
Monday, February 10, 2014

Santhathi pradha Abhilashashtakam

Santhathi pradha  Abhilashashtakam
(desire fulfilling prayer which grants  progeny)


Translated by

(Here is a great Stotra composed by a Brahmin  called Viswanara addressing Lord Shiva.  The God appeared before him and granted him the boon of progeny. This has to be read daily  for a year   by either the wife or husband, in front of Shiva linga.)

1.Yekam Brahmaivaa, dwitheeyam Samastham,
SAthyam, sathyam  neha nanasythi kinchith,
Yeko Rudro , na dwitheeya thaasthe,
THasmad yewkam   thwaam  prapadhye   sadaham.

Brahman is only one and all others are second to it,
This is the truth, the truth because there are nothing else,
Rudra is one and there   is no second to him,
And so I worship  you    for ever.

2. Yeka karthaa   thwam hi sarvasya Shambho,
Nana roopeshu   yeka rooposi   aroopa,
Yadwath  prathyapsu   arka   yekopi Aneka,
THasmad na anyam   thwam   vinesam prapadhye.

There is only  one doer  and Oh Lord Shiva it is you,
You show yourself in several forms  though you have one form that  is no form,
Like The Sun having only one form is seen as different forms,
And so I would not surrender to any God except you.

3.Rajjou  sarpa   sukthikaayam  cha roopyam,
Nara  pura   than mrugakhye   mareecho,
Yadwath, thadwath  vishyak  yesha  prapancha,
Yasmin jnathe  tham prapadhye mahesam.

Once I understand what appeared as snake was really a rope,
Like what appeared as silver is a pearl and what appeared as deer is just a mirage,
You  who appeared     as the    world is seen   as only the lord,
And having understood it, I surrender to you  only my lord.

4.THoye  saithyam   dahakathwam  cha vahnou,
THapo bhanou   seethe bhanou Prasada ,
Pushpe  GAndha   , Dugdha  madyepi sarpi,
Yathath Shambho  thwam  thatha thwaam  prapadhye.

The coldness in the water , the capacity for burning in the fire,
The   heat that is in the Sun , The coolness in the moon(given by Sun),
The scent in the flower   and the ghee in the curd are your aspects,
And so Oh Shambhu  I  surrender   to you.

5.SAbdham  grunhaasi  asravaa  thwam hi jigre ,
Agraana   thwam  vyangri  aayaasi dhoorath,
Vyaksha pasye   thwam   rasagnopi  ajihwa,
Ka thwaam    samyak   vethi   atha thwaam prapadhye.

You hear without ears, you smell without a nose,
You come from a long distance   but you do not have a body,
You see without eyes   and taste    without a toungue,
And so who can understand you properly and  so I surrender to you.

6.No Vedathwaam eesa   sakshath vivedha,
No vaa Vishnu   no vidhathaa akhilasya,
No Yogeendro  nendra mukhyascha deva,
Bhaktho Veda thwaam atha sthwaam prapadhye.

Even Vedas have not understood properly , oh God,
Neither have Lord Vishnu   nor the creator of the world,
Neither   the king among Yogis , nor Indra or the chief devas,
But only devotees  know you and so I surrender to you.

7.No they gothram ney eesa  janmaapi naakhya,
Novaa roopam  naiva seelam na thejaa,
Itham bhoothopi Easwara   thwam trilokhyaa,
Sarvaan Kaaman   pooraye thath Bhajeham.

Oh God  you do not have clan nor were you born at any time,
You do not have any form , nor characteristics  nor splendour,
And like this you are the lord of all beings and the three worlds,
Oh God please fulfill all my desires and for that I sing about you.

8.THwatha sarvam , thaw hi sarvam smaraare,
THwam Gowreeesa , thwam cha nana  athi santha,
Thwam vai vrudha  thwam yuvaa, thwam cha balaa,
Thathwam yathikam  naasi  atha thwam nathosmi.

Everything is from you, you are everything  , Oh enemy of God  of love,
You are  the God of Gauri, you are naked  , you are extremely peaceful,
You are  old, you are  young lad , you are a boy ,
What are you not?   And so I salute you with devotion.

9.Sthuthwethi vipro nipapatha bhoomou,
Sadandavath  yavath  atheeva hrushta,
Thavath sa  thalo , akhila loka  vrudha vrudha,
Brovacha bhoodeva  varam  vrunee  hi.

When that Brahmin  fell on the flor,
And saluted him, he became extremely happy,
And  at that time   with rhythm  that oldest one among the old,
Told ,”Oh Brahmin  , choose your boon.”

10.Sarvantharathma Bhagavan   sarva , sarva  pradho  Bhagawan,
Yaajnam prathi   niyungthe   maam  kimeeso dainyakarineem.

That  God who is in every one  , that God who gives everything to all,
That god ,     who  does everything with mercy, addressed me.

11. Ithi Sruthwa vcha sthasya   devo Viswanarasya ha ,
Suche  suchi vrathasyatha   suchi smithwa  Abraveechu.

Hearing this  that God  spoke   to   that Viswanara ,
Who was  clean and  observing  clean penance   with a clean smile

Bala Uvacha:-
That lad told:-

12. Thwayaa   suche susuishmadhyaam   yo  abhilasha krutho hrudhi,
Achirenanaiva kaalena   sa  bhavishyath   asamsayam.

That desire in the mind of yours who is clean and has a clean mind,
Without any doubt would be fulfilled   very soon.

13.THava puthrathwam yeshyami susishmadhyam maha mathe ,
Khyatho Grahapathir naamnaa  suchi  sarvamara priya.

Oh very intelligent one , the son whom you desire  would be well instructed,
Become famous  and  would be a householder liked by the devas.

14.Abhilashashtakam punyam   sthothramethan mayeritham,
Abdham   trikala padanath kamadham Shiva sannidhou.

This blessed  octet on desire  which was a prayer done by you addressing me,
Should be read for one year    three times  before Lord Shiva  for fulfilling the desire.

15.Yethad stotrasya   padanam  puthra pouthra dhana pradham ,
SArva shanthikaram  vapi  sarva aapad vairi nasanam.

The reading of this prayer leads to increase of number of sons, grand sons and wealth,
And it clams down all problems   and destroys all dangers and enemies.

16.SWargapavargasampathi karakam nathra samsaya,
Prathr uthaya susnano lingam apayachya sambhavam.

If one gets up early in the morning, bathes  worships the Shiva linga,
Without any doubt  he will go to heaven  and would also gain great wealth.

17.Varsham  japen nithyam  sthothram aputhra puthravan bhaveth,
Vaisake , karthike mase visesha niyamair yutha.

If daily this is chanted for a year  , one who does not have son will get a son,
And special rules are to be followed in  Vaisaka    and Krithika months.

18.Thava puthrathwam yeshyamiya sthvanyasthath padishyathi,
Abhilasashtakam idhamna dheyam  yasya kasyachith.

Since I grant sons to those who read and    to all those who read it,
This  octet of desire should not be given by you  to any one.

19.Gopaneeyamprayathnena maha vandhyaa prasoothi kruth,
Sthriya vapurushenaapi niyama linga sannidhou.

It should be kept hidden with effort for  even a very barren woman would become in the family way,
If the lady or a   man reads it before  Siva Linga  with discipline.

20.Abdham japthamidham stotram puthradam nathra samsaya,
Ithyukthwaaanthardadhe bala so api, vipro gruham yayou.

If   this is chanted for oone year  , Theywould get a son without any doubt,
Saying this that lad disappeared  and that Brahmin went back to his house.

Ithi Sri skanda purane kasi kandeSAnthathi pradham,
        Abilasahtaka stotram   sampoornam.

Thus ends the octet of desire which gives progeny which occurs in chapter  on Kasi which is in Skanda  Purana.

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