
Friday, January 29, 2016

Datha prarthanaa chathushka Stotram

Datha prarthanaa chathushka   Stotram

Sri Vasudeva  Saraswathi

Translated by

1.Samastha dosha  soshanam,  swabhaktha chitha  thoshanam,
Nijasritha praposhanam, yatheeswaragrya   bhooshanam,
Thrayee  siro  vibhooshanam   pradarsithaartha  dhooshanam,
Bhaje  athri  janga  thaishanam   vibhum  vibhoothi  bhooshanam.

1.I salute the son of Athri  , who is detached  , who is the Lord   decorating  himself with sacred ash,
Who destroys all shortcomings  , who makes  the  mind of his devotees joyful,
Who nurtures   those who surrender  to him  , Who is like an ornament for great sages,
Who has three  heads   and who   clearly  points out   the false nature  of things.

2.SAmastha  loka karanam  , samastha jeeva  Dharanam,
SAmastha   dushta  maaranam  kubudhi shakthi  jaranam,
Bhajat bhayadri tharanam  bhajat  kukarma varanam  harim,
Swabhaktha  tharanam , Namami Sadhu  Charanam.

2.I salute that Lord who leads us  in proper way , Who makes  his devotees  cross Samsara,
Who is the cause   for the entire world, Who   is the support to all beings ,
Who destroys  all evil people, who is the  one who steals away  evil thoughts,
Who on praying helps us to cross  mountain of fear  and who is the Hari who removes  karma   due to evil acts.

3,Namayaham mudhaspadham  nivarithaakhila  padam,
Samastha  dukha thapadham   , muneendra vandhya  they padam,
Yadanchithantharaa  madham   vihaya   nithya samadam,
Prayanthi   naiva  they   bhidham   muhur bhajanthi  chaavidham.

3.Oh Lord , who is  worshipped   by great sages, those who meditate  on your feet ,
Without pride do attain  perpetual  divine joy    and do  not gom
This   world   again and   again  and so I salute  your feet oh lord,
Which is store house of joy, which prevents  all   dangers , sorrows  and pains.

4.Praseedha sarva  chethane  , praseedha  budhi chethane  ,
Swa bhaktha  hrun niketane   sadaamba dukha shathane  ,
Thwameva   may  prasoormathaa  thwameva  may prabho pithaa,
Thwameva  me   akhile hitharthadho akhila kathoavithaa.

4.Be pleased with all beings, Be pleased  with those who are greatly intelligent,
Oh Lord who lives   in the heart of   your devotees, make me not to give sorrow  to my mother,
You  are the mother  who gave birth to me   Oh Lord , you are my father,
You are the one who have good of all the   worlds  in your mind,
And the  one who protects   every one    from all sorrows.

Ithi  Sri  Vasudevananda  virachitham Sri Dathathreya prarthana  chathushka  stotram sampoornam

Thus ends the four stanza prayer  addressed to Dathathreya   written by  Si Vasudeva  Saraswathi..

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