
Friday, February 5, 2016

Kamalaja dayithashtakam

Kamalaja dayithashtakam

Translated  By


(This is the prayer  addressed  to Goddess  Sarada  of Sringeri. Kamalaja  here refers to Lord Brahma  and Dayitha  is consort  I,e It is a  stotra addressed   to  Goddess  Saraswathi  ,In the text of the stotra it is clearly brought   out that  it is a prayer  addressed to Goddess  of Sringeri. I found this in  the stotra compilation called “Jaya  Mangala Stotram”  by Brahmasri Sengalipuram  Anantha Rama  Deekshithar .SrI Deekshithar  mentions that   it is written by Swami Vidyaranya Theertha  of Sringeri . But in Stanza seven of the stotra  it is indicated   that  saints like  Vidhya Theertha  were  seen  worshipping her.This leads to the surmise   that  it was  written by some Disciple of Vidhyaranya  Theertha. The web site of Sringeri Mata   does not make   any reference to this   great  stotra. )

1.Srunga kshama brun nivase suka mukha munibhi sevyamanagri padme,
Swangachaya vidhoothamrutha karaSura rat vahane vaksavithri,
Shambhu srinatha mukhyamara vara  nikarai modatha  poojyamaane,
Vidhyam shuddhamscha budhim  kamalaja  dayithe sathwaram dehi mahyaam.

1.Please Immediately  give me knowledge  and  pure intellect  oh  darling of the lotus  born,
Who lives   in the  Sringa girim, whose lotus like feet are  worshipped  by Sukha and other sages,
Who  by the luster  of her body   removed  the  moon as well as  the steed  of king of devas, who gives  power of speech,
And who is  with great joy  worshipped   by Lord shiva  . Lord Vishnu and important devas.

2.Kalyaadhou  Parvatheesa  pravara  sura gana prarthitha srouthavarthma,
Prabhalyam  nethukaamo yathi vara vapushagasthya yaam srunga saile  ,
Samsthapyarchi prachakre bahu vidha  nadhibi saathvamindhvartha  chooda,
Vidhyam shuddhamscha budhim  kamalaja  dayithe sathwaram dehi mahyaam.

2.Please Immediately  give me knowledge  and  pure intellect  oh  darling of the lotus  born,
Who  was consecrated in Srunga giri  by  the great  Sage Sankara  ,  who was an incarnation of  Lord Shiva,
Who took that  form at the request  deva groups  in the beginning   of the  Kali age  ,
For conducting   the  Yagas   as prescribed   in the world by the  Vedas.

3,Papougham   dhwamsayithwaa  bahu jani   rachitham  kimcha punyaalimaarath,
Sampadhya asthikya   budhim sruthi guru vachaneshva adharam  Bhakthi dhardyam,
DEvaacharya dwijathishvapi manu nivahe thaavakeene nithaantham,
Vidhyam shuddhamscha budhim  kamalaja  dayithe sathwaram dehi mahyaam.

3.Please Immediately  give me knowledge  and  pure intellect  oh  darling of the lotus  born,
Who destroys  the crowds of sin committed by me in various births, saved  the heaps of blessed deeds,
Who earned for me  religious intellect by making me respect  Vedas , teachers words and firm devotion,
Also made  me respect devas, Gurus,  Brahmins and made  to have firm devotion to the   collection of manthras.

4.Vidhyaa mudaraaksha  maala amrutha ghata   vilasath pani  padhoja jaale  ,
Vidhya dhana  praveene   jada bhadhira mukhebhopi   seegram  nathebhya,
Kamaadhinantharaan  math sahaja   ripu varaan   devi  nirmoolya   vegaath,
Vidhyam shuddhamscha budhim  kamalaja  dayithe sathwaram dehi mahyaam.

4.Please Immediately  give me knowledge  and  pure intellect  oh  darling of the lotus  born,
Who holds  in her lotus like hand the seal of knowledge , rudarksha  garland, pot filled with nectar
Who is an expert in giving knowledge  to your devotees who are idiots, deaf   and dumb  speedily  ,
And also please  speedily remove my enemies inside  like passion   anger and other bad  characters.

5.Karma  swathmo chitheshu  sthiratharadhihanaam   deha daardya   thadartha ,
Deerga chayur yasacha   tri bhuvana   vidhitham   papa margaad virakthim,
Sath sangam sath kadhaaya sravanamapi  sadaa  devi   dathwaa  krupaabdhe ,
Vidhyam shuddhamscha budhim  kamalaja  dayithe sathwaram dehi mahyaam.

5.Please Immediately  give me knowledge  and  pure intellect  oh  darling of the lotus  born,
And Oh ocean of mercy  always give me  a stable mind  to do  proper actions which are  to be followed,
Strength of the body   to do those actions and also long life , fame in all the  three   worlds,
As well as good  company and opportunity   to hear  stories that are good.

6.Mathaa sthwath pada  padmam   navidhi kusumai   poojitham jathu bhakthyaa,
Gathum  naivaham eeso jadamathiralasathwath gunaan  divya padhyai,
Mooke sevaa  vihene  apyanupama you are showering    karunamarbhake   ambheva  kruthwaa,
Vidhyam shuddhamscha budhim  kamalaja  dayithe sathwaram dehi mahyaam.

6.Please Immediately  give me knowledge  and  pure intellect  oh  darling of the lotus  born,
Oh Mother, I have never ever  with devotion worshipped  properly your  lotus like feet  with flowers,
I am  not fit   to sing about your divine  feet    using good verses as I am an idiot  as well as not active,
But  you  are showering me  who does not serve you  with mercy  like a mother   towards   a  dumb child.

7.Santhyaadhyaa sampadhi   may  vithara shubhakareer nithya thad binna bhodham,
Vairagyam  moksha vaanchaam api  laghu kalaya   sri shivaa   sevyamaane  ,
Vidhyaa theerthaadhi   yogi pravara kara   sarojath   sampoojithaangre  ,
Vidhyam shuddhamscha budhim  kamalaja  dayithe sathwaram dehi mahyaam.

7.Please Immediately  give me knowledge  and  pure intellect  oh  darling of the lotus  born,
Also please give me wealth like peace and oh consort  of  Lord Shiva who is fit  to be served by Lakshmi  and Parvathi,
Please also give me  wisdom  to  recognize perennial  and temporary  things, sense  of detachment  ,
Desire  for getting salvation  , OH goddess   whose lotus feet was  worshipped  by sages like  Vidhya theertha.

8.SAcchid roopathmano may   sruthi manana nidhidhyaasanaan aasu  matha  ,
Sampadhya  swantha methadruchi yutham anisam  nirvikalpe   samadhow  ,
Thungaa theerangarajadwara  griha  vilasad  chakra  rajasanasthe ,
Vidhyam shuddhamscha budhim  kamalaja  dayithe sathwaram dehi mahyaam.

8.Please Immediately  give me knowledge  and  pure intellect  oh  darling of the lotus  born,
Oh Mother  help me who has a truly divine mind   to get   speedily   the ability  ,
To know Vedas  and  understand their inner  meaning  of   what  I read,
Help me to be in Nirvikalpa Samadhi , Oh Goddess who occupies ,
The  throne of Sri Chakra   in the temple    on banks of thunga river.


  1. This Stotra was written by the 33rd Acharya of the Sringeri Sharadha Peetam, Jagadguru Sachidananda Sivabhinava Nrusimha Bharathi Mahaswamigal.

  2. This stotra has been written by Sri Sachhidanada Sivabhinava Narasimha Bharathi mahaswamigal of Sringeri Sharada Peetham. The peetham has come out with a small booklet of the same.

    For word by word meaning please refer to the commentary by Sri Paramarthananda Swami Ji at
