
Monday, February 10, 2014

Sri Shiva Pancharathnam

Sri Shiva Pancharathnam

Lord Krishna

Translated by ,

(This great prayer occurs in the Achyuthapuri Mahathmyam of Shiva Puranam.  The Sanskrit original can be seen in

Sri Krishna Uvacha:-
Sri Krishna said:-

1.Matha Sindhoora  masthakopari   nruthyamana Padambuje,
Bhaktha chinthita  Sidhi   dhana vichakshanam  Kamalekshanam,
Bukthi  Mukthi  phala Pradham , bhava Padamajarchitha poojitham,
Kruthivasasasm  Asraye   mama sarva   sidhitham   Easwaram.

I surrender to him who wears an animal hide , who is the God who grants all powers,
Who is a lotus eyed one who   grants his devotees   who think about.
His Lotus  like feet which danced   on the head of   elephant’s head  gives  all occult powers,
Who grants pleasure in life and salvation and who is worshipped by Goddess  Lakshmi and Achyutha.

2.Vithadha  priyam,  Architham   krutha , kruchra   theevra   thapas charai,
Mukthi Kamibhir Asrithair   munibhir   drudamala Bhakthibhi,
Mukthidham   nija pada pankaja   saktha manasa  yoginaam,
Kruthivasasasm  Asraye   mama sarva   sidhitham   Easwaram.

I surrender to him who wears an animal hide , who is the God who grants all powers,
Who grants salvation to those who do not like wealth   and who also,
Observes  very harsh  and  great penance  and to those   sages who depend on him,
And also  thirst for salvation with  firm and very clear mind, and ,
To those Yogis   whose mind   is concentrated  on his real lotus like feet.

3.Krutha  Daksha Makhadhpam , vara veera bhadra ganena vai,
Yaksha Rakshasas Marthya Kinnara   deva Pannaga Vanditham,
Raktha Bug   Gana Nadha  hrud  bramaranjali   thangri  saroruham,
Kruthivasasasm  Asraye   mama sarva   sidhitham   Easwaram.

I surrender to him who wears an animal hide , who is the God who grants all powers,
Who  got killed  Daksha who was a lord of a Yagna  using  Veerabhadra and his Ganas,
Who is saluted  by  Yakshas, Rakshasas, humans ,Kinnaras ,  devas  and serpents,
Who  creates waves  of  devotion o him in the heart of Lord Ganesa who loves this earth.

4.Naktha Naadha  Kala dharam  , nagajaa payodhara  neerajaa,
Liptha  chandana   pangh  kumkuma   pangilaa amala vigraham,
SAkthimantham  Asesha srushti   vidhanakam   sakala prabhum.,
Kruthivasasasm  Asraye   mama sarva   sidhitham   Easwaram.

I surrender to him who wears an animal hide , who is the God who grants all powers,
Who wears the crescent of the lord of the night,   who has the purifying form,
Thickly anointed with sandal paste   and Kumkum   from the  breasts ,
Of the  lotus smeared  daughter of the mountain  ,
Who is very strong, who arranges for creation  and is the lord of all.

5.Raktha  neeraja thulya pada  payoja   sanmani noopuram,
Pathana thraya   deha  patina  pankajaksha sili mukham,
Vitha sailas  saraasanam  pradhu  sinchanikrutha  thakshakam,
Kruthivasasasm  Asraye   mama sarva   sidhitham   Easwaram.

I surrender to him who wears an animal hide , who is the God who grants all powers,
Who wears anklets made of white pearls on  his  red lotus  like feet,
Who tore and destroyed the three cities, who has a white face   with lotus like eyes,
And who presses hard   his mountain like a  bow  of Khubera to control the serpent king.

Phala Sruthi
 Ya Padeth  cha dhine  dhine    sthava pancha rathnam Umapathe  ,
Prathareva   mayaa kritham  Nikhilagha   thoola  Mahaaanalam,
Thasya   puthra kalahra  mithra  dhanani santhu  Krupaa balath,
They Maheswara   SAnhkara  , akhila viswa nayaka saswatha.

Those who read the pentad of poems   which are five gems  on the Lord of Uma,
Which   was composed by me every morning  , whould get their sins burnt by this great fire,
And his  sons, wife  ,  friends  , and wealth   would live long due  to the strength of the grace  ,
Oh That  great God Sankara , who is permanently    the lord of all universe.

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