
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Narayana Govinda -Chanting of God's names by Poonthanam

Narayana  Govinda


Translated  by

(Here is a great chant of names  of Govinda   )

Refrain   Narayana Govinda , Narayana  Govinda

I.Nadha   krupalaya  Govinda.
Narada   Vanditha Govinda   (Narayana..)

1.Oh Govinda  who is the seat  of mercy
Oh Govinda  Saluted by  sage Narada,

2,Nalina Vilochana  Govinda,
Papa  Vinasana  Govinda 9  Narayana…0

1.Oh Govinda  who has lotus like  eyes,
Oh Govinda   who is the  destroyer  of sins

3.Pankaka lochana , Govinda,
Pankakaja  Bhava nutha , Govinda  (Narayana..)

3.Oh  Lotus eyed   Govinda,
Oh Govinda  who is worshipped  by Lord Brahma

4.Oh Kancha  vilochana  Govinda,
Oh Kanmasha nasana  Govinda,  (Narayana.. )

4.Oh  Govinda  with lotus like eyes
Oh Govinda  who destroys ills 

5.Kalimala mochana  Govinda,
Kamala  Vilochana  Govinda,

5,Oh Govinda   who gives us freedom from ills of kali age ,
Oh Govinda who has lotus like eyes.

6.THamarasekshana  Govinda,
Vamapureswaa   Govinda (Narayana..)

6.Oh Govinda who has lotus like   sugarcane eyes,
Oh Govinda  who is lord of Vamapura

7. Pushkara lochna  Govinda,
Dushkrutha banjana  Govinda (Narayana..)

7 Oh Govinda with lotus eyes.
Oh Govinda who punishes evil   acts.

8.Karuna  sagara Govinda,
Kari paripalana  Govinda

8.Oh Govinda who is  ocean of mercy,
Oh Govinda    who   looked   after  the elephant.

9,Kunchitha kunthala Govinda,
Sinchitha  noopura  Govinda

9.Oh Govinda    with curly hair,
Oh Govinda with tingling anklets.

10.Chanchala  bhooshana  Govinda,
Pancha  saropama   Govinda

10,Oh Govinda with  changing ornaments,
Oh Govinda who is comparable  to God of love.

11.Sanmaya  Chinmaya  Govinda,
Manmadha Manmadha  Govinda

11. Oh Govinda pervaded with purity and divinity  ,
Oh Govinda whose mind is made exuberant by   cupid.

12,Mathsara  nigraha  Govinda,
Mathsya  vapurdhara  Govinda

12. Oh Govinda  who puts down competition,
Oh Govinda    who took the form of  a  fish.

13Kajjala nayna Govinda,
Kacchapa Vesha Govinda

13.Oh Govinda with cloud coloured eyes,
Oh Govinda who took the   form of tortoise.

14,Dathrinayaka Govinda,
Pothri vapurdhara  Govinda

14,Oh Govinda who was the  Lord of earth,
Oh Govinda   who took the   form of a bore.

15,Shyamala  Vigraha Govinda,
Vamana  Murthe  Govinda

15,Oh Govinda who has a black coloured body,
Oh Govinda who is God  Vamana

16,Deva Bruguthama  Govinga,
Deva Raghuthama  Govinda

16,Oh Govinda who is the best of Brugu clan,
Oh Govinda    who is the   best  of Raghu clan

17,Sri Madha mardhana  Govinda,
Sri Balabadra  Govinda

17,Oh Govinda   who destroyed pride of  Lakshmi,
Oh Govinda   who is Balarama

18,Chith Ghana  Vigraha  Govinda.
Kalki vapurdhara  Govinda

18.Oh Govinda  who is lump of divinity,
Oh Govinda   who will take   form of Kalki

19.Sathva nidhe  jaya  Govinda ,
Budha muneeswara  Govinda

19.Oh Govinda who is treasure of Sathva qualities  ,victory to you,
Oh Govinda    who is the sage Budha

20Sakala Janasrya  Govinda,
Kapila  muneeswara   Govinda

20.Oh Govinda on whom all people depend ,
Oh Govinda   who is sage  Kapila

21,Viswapathe  Jaya  Govinda,
Aswa sirodhara  Govinda

21.Oh Govinda who is Lord of universe, victory to you,
Oh Govinda who carried   the horses head.

22.Nama  sahasraka  Govinda,
Vamapureswara Govinda

22,Oh Govinda  with thousand names.
Oh Govinda who is God at Vamana puri.

23,Chillilla para  Govinda,
Vilwadreeswara  Govinda

23,Oh Govinda  who wears   divine cloths,
Oh Govinda who is Vilwadrinatha

24.AamayabanjanA Govinda,
AAmalakeswara  Govinda

24,Oh Govinda who destroys  sickness,
Oh Govinda who is the  God of Gosseberry

25.Jeeval abhayankara  Govinda  ,
Navarathreeswara  Govinda

25.Oh Govinda who protects all lives  ,
Oh Govinda   who is the God of Navarathri

26.Soka vimardhana  Govinda
Koka mukheswara  Govinda

26.Oh Govinda    who drives away sorrow,
Oh Govinda   who  is the God having face of boar.

27,Vedahantha  sthitha Govinda  ,
Vedamrutheeswara  Govinda

27.Oh Govinda who is in Vedantha,
Oh  Govinda   who  is the God of nectar  like  Vedas.

28.Ambujanilayaa Govinda,
SAmbara nilayaa  Govinda

28.Oh Govinda   who stays  in Lotus,
Oh Govinda   who stays on the Mountain

29.Kamaphala pradha  Govinda,
Vamapureeswara  Govinda

29.Oh Govinda  who fulfills desires,
Oh Govinda    who is the lord of Vamapuri.

30.Bhagawatha priya Govinda,
Vamapureeswara  Govinda

30.  Oh Govinda who likes  great  learned devotees,
Oh God  who is the Lord of Vamapuri

31.Mohana Vigraha  Govinda,
Mohamapakuru Govinda

31.Oh Govinda who has a bewitching form,
Oh Govinda remove  my  passion.

32.Chakarayudha dhara  Govinda,
Chakrapureeswara  Govinda
32.Oh Govinda who holds   the divine wheel,
Oh Govinda  , who is the God of  the Sri Chakra

33,Nihnutha nija guna  Govinda,
Vahnipureeswara  Govinda.

33.Oh Govinda   who has concealed good qualities,
Oh Govinda   who is God of city of fire.

34.Athyujjwalathara  Govinda ,
Mruthyupureeswara  Govinda

34. Oh  Govinda who  has great luster ,
Oh Govinda   who is the God of city of death

35.Nikruthi parardhana  Govinda,
Niryathi  Pureswara  Govinda

35.Oh Govinda who punishes deceitful people,
Oh Govinda who is the God of Niryathi pura

36,THarunambudha  nibha  Govinda,
Varuna pureeswara Govinda

36.Oh Govinda who is like the young cloud ,
Oh  Govinda who is God of Varunapuri

37.SAyujyapradha  Govinda,
Vayupureeswara  Govinda

37.Oh  Govinda  who grants salvation  ,
Oh  Govinda   who is the God of Vayupuri.

38.Dhanamadha  nasana   Govinda,
Dhanadha pureeswara  Govinda

38.Oh Govinda who destroys  pride   due to wealth,
Oh Govinda   who is the city of Kubera.

39.Kaivalyaspada  Govinda,
Saivapureeswara  Govinda

39.Oh Govinda   who is  is the abode of salvation,
Oh Govinda who is the  God   of Shivapuri

40.Nithya niramaya  Govinda,
Sathyapureeswara  Govinda

40.Oh Govinda who is wholesome forever ,
Oh Govinda    who is the God of Sathyapuri

41.Vapurleenapura  Govinda,
Thaparlokeswara  Govinda

41.Oh Govinda  whose body vanishes,
Oh Govinda who is God of   city of sages

42.Anarleenosthyaja  Govinda,
Janarlokeswara  Govinda

42.Oh Govinda  whose   breath disappears  ,
Oh Govinda   who is    the  God of city of people

43.Maharloka priya  Govinda,
Maharlokeswara   Govinda

43.Oh Govinda who likes  the city of great  people,
Oh Govinda    who is   the God of the world  of greats

44.Swarleela priya  Govinda,
SWarlokeswara  Govinda

44.Oh Govinda who likes heavenly sport,
Oh Govinda  Who is God of  the  heaven

45,AAlokam kuru Govinda,
Bhoolokeswara  Govinda

45.Oh Govinda please   see   and create a luster,
Oh Govinda   who is God to all regions of the world.

46.Athanu krupabhara  Govinda,
Athala pureeswara  Govinda

46.Oh Govinda   who is filled with great amount  of mercy,
Oh Govinda    who is God of the town at   the bottom.

47.Viratha krupa maya  Govinda,
Vithala pureeswara  Govinda

47.Oh Govinda who is filled with unceasing mercy ,
Oh Govinda   who is the  God of the town in hell

48.Sukruthi jana priya Govinda,
Suthala  pureeswara  Govinda

48. Oh Govinda   who likes people who do blessed  deeds,
Oh Govinda  who is  the God   of the town of Athala(great depth)

49.Chalachalasraya   Govinda,
THalathaleswara    Govinda.

49.Oh Govinda  on whom  moving  and non moving  beings  depend,
Oh Govinda    who is   God of bottom and the top.

50.Maha janapriya  Govinda,
Mahathaleswara  Govinda

50.Oh Govinda    who likes great people,
Oh  Govinda   who is the God of great  world.

51.Praseedha Vishno Govinda,
Rasathaleswara  Govinda.

51.Oh Govinda  Oh lord Vishnu  be pleased with me ,
Oh Govinda    who is the god of rasathala.

52.Pahi krupalaya  Govinda,
Pathaleswara  Govinda.

52. OHh Govinda     please protect me with mercy.
Oh Govinda   who is the  God of Patala.

53.Charukalebara   Govinda,
Meru pureeswara  Govinda

53.Oh  Govinda   with a pretty body,
Oh Govinda   who is God of town of Meru.

54.Anavruthathmaka  Govinda,
Yilavrutheswara  Govinda

54.Oh Govinda who has unlimited  soul,
Oh Govinda who is the God of Ilavrutha

55.Balapa  Vigraha  Govinda,
Gandhadheeswara  Govinda

55.Oh Govinda who is a very strong body,
Oh Govinda who is  the God  of sandal and other scents.

56.Nidhrachedana  Govinda,
Badhraseswara  Govinda.

56.Oh Govinda   who destroyed   sleep,
Oh Govinda   who is the God of safe  horses,

57.Kalyanapradha Govinda,
Malyavadheeswara  Govinda

57.Oh Govinda who grants  welfare,
Oh Govinda who is the God wearing garlands

58.Sethuvareswara  Govinda,
Kethumaleswara  Govinda.

58.Oh Govinda the   god of the blessed bridge  ,
Oh Govinda   who is the God of Kethumaala.

59.Leelaapara jaya  Govinda,
Neeladreeswara  Govinda

59.Oh Govinda with   victorious  divine sports,
Oh Govinda   who is the  God of the   blue mountain.

60.Ramya vapur dara  Govinda,
Ramya pureeswara  Govinda

60.Oh Govinda   who took  a  very pretty form,
Oh Govinda   who is the God of pretty   town.

61.Hiranyakshardhana  Govinda,
Hiranya  Pureeswara  Govinda

61.Oh Govinda  who killed Hiranyaksha ,
Oh Govinda who is the God of  golden town.

62.Chethovardhana   Govinda,
Chetha  pureeswara  Govnda

62.Oh Govinda    who increases  splendour,
Oh Govinda who is the  God of   town of splendour.

63.Gangadhara natha  Govinda,
Srungadheeswara  Govinda

63,Oh Govinda   who was praised by Lord Shiva,
Oh Govinda   who is the ruling   God of the peak /Deer’s horn.

64.Swethadheeswara  Govinda,
Parama  Krupalaya  Govinda

64,Oh Govinda wg ho is the God of white mountain,
Oh Govinda   who is greatly merciful.

65.Paramapureeswara Govinda,
Visha dara sayana  Govinda

65. Oh Govinda   who is the God   of divine city,
Oh Govinda   who sleeps on a snake

66.Nishadha pureeswara  Govinda,
Narahari moorthe Govinda

66.OH Govinda   who is God of city of mountaineers,
OH  Govinda    who is God Narasimha

67.Harivarsheswara  Govinda,
BHama vallabha  Govinda

67.Oh Govinda   who is the God of Hari Varsha,
Oh Govinda   who is consort of Bhama,

68.Hemadreeswara  Govinda,
Sambu jana  priya Govinda

68. Oh Govinda   who is the God  of golden mountain,
Oh Govinda who is likes people of Lord shiva

69.Kimpureshswara  Govinda,
Mahimalambana  Govinda

69.Oh Govinda who is God of KImpurushas,
Oh Govinda who is the foundation for fame

70.Thuhinadreeswara  Govinda,
Marakatha  Vigraha  Govinda

70.Oh Govinda  who is the God of moon light  mountain,
Oh Govinda whose body  is  made of emerald

71.Bharathapureeswara  Govinda,
Nava gandeswara  Govinda

71.Oh Govinda who is God of the city of Bharatha,
OH Govinda   who is the God of new continent

72.Slakshna vapurdhara  Govinda,
Plaksha  pureeswara  Govinda

72.Oh Govinda who  took a   very gentle form
Oh Govinda who is the God of city of  holy fig

73.Sikshitha khalajana  Govinda,
Yikshu raseswara  Govinda

73.Oh Govinda   who teaches  bad people,
Oh Govinda   who is God of sugarcane  juice

74,Kanmasha hara  jaya  Govinda,
Salmalakeswara  Govinda

74.Oh Govinda who defeats  sins  , victory to you,
OH Govinda   who is God of silk cotton   tree

75.Vidhyadhara nutha  Govinda,
Madhyabdheswara  Govinda

75.OH Govinda   praised  by Vidhyadharas,
OH Govinda who is the god of mid ocean

76.Sasichooda  priya Govinda,
Kusakaseswara  Govinda

76.OH Govinda   who is friend  of Lord Shiva,
Oh Govinda   who is the God of sky with fire

77.Drutha Kausthubha dara  Govinda,
Gridha vaardheeswara  Govinda

77.Oh Govinda who wears   the Kausthubha gem,
Oh  Govinda who  is the  God of ocean of Ghee

78.Manjula vigraha Govinda,
Krounchapureeswara  Govinda

78.Oh Govinda who has a  pretty form,
Oh Govinda  who   is God of   city of krauncha  birds

79.Neeradha  Vigraha  Govindha
Ksheerabdheeswara  Govinda

79. Oh God   who has a cloud  like form,
Oh Govinda  who is the  God of ocean of milk.

80.Vidhi mukha vanditha  Govinda,
Dadhi jadheeswara  Govinda

80.Oh Govinda   who is saluted by  Lord Brahma,
Oh Govinda   who is the God of ocean  of curds

81.Dushkrutha  banjana  Govinda,
Pushkarakeswara  Govinda

81.Oh Govinda who breaks down evil acts  ,
Oh Govinda  who is the  God of pushkara

82,Bandhu jana sthutha  Govinda.
Viswathmaka  Jaya  Govinda

82.OH Govinda who is praised  by his relatives,
Oh Govinda who wins  over soul of universe

83.Viswapureeswara  Govinda,
Komala murthe  Govinda

83OH Govinda   who is the god  of Viswapuri,
Oh God who has a very pretty form

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