
Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Material for Devi Mahathmya Parayanam for Fifth day of Navarathri

Material for Devi Mahathmya  Parayanam for Fifth  day  of Navarathri

Translated by

Image result for Raktha Bheeja vadha

Chapter 8: Killing of Raktha Bheeja.

1. Rishir Uvacha:-
Chande cha nihathe daithye Munde cha vinipathithe,
Bahuleshu cha sainyeshu kshayiteshwasureswara.

2. Thatha kopa paradheena chetha Shumbha prathapawan,
Udyogam sarva sainyanaam daithyanaam adhidesha ha.

When Chanda was killed, Munda has fallen and a huge army was destroyed, the God of Asuras Shumbha who was very famous became extremely angry and gave orders for the entire army of asuras to fight against the goddess.

3. Adhya sarva balair daithya shadaseethirudhayudha,
Kambhoonam chathuraseethir niryanthu swabalair vyatha.

Let the war ready eighty six groups along with the four sections of the army and all the eighty four Kambus(a group of asuras) surrounded by their own army march against her.

4. Koti veeryani panchasadauraanam kulani vai,
Satham kulani dhoomranaam nirgachanthu mamagnaya.

The fifty groups called Koti veeryas (crore heroes) and the fifty groups born in the dhoomra family also start as per my order.

5. Kaalka, daurhrudha, mairya, kalakeyasthadasura,
Yudhaya sajja niryanthu agnaya twaritha mama.

Those called Kalaka, those born in the family of Durhruth, those sons of Kalaka, also start speedily with all arrangements as per my order.

6. Ithyagnapyaasurapathi Shumbho bhairava shasana,
Nirjagama maha sainya saharair bahubir vrutha.

After ordering thus that Asura chief Shumbha who had strong control started surrounded by thousands of great armies.

7. Aayantham chandika drushtwa tatsainyamathi bheeshanam,
Jyaswanai poorayamasa dharani gaganantharam.

Seeing that great horror filled army of Shumbha coming towards her, that goddess Chandika pulled the thread of her bow and filled the space between sky and earth with a sound of “twang”

8. Thatha simho mahanada matheeva kruthavan nrupa,
Gandaswanena thannadam ambika chopabyam hayath.
Hey king, afterwards the lion also roared greatly and the goddess increased the sound of that roar by ringing of the bell.

9. Dhanurjya simha gandanam naada pooritha dingmukha,
ninadair bheeshanair Kali jigye vistharithanana.

This sound of lion, twang of the bow and the sound of the bell, which filled all directions, was victorious (much louder) over the sound made by the broad-faced goddess Kali.

10. Thanninadammupasrruthu daithyasainyair chaturdisam,
Devi simhasthadha Kali saroshair parivaritha.

Hearing that sound, the very angry Asura army surrounded the goddess Ambika, the lion and Goddess Kali.

11. Ethasminnanthare bhoopa, vinasaya suradwisham,
Bhavayamarasimhanam athi veerya balanwitha.

12. Brahmesa guha Vishnunaam thadaivendrasya sakthaya,
Sarrerebhyo vinishkramya roopair chandikam yayu.

Hey king, at this time for causing the destruction of asuras and for benefit of the devas, the very strong and intelligent Sakthis (innate female powers) of Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu, Subrahmanya and Indra came out and with the looks of the corresponding gods reached Chandika.
(Shakthi literally means strength and here it is the essential force. The shakthi from Brahma was called Brahmani, from Shiva called Maheswari, From Vishnu, Vaishnavi, Narasimhi and Varahi, from Indra Indrani and from Subramanya as Kaumari. Along with Chandika they are called the Ashta Durgas)

13. Yasya devasya yadroopam yadha bhooshana vahanam,
Thdwa devachakthi rasuraan yodhumayayou.

Each of these shakthis had the same mien of the god, same ornaments and same steed and all of them started for war with the asuras.

14. Hamsa yuktha vimanagre saaksha soothra kamandalu,
Aayatha brahmana shakthir brahmani saabhidheeyathe.

The shakthi from Brahma came on a plane with swans and was having the drinking vessel and the chain of beads and that goddess was known as Brahmani.

15. Maheswari vrusharrooda trishoola dharini,
Mahahi valaya praptha chandra rekha vibhooshana.

Maheswari reached there riding on a bull, holding the great trident, and wearing snakes as bangles and the crescent as an ornament on her head.

16. Kaumari shakthi hastha cha mayoora vara vahana,
Yodhumabhyayou dathyanam ambika guhaoopini.

The shakthi of Subrahmanya called Kaumari started for the war with the asuras holding a spear, riding on the glorious peacock and having a form similar to Subrahmanya.

17. Thadaiva vaishnava shakthir garudopari samsthitha,
Sanka chakra gadha sarnga gadga hasthabhyayou.

Similarly the Shakthi of Vishnu rode on Garuda (Eagle) and was armed with conch, wheel, mace, bow and sword.

18. Yagna varahamathulam roopam yaa bibrutho hare,
Shakthisaapyaou thathra vaarahim bibruthi thanum.

The incomparable sagely form of Lord Vishnu in the form of boar; called Varahi also came there.

19. Narasimhi mrusimhasya bibrathi sadrusam vapu,
Praptha thathra sataksha pakshiptha nakshatra samhathi.

A Shakthi connected with the form on lion-man (Narasimha also came there, which with its mane was breaking apart the collection of stars.

20. Vajrasthaa thadaivaindri gaja rajoparisthidha,
Praptha sahasra nayana yatha sakrasthadiva saa.

Similarly resembling Indra, a power Indrani reached there riding on elephant called Iravatha, holding the vajrayudha (weapon of diamond) and having thousand eyes.

21. Thada parivrutha sthabir ishano deva shakthibhi,
Hanyantham asura seegram mama preethyaha chandikaam.

Then surrounded by those Shakthis from different devas, Parameshwara told goddess Chandika that she should kill the asuras swiftly because of his love for her.
(This is slightly confusing but one reading suggests that it is not “Parameshwara “ but the “shakthi from parameshwara. ”)

22. Thadho deva sareerathu vinishkanthadhi bheeshana,
Chandika shakthir athyugra shiva satha ninadhini.

Then from the body of Goddess, the horrifying and very angry power of Chandika rose with hundreds of sounds of Shiva.

23. Saa chaha dhoomrajatilameeshanam aparajitha,
Dhoothathwam gacha Baghawan, paraswam Shumbha Nishumbhayo.

That invinicible Chandika told Lord Shive with red flowing hair, “Hey God, please go to Shumbha and Nishumbha as my emissary. ”

24. Broohi Shumbham Nishumbhascha Dhanavavathi garvithou,
Ye chanyai dhanasthathra yudhaya samupasthitha.

Please tell those proud egotistical Shumbha and Nishmbha as well other Asuras who have assembled there for war.

25. Trilokyamindro labhatham deva santhu havirbhuja,
Yooyam prayatha patalam yadhi jeevithum icchhada.

If you interested in staying alive, go to Patala (Underworld) and allow Indra to rule over the three worlds as also permit Devas to eat their share from fire sacrifice.

26. Balavalepadhadha chedh bavantho yudha kamkshina,
Thadha gachatha trupyanthu machiva pisithena vaa.

Otherwise because of your over estimate of self, if you are interested in war, let my followers be satisfied by your meat.

27. Yatho niyuktho dauthyena thaya devya Shiva swayam,
Shiva dhoothi ithi loke asmim sthatha saa khyathi magatha.

Because of the fact that She sent Lord Shiva himself as emissary, in this human world she became famous as Shiva dhoothi. (She who sent Shiva as an emissary).

28. They api sruthwa devya sarvakyatham mahasura,
Amarsha pooritha janmaryutha kathyayani Sthidha.

Those great asuras hearing the words of Chandika as told by Lord Shiva, became full of anger and marched in the direction where the Goddess was available.

29. Thadha prathamamevagre sarashathyashti vrushtibhi,
Vavarsha rudhatha amarshastham devimararaya.

Then those enemies of devas, due to their ebbing anger sent rains of arrows, spears and swords towards the body of the goddesses.

30. Saa cha thaan prahithan banan shoola shakthi paraswadhan,
Chichedha leelayad matha dhanurmukthair maheshubhi.

That Chandika cut off all the arrows, spears and swords sent by the asuras playfully with her great arrows.
31. Tasyagrasthada kaali shoolapada vitharithan,
Gadwangapadhithamschanyan kurvathivyacharathadha.

Then similarly Goddess Kali walked in front of her by breaking open the skulls of some by spears and hurting others by swords.

32. Kamandalu jalakshepa hatha veeryaan hathoujasa,
Brahmani chakarochathroon yena yena sma dhavathi.

Whichever way Brahmani traveled, she sprinkled water from her holy vessel and made the soldiers power less and without vigour.

33. Maheswari trishulena thadha chakrena vaishnavi,
Daithyan jagana Kaumari thadha shakthyadhi kopana.

Maheswari with her trident, Vaishnavi with her holy Wheel and Kaumari with her spear killed those asuras with great anger.

34. Iyndri kulisapathena sathaso daithya dhanava,
Pethur vidaritha bhoomou rudhirougha praharshina.

With the hit of Vajaraudha of Iyndri, numerous asuras and Rakshasas fell in the battlefield bleeding profusely.

35. Thunda prahara vidhwastha damshtagra kshatha vakshasa,
Varaha moorthya nrupatham sakrena cha vidharitha.

Several of them fell because of the hit by the face of Varahi, because of her claws tearing them and by her Chakrayudha (Wheel).

36. Nakhair vidharithamschanyan bakshayanthi mahasuran,
Naarasimhi cha chaarajou nada poornitha digambara.

Narasimhi killed some great asuras by tearing them by her claws and some by eating them and filling all sides and the sky with great sound which traveled all over the space.

37. Chandattahasairasura Shiva dhoothyabhibashitha,
Perthu vidharitha bhoomou thamscha gadhdha saa thada.

Those asuras who fell hearing the great roar of Shivadhoothi were eaten by her immediately.

38. Ithi mathru ganam krudham mardhayantham mahasuraan,
Drushtwabhyupayair vividhair nesur devari sainika.

The Asura soldiers thus being killed by such different war techniques by the angry group of goddesses ran away.
39. Palayana paran drushtwa daithyan mathruganardhithan,
Yodhumabhyayou krudho raktha bheejo mahasura.

The great Asura called Raktha Bheeja (He who uses his blood as seed) seeing that his army is troubled by the mother goddesses and were intent on running away, became very angry and went for war.

40. Rakthabindurayadha bhoomou pathathyasya sareeratha,
Samuthpathathi medhinyasthath pramano mahasura.

When a drop of his blood falls on the ground, from that will rise another Asura exactly like him.

41. Yuyudhe cha gadhapanir indra shakthya mahasura,
Thathschaindri swa vajrena raktha bheejama thadayath.

He with a mace in his hand fought with Iyndrani and she hit him with her Vajrayudha,

42. Kulisena hathasyasu bahu susrava shonitham,
Samthasdhusthatho yodhasthadrupa sthath parakrama.

By the hit of Vajrayudha lot of blood fell from his body and from that blood rose several asuras similar to him looks and valour.

43,Yavantha pathithasthasya sareerad raktha bindhawa,
Thavantha purusha jathasthad veerya bala vikrama.

As per the number of drops of blood that fell from his body, from that rose similar number of asuras equal to him in strength and valour.

44. They chaapi yuyudhasthathra purusha raktha sambhava,
‘ Samam mathrubhirathyugra sastha pathathi bheeshanam.

In that war all those men who rose from the drops of blood fought with the mother goddesses with very powerful weapons.

45. Punascha vajrapathena kshathamasya shiro yadha,
Vavaha raktham purushasthatho jatha sahasrasa.

Afterwards when Raktha Beeja’s head was cut by the hit of vajrayudha, he bled a lot and from that flow of blood rose thousands of men.

46. Vaishnavi samare chinam chakranobhi jagana ha,
Gadhaya thadayamasa iyndri thaamsureswaram.

In the war Vishnavi cut him with wheel and Indri beat him with Vajrayudha again.

47. Vaishnavi chakra binnasya rudira srava sambhavai,
Saharaso jagat vyaptham thath pramanai mahasurai.

Due to the wound inflicted by the Chakra (Holy wheel) of Vaishnavi blood flowed profusely and the world was filled by several thousands of asuras like him.

48. Sakthya jagana kaumari vaarahi thadasina,
Maheswari trishulena rakthabeejam mahasuram.

Kaumari with her spear, Varahi with her sword and Maaheswari with her trident troubled Rakthabheeja.

49. Sa chaapi gadhya daithya sarva evahanath prudak,
Mathru kopa samavishto raktha bheejo mahasura.

That great Asura called Raktha Bheeja with great anger gave thrashing to the mother goddesses seperately.

50. Tasyahathasya bahudha sakthi sooladhibhir bhuvi,
Papathayo vai rakthou gasthena samgnathaso asura.

The quanitity of blood that fell on the floor from him due to weapons like spear and sword gave raise to numerous asuras.

51. Taischasura srukh sambhoothai rasuarai sakalam jagat,
Vyapthamasi thatho deva bhayamajagmuruthamam.

The asuras who rose from the blood of that Asura spread and filled the universe and because of this devas were filled with great fear.

52. Thaan vishannan suraan drushtwa Chandika praha sathwara,
Uvacha kaleem Chamunde, vistheernam vadanam kuru.

That Goddess Chandika seeing that the devas looked worried, told Goddess Kali speedily, “Hey Chamunde, make your face very broad. ”

53. Macchathrapatha sambhoothan rakthabhindun mahasuraan,
Rakthabhindo pratheecha thwan vakthronaaena vegitha.

You catch with your broad face these great asuras, as drops of blood when the blood falls due to my weapons.

54. Bakashayanthi chara rane thaduthpannan mahasuraan,
Evamesha kshayam daithya ksheenaraktho gamishyathi.

Travel in the battle field eating the asuras who rise from the drops of blood and this Rakthabheeja would die soon with loss of blood.
55. Bakshyamanasthwaya chogra nachothpathi chaapare,
Ithyukthwa thaam thatho devi soolenabhi jagana thaam.

Saying, “Because you are eating them, new asuras will not be produced” that Chandika hit that Asura Raktha bheeja with her trident.

56. Mukhena kaali jagruhe rakthabheejasya shonitham,
Thatho asaavaa jagaanadha gadatha thathra chandikaam.

Kali drank Raktha Bheeja’s blood with her face and afterwards Raktha Bheeja hit chandika by his mace.

57. Na chaasya Vedaanam chakre Gadhapatho alpikamapi,
Thasyahathasya dehathu bahu susrava shonitham.

That hit by the mace did not give any pain to Chandika and Rakthabheeja who was hit by Chandika lost lot of blood.

58. Yathasthad vakthrena Chamundow sampatheechathi,
Mukhe samuthgatha yesya rakthapathaan mahasura.

59. Thasmscha gadhadha Chamundo papaow tasya cha sonitham.

That Goddess Chamunda caught the blood falling here and there from Raktha Bheeja by her face and drank it. She also ate those asuras who were already produced by falling of his blood. She also drank the blood of Raktha Bheeja.

60. Devi soolena vajrena banairasibhiryashtibhi,
Jagana Raktha Bheejam tham Chamunda peetha sonitham.

Goddess Chandika hit Rakthabheeja whose blood has been drank by Goddess Chandika with weapons like Trident, Vajrayudha, arrows and swords.

61. Sapapatha maha prushte sasthra sangha samahatha,
Neerakthascha Maheepala Raktha Bheejo mahasura.

Hey king, That Asura called Raktha Bheeja was punished suffeciently and lost all the blood from his body and fell on the floor.

62. Thathsthe harshamathula mavapsthridasa Nrupa,
Hathe mathru ganasthasmin nanarthasyangh madodhadhatha.

Hey king, afterwards, the devas attained great happiness, when Raktha Bheeja died and those mother Goddesses drunk heavily by his blood danced.

Ithi Markandeya purane savarnike manwanthare,
Devi Mahatmye,
Raktha Bheeja vadho Nama,
Ashtamo adhyaya,

This is the eighth chapter in Devi Mahatmya dealing with the killing of Raktha Bheeja Occuring in the Savarnika period of Markandeya Purana

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