
Monday, June 17, 2019

Veda Sthuthi in Bhagavatha

Veda  Sthuthi in Bhagavatha

Meaning   summarized for each sloka,

(When sage Shuka was about to complete , king Parikshith   asked how Vedas would be able to Describe Brahmam.He told that once Vedas   to wake up the God who was in Yoga Nidhra at the end of deluge sang this prayer describing him.  (Skanda  10, chapter 87  slokas 14-41)

1.Jaya jaya jahru jamajitha doshadrubheetha gunaam,
Thwamasi  yadhathmanaa  sama varuddha samastha bhaga
Agaja gadhokasaam  akhila  sakthyava bodha kathe  ,
Kwachidha jayaathmanaa  cha charatho anu charan nigama.

Hail   the undefeatable  Shiva, please  withdraw  the  Maya,
Which hides  wisdom by ignorance, but that Maya is not a  covering ,
Of  ignorance like  other  beings but your  natural power   and divine  greatness,
Vedas say  that  you exhibit   Maya   some times and other  times,
You control  all  such powers and  exist   yourselves.

 2,Brahad upalabdha metha davayanthya avaseshathayaa,
Yatha udayasthamayou vikruthermrudhi vaavikruthaath,
Atha   rishayo  dadhusthwayi  mano  vachanaa   charitham,
Kadhamayadhaa bhavanthi bhuvi datha padhani  nrunaam.

At the end you are  the  world we  experience and  the Vedas  say,
That when they  all merge ,  only you will remain and like  the pot,
Is made of clay, later  the pot merges  with clay but   the creation ,
And destruction  of the world     has no effect   at all  on you.

3.Ithi thava soorayasththyadhipathe akhila  loka mala-,
Kshapana kadhamruthabdhi mava  gaahya thapamsi jahu,
Kimutha puna swadhama vidruthasaya kala   gunaa,
Parama bhajanthi ye padhamajasra sukhanubhavam.

Oh Lord of Nature, understanding  that all incarnations  are you only,
The sages drown themselves in the ocean of your  stories  and get rid of  their pain,
Oh great god, the devotees  who  understand  your real form, win over,
All their sorrows and get  merged  in your  broad and pure  state.

4.Druthaya ivaswasanthya subhutho  yadhi they anuvidha,
Mahadhahamaadhayo andamasrujan yadhanugrahatha,
Purusha vidho  anwayothra charamo annamayaadhishu   ya,
Sadha satha param  thwamadha yadeshwavaseshamrutham,

A man who does  not worship  you, cannot be considered   to be alive,
Otherewise he would be like fire place moving by  wind, and  you by your power,
Only makes the  life less   things into living one and make them in to a world,
And you are spread  in the human body as   the five organs and some times more than that.

5.Udharamupasather ya  rishi varthmasu  koorpa drusya,
Parisara  padhathim  hrudhayamarunayo  dhaharam,
Thatha  udhagaadhanantha thava dhama sira  paramam,
Punariha yath  samethys na  pathanthi kruthantha  mukhe.

The broad ones  who follow the path of the sages , meditate   you  in the belly,
And the Arunis   who are more  concentrated meditate  you in the heart,
And from there  they go one   step up  on the   forehead and those  ,
Who see you there in the sahasrara  do not have   any birth after that.

6,Sakrutha  vichithra yonishu  visanniva  hethuthayaa,
Tharatha  mathascha kasyanala vath swakruthanukruthi,
Atha vithadhaa swmooshvi thadham  thava  dhama  samam,
Virajadhiyo  anwayanthya api vipanyava yeka rasam.

Though you live  in all your creations as cause, after  creation of body,
You appear  like  the form  and nature  of  firewood  raising fire and ,
Grant  form and nature  to all beings and appear to be present there,
And so the men of Rajas  character consider you  having different  bodies  .

7.Sweakrutha  pureshva meesha bahir anthar  samvaranam,
Thava  purusham  vadanthyakhila sakthidhyathom asakrutham,
Ithi  nrugathim vivichya kavayo nigamaavapanam,
BHavatha       upasathegrimabhavam   bhuvi  viswaa sithaa.

Purusha who is   considered as  a part  of you lives as youin your creations,
In the spiritual form without any changes   happening   to you,
And those  who understand this  , thinking that   what is told,
In the Vedas  is right, sing about your feet  which frees  them from samsara.

8.Duravagamaathma thathwa  nigamaaya thavaa ththa thano,
Charitha mahamruthabdhi pari vartha parisramanaa,
Na parilashanthi  kechidh apavarga mapeeswara  they,
Charana saroja hamsa kula sanga visrushta  guhaa.

For making understood, the philosophy of  the soul  , which is difficult,
You take  incarnations and there  are people who understand  ,
Your character  and actions  then  and enter your  ocean of nectar,
And they  get detached from all and always  get entertained,
In your feet and become  one among  the great sages  getting salvation.

9.Thwadhanu Padham kulaayamidhamathma suhrud priya vath,
Charathi  thadonmukhe thwayi   hithe  priya  aathmani cha,
Na bhatha ramanthyaho asrudhupasanaaaya aathma hano,
Yadhanusayaa bramanthyooru abhaye ku sareera  bhooth.

This body  of beings becomes  a close  friend  of yours and  you,
Who is their soul and one who loves  the devotee are there ,
To bless  the devotee but those  who are caught  in the web of samsara,
Become killer of their own soul and due to their deep love for body,
They   start living in   evil bodies   and wander here   and there.

10.Nibrutha  marunmano  aksha druda yoga  yujo,
Hrudhi  yanmunaya upaasathethadharayopi yayu smaranaath,
Sthriya  uragendra bhoga bhuja dhanda vishaktha    dhiyo,
Vayamapi  they   samaa samadhya songri saroja  sudhaa.

Due  to constant thinking  about you  , even your enemies  ,
Reach  the place   great sages  having you in mind have  reached,
Similarly  we  who are  always  singing  about  your feet and  the pretty ladies,
Who want to be hugged by  your hands  which are  as strong as  Adhisesha,
Are treated  similarly by you  and you shower  your grace on them.

11.Ka yiha nu vedhabathvarajanmalayo agrasaram,
Yatha udhagaadhyushiryamanu   deva ganaa  ubhaye,
Tharhi na sanna chasadhubhayam  na chakala java,
KImapi  na thathra sasthramavakrushya sayeetha  yadhaa.

You are  the primeval truth, and  before you  there  was nothing and so,
How can beings who came from you  and who are  going to merge  in you  ,
Know   about you and when you  destroy everything   and enter  in to your,
Yogic sleep, nothing  would be left including   time   as well  as sastra.

12.Janimasatha satho mruthimuthaathmani  ye cha  bhidhaam,
Vipanamrutham  smaranthyupadhi santhi  tha   aaroopithai,
Triguna maya  pumaanithi   bhidhaa   yadha  bodha  kruthaa,
Thwayee  na  thatha parathra sa bhavedgavabodharase.

People who say  , thing came from nothing, what  is there becomes nothing,
Beings are many  and result of karma is the only truth   are  saying all this,
Due to deep misunderstanding, similarly  saying man  is result of evolution,
And so he is a truth with destruction  are saying   without understanding ,
Your truth because  pure consciousness  without  ignorance  is your  truth.

13,SAdhiva manasttrvruthwayi   vibhaathya saddhaam anujaath,
SAdabhimya santhya   sesha midhamaathmathayaa  aathma  vidha,
Na hi  vikruthim thyajanthi  kanakasya  thadhathma  thayaa,
SWakrutha manu pravishta midhamathmathaaya   vasitham.

This world with three fold character  broadened by   the mind  does not exist,
In truth and because  you are there  behind them, they become the truth,
And since all that we see is your  form , wise people   consider all  as truth,
Because  ornaments are  made of gold , they   do not become   false and,
You after  exhibiting  this world are living  in them as their   essence.

14,Thava pari ye  charanthya akhila  saathwa  nikethathayaa,
Tha utha  padhaakramanthya viganayy siro  niryathe ,
Parivayase pasunivagiraa vibhudhaan api than,
THwayee krutha souhrudhaa khalu  punanthi na ye vimukhaa.

Those who pray you  feeling that you are the soul  and essence  of everything,
Are kicking  with aversion at  head of death and win but those  who do not understand,
This  are tied  to the human life by rules  of religion like  they  are  only  animals,
Those  who love you  purify the world and others  do not    do it.

15,Thwam Akarana swaradakhils karaka  sakthidhar,
Thava balimudwahanthi samadhanthya jayaanimishaa,
Varsha bhujo akhilakshithi patheriva   viswasujo,
Vidhadhathi yathra ye  thwadhikruthaa   bhavathaschakithaa

You  who hasa lustrous form  who is conscious ,  though he  does not have,
Limbs and organs , exists as the power  thatmakes limbs to act  in all beings,
Controlled by your maya devas  and prajapthis give you  offerings, and they live,
By offerings given by man and scared of you  they all do their jobs well.

16.Sthitha  chara jaathayaa   sryujayotha nimitha   yujo,
Vihara udheekshayaa  yadhi parasya vimuktha   thatha,.
Na hi paramasya kaschidh aparo  na parascha  bhaveth,
Viyatha yivapadhasya thava soonyathulaam  dadhatha.

Oh God who has got free, when  you who are the divine truth wanting play  ,
,With yogamaya  and see her, the powers and desires   which   were lying inactive,
In the end of  eons raise up and beings   are born and the difference noticed ,
In  them is due to their Karma and not made by you as  you  are equal,
Like sky to everybody and you do not have liking or disliking on any.

17.Aparimithodruvaasthanu bhootho   yathi  sarva  gathaa,
Stharhi  na  saasytathethi  niyamo  druva netha radha,
Ajani cha  yanmayam  thadha vimuchya niyanthoo  bhaveth,
Sama manu jaanathaam yadhamatham   matha  dushtathayaa

Oh God  who is  The  permanent truth, If beings are innumerable,
Permanent  and spread every where , you cannot  control them,
But if they are having the form as per your  decision , you the cause,
Would be spread on them and without change  you can control them,
But you are  not the thing to be searched as   you are  spread,
Everywhere and  one who sees   everything  wherever  they are.

18.Na ghatatha  udhbhava prakruthi purushayo rajayo-,
Rubhaya yujaa  bhavanthya  subhootho jala  brudhbudhavath,
THwayee  tha yime   thatho  vividha nama gunai  parame,
Saritha yivarnave  madhuni  lilryurasesha rasaa.

Because  the lifeless  prakruthi   and  live Purusha only   cannot  produce ,
Life because  they are  forever and life is a  complicated   entity  like ,
A Water bubble  got by merging  water and air and when living beings,
Are merged in   you in their state  of  sleep or dream, their difference is lost,
But during salvation   which is like  river merging in sea, they  merge in you.

19.Nyusha  thava mayayaa   bhramameeshavagaathya brusam,
tHwayee  sidhiyo  abhave   dadhathi   bhavamanubhavam,
Kadham anuvarthathaam  bhavabhayam  thava yadh brukuti,
Syajathi muhusthreenemira bhava  ccharaneshu  bhayam.

Understanding that due to Moha created from your Maya, all beings,
Are imprisoned in Karma, good people  pray to you  with intense devotion,
For how  can your devotee  get Samsara and the past ,present and future,
Which is basis of next birth  only scares, those  who do not surrender to the wheel of your time.

20.Vijitha hyooshika vayubhira datha nanasthuragam,
Ya yiha yathanthi  yanthumathi lolamupaaya khidha,
Vyasana sathanwithaa sama vahaaya guroscharanam,
Vanija yivaaja santhyakrutha karna  dharaa jaladhou.

Oh god  without birth , if a person has controlled  his soul   as well as organs,
If he  has not surrendered  at the guru’s feet , his efforts would  be fruitless,
Like controlling a uncontrollable   horse  similar to mind and he would be sad,
Because of failure and he would be like being in a boat  in  the ocean without driver.

21.SWajana suthathma dhara dhana  dhama dharaa  suradhai,
Thwayee  sathi kim  nrunaam  srayatha aathmani  sarvarase,
Ithi sadhajaanathaam  midhunatho rathaye  charathaam,
Sukhayathi  ko nwiha sawvihathe swanirasthabhage.

To the one  who has surrendered  to you , when you are  his soul,
And essence of joy, what is the use of  relations  , body  , wife  , sons,
Property  life  , vehicles to him? Without knowing you , who is the  ,
Ultimate  divine  truth, what joy  can  he ever  get   from,
Temporary  joys  like sex  , fame   and others?

22.Bhuvi  puru punya theertha sadanaani   rishayo vimadhaa,
Tha utha   bhavath  padambujahyadjo aghabhidhamgri jaalaa,
Dadhathi  sakyanmanasthwayee  ya aathmani   nithya   sukhe,
Na   punarupaasathe   purusha   saaraharaavasthaan.

Those who are not befuddled by  pride, wear  the lotus of   your feet,
In their heart and the nectar of devotion  from that flows in to their heart always,
In spite of that , they leave  their  home and serve sacred  waters  all their life,
Because they who concentrated on the  pleasure of soul which is yourself,
Would never get  happy  in selfish home life which does bad to spiritual life.

23.Sadha idhamuthitham sadithi  chenannu tharka hatham,
Vyabhicharathi   kwa cha kwa cha mrushaa  na thadhobhaya  yuk,
Vyavahya thaye   vikalpa  yeeshitho   andha  paramparayaa,
Bhramayathi  bharathee  tha  uru vruthibhirukdha jadaan.

Just because  this world was born out of truth  , it need not be the truth,
And in some places the result may be a  shape  of the cause  only,
But in domestic aspects  truth may have   some effect and meaning,
The rules of Veda may have long standing   results but they  are not for ever.

24.Na yadhidhamagra aasa  nabhavishyadhatho nidhaana,
Danumitha mantharaa  thwayi  vibhaathi  mrushaika   rase,
Ahthe upameeyathe  dravina jaathi  vikalpa padhai,
Vithadha mano vilaasam  rutha mithya vayanthya  budhaa.

This World was not there  before creation   and it   would not be there,
After  the deluge and it is seen in the middle  in you who has  ,
A form of true divine joy in a very  imaginary  form but to the  mind,
Which compares it with gold  , earth and  ornaments, it iis only a  mirage.

25.Sa  yadha jayaa  thwajamanu sayitha gunaamscha jushan,
Bhajathi saroopathaam  thadanu  mruthyumapetha  bhaga,
Thwamutha jahaasi  thamahiriva thwachamaatha  bhago,
Mahasi   maheeyase  ashta  gunithe aparimaya bhaga.

The soul  which was created by you power of illusion, accepted,
Its state  of ignorance and concluded that it is a  body-soul combination,
And due to this soul lost its joy and became a  cog in the  birth death cycle,
But you have pushed off  ignorance and shines  in your unending  power.

26.Yadhi na samudharathi yathayo  hrudhi kama jataa,
Duradhi gamo asathaam  hrudhi  gatho  asmyatha kanta  mani,
Asruthyupayoginaam  ubhayatho  apya sukham  bhagavan,
Anapa gathantha kaadhanaadhi roodapadhaadh bhvatha.

Oh lord If Sanyasis has  not removed desire  for pleasure  from their mind,
Even if you are  in their mind, you will not reveal it just like  a man wearing a bell,
Forgets it, he  will not know   where  the bell is and the yogis    with desire.
Would get sorrow from you   as well as the  definite   death.

27.Thwadhavagami na vethi  bhavadhutha shubhashubhayo,
Guna vigunanwayaan  tharhi  dehabruthaam  cha  geetha,
Anuyugamanvaham  saguna   geetha  paramparayaa,
Sravana brutho  yathathva  mapa  vargga gather manujai.

Oh lord with endless  greatness, The wise man who knows the soul
Does not have pride and he  is therefore free   from sins , good deeds,
Pleasures and sorrow and those   who believe that   they   are the body,
The rules  of sastra  are  meaningless and he  follows  the  rules of spirituality,
As laid by sastras and lives  a great life of spiritual   freedom.

28.Drupathaya yeva they   na  yayurantha manatha  thayaa,
Thwamapi  yathantharaanda nichayaa nanu saavaranaa,
Kha  yiva  rajaamsi  vaanthi  vayasaa  saha yachruthayaa,
Thwayi hi  phalanthya thannirasanena bhavn nidhana.

Your measure  is not known to brahma  and other devas and even,
Yourselves and in the  area  under you,  innumerable universes along with ,
Their accompaniments are moving about driven by the power  of time,
And so unable to describe Vedas say that, you   are that,
Which remains if all our  premises  about you are  completely thrown out ..

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