
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Jambukeswara Stotra of sage Parasara

Jambukeswara   Stotra

Sage  Parasara

Translated  by

( Here is a great prayer   addressed   to Lord Jambukeswara   of Thiruvanaikovil  , Trichy)

Parasara Uvacha:-

1.Sahyathmaja parivaha jalamajjanaaya,
SArveshwaraya saraseeruha  lochanaya ,
Kailasa basura  kareendra vanaalayaya,
Sri Jambu moola nilayaya Namashivaya.

1.I salute that  lord Shiva   who sits  below a jambu(jamun)  tree,
Who is  sunk in the   flow   of waters  of Cauvery  the daughter of western ghats,
Who is the God of all , who has eyes like  lotus petals,
And who has a temple in the forest shining  with Elephant king   who is like Kailasa.

2.Gauri karaththa vidhi pushkarani pavithra,
Paaneeya pooraka balee krutha  vigrahaya,
Dhoorikruthasritha janaamaya  kalmashaya,
Sri Jambu moola nilayaya Namashivaya.

2.I salute that  lord Shiva   who sits  below a jambu(jamun)  tree,
Whose idol is immersed   in the pure flow of water ,
That was   brought  by Goddess  Parvathi   from the Brahma theertha,
And who    drives away    the dirt like sin of  people  who surrender  to him.

3.Brahmendra Jambu muni rAma shivagniyagasthya,
Sooryendhu mukhya sura thapasa  poojithaaya ,
Kaivlyadhaya karina  kamalarchithaya ,
Sri Jambu moola nilayaya Namashivaya.

3.I salute that  lord Shiva   who sits  below a jambu(jamun)  tree,
Who was  worshipped by  Brama, Indra , Jambu muni  , Rama ,
Shivamuni, Agni  , Agasthya Sun, moon   and other devas,,
Who grants salvation and who is  worshipped by elephant using lotus flowers.

4,Sonaksha chola krutha gopura   saudhasala,
Sanmantapo ujjwala gajendra vana  sthithaya ,
OOrnaaya  thanthumaya mandhira vasine prak,
Sri Jambu moola nilayaya Namashivaya.

4.I salute that  lord Shiva   who sits  below a jambu(jamun)  tree,
Who lives in the    forest of elephants  built  by  king Sonaksha,
With tower,  upstairs , great corridors and  good   matapas(halls),
And who lives in the temple  below the  net woven by spiders .

5.Cholangana  gala parisyutha sindhu neetha,
Mukthaa vibhushna bruthe hyamrutheswaraya,
Sreyaskaraya  nava theertha gavaksharandhrai,
 Sri Jambu moola nilayaya Namashivaya.

5.I salute that  lord Shiva   who sits  below a jambu(jamun)  tree,
Who wears the pearl necklace   which got slipped    from the neck,
Of A chozha k lady and was brought   in  the   waves of river Cauvery,
Who  is one who grants fame and one who is  in nine sacred waters  with nine windows.

6.Snaneshu gavya dala mrudgana dheya dhoorvaa,
Sankhyaam prakasya nija savya Gavaksha ranthrai,
Than mandalancha bhuvanaa vana  deekshithaya,
Sri Jambu moola nilayaya Namashivaya.

6.I salute that  lord Shiva   who sits  below a jambu(jamun)  tree,
Who needs   to take bath Pancha gavya, Bilva leaves , soft  and other muds  ,
Who need to be given Dhoorva grass and  other grasses a nd Panchagavya,
And who describes his form of worship  through the  window on left side.
And    who has   taken a penance   in  protecting   the  entire world.

7.Indrayasya vruthra vadha dosha mapohya thasmai  .
Swarajhyadhaya nija pada samarchakaya  ,
Bhaktharthi banjana  kruthe parameswaraya,
Sri Jambu moola nilayaya Namashivaya.

7.I salute that  lord Shiva   who sits  below a jambu(jamun)  tree,
Who removed     the sin attached   to Indra  for killing Vruthrasura,
And got back his kingdom to Indra   when he worshipped  him,
Who destroys worries  of devotees and who is   the greatest  God.

8.Sruthyantha vedhya mahase, kiti hamsa   roopa,
Govinda padma bhava mrugya padabja   moorthe ,
Bhooyo akhilanda  ramani satharchithaya,
Sri Jambu moola nilayaya Namashivaya.

8.I salute that  lord Shiva   who sits  below a jambu(jamun)  tree,
Whose   greatness  is known to the Vedas , whose   lotus like feet,
And hair  were searched  for by Brahma  and Vishnu  in the form of a swan and boar,
And who was several   times   worshipped  by  Goddess  Akhilandeswari,

9.Jambunatha  Praseedha pramadha varada karunya moorthe,
Kaalaare, kama vairin ,Kabalitha   karalaa sesha  lokaika natha,
Vedho Devendra Jambbu muni   Raghu   thilako,
Magnyagasthyendhuloothaa mathangaarkkabhi poojya,
Prasamaya duritham   Bho  Namasthe, Namasthe.

9.Hey Jambunadha , be pleased  with me, Hey merciful one   who protects the Pramadhas,
Hey  killer  of God of death , enemy  of Manmatha, swallower of poison, lord of  the  entire world,
Hey lord   who was worshipped by Brahms, Indra, sage Jambu, Lord  Rama, Goddess Akhilandeswari,
 Fire  god. Agathya, Moon god   spider, elephant  , sun god and others  ,
Please destroy my sufferings, Oh Lord   salutations  , salutations

Ithio   sri padmeya  purane, gajaranya  mahathmye   dwadaso adhyaya.

This is the 12th chapter of book on greatness  of Elephant forest  occurring in Padma Purana.

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