
Sunday, January 10, 2016

Madhvacharya's Samkshepa Sundara Kandam

Samkshepa  Sundara  Kandam

Srmath Madhvacharya (aka Ananda theertha)

Translated by

   (Sri Madhvacharya   is  a great sage who established   the philosophy  of the Dvaitha tradition  .He is considered as an incarnation of Vayu, Hanuman   as well  as Bheema  by his  followers.  This Sundarkanda is a  part of his great book  Mahabharatha  Nirnaya   in which there is a  chapter on summary  of Ramayana. . I was greatly helped by the translation  of this work available in
 , in making my translation.)

Prayer to the teacher

Om Gurubhyo nama
Salutations to the guru

Prathamo  Hanumannama  , dwitheeyo Bheema  eva cha  ,
Poorna prajna  thritheeyasthu  , Bhagawath  Karma  sa

 For fulfilling   the    duties of God   he (wind  God) was Born first as Hanuman,  Secondly    as Bheema,
And Third as poornaPrajna (the completely realized one –Madhwacharya)

Prayer  to Lord Vishnu

Narayanaaya  Paripoorna gunarnavaya  ,
Viswodhaya   sthithi  , layoniyathi  pradhaya,
Jnana  pradhaya   vibudha sura   saukhya  Dukha,
SAth karanaya   namo Namasthe

I salute and salute   that Narayana   who is  ,
The  full   sea   of good characters,
Who looks after  the v birth  upkeep and  death of the universe,
Who grants  wisdom  and  who  is the  good cause ,
Of pleasure and sorrow   of the  learned as well as devas.

Sundara Kanda

1.Ramaya saswatha suvistrutha   shad gunaayaa,
Sarveswaraya ,, bala veerya maharnavaya  ,
Nathvaa  leelangayeeshura   arnava muthpatha  ,
Nishpeedaya  tham    gireeswaram   pavanasya soonu.

1,The sun of wind god  with a  wish to cross  the ocean,
Prayed  Lord Rama  who   is the   God of every one  ,
Who  was stable  , very famous , who had  six qualities,
Who was   the ocean of  strength and valour ,
And pressed  hard  that    Lord  of the mountains.

2.Chukshobha   varidhiranu  prayayee  cha  seegram,
Madhogunai   saha   thadheeya  balabhikrushta,
Vrukshaascha   parvatha gathaa   pavanena poorvam,
Kshipthornave  giri rudhagamadasya hetho.

2.Due  to the great velocity   generated by him,
The ocean became  tumultuous   and he   was,
Followed by   the  creatures  living in the  water ,
Apart   from   the   trees  which grew  on the mountain.
And then the mountain  which was  earlier put  in the ocean,
By Lord Vayu   came up   for the Sake of that Hanuman.

3.Salo  harasya   giripaksha  vinasakaale  ,
Kshiptharnave   sa  Maruthor varithathma paksha,
Hemou giri   pavanajasya   visramaththam  ,
Mudhidhya   varidhimavardhad aneka  sanu.

 3.That golden mountain which was the  brother in law ,
Of Lord shiva  was pushed in to the   sea   by wind God  to save it,
When the wings   of the  mountains  were being cut by Indra,
And came up for providing   rest to the  son of wind god ,
With all its slopes pushing down   the waters  of the  ocean.

4.Naivathra  visramana maischadha visramosi  ,
Nissema  pourusha  balasya   kutha  srmosya  ,
AAslishyaa  parvatha varam  sa dadarsa gachan,
Devasthu  naga  jananim   prahithaam varena .

4.He who did not need any rest   due to  his limitless,
Valour and strength  did not want to take rest  ,
On that   mountain and so he hugged  that great mountain,
And when he  was proceeding further the mother  of the serpents,
Was sent  by the devas    after  conferring  boons to her.

5.Jijnasubhir nija balam   thava  bakshyamethu  ,
Yadhyathwamichasi  thadithya  marodithaaya  ,
Aasyam  pravisya  sapadhi  pravina suthosmath,
DEvaan ananda yaduth sruthvameshu rakshan.

5.Hanuman  honoured the boon  by devas conferred   to her   that,
Whatever  being   she wants  would become her food ,
By entering  in to her mouth  ,, but   he immediately came out  ,
To the   great  delight  of the   Devas.

6.Drushtvaa  sura pranayithaam  balamasya chogram,
DEvaa  prathushtuvuramum  sumanobhi vrushtyaa,
THairadrutha punarai  viyatheva gachan,
Chayagraham   pradhidarsa   cha  simhikakhyaam.

6.Noticing his love towards the devas  as well as his great strength,
 The Devaas  praised him and showered   flowers  on him,
And when he   started  moving again , he noticed  ,
Simhika   who used to  catch the shadows and  pull them down.

7.Lankavanaaya   sakalasya   cha   nigrahesyaa ,
Samarthyaprathihatham   pradadhou   vidathaa,
Cchayaa mavakshi padasou   pavanathmajasya ,
Soasya sareera manuvisya   vibedha  chasu.

7.Lord Brahma   had given her the unbeatable power ,
For arresting   all living beings   from going to Lanka  ,
And so  She(simhika) dragged  the son of wind God down,
And he   entered  in to her and split her  in to pieces.

8.Nissema athma balamithyam anudarsayaano,
Hathvaiva   thaamapi   vidathu varaabhi gupthaam,
Lambe sa   lamba sikhare   nipapatha  Lanka,
Prakaara  roopaka giraavadha sanchukocha.

8.After  displaying his    unlimited strength  in that  manner,
He killed her   who was   protected    by the boon of Lord Brahma ,
He  landed   on a  tall mountain which appeared   to be in Lanka  ,
On its very tall peak    and  he  assumed  a very small  body.

9.Bhoothvaa vidaala samitho  nisi thaam purim  cha  ,
Prapsyan  Dadarsa nija  roopavathim    sa lankaam,
Ruddho anayswadha vijithya   cha thaam   swa mushti,
Pishtaam   thamanumatha    eva   vivesa  Lankaam.

9.He wanted to enter the city of Lanka   at night  ,
Assuming the form which was as small as a cat ,
But  on seeing  the  Guardian of Lanka  , he had ,
To assume his original form so that  he can crush  ,
Her with his fist and was permitted to enter  the city.

10Maargmano bahischantha so asoka vanikathale ,
Dadarsa simsubha vrukshaMoola sthitha  Ramakruthim.

10.Searching in side and outside the city  in the Asoka forest,
He saw  The Form  of Goddess Lakshmi sitting below a Simsubha tree.

11.Naraloka vidambasya   jaanan   ramasya  hrudgatham,
Thasya cheshtaansaarens   kruthvaa   cheshtaascha   samvidhaam,

11,Knowing the though process  of Rama , he acted in worldly manner .
He performed acts   which showed   that  he possessed knowledge  of Rama.

12.Thaadruk  cheshtaa samethaayai  anguleeya math thatha,
Sithaaya yaani chaivasan  aakrthesthani   sarvasa.

12.Then he gave  the ring her who was an illusion acting like Sita,
And he saw that  all the ornaments which were present on Sita were  also present on her.

13.Bhooshanaani dvividhaa   bhoothvaa  thaa anye vasai thadaiva cha ,
Adha Choodamanin divyam dathum   Ramaya  saa dadhow.

13,Though the ornaments were  double in number , they were exactly like original,
And then she gave him   her divine hair brooch   with a request to pass it on to Rama.

14,Madhyepethe cha pasyanthi  nisachara  ganasthu   they  ,
Dhyuloka charinas  sarvee   pasyanthi rishaya  yeva   cha.

14,Though this face   were  not realized   by the crowd  of Asuras who were drunk,
All those who were in heaven and the   sages  could    it easily.

15.THeshaam vidambamanayaiva   daithyayam   vanchanaya   cha,
Pasyathaam kali mukhyaanaam  vidamboyam   krutho   bhavath.

15.It was only   for cheating  the asuras and arousing  confidence in them,
This was enacted  so that the evil people  among  them would be deceived.

16.Kruthvaa  karayamidham  sarvam visanga pavanathmaja
.Athavishkarane chitham   chakre mathimathaam vara.

16.After  doing this job without any fear  the son of wind god .
Who is the best among the  intelligent decided to reveal himself.

17.Adha vanamakhilam  thad Ravanasyavalimpya,
Kshithiruhamimamekam   varjayithyasu   veera.
Raja nichari vinasam Kamkshamanothi velam,
Muhurathiravanaadhi  thoranam charuroha.

17.Then  that valorous one  destroyed   that garden of Ravana ,
Entirely  leaving out  only  one Simsupa  tree,
With an intention of destroying     all the  Rakshasas,
 And roared  in a loud manner  and got up the  arch of that  garden.

18.Adhasruno dasanana   kapeendra cheshtitham param,
Dhidhesa kinkaraan  bahun   kapin   gruhyathamithi.

18.Hearing  about  the activities  of the king of monkeys that ten headed one,
Sent   several soldiers for  catching   hold  of that   monkey.

19.SAmasthaso  vimruthyavo  varad harasya  kinkarraa,
SAmasadan maha  balam  surantharathmanongajam.

19.Those servants who had received the  noon of no death from Shiva,
Approached   the son of him who lives  inside all devas from all directions.

20.Ashthi koti yoodhapam  purasara ashtakaayutham,
Aneka hethi sangulam  kapeendramaavrunodwalam.

20.Eighty crore  chieftains along with   eight  thousand soldiers,
Armed with various weapons surrounded   that  great monkey.

21.Samavrutha sthadhaayudhai   sa   thadithascha  their brusam,
Chakara  thaan  samasthasasthala prahaara   choornithaan.

21,That Hanuman who was surrounded  completely and was attacked by their weapon,
But  he  by beating  them  with his hand destroyed them completely.

22.Punascha  manthri puthrakaan  sa  Ravana prachodhithaan,
Mamardha saptha parvatha prabhaan  varaabhi rakshithaan.

22.He once again destroyed the  sons  of the ministers sent by Ravana,
 Who were like Mountains and who were  also  protected by boons.

23.Balaa agraminasthadhaa   sa  sharvavak sugarvithaan,
Nihathya   sarva rakshasaan trutheeya bhaga makshinoth.

23.He then destroyed  one third of the Army of Ravana which consisted of 
Very powerful soldiers   who were proud  because of their boons from Shiva.

24.anoupamam harour balam  nisamya  Rakshasadhipa,
Kumaram Akshamathmana    samam sutham  nyayojayath.

24.That king ofRakshasas hearing about the matchless  strength  of the monkey,
Sent   his  own son  Aksha  who was equal to him  in power.

25.SA  sarva loka saakshinaa   sutham   sarai vivarsha ha,
Shithai  varasthra manthrithairnachainam abhya chalayath.

25.He   rained  arrows  at  the  son of witness  of all the world,
And  though these  arrows were  made powerful by manthras,
They   caused  no harm to him   at all.

26.Sa manda madhyakaa sutham , sameekshya  Ravanopamam,
Tritheeya esha  chamsako   balasyaa hithya chinthayeth.

26.Hanuman seeing  the son of Mandodhari  who was equal to Ravana himself,
Assessed him as equal to one third   of the  army  of Ravana.

27.Nidharya  yeva Ravana  saa Raghavayananyadhaa,
Yadheendra  jinmayaa  hatho   na chaasya   sakthireekshyathe,

27,He decided   that Ravana should be killed by Rama and no one else ,
But If Indrajit  can be killed  by him, then his power would be appreciated by others.

28.Athasthayo samam mayaa  tritheeya esha  hanyathe,
Vicharya   chaivamasu  tham padho   prahrhya  pupluve.

28.Thinking that  , that Aksha  being equal to the other two in prowess
Should be killed by him  , he caught  hold of him by his feet  and lifted him to the sky.

29.Sa chakravad brahmathuram   vidhaayaa Ravanathmajam,
AApodha yad daraa thale kshanenaMaruthi thanu.

29.Having decided like that  the son of wind God   rRavana hearing that his son was smashed otated,
The son of Ravana , round and round like a wheel and threw him  on the earth

30.Vichoornithe dharathale nije suthe sa  Ravana,
Nisamya  soka thapitha sthad   agrajam   samaadisath.

30.Ravana hearing about his son being smashed,
Became very sad  and  ordered Inbdrajith , his elder brother.

31.Athendra jin maha sarair varasthra   samprayojithe,
Tathaksha vanarothamam   na chaskad  vichalane  .

31.Then that Indrajit   sent great arrows which  were  got by him as boon,
But he   was not able to move or shake   that  great monkey

32.Adhaa asthra muthamam  vidheryu yoja sarva dussaham,
Sa thena thaditho harivarya chinthayan nirakula.

32,Then he sent the great arrow  of Lord Brahma which cannot be suffered by any one  ,
And being hit by that arrow, that monkey without being scared  thought  as follows.

33,Mayaa varaa vilangithaa hyanekasa  swayambhuva ,
SA mananeeya eva may   thathothra manayamyahgham.

33.”I have several times   gone against the boons given by Lord Brahma,
But he  needs to be respected by me   and so I  would  respect him now.”

34.Ime cha kuryarathra kim  prahursha  rakshasaam  ganaa,
Itheeha lakshyameva may cha Ravanasya    drusyathe.

34.”My goal is now only to see  what these overjoyed  Rakshasas  would do,
And my   aim of seeing   Ravana  also would be fulfilled “ He thought like that.

35.Idham sameekshya babadhwasththitham  kapeendra masu they ,
Babandhranya pasakai jagama cha asthramasya  thath

35.Seeing that   those Rakshasas  tied that king of monkeys with great speed,
With other ropes so that  he is not able to move and that arrow lost its power.

36.Adha pragruhya tham Kapi sameepam anayamscha  they,
Nisachareswarasya tham sa  prushtavamscha   Ravana.

36.Then The Rakshasas   catching  the monkey brought  him near to,
The king of Rakshasas told   Hanuman the following.

37.Kape kuthopi kasya vaa kimatham eedrusam krutham,
Itheeritha sa cha avadath pranamya Ramameeswaram.

37.”Oh money, from where are you and whom do you belong to and,
Why have you done like this” and  when asked  like  this ,
Hanuman after   saluting   God Rama   replied as follows.

38.Avaihi dhoothamagatham  durantha vikramasya maam,
Ragoothamasya   Maruthim kula kshaye thaveswaram.

38.””Please understand that I am an emissary of  Lord Rama ,
Possessing  very great valour and I am capable of wiping out your clan “ said Hanuman,

39.Na cheth pradasyasi  thwaran   Ragoothama priyaam thadhaa,
Saputhra mithra bandhawo  vinasamasu  yaasyasi.”

39.”If t you do not offer back speedily the   darling wife  of Lord Rama,
Soon, you along with your  children, friends and relatives   would meet with destruction.”

40.Na Rama bana dharane kshamaa  sureswaro api,
Virincha easwara poorvakaa kimuthwm alpa saaraka.

40.”Even  the king of devas ,, Brahma   and Lord Shiva  are not capable  of facing,
The arrow of Rama, and how can you of insignificant strength?”

41.Prakopithasya   thasya ka purasthitho kshamo bhaveth,
Surasuro raghadhike jagathya achintha  karmana.

41,”When  he gets  angry  would asuras ,  devas  and serpents  be able,
To stand before him as he is capable   of doing deeds  which are  beyond thought .”

42,Yithaarithe vadhodhyatam  nyavaaramadvibhooshana,
SA  prucha daha  karmani nyayo  jayan nisacharan.

42.When told like thisRavana  wanted to kill him   but Vibheeshana,
Persuaded him not to do that but only   set fire   to  his tail.

43.Adhasya   vasthra sanchayai  piidhaya  prucham agnaye  ,
Dadur dadaha  naasyathan maruth sakho huthasana.

43.Then they covered his  tail by collection of   cloth and set fire to it,
And the fire which was the friend of wind God did b not   hurt him.

44.Mamarsha sarva cheshtitham  sa Rakshasam  niramaya,
Balod dathascha kauthukaath pradagdhumeva thaam o purim.

44.That Hanuman   who was greatly powerful  did not bother  about all their acts,
And showed no fear and was interested   in burning   that  city.

45,Dadaha cha akhilam   purim swa prachagena  vahninaa,
Kruthisthu  viswakarmanopradahyaa thasya   chethasaa.

45.Then he burnt  with the fire  on his tail that entire city,
Which was built by Viswakarma, as it was not able to withstand his splendour.

46.Suvarna ratna   kaarithaam   sa Rakshasaothamai saha
Pradahya sarvathaa  pureem  mudhanvitho jagarja   cha.

46.Hanuman  roared with  great delight   after completely burning that city,
Built  with gold and gems along with the great Rakshasa   leaders.

47.SA Ravanam  sa puthrakam  trunopamam vidhaya cha,
THayo  prapasyatho purim  vidhaya   basma sadhyayou.

47,That Hanuman made   Ravana as well as his sons equal to grass,
And made the city   in to ashes before them  and  started  back.

48.Vilanghya charnavam puna swajathibhi prapoojitha,
Prabakshya  vanaresithur   madhu prabhum  sameyivaan,

48.He crossed the ocean again , was  honoured   by  his own kind,
Ate the honey belonging to the  king of monkeys and reached  his lord.

49. Ramam  sureswara maganya gunabhiramam,
SAmprapya sarva kapi veera   varai sametha  ,
Choodamanim   pavanaja padayornidhaya,
SAvangakai  pranathimasya chakra   bhakthyaa.

40.Then the son of wind God  along  with all the great heroic monkeys,
Reached  Rama, the lord of the devas  who had countless  good qualities,
As well as   great beauty  and gave him   the hair brooch   to him,
And saluted his feet with his   entire body   touching the ground,

50.Ramopi  naanya dathum  amushya   yogya,
Mathyantha Bhakthi barithasya  vilakshya  kinchth,
Swathma pradhana madhikam   pavanathmajasya,
Kurvan  samaslishtadamum  paramabhi thushta.

50.And Then Rama finding nothing    else   to be given to Hanuman,
Who was completely with devotion to him   hugged  him,
As him     as if he was giving   himself completely to him,

  Ithi   Srimad paramahamsa   parivrajakacharyathwadaneka   birudalankrutha,
Srimad  Ramachandra   Veda Vyasa devva   divya pada padyaaradhaka  .
Srimad vaishnava  sidantha prathishtapanacharya srimad  Jagad guru,
Srimad Ananda theertha BHagwath padacharya  anugrahitha,
SrimadMaha BHaratha  thathparya nirnayanthagatha sri Rama charitha,
Sundara Kanda Kadhaa  niroopanam  nama  sapthamodhyaya.

This  is the  Sundara kanda  in the seventh  chapter  of The Maha BHaratha THathwa nirnaya containing  The summary of the story of Rama   written  with the blessings of   the feet of  God by Srimad  Ananda  Theertha  , who is the Jagad  Guru   who  established   the  Vaishnava  Sidhantha  , who  is a Paramahamsa , A Guru who has  taken Sanyasa  , who is decorated  by several titles  ,,Who is the worshipper of  Sri Ramachandra   and the divine  feet of Veda Vyasacharya.

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