
Monday, August 1, 2016

Pithru Stotra from Garuda Purana

Pithru Stotra from  Garuda  Purana

Sage  Ruchi

Translated by

(You can hear  the stotra sung by clicking )

Markandeya Uvacha:-
Evam thu   sthuath thsya   thejaso Rasiruchitha,
Pradhurbabhoova sahasaa gagana  vyapthikaraka

Thus he started  praying them who  were collection of luster,
Whose  light   immediartely   spread  all over the sky

Thadh drushtwaa  sumahatheja samaachadhya   sthithtam jagat  ,
Janubhyaam avanim gathwa , Ruchi stotramidham  Jagou.

Seeing that light   which  of great intensity  covering  and standing in the universe,
Kneeling down on the   earth , Sage Ruchi started praying thus.

Ruchir Uvacha-
Sage Ruchi said :-

1.Archithaanama moorthaanaam   pithrunaam  deeptha thejasaam,
Namasyaami   sadaa theshaam   dhyaninam   Divya   chakshushaam.

1.I am worshipping   the so named    form of manes who are  shining with great luster,
And I salute them always    who   are  remembering me with their divine  eyes.

2.Indraadheenaam   cha nethaaro  dakshha   mareechayosthadhaa,
SAptharsheenaam thadhaanyeshaam  thannamasyami  Kaamadhaan.

2.Indra   and  his leaders as well as   the clever  royal elephant   of his  ,
The seven great sages and all others  got their wishes fulfilled

3.Manvaadheenaam   cha nethaaraa  , Surya Chandramaso thadhaa
Thannamayaaham   sarvaan pithroon  apyudhavapi,

3. All those  manes   were   also saluted  by,
The Manus  , other  leaders  , sun as well  as  the  moon 

4. Nakshatraanaam grahaanaam   cha  vayvagnayor nabhasthadhaa.
Dhyaathwaa  pruthyovscha   thadhaa  namayaami  kruthanjali.

4.The stars  the planets   as well as wind fire   as well as the sky,
Meditated on  the manes and  are saluted  by me folded hands.

5.Prajaapathe   kaasyapaaya   somaaya   varunaaya cha  ,
Yogeswarebhyascha   sadaa  namasyaami  Kruthaanjali

5,Sage Kasyapa  the lord of all beings, moon   as well as Varuna ,
As well as the the gods of Yoga   are being saluted by me with folded hands

6.Namo Ganebhyo  sapthabhyasthadhaa  lokeshu  sapthasu,
SWayaambhuve  namasyaami  Brahmane  Yoga  chakshushe.

6.Salutations to the  seven Ganas  who are from the   seven worlds,
Who are self existing   I salute you who are seen by the yogic sight of Brahmins.

7.Somaadhaaraan   pithru ganaan  yoga murthy dharaam sthadhaa,
Namasyaami   thadhaa  somam   pitharam   jagatamaham,

7.Oh Pithrus who are  supported by the moon  and and also supported by  great Yogis ,
I  am  saluting  the moon  and manes   from the  universe.

8.Agni roopaam sthadaivan yaathra namasyaami  pithrun aham,
Agni soma  mayam   viswam   yatha    ethad   aseshatha.

8. Oh manes  who have the  fire and other forms, I  salute  you,
And also the world is filled with fire and the moon as I am unable to do any other thing.

9.Ye cha thejasi ye chaithe  soma suryagni  moorthaya,
Jagat swaroopinaschaiva   thadhaa  Brahma  roopina.

9.They  are lustrous  and had the form of sun, moon    and fire,
And they are also of the form of universe and also the form of Brahma.

10.THebhyo   akhilebhyo  yogibhya  pithrubhyo  yatha  manasa,
Namo namo namsthesthu   praseedhanthu swadhaa bhuja

10. They are the yogis from the universe  with controlled mind ,
Salutations, salutations  and salutations  to them  , so that they are pleased  and eat the Swadhaa.

Markandeya Uvacha:-
Markandeta  said:-

11.Yevam sthuthaa thasthena  thejaso muni sathama ,
Nischakramusthe  pitharo  Basayantho diso disa

11.When that great   lustrous sage prayed thus,
His  manes  with great  honesty  shined   in all directions.

12.Nivedhanam   cha yath thena pushpa gandhanu lepanam,
Thadh bhooshithaan adha sa thaan  dadruse puratha  sthithaan

12,AS per his request   after  he offered them fowers and anointed  them with sandal paste,
They  adorned   him  who was standing in front of them   who was standing in their front.

13.Pranipathya  Ruchir bhakthyaa   punareva  Kruthanjali,
Namathubhyam   Namasthubhyam   ityaaha  pradha agaaddatha.

13,Sage Ruchi  saluted them by falling  on the ground  and again standing with  folded hands,
Told, I salute you, I salute you , I salute you  together  as well as  individually .

Ithi   Sri Garuda purane   Ruchi j krutham   Pithru stotram   sampoornam
Thus ends the prayer to manes Composed by sage Ruchi which occurs  in Garuda  Purana



मार्कण्डेय उवाच 
एवं तु स्तुवतस्तस्य तेजसो राशिरुच्छ्रितः  
प्रादुर्बभूव सहसा गगनव्याप्तिकारकः ३७  
तद् दृष्ट्वा सुमहत्तेजः समाच्छाद्य स्थितं जगत्  
जानुभ्यामवनीं गत्वा रुचिः स्तोत्रमिदं जगौ ३८  
अर्चितानाममूर्तानां पितृणां दीप्ततेजसाम्  
नमस्यामि सदा तेषां ध्यानिनां दिव्यचक्षुषाम्  
 इद्रादीनां नेतारो दक्षमारीचयोस्तथा  
सप्तर्षीणां तथान्येषां तान्नमस्यामि कामदान्  
मन्वादीनां नेतारः सूर्याचन्द्रमसोस्तथा  
तान्नमस्याम्यहं सर्वान् पितृनप्युदधावपि  
नक्षत्राणां ग्रहाणां वाय्वग्न्योर्नभसस्तथा  
द्दावापृथिव्योश्र्च तथा नमस्यामि कृताञ्जलिः  
प्रजापतेः कश्यपाय सोमाय वरुणाय  
योगेश्र्वरेभ्यश्र्च सदा नमस्यामि कृताञ्जलिः  
नमो गणेभ्यः सप्तभ्यस्तथा लोकेषु सप्तसु  
स्वायम्भुवे नमस्यामि ब्रह्मणे योगचक्षुषे  
सोमाधारान् पितृगणान् योगमूर्तिधरांस्तथा  
नमस्यामि तथा सोमं पितरं जगतामहम्  
अग्निरुपांस्तथैवान्यात्रमस्यामि पितृनहम्  
अग्निसोममयं विश्र्वं यत एतदशेषतः  
ये तेजसि ये चैते सोमसूर्याग्निमूर्तयः  
जगत्स्वरुपिणश्र्चैव तथा ब्रह्मस्वरुपिणः  
तेभ्योsखिलेभ्यो योगिभ्यः पितृभ्यो यतमानसः  
नमो नमो नमस्तेsतु प्रसीदन्तु स्वधाभुजः १०  
मार्कण्डेय उवाच 
एवं स्तुतास्ततस्तेन तेजसो मुनिसत्तमाः  
निश्र्चक्रमुस्ते पितरो भासयन्तो दिशो दश ११  
निवेदनं यत्तेन पुष्पगन्धानुलेपनम्  
तद्भूषितानथ तान् ददृशे पुरतः स्थितान् १२  
प्रणिपत्य रुचिर्भक्त्या पुनरेव कृताञ्जलिः  
नमस्तुभ्यं नमस्तुभ्यमित्याह पृथगादृतः १३  
इति श्री गरुड पुराणे रुचिकृतं पित्रृस्तोत्रं संपूर्णम्  


  1. Thank you very much. Good attempt . Translation also is good.

  2. हनुमान जी को सबसे ज्यादा कोई पाठ पसंद है वो है हनुमान चालीसा का महत्व हिन्दू धर्म में अत्यंत है , हर हनुमंत भक्त को हर दिन एक बार हनुमान चालीसा का पाठ करना ही चाहिए .
