
Thursday, August 25, 2016

Sri Mangalambika suprabatham

Sri Mangalambika  suprabatham

Melakaveri Kumbakonam  sri sri Panchapakesa Brahmendra  Saraswathi Sri Pada

Translated by

(Mangala Nayaki(Mangalambika)  is the  Consort of Kumbeswarar  (God Shiva)  presiding over the Kumbheswarar  temple of Khumbakonam .She is also called  Manthrapureeswari  .The Author  in POorvashrama   was known as Kachapeswara Sastrigal . After he took Sanyasa  he came to be known as  Brahmendra Saraswathi Swamigal  . His Samadhi is in Solayappan street  KUmbhakonam. This Stotra  with translation   by Sri P.R.Kannan   is available  in!Sri-MANGALAMBIKA-SUPRABHATAM/c5ql/57ba6a6d0cf2a4a707ba4e95 .  I  have taken  the text of the stotra(from which sloka 13   is missing)   from the above URL. And the translation is mine .My acknowledgements   to Sri P.R.Kannan and  the above web site. )

1.Sri  Menaa Suprajaa devi ,
Porvaa sandhyaa  pravarthathe,
Uthishta Shiva Kanthe thwam,
Karthvyam  Deivam aahneekam

1,Oh Goddess  who is the   daughter  of Mena( wife of Himalaya),
It has   become   the   dawn ,
Please wake up  oh consort of Shiva,
Please   do the duties   to  the  God

2,Uthishtothishta  Mathangi  ,
Uthishta Vrushabha dwaje  ,
Uthishta  Kamala  Poojye  ,
Trilokyam  mangalam kuru.

2.Please  wake  up  , Oh daughter  of  Mathanga  ,
Please wake up oh Goddess  who has bull in her flag ,
Please  wake up Goddess  worshipped by Goddess Lakshmi,
Please  make  all the three  worlds  auspicious.

3.Matha samastha  jagathaam  madanaanthakaro,
Ange vihaarini  manohara  Divya  murthe  ,
Sri Swamini  srithajana   priya dhaana  sheele ,
Sri Kumbha naadha  dayithe  thava  Suprabatham.

3.Oh  mother  of all the universe who stays  in  the body,
Of  the killer of Manmatha and who has  a very pretty divine form,
Oh Goddess  who has the habit  fulfilling the desires of her devotees,
Oh consort of the Lord of Khmbheswara, A very good morning to you.

4.Thava Suprabatham Aravinda  Lochane,
Bhavathu prasanna mukha Chandra mandale  ,
Vidhi Madhavendra vanithabhir  archithe ,
Sri Khumbanadha dayithedhayanidhe.

4.Good morning to you  oh lotus eyed one,
Become  pleased oh Goddess  with moon like face,
Who is worshipped  by Brama, Vishnu, devendra  and Deva maidens,
Oh  treasure  of mercy   who is the consort of Sri Kumbheswara.

5,Sri Madhavaabjabhava shanmukha vaasavaadhyaa,
Durgaambigaadhi charitham  vibudhaa  padanthi,
Bhashaa pathi padathi vasara shudhim aaraath,
Sri Mangalaamba mahithe   thava  suprabatha.

5,Lord Vishnu  , Lord Brahma  , Lord Subrahmanya and Lord Indta,
Are  reading   the stories  of Durga and other  goddesses.
And Lord Brahaspathi is reading the Almanac to know  the goodness of the day,
Oh great  Goddess  Mangalamba   a very good morning   to you.

6.THanthri prakarsha   madhuraswanayaa vipanchyaa,
Gayathyume   sucharitham  thava  Naradhopi  ,
Bhashaa  samagram  asakruth karachara ramyam,
Sri mangalamba mahithe   thava  suprabatham.

6.Even Narada  strumming the   strings  of his Veena,
Has sung   your   great    story , melodiously ,
Waving  his   arms  prettily using  pretty words,
Oh great  Goddess  Mangalamba   a very good morning   to you.

7.Srimathyabheeshta varadhe   natha loka  bandho,
Sri Mangalamba jagadeka   dhayaika   sindho  ,
Sri Kumba nadha  basithangitha divya   moorthe  ,
Sri manthra  peeta  nilaye thava  Suprabatham.

7.Oh Goddess  who fulfills all desires, Oh friend  of your  devotees,
Oh Mangalamba , who is the only one  ocean of mercy  ,
Oh divine Goddess s,eared with divine ash of Kumbeshwara all over,
Oh Goddess  who stays in Sri Chakram Good morning  to you.

8.Srimath  kavera thanujaplava  nirmalaangaa,
Sreyordhino Hari  Virinchi  sanandhanaadhya,
Dware  vasanthi shubha darsana  kamkshayaa  they,
Sri Mangalamba  mahithe    thava  suprabatham  .

8.With a very pure body after  dipping and bathing in river Cauvery,
Lord  Vishnu  , Lord Brahma  saint Sanandana   and others,
For the greatness   of the   world  to further  increase,
Are waiting  at your gate , with a desire to see you,
Oh great  Goddess  Mangalamba   a very good morning   to you.

9.Kandharpa darpa hara   sundara divya moorthe ,
Sri KUmbhanadha samukhambuja lola  drushe  ,
Kalyana nirmala gunakara  divyamoorthe  ,
Sri Mangalamba  mahithe    thava  suprabatham  .

9.Oh Goddess  whose prettiness robs   the pride of Manmatha,
Oh Goddess who  throws  unstable sights on lotus like   face  Kumbheswara,
Oh Goddess  who has a divine form  and pure and auspicious
Oh great  Goddess  Mangalamba   a very good morning   to you.

10.Baswanudhethi vikachani  saroruhaani,
SAmpoorayanthi ninadhai  kukubho vihangaa,
Sri Mangalamba charanayaa athi  hrushtaa.
Thaam asrayanyjo Girije  thava  Suprabatham.

10.The Sun is rising  and lotus flowers are opening,
And the atmosphere  is filled by twittering  sound of birds,
Devotees  greatly desirous  of worshipping the feet  of Mangalamba,
Have already  arrived  , Oh daughter of the mountain, very  good morning to you.

11.Srii Manthra  peeta nilaye Lalithe  Dayardhre,
Sri Kumbhakona nagaree  krutha  sannidhane,
Sri Kumba Nadha  Mahishi sritha bhakthi pathre,
Sri Mangalamba   thava  mangala  suprabatham.

11,Ohg Lalitha  who stays on Manthra peeta who is moved by compassion,
In the temple  situated  in the   town of Kumbhakonam,
Oh Queen  of KUmbheswara,your devotees   are waiting  with devotion,
Oh Mangalamba , an auspicious  good morning    to you.

12.Kamakshi   raktha satha  pahra  dalayathaakshi ,
Meenakshi, bala Hiranakshi, dhayaparakshi,
Neelothpalakshi nitilaakshi suvistuthaakshi,
Sri Mangalamba   thava  mangala  suprabatham.

12.Oh Kamakshi who has eyes like  petals of red lotus flower.
Oh Meenakshi , who has eyes like a baby deer which are  filled with mercy,
Oh Goddess who has eyes like blue lotus, Who has eyes on forehead  and very broad eyes,
Oh Mangalamba , an auspicious  good morning    to you.

   Sloka    13  not available in the correct form

14.Nana prakara   nava rathna  kireeta shobha,
Baswath siresa sikalamcha sameekshya manye,
Nakshatra mandala mukhe sahe seethe rasmi,
Path yuthamaangamabhithas thava  Suprabhatham.

14.Oh Goddess Shining  in the  Crown made  by Navarathnas  in various ways,
And also shining  in the crescent of moon on your head,
Your  face  gives out cool rays  as it is surrounded  by stars,
All round your   head, Oh Goddess   good morning   to you.

15Udhyan pala  kara  sanchitha   divya  gandha,
Pushpaani santhi pada  pankaja  poojanaaya,
SAkthascha   sahya giri jathajalaavagahaa,
Sidhaa  Mahesa  dayithe   thava  suprabatham,

15.For worshipping   your lotus   like   feet , the Sidhas,
After taking bath  in the flowing waters of river originating  from Western ghats,
Have    come  here  holding   in their hands  , the  divinely fragrant  ,
Flowers    and so Oh Consort of Lord Shiva , have  a  very good morning.
16, SArveshu   Janthushu  Maha pralaye  vinashte –
Shwantharhitheshu  vidhi Vishnu  mukhamareshu ,
Kumbha sritha r trijagathi   karaangurena,
Shambhur yad asthi mahimaa, thava  Suprabatham.

16.In the great   deluge   when all   the beings   are lost,
AS also Lord Brahma , Lord Vishnu  and devas vanish,
If Lord Shiva  in his hand   holds   in his hand,
The sprouts  for regenerating the world  ,
It is only   due  to your greatness , Oh Goddess , Good morning to you.

17,AAchadhitheshu   sumanohara  gandha  pushpai,
Angeshu   sathsu nikhileshwathirohitham they,
Pasyaami   sishtamadhunaa  karunaa  kadaksham  .
Sri Mangalamba    thava  mangala  Suprabaham.

17. Oh goddess   when you   are completely   covered  ny  pretty scented flowers,
All your   body    becomes   g hidden to our   sight ,
But I am able to see your eyes  showering mercy with  sidelong  glances,
Oh Mangalamba  , may  this  morning   be auspicious to you.,

18.AAyaanthi  bharatha  thalannanu  kona konath,
Simham gahe  suragurou prateeshangdwayabdham,
Snathum  maha makhamithi  pratheerthe sutheerthe  ,
Yathra  Sthithaa   sakala punya sarith  prabatham.

18.All the people  from different  corners of India,
Assemble  here  when planet Jupiter   enters  the Simha rasi ,
Once in twelve years  to take bath in   the tank,
Where  all the sacred waters  come , A good morning   to you.

19.Sri  Sarnga paaneeriha  pada purasthavaamba,
KOdanda panir ubhayor    adha   chakra  pani,
They Parswayo nivasatha sthava  praushta bhage,
Sri swamin adha  guru rat   thava   suprabatham.

19.Oh mother God Sarangapani    resides in front of you,
Kodanda Pani and chakrapani reside on both your sides,
And  on  your back side  God Sri Swaminatha,
Who is thechief of all Gurus  resides, A very good morning  to you.

20.AAkunchithoukarathalavaabhyaam   varam cha ,
BHakthaya dhathumapi Vanchithamamba  Matha,
Pasungusayudha pani  yugam  virodhi-
Sikshartham   udgeethamidham   thava  suprabatham.

20.Oh mother  you show the signs  of protection  and boons ,
By your two hands so that  you  can fulfill   the desire of your devotees,
And in the  other two hands   you hold   the rope and the goad,
For  punishing those  who deviate, A very good morning   to you.

21.Kalyani Kalpa lathike kala mandha bhashe,
Karpoora   viddha  kanakabharane kaveeso  ,
Kashte bhave  parisaran  kalaye   hrudhi thwaam,
Maam uddharaamba thava  mangala   Suprabatham.

21.Oh auspicious one, who is like the wish granting creeper, who has genle  and sweet speech,
Oh Goddess whose form with fragrance of camphor is decorated by gold ornaments,
As I am surrounded  by  miseries  of Karma , I meditate  on you in my heart,
Please lift me  out of thesemiseries  and a very good morning   to you.

22.Srushti sthithi  pralaya sakshini  Viswamatha,
SWargapavarga phaladhayini   , shambhu kanthe ,
Sruyantha  kelini  vipaksha  katora vajre ,
Bhadre  prasanna hrudaye   thava  suprabatham.

22.Oh mother of universe who is witness of creation, upkeep   and destruction,
Who grants the result of heaven and salvation, Oh   consort of SHambhu,
Who plays with Vedas like sport, Who is as hard as diamond against enemies,
Oh Auspecious one  with a heart full of bliss, Good morning to you.

23.Matha swaroopam   anisam hrudhi  pasyathaam they  ,
KO vaa na sidhyathi   manaschira kamkshithartha,
Sidhyanthi hantha dharani dhana , dhanya  , Dhama,
Sri Dhenu dhairyai  dhruthaya sakalaa  pumarthaa

23,Oh Mother , to  those who are able to always see your form in my mind
Is there anything    that they desire  , which cannot be got?
They would get  land , wealth , cereals  , home  ,
Prosperity,  cows, courage   and all others .

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