
Thursday, November 19, 2015

Sri Ayyappa Suprabatham in Sanskrit (sung by Sri K J Yesudas)

 Sri Ayyappa  Suprabatham in Sanskrit  (sung by  Sri K J  Yesudas)

Translated  by

Dedicated    to Gana Gandharawan K.J.Yesudas

(The   song of waking up  the Lord of  Sabarimala   has  been recorded  by Gana Gandharwan   so many years back .The rendering by him  is really heavenly and is capable of taking any  one to  the rapture  of devotion.  In  spite of  great popularity  of this prayer  ,  the lyrics of the prayer   or  its translation  is not available  anywhere in the web. Five years back . one Mr.Jagan    and  his wife  living in Madras  heard this prayer   several times    and   wrote it in Sanskrit   and send it to me for translation in to English .I am not able to contact Jagan now   and express my gratefulness   to him .Though  I should have done the translation  then  itself   , somehow I did not do it. A few days back  , I dug up my archives   and recovered   the mail of  Sri Jagan  and  translated  it  in about 10 days. The  prayer  is split in to several  parts . each differing in content  and the final line   of the individual sloka . I wondered whether  it was   a combination of   several suprabathams  in to one .
  I would like   to offer   my salutations to those  unknown authors of the  Suprabatham  .)

1,Vandhe  Vighneswaram   kamala  jaathayithaam Pandalesaya  soonum,
Smruthwaa  thaa bakthi namraa  sthavamimamalam  , swami Bhakthi  Pradhanam,
SAkshaath  kaarath vineetho  hariharaja , bhavath  pada  yugme arpayeham,
Geyam syaath  nithyamethath   sakala jana mano  modhakam   suprabatham.

1.I salute   the lord  and remover of  obstacles, the one  who came out of the lotus   and son of king of pandalam,
I remember   him , bent with devotion  and chant his   pure  verse  which is filled  with devotion,
Realising that  he  was born to Vishnu and Shiva  , with humility  I   offer myself to his twin feet,
And I sing   daily   this song  waking him  up in the morning , which makes the mind of everyone happy.

2.SAhyadhre  dakshinasyaam  dhisi   karigiri   rithyaakhyaya bhooshitha   sath,
Bhoobruth varyo   sthithunga  sumahitha   sabari  punya naamnaa  prasidhi,
THasmin  nirbhasamanam  , kaliyuga varadam  sthoumyaham  nithyamenam,
SWamin bho  brahmacharim  hariharaja vibho Jayathaam suprabatham.

2.On the south of the western ghats, , in the place called Karimala  which is  known to be  well decorated by  ,
A great   and prominent mountain  which is  celebrated   and well known   with  the name of Sabari 
There shines   the Lord who  saves us from Kali age  and I daily   pray   to him,
Oh God  who is a bachelor  and the Lord   who was born to Vishnu and Shiva  , It is  going to be a good morning   soon.

3.AArdhre  srungam   prayathum  hari hara  thanayam   drusthumichan   shubhadhyaa ,
Nishtanushtana   poorva   sumahitha thulasi   malya dhari cha   kante,
DEvam tham   poorva rathri  bhajathi  druthamathi   prarthayeham   thadartham ,
 Swamin bho  brahmacharim  hariharaja vibho Jayathaam suprabatham.

3.Travelling to that difficult  peak   wishing   to see   auspiciously the  son of Vishnu and Shiva ,
Earlier observing   the prescribed rituals   and wearing the very famous   garland of Thulasi on the neck,
After  singing about  the God  in the  previous night  , I  pray   that God  adopting a fast  meter
Oh God  who is a bachelor  and the Lord   who was born to Vishnu and Shiva  , It is  going to be a good morning   soon.

4.Yekam jyothi swaroopam matha  rahitha  nithi sthouthi lokaha samanthath,
Vishno Shambhoswha puthram   kali mala  madhanam tham pranamya aartha  bandhum,
Mokshaa vaasyai   samaksham   sakala guna  nidhim swamin tham  prarthayeham,
Swamin bho  brahmacharim  hariharaja vibho Jayathaam suprabatham.

4.He  appears  in the form of  one flame  , with all people without   difference of opinion  praising him,
And he   is the own son  of  Vishnu and Shiva  , who destroys   the ills of Kali age , who is the   dear friend of the suffering ones  who salute him,
Who grants   all of them salvation  , who is the treasure  of all good characters  and   I pray him,
Oh God  who is a bachelor  and the Lord   who was born to Vishnu and Shiva  , It is  going to be a good morning   soon.

5.THyakthvaa puthram vananthe  manana  virahithow  birgathow Shambhu Vishnu,
DRushtwaa   sadhya  prajadham   shishuka miha vane  Padma lakshoni pala,
AAdhaayainam   swageham   thwaritha   mupagatho   bhavayan  tham swaputhram,
Swamin bho  brahmacharim  hariharaja vibho Jayathaam suprabatham.

5.Lord Shiva  and Vishnu   with great pain in their  mind abandoned  their son without  any  support,
And  seeing him   with all  prettiness  on the lotus flower    a   king who ruled the people  but did not have children,
Took him with speed to his own home   and  looked after    him as his   own son,
Oh God  who is a bachelor  and the Lord   who was born to Vishnu and Shiva  , It is  going to be a good morning   soon.

6.Kaanthaaram  prasthitha   thwam  nrupathi   daithaya chodhitha   thathra  sakthyaa,
Vyagree sangham   cha neetha   thadhanu   thubhavathaa  poojithaa  mananeesaa ,
Ithyeshaa  sruyathe  bhi  thava  mahitha kathaa, sookshma   thathwam na jaane  ,
Swamin bho  brahmacharim  hariharaja vibho Jayathaam suprabatham.

6. You were   given by the  king to his wife   and by the power   so kindly  provided by you  ,
You were  brought   up in the   company of tigers  and those  were  worshipping your great self,
And this is what   we hear   from  the great stories about  you but  I do not  know  the inner meaning of that,
Oh God  who is a bachelor  and the Lord   who was born to Vishnu and Shiva  , It is  going to be a good morning   soon.

7.THthraaseeth bhoomipala  kumathir udhayanu  , Neela sailadhi vasi,
Naareenaam dhooma kethu  sakhalu thava   gathim rudhvaan yudha kamkshi,
JIkhye   sathvath   prabhavow   kari giri radhunaa   bhasathe   suprasidha,
Swamin bho  brahmacharim  hariharaja vibho Jayathaam suprabatham.

7. At that  time  there  was an evil king called  Udhayana   who used to stay in Neelimala ,
And he  used trouble  the ladies and he wishing for a war came   on your way,
Though you were   the  power  that    was  to shine   famously  on the  Karimala ,
Oh God  who is a bachelor  and the Lord   who was born to Vishnu and Shiva  , It is  going to be a good morning   soon.

8.Jatha kaanthara madhye   kara putaka   samudhbooth   rasmi prabhavaath,
Pani thwam   dweka  Vishno  vimala  gala mani bhooshanam Shambu datham,
Mithram  thushtasthu lushka    thava  charithamidham   bhoothale poojyamanam,
Swamin bho  brahmacharim  hariharaja vibho Jayathaam suprabatham.

8.After having born in the  wilderness  ,  when   you rose  up along  with the power of light  with hands held in salutation,
Lord Vishnu  held both your hands  and put on your neck the ornament made of pearls   given by Lord Shiva,
And   your worshipful  story along with   the  very satisfied  Islamic friend of yours  spread  all over the world,
Oh God  who is a bachelor  and the Lord   who was born to Vishnu and Shiva  , It is  going to be a good morning   soon.

9.Vrutha  niyama samapthou   pratharudhaya  Bhakthyaa  ,
Vimala sarasi    seersha   snana   samshudha bhava  ,
Kali yuga varadham thwaam  sthoumyaham  swathma  thushtayai  ,
Kari giri thata   vasin   jayatham   suprabatham,

9.After the end of the  ritualistic penance  , getting   up  early in the morning ,
And taking    head bath in the pure  lake   and becoming  in a pure state  ,
I am praying to you Oh God  who   protects us during Kali age  for getting satisfaction  of my own soul,
Oh Lord   who lives  on the  way  to Karimala  , It is  going to be a good  morning soon.

10.Atha  Samuchitha poojanantharam   Bhakthi porvam,
Dwimukha rachitha   bandam  dharayan  nuktha maange  ,
Harihara  thanayam thwaam  sthoumyaham  swathmathusthtai,
Kari giri thata   vasin   jayatham   suprabatham.

10.Then after   doing   proper   worship with devotion,
I carry  on my head   the  luggage  divided   in to two  ,
I am praying to   you , oh son of Vishnu and Shiva  , for getting satisfaction  of my own soul,
Oh Lord   who lives  on the  way  to Karimala  , It is  going to be a good  morning soon.

11.Pada gathirerumelim prapya   thathrastha  theertha  ,
Vimala jala  nimagnonyastha banda   thadesmin ,
Kali mala  madhanam   thwam sthoumyaham  swathmathusthtai,
Kari giri thata   vasin   jayatham   suprabatham.

11.After   travelling by the path and reaching Erumeli ,  I take bath  by dipping,
In to the pure sacred   waters there  after setting   aside the luggage  ,
I am praying to you  oh destroyer of the ills of Kali age , for getting satisfaction  of my own soul,
Oh Lord   who lives  on the  way  to Karimala  , It is  going to be a good  morning soon.

12.Sirasi vimala Bandam   dharayan Bhakthi namra  ,
THadanu saha charai sthou mandhiram  prapya  pootham,
Kali yuga varadham thwaam  sthoumyaham  swathma  thushtayai  ,
Kari giri thata   vasin   jayatham   suprabatham,

12.Bent with devotion and carrying  that   pure luggage  ,
Along with my friends  , I quickly  reach the  temple of yours,
I am praying to you Oh God  who   protects us during Kali age  for getting satisfaction  of my own soul,
Oh Lord   who lives  on the  way  to Karimala  , It is  going to be a good  morning soon.

13.Jwalitha  vimala karpoora   analai  deeptha  kundai  ,
Gagana  thala  vileenai  , shobhithe  mandhiresmin ,
Harihara  thanayam thwaam  sthoumyaham  swathmathusthtai,
Kari giri thata   vasin   jayatham   suprabatham.

13,There  I get   immersed  in  your  temple shining  in the sky,
With the   light  of burning  of pure camphor   and the  fire place   with burning fire,
I am praying to   you , oh son of Vishnu and Shiva  , for getting satisfaction  of my own soul,
Oh Lord   who lives  on the  way  to Karimala  , It is  going to be a good  morning soon.

14.Vrutha samuchitha  nrutha prakramavesa   pushtyaa,
Prachalitha  kara  gadgaan   bhakth mukhyaan sameekshya  ,
Vikatha  sakala papa  sthoumyaham  thushtayai,
Kari giri thata   vasin   jayatham   suprabatham.

14 Thus ending   the  penance properly    as advised  by the chief devotee,
I will  then dance   shaking   the   hand sword  held in my hand ,
I am praying to you    after loosing all my sins, for getting satisfaction  of my own soul,
Oh Lord   who lives  on the  way  to Karimala  , It is  going to be a good  morning soon.

15.Vidhitha  Katina  nishtacharyayaa  poothamangam ,
Harihara  thanayena  kreetha mithyevamathwaa ,
Hrthapa  bhavathadheenam sthoumyaham  thushtayai,
Kari giri thata   vasin   jayatham   suprabatham.

15.After   completing   the very difficult  ritualistic penance,
Believing   that  it was   only an illusion created by the son of Vishnu and Shiva  ,
And making my heart  under God’s  control, for getting satisfaction  of my own soul,
Oh Lord   who lives  on the  way  to Karimala  , It is  going to be a good  morning soon.

16.Janana marana  marga  chakrame  nikramena ,
Bramathi vividha   vruthyaa  bhoothale  marthya rasi ,
Vidhi maya  mathi ganthum sthoumyaham  thushtayai,
Kari giri thata   vasin   jayatham   suprabatham.

16 In the process  of winding  and rewinding  in the path of  birth and death,
The  population of human beings  in the world   are perplexed  by various activities.
And  I on this path influenced by fate  and for getting satisfaction  of my own soul,
Oh Lord   who lives  on the  way  to Karimala  , It is  going to be a good  morning soon.

17.Prasantha maana   somudha  nirantha Bhakthi  nirbharaa,
Kramena kanantharava  gaahane   samuthsuka,
Hareharasyathmajam   krupa nidhim bhajamyaham,
Kareendra saila jatha bala Suprabathamarthaye .

17.With a peaceful mind   filled with joy as well as permanent  devotion ,
WE went in to the deep forest    along with enthusiasm,
And  I sang  praise of  the treasure of mercy   who is son of Lord Vishnu and Shiva  ,
And I  wish a very good  morning   to the lad born  on Karimala,  the king of mountains.

18.HImodha  bindhu  sechanena  bhooshitho vaneebaha,
Sthruna an guraischa  manditha sthushara bindhu  moukthikai,
Vanethi sheethake charan  dhayanidhim bhajamyaham ,
Kareendra  saila jatha  Bala   suprabathamarthaye  .

18.Oh Lord   who lives in the forest   and  is decorated  by  the flowing drops of  ice  ,
Who  wears a crown  made of the frosted   water  from   the leaves  of sprouted grass,
And who moves  in the cold   forest , I salute you who is the treasure of mercy  .
And wish a very good  morning   to the lad born  on Karimala,  the king of mountains.

19.Atha kramena  lokayan  vanapagaam cha paavaneer ,
Nimajya  nirmale   jalena   nithya karma chacharan,
Harer  harasyathmajam  dhayanidhim bhajamyaham ,
Kareendra  saila jatha  Bala   suprabathamarthaye 

19 Oh Lord who eventually made   people  travel in to the forest  ,
Who made them  use the   divine  pure water   for their daily   rituals  ,
And who  is the son of Hari and Hara , I salute you who is the treasure of mercy  .
And wish a very good  morning   to the lad born  on Karimala,  the king of mountains.

20.SAmudhyathodhirongmesha  saila   srungalaam    sanair  ,
Muhur muhus kalpatha   padhi braman   bhayakula,
Sumarga   darsanam  mudha  yugeswaram  bhajamyaham,
Kareendra  saila jatha  Bala   suprabathamarthaye 

20.  I have  started   with enthusiasm  to  climb the chain  slowly 
Keeping steps    during every  period of time   with great fear ,
And I  sing and praise with joy    the God of the Yuga  to show  me the correct path,
And wish a very good  morning   to the lad born  on Karimala,  the king of mountains.

21.Vananthare  Virajithe   visala  visrama  sthale ,
Sukhena    sanga nirmithani   thani thani  bakshayan,
Trushamapi   pranasayan  , krupanidhim bhajamyaham,
Kareendra  saila jatha  Bala   suprabathamarthaye 

21.In the broad   retiring  places  which shined   in the forest.
With pleasure  I ate each and everything  made  by the group,
And also quenched  my thirst  and I sing and pray that treasure  of mercy,
And wish a very good  morning   to the lad born  on Karimala,  the king of mountains.

22.Kramena sancharan  vane vilokyathe vidooratho  ,
Maha girischa   pambayapi  bhooshitha samanthatha  ,
BHajami shaive  vaishnaveeya   puthrakam  thamuchathe  ,
Kareendra  saila jatha  Bala   suprabathamarthaye  .

22. Slowly I travelled   seeing the forest   for a  long distance  ,
And reached near   the great mountain  which was  decorated  by river Pampa,
And I sang the praises   of the   son of  Lord Shiva   and Lord Vishnu
And wish a very good  morning   to the lad born  on Karimala,  the king of mountains.

23.Abhava  gaahyathaam  nadhi nidhantha   pavanodhakaam,
Nimajya  nirmale   jale   kramarjayan   cha kalmasham,
Kruthaa  nadhi  Krupanidhim  , yugeswaram  BHajamyaham,
Kareendra  saila jatha  Bala   suprabathamarthaye  .

23.Due to   the non availability  of deep river which has  important  purifying   water,
That treasure of mercy created  a river   containing pure water for taking bath  ,
And wash of the dirt and  I sing and chant about the God of the yuga ,
And wish a very good  morning   to the lad born  on Karimala,  the king of mountains.

24.Nadhi thatasya  neeli saila  moola desa  vasine  ,
Vinayakaya  cha anjalim   sabhakthika  samarpayan,
Swa  sershakeshu  bandamathra  dharayan  BHajamyaham,
Kareendra  saila jatha  Bala   suprabathamarthaye  .

24.After  saluting  Lord Ganapathi    who   stays in the river bank,
Which is situated     below   the  Neeli  mountain,
I  kept on my head    only  the   bundle   and then prayed  him,
And wish a very good  morning   to the lad born  on Karimala,  the king of mountains.

25.DRuda vruthai   sahanugai sthadha bhajan yugeswaram,
Kramena   neeli  parvathadhirohenena  nirvruthaa,
BHajami   samyathasthameva   Pandalesa puthraka,
Kareendra  saila jatha  Bala   suprabathamarthaye  .

25.Along  with  the  strong penance  and  praying that  God of the yuga,
Slowly   after  climbing    the neeli mountain  and  becoming contended,
I pray and sing  that   son of the king of Pandala    who considers every one as equal,
And wish a very good  morning   to the lad born  on Karimala,  the king of mountains.

26.Prabhakara Prabhojjwala  pradheepa   dhooparjitham,
Prabho prasantha mandiram   sushobhanam vilokayan,
Pura sthitha  purari  sauri puthrakam bhajamyaham.
Kareendra  saila jatha  Bala   suprabathamarthaye  .

26. The  Sun God   spread his rays   and   lighted   the lamp  ,
Of the very peaceful   temple of the lord  and I saw him well  decorated ,
And I sang and prayed to the  son  of  Lord Vishnu    and Lord Shiva ,
And wish a very good  morning   to the lad born  on Karimala,  the king of mountains.

27.Deva  avaloke   pranidhama  chitham ,
Sopana  mashta dasabhi  prakluptham,
Yekaika maruhya  nithantha  bhakthyaa ,
Sthravimi   supratha  kruthe yugeswaram.

27, With a mind thirsting     to see   that God  ,
I climbed    immediately    with great speed  ,
The   ten and eight    steps   of that  Sopana  ,
Praying to  the  God of Yuga  to make  the morning  good.

28.THanchikam  bhuvi  nidhaya  theertha   jalamajjanena  pari pavano,
Vanametha  mavalokithum   niyama poorva  meva  parithaswaran,
Sannidhou   thatanu  sampranamyancha   Bhaje  Vibhum  Hariharathmajam,
Panthaladhipa kumarabho   varada suprabaththamiha   jayathaam,

28Going through the land blessed   with   greatly  blessed sacred waters ,
Seeing  the forest all around ,by following    the prescribed  rules  towards   the God,
And after  reaching  and saluting  in front of god’s sanctum , I prayed to the son of Hari and Hara,
Oh Lord who is the son of king of Pandala who gives boons, Now it is going  to be a  good morning.

29.Archanaya  parikalpithaan  vibhava  sanchayan  thadhanu  Bandara.
SWeekrthaan kalitha poorvamevathu   asamaarpayeth   Yuga pathe mudhaa,
Shambu Vishnu   thanayam   kramaa thadha Bhaje  vibhum  kaliyugeswaram,
Panthaladhipa kumarabho   varada supra bathamiha   jayathaam,

29.After deciding   to worship him I would collect the needed  materials thereafter ,
The   bundle would be received with one part not given and the other  given   to the lord of Yuga  with joy ,
And then I would praise  the son of Vishnu  and Shiva   who is the Lord and  God of Kali age  ,
Oh Lord who is the son of king of Pandala who gives boons, Now it is going  to be a  good morning.

30.THathra  kanchanamauasanr kanaka dheepa dheepi thakruthanthare,
Malya  jala  paribhooshithe   nanu vibhaathi   pandala  Kumaraka  ,
Bhaktha   rakshaka mamum sameekshya  cha  Bhaje vibhum Hariharathmajam,
Panthaladhipa kumarabho   varada suprabathamiha   jayathaam,

30, Afterwards   seating him in his golden seat   and   afterwards  lighting   the golden lamp,
And That  prince of Pandala  is decorated   with flowers which was  like  never before ,
And seeing that  protector of  devotees, I would sing and praise   the son of Hari and Hara,
Oh Lord who is the son of king of Pandala who gives boons, Now it is going  to be a good morning.

31.Gaura varna muka   kaanthimasya   paripaavaneem   nayana  nandhinim,
Swetha varna thulasi nibadha   gala  malyamapyadha violkayan,
Shiva Vaishnava   kalamayam Kali yugeswaram   guna nidhim Bhaje,
Panthaladhipa kumarabho   varada suprabathamiha   jayathaam,

31.With your shining   white face   you glanced    at the  Goddess,
Wearing  on you r neck a  thick garland   made   out of White  Thulasi,
And I   prayed  and sang  about the treasure  of good qualities,
 The god  of kali age  and one  who is the n mixture  of the crescents  of Shiva   and Vishnu,
Oh Lord who is the son of king of Pandala who gives boons, Now it is going  to be a good morning.

32.ASya mohana  kataksha   rasmim adjha  manju   mandahasitha  prabhaam,
Kalpithasana   vidhim  jithendriya  maharshim   yuktha mavalokayan,
SAnkadabdhi   tharartha masu  puratho  Bhaje  Hariharathmajam,
Panthaladhipa kumarabho   varada suprabathamiha   jayathaam,

32.Lord Brahma   and  those  sages who have won over  their sense  organs who were seated glanced  at,
The rays of  the very  pretty   looks as well as  the luster of his pretty   slow   smile  ,
Of the God who makes us cross speedily   the  ocean of sorrow and I  pray  that son of Hari and Hara  ,
Oh Lord who is the son of king of Pandala who gives boons, Now it is going  to be a good morning.

33.DAkshinena kara  pallavena   krutha mudhrayaa  vijayathe  tharaam,
Deergha vama buja lambithangulibiringithani paribasayan,
Bandham adbutha vane  bhavam yuga pathim vilokyacha  vibhum Bhaje,
Panthaladhipa kumarabho   varada suprabathamiha   jayathaam,

22.He with  seal  in his   soft  right hand  holds  the bow   of victory,
And  with stretched    fingers of his long  left hand  he indicates his shining  intention,
And   I sang and prayed to    that   lord of the Yuga   along with  the bundle  in the   wonderful forest,
  Oh Lord who is the son of king of Pandala who gives boons, Now it is going  to be a good morning.

23. Pushpa  dhoopa  grutha  dhoopa  dhooma   gula   gandha   sambaritha   sourabham,
BHaktha sangha  charanaravaischa   sayana  pradakshina  mahothsavai ,
Deva gehamadha   bhaktha   rakshana   chanam   vilokyyacha vibhum Bhaje  .
Panthaladhipa kumarabho   varada suprabathamiha   jayathaam,

24. The  sweet  smell of the   collected flowers ,  incense ,ghee  and the  perfumes  ,
The sound of the feet  of  devotees and the great festival of  bodily   rolling round the temple ,
And the sound of  the devotees  going  towards  the   temple  , observing all this  I pray to  that  Lord,
  Oh Lord who is the son of king of Pandala who gives boons, Now it is going  to be a good morning.

25.Swami vaasa   savidhe  gruhethra  paribasathe   sadhu muhammada,
THulya sad guna  vibhooshithonyapisi   rajatheyu vachamoopathi  ,
Veekshya  bakthi  bharithaswathoy  hariharathmajam cha   sathatham  Bhaje ,
Panthaladhipa kumarabho   varada suprabathamiha   jayathaam,

25.Very near the place   where  the God stays  shines  the Good person of Islam,
Who has   the ornament  of  equal good qualities   which were praised  by the lord ,
And   I see him filled   with   great devotion   and praise and sing  the sin of Hari   and Hara,
  Oh Lord who is the son of king of Pandala who gives boons, Now it is going  to ba good morning.

26.Na athidhoora   bhavane   vibhathi  kula kanyaka   vimala maanasa,
Vruksha moola   bharithamcha marganachayam   vilokya   viphalaasaya  ,
Thaam vilokya galithaagraha m  adha  jithendrayascha    gudinam Bhaje,
Panthaladhipa kumarabho   varada suprabathamiha   jayathaam,

26.Not far away  from his temple   shined  brightly   the pure minded  maid of  great heritage ,
And seeing   the path which is   crowded with   roots of trees  one feels disappointed ,
And glancing  that  even those who have  won over   the desires  lost their desires  to go and I praise  the lord,
  Oh Lord who is the son of king of Pandala who gives boons, Now it is going  to be a good morning.

27.Jyothirathra  sabari girou   Makara  SAmkrame   thadhanu  lokayan,
Maanvartha   paripoorna   trupthi    manubhooya   pooritha manoradha,
Mukthitham   Hariharthmajam, pathitha rakshakam  ., yuga pathim Bhaje ,
Panthaladhipa kumarabho   varada suprabathamiha   jayathaam,

27.When the  lustrous flame  appears  at the   beginning of month of Makara, human beings ,
Seeing  that  attain complete   satisfaction  and  men  become completely fulfilled  of their desires,
And I sing and pray the  son of Hari and Hara who  rescues the fallen  and  who is the  lord of this yuga,
  Oh Lord who is the son of king of Pandala who gives boons, Now it is going  to ba good morning.

28.AShta dasa   rachitha sopana   pankthi  mavatheeryathma samskruthi paraa,
Prathayaksha   moorthimathi   bhakthyaa  smaran thadanu   pampa thatam  pravisaram,
Samsthoumi   punya Sabari   sailavasi  nama   bhouma prabham  
Vyagricharesa  bhavathaa   suprabatha miha   pampathatardraya   pibathe.

28. After   descending    the eighteen   holy steps  standing in  queue with culture ,
After with great devotion   meditating  on the  God  in person , I would  get back to the  banks of pampa river ,
And then I would pray   the holy   occupant  of Sabari  , the lord of  yuga who shines in this earth,
And Oh God who rides on a tigress   it is already a good morning  and I would drink and wet myself with this water  of  that Pampa.

29.Kanthara  Marga  mathilankayaadhi    sanu thata  maagathya   thathra  kuthukee,
Bukthwaa   yadeshtamath  pampa thate   thadhanu  kruthwaa   chiram sthramasamam ,
SAmsthumyaham  Kali yugesam   thadhaa  sakala   pradhayee   namamum,
Vyagricharesa  bhavathaa   suprabatha miha   pampathatardraya   pibathe.

29.After coming back  by the bamboo path   I would  enter the  the mountain path   and reach the  comfortable path,
And after  eating    in plenty  on the banks of Pampa ,  I would relax   a bit  ,
And pray  the lord of Kali Yuga, who grants us everything  and  I salute him  ,
And Oh God who rides on a tigress   it is already a good morning  and I would drink and wet myself with this water  of  that Pampa.

30. Pampa  thataa   pradhihatha  prapya gehamathi   shudhyaa   gruhe  Yugapathe  ,
Poojam vidhaya   , vibhum aaradhya   , kera phala  samsphotanadhi   kruthavaan,
Malyava mochana   vidhayi galaath   vrutha  sampthousraveemi  varadham,
Vyagricharesa  bhavathaa   suprabatha miha   pampathatardraya   pibathe.

30.After returning   speedily from the banks of Pampa  , reaching the home after cleaning myself, Oh Lord of the yuga ,
After  performing worship  to the lord according to rules, I would    throw and break coconuts  ,
Get freedom  from the Mala (chain)   and   would  bring to completion my penance  , Oh Lord   who blesses,
And Oh God who rides on a tigress   it is already a good morning  and I would drink and wet myself with this water  of  that Pampa.

31,Kanthara  jathayithi  panyaou   prajathayithi  ghoradhi   vasayithi bho,
Jyothi swaroopayithi  , karpoora bhoothirithi   pampa thatesayithi bho,
SAthya  swaroopamithi   yogeendrayithyapeepi  bhum  theerthayanthi   vibhudhaa,
Vyagricharesa  bhavathaa   suprabatha miha   pampathatardraya   pibathe.

31.Oh Lord  you  were  born in a bamboo forest , brought from there in hands   and lived  in  horrible forest  ,
You  oh lord  were of  the form of  flame  but  were worshipped  by light of camphor   in the banks of Pampa,
Your form was truth , you were the lord of great Yogis  and   the place  of pilgrimage  in this earth
And Oh God who rides on a tigress   it is already a good morning  and I would drink and wet myself with this water  of  that Pampa.

32.Saranam, Saranam Harihara  soono  , Saranam Sabari saila pathe  ,
  Saranam, Saranam Harihara  soono  , Saranam Sabari saila pathe  ,
Karunaam  kuru may   kari giri vasin  , Saranam Pandala  nrupa ,
  Karunam  kuru may   kari giri vasin  , Saranam Pandala  nrupa soono 
  Saranam, Saranam Harihara  soono  , Saranam Sabari saila pathe  .

32.I surrender  , I surrender to you, Oh son  of Hari and Hara, I surrender  to the Lord  of Sabari mountain,
I surrender  , I surrender to you, Oh son  of Hari and Hara, I surrender  to the Lord  of Sabari mountain,
Please show mercy me Oh Lord who lives on  Kari Mala, I surrender to you  king of Pandalam,
Please show mercy me Oh Lord who lives on  Kari Mala, I surrender to you  king of Pandalam
I surrender  , I surrender to you, Oh son  of Hari and Hara, I surrender  to the Lord  of Sabari mountain,

33.Sabari sailam Kailasam  , mani maya geham vaikundam,
Sabari sailam Kailasam  , mani maya geham vaikundam,
Pampa thatini Ksheerabdhi   Karigiri Mandhira naga Raja,
Pampa thatini Ksheerabdhi   Karigiri Mandhira naga Raja,
 Saranam, Saranam Harihara  soono  , Saranam Sabari saila pathe  .
  Karunam  kuru may   kari giri vasin  , Saranam Pandala  nrupa soono 
  Saranam, Saranam Harihara  soono  , Saranam Sabari saila pathe  .

33.The Sabari mountain is J Kailasam  , and gem studded  temple  is Vaikunda ,
The Sabari mountain is   Kailasam  , and gem studded  temple  is Vaikunda ,
The   river at Pampa  is the ocean of milk , The temple of Karimala  is the king of  mountains,
The   river at Pampa  is the ocean of milk , The temple of Karimala  is the king of  mountains,
I surrender  , I surrender to you, Oh son  of Hari and Hara, I surrender  to the Lord  of Sabari mountain,
Please show mercy me Oh Lord who lives on  Kari Mala, I surrender to you  king of Pandalam
I surrender  , I surrender to you, Oh son  of Hari and Hara, I surrender  to the Lord  of Sabari mountain,

34.Makara jyothi seethamsu  kanda   maneerina  kara shobha,
Makara jyothi seethamsu  kanda   maneerina  kara shobha,
Payasa  Bakshyam   peeyusham  bhaktha jananaam  amara  sukham,
Payasa  Bakshyam   peeyusham  bhaktha jananaam  amara  sukham,
Saranam, Saranam Harihara  soono  , Saranam Sabari saila pathe  .
  Karunam  kuru may   kari giri vasin  , Saranam Pandala  nrupa soono 
  Saranam, Saranam Harihara  soono  , Saranam Sabari saila pathe  .

34.Makara jyothi is the piece  of moon   and   it shines   like a gem,
Makara jyothi is the piece  of moon   and   it shines   like a gem,
The dish of Payasam is like nectar  and it gives undying pleasure  to devotees,
The dish of Payasam is like nectar  and it gives undying pleasure  to devotees,
I surrender  , I surrender to you, Oh son  of Hari and Hara, I surrender  to the Lord  of Sabari mountain,
Please show mercy me Oh Lord who lives on  Kari Mala, I surrender to you  king of Pandalam
I surrender  , I surrender to you, Oh son  of Hari and Hara, I surrender  to the Lord  of Sabari mountain.

35. Pampa snanam   Ganga snanam,  kargiri tharanam   Kailsabdhi,
Pampa snanam   Ganga snanam,  kargiri tharanam   Kailsabdhi
Vaikundeham nikadastho   Sabari saila  Mokshabdhi,
Vaikundeham nikadastho   Sabari saila  Mokshabdhi,
Saranam, Saranam Harihara  soono  , Saranam Sabari saila pathe  .
  Karunam  kuru may   kari giri vasin  , Saranam Pandala  nrupa soono 
  Saranam, Saranam Harihara  soono  , Saranam Sabari saila pathe  .
  Saranam sabari saila pathe , Saranam Sabari saila pathe  .

35, The bath in Pampa is equal to bath in Ganges, the crossing of Karimala   is like  the ocean of Kailasa,
The bath in Pampa is equal to bath in Ganges, the crossing of Karimala   is like  the ocean of Kailasa,
Vaikunda is very near to us  , it is ocean of salvation near karimala ,
Vaikunda is very near to us  , it is ocean of salvation near karimala ,
I surrender  , I surrender to you, Oh son  of Hari and Hara, I surrender  to the Lord  of Sabari mountain,
Please show mercy me Oh Lord who lives on  Kari Mala, I surrender to you  king of Pandalam
I surrender  , I surrender to you, Oh son  of Hari and Hara, I surrender  to the Lord  of Sabari mountain.
I surrender  to the Lord  of Sabari mountain, I surrender  to the Lord  of Sabari mountain.

36.Santhatham pathu maam  Pandalesardhaka , sranthath kanmasham   Dharma Sastha,
Santhatham pathu maam  Pandalesardhaka , sranthath  kamasham   Dharma Sastha,
Agrasane sthitha  bhaktheshu  bhoothitha vyagra sunethra namami Sastha,
SAthya  swaroopasya   thaam mukthi  dayaka, nithya prasantha   praseedha  deva,
Pampa thateswara dhambathi  nasaka   maam pathu sarvadhaa   smera vakthra,
Soorya rasmi   prabha   chandrardra  sheethala  karpoora   deepa  prasada  chith,
Pancha banatheetha   pancha bhoothathmaka   kanchith krupaam  kuru  Dharma Sasthaa,
Pandya jayaa soola roga  dhoori krutha pandithagresara vaidhya sathre ,
SArdhooli neechara  sardhoola  vikrama  chidroopa moorthe  punathu  bhakthaa
SArdhooli neechara  sardhoola  vikrama  chidroopa moorthe  punathu  bhakthaa
Chidroopa moorthe  punathu  bhakthaa
Chidroopa moorthe  punathu  bhakthaa
Chidroopa moorthe  punathu  bhakthaa

36.Always   protect me  Oh Prince of Pandalam  and remove all    evils  from me ,Oh Dharma  Sastha
Always   protect me  Oh Prince of Pandalam  and remove all evils   from me, Oh Dharma Sastha,
Oh Sastha  who  is a good leader  and who sits  in the seat of importance and intently   looks after  the welfare   of your devotees,
You are  having  the form of truth , Oh giver of  salvation Oh God daily  peacefully become pleased with me,
Oh Lord of the banks  of Pampa, who destroys snobbishness  and who has a smiling face ,  you always protect me ,
Oh divine one  who is pleased with a lamp of camphor   which shines like sun  and is as cool  and pleasing as the moon,
Oh Lord who is greater  than  the five arrows of cupid  and is the soul of five elements. Oh Dharma Sastha  , if you please shower your mercy on me,
Oh expert in medicine    who is greatly learned   and   cured great pain (Sula disease) of   the wife of Pandya king,
Oh  Lord with the divine form . who is valorous like a lion delighting the lioness , purify your devotees,
Oh  Lord with the divine form . who is valorous like a lion delighting the lioness , purify your devotees,
Oh Lord  with divine form Purify  your devotees,
Oh Lord  with divine form Purify  your devotees,
Oh Lord  with divine form Purify  your devotees

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