
Friday, September 23, 2016

Shirdi Sai Mahima Stotram

Shirdi Sai Mahima Stotram
(The prayer  of the greatness of Lord Sai)

Upasini  Baba  Maharaj

Translated by

(Upasani Baba is a great disciple   of Shirdi Sai Baba  and belonged  to a village called Sakori which is 5 km from Shirdi,  I could not get   the  Stotra in DEvanagari script    and my   translation is based  on my inderstanding of the stotra   which is given in   the forum.spiritualindia web site. I was not able to make out the thitd line of verse 12 and depended on the meaning given in   the above web site. You can hear the great prayer sung by Kavalam  Srikumar in )

1.Sada satsvarupam cidananda kandam
Jagat sambhava sthana samhara hetum
Sva bhaktecchayam anusam darsayanam
Namamisvaram sadgurum sainatham
1.I  salute  the God   and the great Guru    Sai Baba,
Who is always truthful , who in immersed  in divine joy ,
Who is the cause  of creation, upkeep   and destruction of the world 
Who  shows himself    as per the wishes  of his devotees.

2.Bhavadhvanta vidvamsa martanda  meedyam
Mano vag atitam munir dhyana gamyam
Jagad vyapakam nirmalam nirgunam tvam
Namamisvaram sadgurum sainatham 
2.I  salute  the God   and the great Guru    Sai Baba,
Who is   the Sun who destroys the darkness of  desires Samsara,
Who is  above mind and speech, who  is reachable by  sages doing meditation,
Who is spread all over the world who is pure  and is without attributes

3.Bhavambhodi magna aarthitanam jananam
Sva padasritanam sva bhakti priyanam
Samudhharanartham kalou sambhavantam
Namamisvaram sadgurum sainatham 
3.I  salute  the God   and the great Guru    Sai Baba,
Who has come  in this Kali age    to uplift  ,
His  devotees  and those who  have taken refuge  at his feet,
And those people who are getting drowned in ocean of Samsara

4.Sada nimbi vrksasya moola adhivasat
Sudhasravinam tiktamapya priyam tam
Tarum kalpa vrksadhikam saadhayantam
Namamisvaram sadgurum sainatham
4.I  salute  the God   and the great Guru    Sai Baba,
Who always    used to sit  below   a neem tree,
Which tree   he has  made into a Kalpa Vriksha,
So that  its normal bitter  juice is  like nectar.

5.Sada kalpavrksasya tasyadhi moole
Bhavad bhava budhya saparyadi sevam
Nrnaam kurvatam bhukti muktipradam tam
Namamisvaram sadgurum sainatham

5.I  salute  the God   and the great Guru    Sai Baba,
Who was   always served  by those with domestic attachments  with great devotion ,
To him    who sat   the wish giving tree  of heaven,
Who  satisfied their worldly desires and gave them  salvation.
6.Anekasrutaa tarkya lilaa vilasaih
Samavishkrtesaan abhasvat prabhava
Ahambhava heenam prasannatma bhaavam
Namamisvaram sadgurum saintham
6.I  salute  the God   and the great Guru    Sai Baba,
Who  did   unimaginable widely   known divine sports
Which have brought out     his stupendous power and glory,
But in spite of which  he was without ego   and always looked pleased.

7.Sataam visrama aarama mevabhiramam
Sada sajjanaih samstutam sannamadbhih
Janaamodadam bhakta bhadrapradam tam
Namamisvaram sadgurum sainatham

7.I  salute  the God   and the great Guru    Sai Baba,
Who  is always  attractive   rest ,  repose   and refuge,
To all the   good people  who pray to him  ,
Who are e rewarded with   joy,  divinity   and protection.

8.Ajanmaadyamekam param brahma sakhsat
Svayam sambhavam ramamevavateernam
Bhavaddarsanat  sampunitah prabhoham
Namamisvaram sadgurum sainatham

8.I  salute  the God   and the great Guru    Sai Baba,
Who was born himself     as the  God Parabrahma.
Who manifested himself in the incarnation of Rama,
And By  your seeing me   I have  become pure and divine.

9.Sree Sayeesa kripaanidhe akhila nrinaam sarwaartha siddhi prada
Yushmat paadarajah prabahavam atulam dhaataapi vaktaakshhamah
Sadbhakthyaa saranam kritaan jali putah samprapthithosmi prabho
Shrimath Sayi paresa paada kamalaa naanya ccharanyam mama
9.Oh God Sai  , Oh treasure of mercy, who grants all prosperity to all humans,
The  incomparable  power of the dust   of your feet cannot be even described by  Lord Brahma,
I with true devotion surrender to it  and approach it with folded hands as,
I  do not   have  refuge   except  the lotus like feet   of    the divine Lord   Sai baba .

10.Sayiroopadhara raaghavottamam,
Bhakta kaama vibhuda dhrumam prabhum
Maayayopahata chitta shudhayae,
Chintayaamy aham ahar nisam mudaa

10 , Rama the great of Raghu clan has assumed  the form of Sai,
And Is the Lord who is  the  wish fulfilling God,
Who purifies   the  deluded  minds of all his devotees,
And So I with joy  meditate  on day and night.

11,Sharat sudhaamsu pratrima prakaasam,
Kripata paatram tava Sainaatha
Twadeeya paadaabja samaashritaanaam,
Swachhaayayaa taapamapaa karothu

11.Oh Lord Sai ,    the canopy    of your mercy,
Has the  nectar  like shine   of the autumn  moon,
To all those  who depend  on your lotus like feet,
And the blazing heat  of  all their troubles would get cool down

12.Upaasanaa Daivata Sainaatha,
Sthavair mayopaasani naasthu thatwam
Ramenmaromne tava paadayugme bhrungo,
Yathaabji makarnda lubdhah

12.Oh Lord Sai   whom I  serve and worship,
I  worship you through my prayers and not by philosophy,
And let my mind hover   always near your twin feet,
Just like bees hovering near  the pollen of the flower.

13.Aneka janmaarjita paapasamkshayo,
Bhavet bhawatpaada saroja darshanaat
Kshamaswa sarvaanaparaadha poonjakaan,
praseeda Sayeesa Sadguro dayaanidhe

13.Let the sins that  I have accumulated in several births.
Be destroyed by my seeing your lotus  like feet,
Please pardon  all  the collection my mistakes,
And get pleased with me   Oh Great teacher God Sai   who is  the treasure of mercy.

14.Sri Sainatha charanaamrita puta chithaah,
 Sthwatpaada seva natrataah satatam cha bhaktyaa
Samsaara janya duritaagha vinirgataaste,
kaivalya dhaama paramam samavaapnuvanti

When the mind is purified by the  nectar   of the feet of  Lord Sai,
Those who  are  always engaged in the devotional service to  his feet,
Would get freed from the   sufferings that  crop up from Samsara,
And would reach   the divine  home  of the detached souls.

15.Strotrame tatpatte bhakthyaa yo nara athanmanaahsadaa
Sadguroh Sainaadhasya kripa paatram bhaveddhruham.

15.Those  men    who chant this prayer   with devotion  and concentration of mind,
Would  definitely  receive   the mercy  of  Lord Sai.

Jai  Shri Satchidanand Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai !!!

Hail to the king Sai who is divinely happy.

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