
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Brahaspathi (Guru) Ashtotharam

Brahaspathi  (Guru)  Ashtotharam

Translated by
(Brihaspathi also called simply  as Guru is the teacher  of all devas including Indra.He is  the son of sage Aangiras ans wife Vasudha   .Some references say that he is the son of the fire God .His wife is Thara . He is of  golden colour, has four hands   , holds stick, lotus   and Rosary in them. He is supposed to ride an elephant. He is the owner of Meena and  Dhanu rasis, is exalted in in Kadaka rai  and depilated in Makara  Rasi. He is a  good planet.  It is believed that   when he is without power  , marriage would not take place . His dasa in a person;s life running for 18 years   is supposed   to be  the golden period in a person’s life. When he is with Kuja(mars) or seein him from 7th house  he compleletly removes the  bad   aspects of Kuja.He is supposed to be powerful in second , fourth m fifth m seventh, ninth and eleventh houses.Problems caused by him can be got rid of praying to Lord Dakshinamurthy or Lord Dathathreya . There are temples dedicated   to Lord Guru in Alangudi   and THittai  )
1.Om Gurave  nama-Salutations to   one who is  Guru
2,Om Gunavaraya nama-Salutations to him who has best character
3,Om Gopthre nama-Salutations to him who who preserves/conceals
4.Om Gocharayai nama-Salutations to him who is perceptible
5.Om Gopathi priyaya  nama-Salutations to him who is dear   to Lord of the cows
6.Om Gunine  nama-Salutations to him who has all good conducts
7.Om Gunavatham sreshtaya nama-Salutations to him who is the greatest among those with good character
8.Om Gurunaam Gurave nama-Salutations to him who is the Guru of Gurus
9.Om Avyayaya nama-Salutations to him who is  not liable  to change
10.Om Jethre nama-Salutations to him who  has won
11.Om Jayanthaya nama-Salutations to him who is at the end of  victory
12.Om Jayadhaya nama-Salutations to him who gives victory
13,Om Jeevaaya nama-Salutations to him who causes us to live/principle of life
14.Om Ananthaya nama-Salutations to him who is endless
15. Om Jayaavahayai  nama-Salutations to him who carries  victory
16,. Om Angeerasaya nama-Salutations to him who belongs to clan of Angeeras
17.Om Adwarasakthayai nama-Salutations to him who  desires religious  ceremony
18.Om Vivikthayai nama-Salutations to him who is judicious
19.Om Adwara kruthparayai nama-Salutations to him who is  busy in performing religious ceremonies
20.Om Vachaspathaye nama-Salutations to him who is the  master of speech
21.Om Vasine nama-Salutations to him who  can  control others
22.Om Vasyaya nama-Salutations to him who  is humble
23.Om Varishtaya nama-Salutations to him who is the most excellent
24.Om Vag vichakshanayai nama-Salutations to him who is clever  with his words
25.OM Chitha sudhikarayai nama-Salutations to him who  cleand    the mind
26.Om Srimathe nama-Salutations to him who is prosperous chaithraya nama-Salutations to him who is the sanctuary
28.Om Chithra shikandijaya nama-Salutations to him who has a pretty   tuft
29.Om Brahadradhaya nama-Salutations to him who has  a huge chariot
30.Om Brahadbhanave nama-Salutations to him who   is like a  huge sun
31.Om Brahaspathaye nama-Salutations to him who is the lord of prayers
32.Om abheeshatadhayai nama-Salutations to him who fulfills the desires
33.Om  suracharyayai nama-Salutations to him who is the teacher of the devas
34.Om Suraradhayayai nama-Salutations to him who is being worshipped by the   devas
35.Om sura karya  hithangarayai nama-Salutations to him who is interested in affairs  of   the devas
36.Om geervana poshakaya nama-Salutations to him who nourisher of the language  of devas
37.Om  dhanyaaya  nama-Salutations to him who is honourable
38.Om Geeshpathaye nama-Salutations to him who is a  learned  man
39.Om Gireesaya nama-Salutations to him who is the lord of  mountain
40.Om Anaghaya nama-Salutations to him who is faultless
41.Om  dheevaraya nama-Salutations to him who is very clever
42,Om dhishanaya nama-Salutations to him who is wise
43.Om Divya bhooshanaya  nama-Salutations to him who wears divine ornaments
44.Om Deva poojithaya nama-Salutations to him who is worshipped by Devas
45.Om Dhanurdharaya nama-Salutations to him who is armed with a bow
46.Om Daithyahanthre nama-Salutations to him who destroyed Rakshasas
47.Om Dhaya saaraya nama-Salutations to him who is the essence of  mercy
48.Om Dhayakaraya nama- nama-Salutations to him who shows mercy
49.Om Daridrya nasakayai nama-Salutations to him who destroys poverty
50.Om Dhanyaya nama-Salutations to him who is blessed
51.Om DAkshinayana sambhavaya nama-Salutations to him who is close to the southern solstice
52.Om Dhanurmeenadhipaya nama-Salutations to him who is the lord of Dhanu and Meena Rasi
53.Om Devaya nama-Salutations to him who is a deva(demi god)
54.Om Dhanurbana dharaya nama-Salutations to him who carried bow and arrows
55.Om Haraye nama-Salutations to him who is tawny in colour
56.Om aangirasabdha sanjathayai nama-Salutations to him who  was born   out of fire
57.Om Aangiras kulodhbhavaya nama-Salutations to him who was born in the clan of aangiras
58.Om sindhu desadhipaya nama-Salutations to him who is the king of Sindhu country
59.Om Dheemathe nama-Salutations to him who is very  good
60.Om Suvarnakhaya nama-Salutations to him who is of golden colour
61,Om Chathurbhujaya nama-Salutations to him who has four hands
62,Om  Hemangadhaya nama-Salutations to him who has gold like limbs
63.Om Hema vapushe nama-Salutations to him who is pretty like gold
64.Om hema bhooshana  bhooshithaya nama-Salutations to him who wears golden ornaments
65.Om Punya nadhaya nama-Salutations to him who is lord of blessed deeds
66.Om Punyaraga mani mandana mandithaya nama-Salutations to him who  is decorated completely with purest of jewels
67.Om Kasa pushpa  samananaya nama-Salutations to him who can be compared  to white flowers
68.Om Kali dosha nivarakaya nama-Salutations to him who cures the ills of Kali age
69Om Indradhi deva devesaya nama-Salutations to him who is the Lord  to Indra  and other  devas
70.Om devathabheeshta dhayakaya  nama-Salutations to him who fulfills the desires of devas
71.Om asamana  balaya nama-Salutations to him who is of incomparable strength
72.Om Sathva guna sapadvibhavasave  nama-Salutations to him who is blessed   with the wealth of  good character
73.Om Bhoosurabhishtdhaya nama-Salutations to him who fulfills the desires of Brahmins
74.Om Bhooriyasse nama-Salutations to him who has abundant fame
75.Om Punya vivardhanaya nama-Salutations to him who increases blessed deeds
76.Om Dharma roopaya nama-Salutations to him who is personification of Dharma
77.Om Dhanadhyaks nama-Salutations to him who  presides over wealth
78.Om Dhanadhya nama-Salutations to him who gives weath
79.Om Dharma palanaya nama-Salutations to him who looks after  Dharma
80.Om SArva Vedartha  thathwajnaya nama-Salutations to him who is philosopher and knows the meaning of all Vedas
81.Om Sarvapadvinivaranaya nama-Salutations to him who  finds a cure for all dangers
82.Om Sarva papa prasamanaya nama-Salutations to him who  puts out all sins
83.Om swamathanugatha varaya nama-Salutations to him who is the auspicious one who follows   his opinions
84.Om Rigvedaparagaya nama-Salutations to him who has mastered  Rig Veda
85. Om Ruksha rasi marga  pracharakaya nama-Salutations to him who follows the path  of   collection of lunar mansions
86.Om Sadanandaya nama-Salutations to him who is always happy
87.Om  Sathyasandhaya nama-Salutations to him who is truthful
88.Om Sathya sankalpa manasaya nama-Salutations to him who  has mind filled  with truthful  intentions
89.Om Sarvagamajnaya nama-Salutations to him who is an expert in all Aagamas
90.Om Sarvajnaya nama-Salutations to him who is all knowing
91.Om Sarva vedantha vidhwaraya nama-Salutations to him who is learned   all  the philosophies
 92.Om  Brahma puthraya nama-Salutations to him who is the son of Brahma
93.Om Brahmanesaya nama-Salutations to him who is the god of all Brahmins
94.Om Brahma vidhya visaradhaya nama-Salutations to him who is am expert in knowledge about  Brahman
95.Om samanadhika nirmukthaya nama-Salutations to him who is free from feeling of parity or greatness
96.Om  Sarva loka  vasamvadhaya nama-Salutations to him who is under the influence of all the words
97.Om Sasurasura Gandharwa vandhithaya nama-Salutations to him who is being saluted by devas, asuras and Gandharwas
98.Om Sathyabhasanaya nama-Salutations to him who tells the truth
99.Om Brahaspathaye nama-Salutations to him who is the lord of prayer
100.Om Suracharyaya nama-Salutations to him who is the teacher to the devas
101.Om Dhayavathe nama-Salutations to him who is merciful
102.Om shubha lakshanaya  nama-Salutations to him who has auspicious signs
103.Om loka thraya gurave nama-Salutations to him who is the teacher  of all the three worlds
104.Om srimathe nama-Salutations to him who is prosperous
105.Om sarvagaya nama-Salutations to him who is all pervading
106.Om sarvathovibhave nama-Salutations to him who is the lord of all
107,Om  sarvesaya nama-Salutations to him who is the god of all
108Om sarvadha  thushtaya nama-Salutations to him who is always satisfied

109.Om sarva poojithaya nama-Salutations to him who is worshipped by all  

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