharam cha  Sri vathsa vakshasathheva mohanam,
Hara jala vana maalaya aavrutham , peethavasa  sama harnisam bhaje.

Wearing the  red  Kaushthuba  gem around his neck,
Being greatly pretty   with Sri vathsa  on his chest,
Wearing several  garlands including  the forest garland,
And wearing yellow   cloth day and night-I sing  about him.

4.Yena Raja bhata roopina sa poonthana bhoosura varo avithasthwaya,
Tham bhaje  Guru puradhi vasinam thwam mithra salabh analam   harim,

He  assuming  the form of the  soldiers of  the king,
Saved the great Brahmin called  Poonthanam,
And I sing about that God who lives in Guruvayur,
And you are like the friendly butterfly   towards  fire , to that Hari.

5.Manaveda anya varaya darsitham , Krishna geethika vaye mahathmana,
THwalswaroopam anilalayesa may bhasathwam Bhuvana mohanam hrudhi.

Seen by the king  Mana veda    and other great ones,
And also great souls      who   wove the song  of Krishna ,
And Oh God  of Guruvayur   your form shines,
Shines in the mind of the entire world.

6.Ya swa soonuriva laalitho kuru rambhaya  parama dhanyaya   thaya,
Sathyameva pavanesa sarvatha gocharo nayanayor bhaver mama.

She fondled her  own son with love ,
And he  clasped her  with great happiness
And I want  it in   truth    that the lord of Guruvayur
Should become visible   before my eyes.

7.Bhatta pada muninaa  kruthai puraa slokasoona dasakai  supoojitha,
Yastham aarthi samanaya  samdadhe  vatha nayaka mabheeshta dayakam,

The sage Bhattathiri   long ago made ,
Composed  sets of ten  verses and worshipped him,
For   getting cured  of   his very great pain,
Addressing the Lord of Guuruvayur who fulfills desires.

8.Buktham annam upadamsa poorvakam  vipra balaka niveditham khalu,
Yena tham bhuvana nayakam vibhum , thwaam bhaje  pavana geha bhooshana.

You ate that rice which was offered with love ,
By the Brahmin boy  specially for you,
Though you are  God who  is the Lord of the universe,
And I  sing about you who decorates the temple at Guruvayur.

9.Vilwamangala krutham  sthavamrutham , kambhayan khalu sira supeethvaan,
Yastham adbutha kisorakam bhaje thwaam harim  gurupuradhi vasinam.

That nectar of prayers composed by Vilwamangalam,
Was drunk by you approving it   by shaking your head,
And I sing about that wonderful young boy,
Who is you Hari who lives  in Guruvayur.

10.Guru pavana puresa, thunga keerthe , sarasijanabha , suresa, divyamoorthe,
Bhavathu mama sadaa thavangri padme  rathiradhika phaninadha thhalpa  saayin.

Oh Lord  of Guruvayur  , Oh God of great fame,
Oh Padmanabha  , Oh lord of devas , Oh divine   form,
You become mine always , Oh God who reclines on a  serpent lord,
Ear to you in a lotus flower   is the Radhika of yours.

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