
Monday, February 10, 2014

Vakra Thunda Kavacham

Vakra Thunda Kavacham
The armour of the bent  tusk

Translated by

1.Maulim Mahesa puthro   avyath,   Phalam pathu Vinayaka,
Trinethra pathu  may nethre , Soorpakarno aavathu   Sruthi.

Let  my head be protected by son of Shiva , let my forehead be protected by Vinayaka,
Let my eyes be protected by the three eyed one  , Let the God with winnow like ears protect  my ears.

2.Herambho  Rakshathu granam , Mukham pathu Gajanana,
Jihwaam pathu Ganeso , may kantam  Sri Kanta vallabha.

Let Herambha protect my nose , Let the elephant faced one protect my face,
Let Ganesa protect my toungue, let my neck be protected by the darling of Lord Shiva.

3,Skandho Mahabala   pathu  , Vignahaa pathu may Bhujou,
Karou Parasu bruth pathu , Hrudayam  Skanda poorvaja.

Let my shoulders be protected by the vey strong one , let destroyer of obstacles protect   my hands,
Let my arms be protected by holder of axe  and let my heart be protected by elder  brother of Skandha.

4.Madhyam Lambodhara  pathu, nabhim Sindhoora bhooshitha,
Jaganam Parvathi Puthra , Sakthini pathu pasa buth.

Let my middle be protected by one with huge paunch, let my Stomach be protected  by he who wears Sindhoora,
Let my hip be protected by son of Parvathi,  and let my thigh be protected  by him who holds the noose.

5,Januni Jagatham nadho, Janghe Mooshika vahana,
Padhou Padmasana pathu  Padhadho DAithya darpaha.

Let my thighs   be protected by Lord of universe , let my shanks be protected by he who rides on mouse,
Let my legs   be protected by him who sits on lotus pose   , let my feet   be protected by he who destroys pride of Asuras.

6. Yeka dandho agratha pathu  , prushte pathu Ganadhipa,
Parswayor   Modhaka aaharo , digvidhikshu   cha   sidhidha

Let one tusked one,  protect my front, the chief of Ganas prortect my back side,
Let he who eats Modhaka protect   my sides and intermediate points by one who grants occult powers.

7.Vrajatha sthishtatho  vaapi   jagrath  swapatho  asnatha,
Chathurthi vallabho deva pathu  may bhukthi mukthidha.

Let  he who  is  awake  and careful on his way protect me   on my way,
Let the Lord of Chathurthi   protect my wealth and salvation.

8.Idham pavithram stotram   cha  chathurthyaam    niyatha padeth,
Sindhooraktha   kusumair  Dhoorvaayaam  poojya   Vighnapam,

If this holy prayer is read as per rules  on the fourth day of phase of moon,
And  Lord Ganesa is worshipped with   blood red colour flowers of Sindhoora  and  Dhoorva grass.

9.Raja, Raja sutho, Raja Pathni   , manthri  kulam  chalam,
Thasyaa avasyam  Bhavedh vasyam   Vighna raja prasadatha.

By the grace  of  the  king of  obstacles   all the wants   would be fulfilled  of
The king , son of a king , wife of a king  Ministers and  the moving families.

10.Sa manthra yanthram   ya stotram   kare samlikhya   dharayeth,
Dhana Dhanya Samrudhi   syath  nasthyaythra samsaya.

The   chant  if it is written in a talisman and worn in a hand,
His riches and  grains   would become plentiful  and there  is no doubt about it.

Asya Manthra
“Iym Kleem  Hreem  Vakrathundaya hum.”

11. Rasa laksham  sad ekagrai  Shadanga  nyasa poorvakam,
Hruthwaa  thad anthe   vidhivad   ashta dravyam   payo grutham.

After doing the preliminary  six organ introductory chants  ,
If one  chants this with interest  one lakh times ,
And then  in the end offer   the preparation with eight things  and ghee,

12.Yam yam  kamam  abhidhyayan  kuruthe karma kinchana  ,
Tham tham  sarvam aapnothi   Vakra thunda prasadatha.

Then due to the grace of Vakra Thunda  , whatever desire ,
That he has    would be  fulfilled , without doing any other act.

13.Brugu praneetham   ya stotram  padathe  bhuvi manava,
Bhaved avyath  aiswarya   sa  Ganesa  prasadatha.

If men on earth   read  this prayer made by  sage Bhrugu,
Would  be blessed   by the grace of Ganesa with unimpeded   wealth.

          Ithi Ganesa Rakshakaram stotram sampoornam
     Thus ends the prayer of protection addressed to Ganesa.

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