
Friday, January 8, 2016

Hayagreeva Kavacham II

Hayagreeva Kavacham II

Translated by

(I had earlier an occasion to translate  a Hayagreeva Kavacham which occurs  in Atharva Veda. I found this Kavacha in a book called  Jaya Mangala stotra.)

Goddess Parvathi   asked :-

1.Deva deva Mahadeva  , Karunakara  Sankara,
Thwayaa prasada seelena kadhithaani  ramapathe ,
2.Bahunaam avatharaanaam   bahooni kavachani cha  ,
Idhanim  srothumichami hyasya kavacham Vibho.

1-2 Oh God, Oh God , Oh great God, Oh Sankara  who is merciful,
Sue to your grace  I have heard from you   prayers ,
Addressed  several incarnations  and several armours  of Lord Vishnu,
And now  I would like to hear from you , the armour of the horse headed Hayagreeva.

Shiva Uvacha:-
Lord Shiva  told:-

3.Devi priye thubhyam   rahasyamapi  mathpriye,
Kalasaa ambhoodhi peeyusham  hayasya  kavacham Vadhe.

3.Oh Goddess  since you are my love  , I will tell you ,
The  secret   armour of Hayagreeva which is ,
Like the  nectar  that was churned  out from the  ocean.

4.Maha kalpantha  taminyaam  sancharamsthu Hari swayam,
Leelaayaa Haya Vakthaakhyaa  roopamasadhya yo aharath.

4.Lord Vishnu himself   travelled  at the night  of the great deluge,
And playfully assumed a form with horse’s head and killed ,
The  Asura   called  Hayagreeva  who had   stolen the Vedas.

5.Putha vathsalyatho mahyam  virinchi roopamadishtavaan,
Hayaasya  kavachasyasya Rishir  Brahma  Prakeerthitha.

5.This was taught  by Lord Brahma  to me due to the affection   for his son,
And it has been told that  the sage   of this Hayagreeva  armour is Lord Brahma.

6.CHando anushtup thadhaa  devo Hayagreeva udahruthaa,
Hroum Beejam  thu samakhyaatham  hreem sakthi samudahruthaa,
Om Keelakam  samakhyaatha uchairuth kjeelakam   THadhaa

6. The meter  for this  is Anushtup and the  God addressed is  Hayagreeva,
The seed is “Hroum”. Hreem is the power  , Om is the  nail ,
And telling loudly it is told as  Uthkeelakam.

7.Lakshmi karomburuha hema Kumbha peeyusha poorer abhishiktha seersham,
Vyakhyaa aksha malambuja pusthakaani  hasthair  vahantham haya thunda meede.

7.I am praying that  Hayagreeva whose head is anointed by the  nectar,
Falling from  the golden pot held in the lotus like hands  of Lakshmi,
And who shows divine sign and holds rosary  , lotus flower  and book in his hands.

8.Sudha siktha sisira pathu phalam  pathu Sasi Prabha,
Drusou   rakshathu daithyaari nasaam vagjrumbha  varanidhi.

8.Let the  nectar drenched God  protect my head,
Let Him who has a moon  like forehead   protect my head,
Let him who  is the  enemy of Asuras   protect my  eyes,
Let him whose words   flow  like  ocean protect my nose ,

9.Srothram pathu  sthirasrothra, kapolou karuna nidhi,
Mukham pathu giraam  swami , jihwaam pathu   surarihruth.

9.Let him  who has  very   stable  ears protect my ears,
Let ocean of mercy  protect my cheeks,
Let the lord of spoken word protect    my face  ,
And let him who destroys  the enemies of devas  protect my toungue.

10.Hanum Hanumatha sevya, Kandam Vaikunda nayaka,
Greevaam pathu Hayagreeva, Hrudayam Kamala kara.

10.Let the Lord   served by Hanuman protect my  jaw,
Let the  lord of Vaikunda   protect my joints,
Let my neck be  protected  by neck,
Let my heart be rotected by  he in whom Lakshmi stays.

11.Udaram  viswabruth pathu, nabhim   pankaja  lochana ,
Medram prajapathi pathu , OOru  pathu  gadhadhara.

11.Let he who carries the earth   protect the abdomen,
Let he who has lotus like  eyes protect  his belly  ,
Let  my private  parts  be protected by lord of all people,
Let he who   holds the mace  protect  my knees.

12.Januni  Viswabruth pathu  , Jange cha jagathaam pathi,
Gulphou   pathu   hayadwamsi, Padhou   vijnana  varidhi .

12.Let him who lifts the earth   protect my thighs ,
Let the lord of  the universe   protect my shanks,
Let my ankles be protected   by the killer   of the horse ,
Let my feet be protected   by the  ocean of wisdom.

13.Prachyam rakshathu  Vagesa, dakshinasyaam   varayudha,
Pratheechyaam  Viswabruth pathu , udeechyam  shiva  vanditha.

13.Let my east be protected by the  God of words,
Let   my south be protected by he who has divine  weapons,
Let the west  be protected by him who lifts the  universe,
Let the north be protected by   him who is saluted by Lord Shiva.

14,OOrdhwam pathu Hari Sakshad, Adha  pathu gunaakara,
Anthareekshe  Hari pathu , Viswatha pathu  viswasrut.

14.Let the  real Hari protect  the above direction,
Let him who is store  house of good qualities protect the  direction below,
Let the   environment  be protected   by Lord Hari,
Let the universe be protected  by he   who created the world.

15.Ya yethath kavacham  dheemaan sannahyo nija  vigrahe,
Dhoorvaathi   Rakshasa vyoohai   sa kadachith   badyathe.

15.If a wise man reads this  armour touching   different,
Parts of his body , he would never get troubled by ,
People who unnecessarily argue  nor  by crowd  of Rakshasas 

16.Padeth   yethath  kavacham  trisandhyam   Bhakthi bhaavitha ,
Moodopi geeshpathispardhi   jayathe   naathra   samsaya.

16.If one  who reads this at dawn, noon and dusk with   great  devotion,

Even if by nature he is a fool   , without any doubt  , he would equal the  teacher  of devas.

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