
Saturday, October 26, 2019

Dattatreya Vajra Kavacham

Dattatreya Vajra Kavacham
(the diamond  Armour  of Dathathreya)

It is one of the  greatest  prayer   addressed to  Lord  Dathathreya., who is the son of sage Athri   and lady Anasooya

                      'Vajra' means diamond and "kavacha' means armour.
Dattatreya Himself has proclaimed in that
“he who reads this armour  will get  body like diamond”

Initiation from a  Guru  is not needed  for learning this Kavacha.It can be  learnt by men and woman

Each part of the body is covered by this Kavacha. Millions of devotees have  been helped by chanting this Kavacha.

श्रीगणेशाय नम: श्रीदत्तात्रेय नम: ।।
shri ganeshaya namah |
shri dattatreyaya namah ||
ऋषिय ऊचु:
rishaya uchuh

कथं संकल्पसिद्धि: स्याद्वेदव्यास कलौ युगे
धर्मार्थकाममोक्षाणां साधनं किमुदाहृतम् ।।1।।

katham sankalpasiddhih syad vedavyasa kalau yuge |
dharmarthakama mokshanam sadhanam kimudahritam ||

Oh Veda Vyasa  in the    age of Kali  which fulfills  our thoughts ,
And which would help us achieve  Dharma Artha  Kama   and Moksha.

व्यास उवाच
vyasa uvacha
Sage Vyasa   said

श्र्ण्वन्तु ऋषय: सर्वे शीघ्रं संकल्पसाधनम्
सकृदुच्चारमात्रेण भोगमोक्षप्रदायकम् ।।2।।

shrinvantu rishaya ssarve shighram sankalpasadhanam |
sakriduchcharamatrena bhogamokshapradayakam ||

Please hear all sages  that which fulfills your thoughts    with speed
Which   grants pleasures    as well as salvation , as soon as  one chants it

श्र्ण्वन्तु ऋषय: सर्वे शीघ्रं संकल्पसाधनम्
सकृदुच्चारमात्रेण भोगमोक्षप्रदायकम् ।।2।।

gaurishringe himavatah kalpavrikshopashobhitam |
dipte divyamaharatna hemamandapamadhyagam ||

In the Himalayas  on the  Gauri peak which shines   with wish giving tree,
IIn  the  shining golden  stage in between great    precious gems

रत्नसिंहासनासीनं प्रसन्नं परमेश्वरम्
मंदस्मितमुखाम्भोजं शंकरं प्राह पार्वती ।।

ratnasimhasanasinam prasannam parameshvaram |
mandasmitamukhambhojam shankaram praha parvati ||
On a gem studded   throne Lord Parameshwara  was sitting happily  .
And Parvathi  with a smiling   lotus like face   asked him.

shri devi uvacha
The Goddess  Said

देवदेव महादेव लोकशंकर शंकर
मन्त्रजालानि सर्वाणि यन्त्रजालानि कृत्स्नश: ।।5।।

devadeva mahadeva lokashankara shankara |
mantrajalani sarvani yantrajalani kritsnashah ||

Oh God of Gods  , oh great God  , Oh God  who makes world peaceful, Oh Sankara,
Who is   an expert   in all the tricks   of Manthras   as well as Thanthras

तन्त्रजालान्यनेकानि मया त्वत्त: श्रुतानि वै
इदानीं द्रष्टुमिच्छामि विशेषेण महीतलम् ।।6।।

tantrajalanyanekani maya tvattah shritani vai |
idanim drashtumichchami visheshena mahitalam ||

I  have  been depending  on various  thanthras, tricks and   mathras  on you,
But now  I would like to see , sometthing  special     to earth.

इत्युदीरितमाकर्ण्य पार्वत्या परमेश्वर:
करेणामृज्य संतोषात्पार्वतीं प्रत्यभाषत ।।7।।

ityudiritamakarnya parvatya parameshvarah |
karenamrijya santoshat parvatim pratyabhashata ||

When Pravathy    requested  like this to   Lord Parameshwara,
Due to the   joy that filled  him , , he replied back to  Parvathi

मयेदानीं त्वया सार्धं वृषमारुह्य गम्यते
इत्युक्त्वा वृषमारुह्य पार्वत्या सह शंकर: ।।8।।

mayedanim tvaya sardham vrishamaruhya gamyate |
ityuktva vrishamaruhya parvatya saha shankarah ||

We are going together   riding on the bull,
Said SAnkara  who was   riding on the   bull with Parvathy

ययौ भूमण्डलं द्रष्टुं गौर्याश्चित्राणि दर्शयन्
क्वचिद् विन्ध्याचलप्रान्ते महारण्ये सुदुर्गमे ।।9।।

yayau bhumandalam drashtum gauryashchitrani darshayan |
kvachit vindhyachalaprante maharanye sudurgame ||

And  when they saw     the earth, he showed Gauri various interesting things there,
And they reached  the area of  Vindhya mountains   with very   unapproachable forests.

तत्र व्याहन्तुमायान्तं भिल्लं परशुधारिणम्
वध्यमानं महाव्याघ्रं नखदंष्ट्राभिरावृतम्

tatra vyahartumayantam bhillam parashudharinam |
vadhyamanam mahavyaghram nakhadamshtrabhiravritam ||

And  there they saw a  BHilla   armed with an axe
And he wasmoving in the  forest for hunting and he  had nails   as well as  teeth

अतीव चित्रचारित्र्यं वज्रकायसमायुतम्
अप्रयत्नमनायासमखिन्नं सुखमास्थितम् ।।11।।

ativa chitracharitryam vajrakayasamayutam |
aprayatnamanayasamakhinnam sukhamasthitam ||

Blessed with a body of talons and teeth, he was very great to look at,
He was not doing anything , was there  with ease and was sitting   there pleasantly

पलायन्तं मृगं पश्चाद् व्याघ्रो भीत्या पलायित:
एतदाश्चर्यमालोक्य पार्वती प्राह शंकरम् ।।12।।

palayantam mrigam pashchadvyaghro bhitya palayatah |
etadashcharyamalokya parvati praha shankaram ||

He saw a tiger and scared started running and a deer also   .
Was running behind it, seeing this strange scene  Parvathy asked Lord shiva

shri parvasthyuvacha
Goddess Parvathy said

किमाश्चर्यं किमाश्चर्यमग्रे शम्भो निरीक्ष्यताम्
इत्युक्त: तत: शम्भुर्दृष्ट्वा प्राह पुराणवित् ।।13।।

kimashcharyam kimashcharyamagre shambho nirikshyatam |
ityuktah sa tatah shambhurdrishtva praha puranavit ||

What a wonder, what wonder  , that   which we are seeing oh lord,
When she told like this , Lord Shiva  who saw that   again told

श्रीशंकर उवाच
shri shankara uvacha
Lord Sankara   told

गौरि वक्ष्यामि ते चित्रमवाड़्मनसगोचरम्
अदृष्टपूर्वमस्माभिर्नास्ति किंचिन्न कुत्रचित् ।।14।।

gauri vakshyami te chitramavanmanasagocharam |
adrishtapurvam asmabhir nasti kinchinna kutrachit ||

Oh Parvathi  , The strange thing  is seen before us,
And I will tell you what  I understand withot hiding

मया सम्यक् समासेन वक्ष्यते श्रृणु पार्वति
अयं दूरश्रवा नाम भिल्ल: परमधार्मिक: ।।15।।

maya samyak samasena vakshyate shrinu parvati |
ayam durashrava nama bhillah paramadharmikah ||

Oh Parvathi  please hear what I have understood  out of that,
And he is a Bhilla  called Durashrava  who is a great  follower of Dharma

समित्कुशप्रसूनानि कन्दमूलफलादिकम्
प्रत्यहं विपिनं गत्वा समादाय प्रयासत: ।।16।।

samitkushaprasunani kandamulaphaladikam |
pratyaham vipinam gatva samadaya prayasatah ||

He  collects   the  dry sticks, flowers  , grass, fruits  and roots 
From  here with great efforts    by visiting    various places

प्रिये पूर्वं मुनीन्द्रेभ्य: प्रयच्छति वाण्छति
तेsपि तस्मिन्नपि दयां कुर्वते सर्वमौनिन: ।।17।।

priye purvam munindrebhyah prayachchati na vanchati |
tepi tasminnapi dayam kurvate sarvamauninah ||

With great love, he makes them reach  the variouse great sages
Without   expecting     anything in return and the sages  honour him

. दलादनो महायोगी वसन्नेव निजाश्रमे
कदाचिदस्मरत् सिद्धं दत्तात्रेयं दिगन्बरम् ।।18।।

daladano mahayogi vasanneva nijashrame |
kadachidasmarat siddham dattatreyam digambaram ||

A great yogi called Dalaadana   lives here  in his hermitage,
And  he once remembered  the  Sidha called  Dathathreya  who wears the directions

दत्तात्रेय: स्मर्तृगामी चेतिहासं परीक्षितुम्
तत्क्षणात्सोsपि योगीन्द्रो दत्तात्रेय: समुत्थित:

dattatreyah smartrigami chetihasam parikshitum |
tat kshanat sopi yogindro dattatreyah samutthitah ||

They wanted   to test   their powerof appearance on thought  of  Lord Dathathreya
And  Immediately Lord   Dathathreya appeared    before the yogi

तं दृष्ट्वाssश्चर्यतोषाभ्यां दलादनमहामुनि:
सम्पूज्याग्रे निषीदन्तं दत्तात्रेयमुवाच तम् ।।20।।

tam drishtvashcharyatoshabhyam daladanamahamunih |
sampujyagre vishidantam dattatreyamuvacha tam ||

And seeing him daladanathe leader of   sages became   very happy,
He worshipped the LordDathathreya and offered   him a seat and told him

मयोपहूत: सम्प्राप्तो दत्तात्रेय महामुने
स्मर्तृगामी त्वमित्येतत् किंवदन्तीं परीक्षितुम् ।।21।।

mayopahutah samprapto dattatreya mahamune |
smartrigami tvamityetat kimvadantim parikshitum ||

Oh Great  sage Dathathreya , who has come as  per our desire,
WE only remembered   you and your power  to appear   when some one thinks  about you

मयाद्य संस्मृतोsसि त्वमपराधं क्षमस्व मे
दत्तात्रेयो मुनिं प्राह मम प्रकृतिरीदृशी ।।22।।

mayadya samsmritopi tvamaparadham kshamasva me |
dattatreyo munim praha mama prakritiridrishi ||

Please  pardon us    for our mistake  in making you come here,
And then the sage Dathathreya told them , “this is my nature”

अभक्त्या वा सुभक्त्या वा : स्मरेन्मामनन्यधी:
तदानीं तमुपागत्य ददामि तद्भीप्सितम् ।।23।।

abhaktya va subhaktya va yah smarenmamananyadhih |
tadanim tamupagamya dadami tadabhipsitam ||

Even if some   with devotion   or without it  think about me,
I immediately I   go before them  and fulfill  their desire

दत्तात्रेयो मुनिं प्राह दलादनमुनीश्वरम्
यदिष्टं तद्वृणीष्व त्वं यत् प्राप्तोsहं त्वया स्मृत: ।।24।।

dattatreyo munim praha daladanamunishvaram |
yadishtam tad vrinishva tvam yat praptoham tvayasmritah ||

Then the sage  Dathathreya   told the   of the sge Daladana,
If you ask  whatever you desire, You would able    to get it from me

dattatreyam munim praha maya kimapi nochyate |
tvachchitte yat sthitam tanme prayachcha munipungava ||

Then the sage  Dathareya told him, ask me whatever you need,
Whatever  is in your mind, I would fulfill them oh great sage 

श्रीदत्तात्रेय उवाच
shri dattatreya uvacha
Dathathreya told

ममास्ति वज्रकवचं गृहाणेत्यवदन्मुनिम्
तथेत्यंगीकृतवते दलादनमुनये मुनि: ।।26।।

mamasti vajrakavacham grihanetyavadanmunim |
tathetyangikritavate daladamunaye munih ||

Oh sages  , please  learn this diamond armour of mine,
And  after   that he   taught  this daiamond armour to the sage  Daladana

स्ववज्रकवचं प्राह ऋषिच्छन्द: पुर:सरम्
न्यासं ध्यानं फलं तत्र प्रयोजनमशेषत: ।।27।।

svavajrakavacham praha rishichchandah purassaram |
nyasam dhyanam phalam tatra prayojanamasheshatah ||

Then he  told hism  , his   diamond armour   along with   rishi  , CHandhas,
Nyasa, dhyanam,  the result of chanting   it as well    as its use.

अस्य श्रीदत्तात्रेयवज्रकवचस्तोत्रमन्त्रस्य किरातरूपी महारुद्र ऋषि:, अनुष्टुप् छन्द:, श्रीदत्तात्रेयो देवता, द्रां बीजम्, आं शक्ति:, क्रौं कीलकम्, ऊँ आत्मने नम: ऊँ द्रीं मनसे नम: ऊँ आं द्रीं श्रीं सौ: ऊँ क्लां क्लूं क्लैं क्लौं क्ल: श्रीदत्तात्रेयप्रसादसिद्द्ध्यर्थे जपे विनियोग: ।।

asya shridattatreya vajrakavachastotra mantrasya, kiratarupi maharudra rishih, anushtup chandah, shridattatreyo devata, dram bijam, am shaktih, kraum kilakam,

For the manthra  of the diamond   armour  of dathathreya, the sage is Lord shiva as hunter, the  meter  is anushtup, the god prayed  to is Dathathreya, dram is the seed and Kraum  is the speed  controller

om atmane namah
om drim manase namah
om am drim shrim sauh
om klam klim klum klaim klaum klah
shri dattatreya prasada siddhyarthe jape viniyogah

Om Salutations to soul
Om DRim   Salutations to the mind
Om Am DRim Srim  Sauh
om klam klim klum klaim klaum klah
I am doing    this chanting    to get   blessings  of Dathathreya

karanyasah  Worship by hand

om dram angushtabhyam namah
om drim tarjanibhyam namah
om drum madhyamabhyam namah
om draim anamikabhyam namah
om draum kanishthikabhyam namah
om drah karatalakaraprishthabhyam namah

Om dramn salutation with thumb
Om DRim salutation with  pointing finger
Om Drum salutation with middle finger
Om Draim salutation with ring finger
Om DRah   Salutation with inside of the palm

hridayadi nyasah Salutation with heart

om dram hridayaya namah
om drim shirase svaha
om drum shikhayai vashat
om draim kavachaya hum
om draum netratrayaya vaushat
om drah astraya phat

Om Dram salutation with chest
Om DRim Salutation with head
Om Drum salutation with hair on head
Om DRaim Salutation to the armour
Om DRaum salutation     with eyes
Om DRah  Salutation with arrow

om bhurbhuvah svaromiti digbandhah
Om Bhuvarbhuvaswarom   I tie all the sides

अथ ध्यानम्

जगदंकुरकन्दाय सच्चिदानन्दमूर्तये
दत्तात्रेयाय योगीन्द्रचन्द्राय परमात्मने ।।1।।

jagadankurakandaya sachchidanandamurtaye |
dattatreyaya yogindrachandraya paramatmane ||

The world  has the form of a budding tree  , the form everlasting divine  joy,
Salutation the great yogi Dathathreya who is like a moon and is the  divine God 

कदा योगी कदा भोगी कदा नग्न: पिशाचवत्
दत्तात्रेयो हरि: साक्षाद्भुक्तिमुक्तिप्रदायक: ।।2।।

kadha yogi kadha bhogi kadha nagnah pishachavat |
dattatreyo harih sakshad bhuktimukti pradayakah ||

Some times saint, some times  the enjoyer and some times a nude ghost like person,
Dathathreya  is really Hari who can grant  pleasure  and  salvation

वाराणसीपुरस्नायी कोल्हापुरजपादर:
माहुरीपुरभिक्षाशी सह्यशायी दिगम्बर: ।।3।।

varanasipurasnayi kolhapura japadarah |
mahuripurabhikshashi sahyashayi digambarah ||

He takes bath in Varanasi, he   does chanting in Kolhapur,
He begs for alms in Mahurgad and takes rest in a nude  form in western ghats

वैदूर्यसदृशस्फूर्तिश्चलत्किंचिज्जटाधर: ।।4।।

indranilasamakarashchandrakantisamadyutih |
vaiduryasadrishasphurtishchalatkinchijjatadharah ||

He   is like the blue topaz  and his shine  is like moon stone,
And his flowing tuft    shines  like    the diamond stone

भ्रूवक्ष:श्मश्रुनीलांक: शशांकसदृशानन: ।।5।।

snigdha dhavalya yukta kshothyanthanilakaninikah |
bhruvaksha shshmashrunilankah shashanka sadrishananah ||

His eyes are white and filled with love, his eye  balls
His face is like moon  and his eye brows     are bluish

हासनिर्जितनीहार: कण्ठनिर्जितकम्बुक:
मांसलांसो दीर्घबाहु: पाणिनिर्जितपल्लव: ।।6।।

hasa nirjita niharah kanta nirjita kambukah |
mamsalamso deerghabahuh pani nirjita pallavah ||

His laugh will win over the mist, his neck will win over the conch,
He is fleshy, with long hands and his    hands win over fresh  leaves.

विशालपीनवक्षाश्च ताम्रपाणिर्दलोदर:
पृथुलश्रोणिललितो विशालजघनस्थ: ।।7।।

vishala pina vakshashcha tamrapanir dalodarah |
pruthula shroni  lalito vishala jaghanasthalah ||

He has a very broad chest and reddish  hands,
His hip and loins are broad wide   buttocks

गूढ़गुल्फ: कूर्मपृष्ठो लसत्पादोपरिस्थल: ।।8।।

rambha stambhopamanoru janupurvai kajanghakah |
gudha gulphah kurma prishtho lasat vadoparisthalah ||

His thighs stand like the pillar  of banana stem till  it falls,
And the  knee cap  is like    the seat of the tortoise 

चर्माम्बरधरो योगी स्मर्तृगामी क्षणे क्षणे ।।9।।

raktaravinda sadrusharamaniyapadadharah |
charmambaradharo yogi smartrigami kshane kshane ||

He has a pretty feet which resembles   red lotus  flower,
And that  Yogi who wears  hide comes instantly   when called

ज्ञानोपदेशनिरतो विपद्धरणदीक्षित:
सिद्धासनसमासीन ऋजुकायो हसन्मुख: ।।10।।

jnanopadesha nirato vipad dharanadi kshitah |
siddhasana samasina rijukayo hasanmukhah ||

Busy with teaching wisdom , he saves people from danger,
Sits like a Sidha and his face   appears   always  laughing

वामहस्तेन वरदो दक्षिणेनाभयंकर:
बालोन्मत्तपिशाचीभि: क्वचिद्युक्त: परीक्षित: ।।11।।

vamahastena varado dakshinenabhayankarah |
balonmatta pishachibhih kvachid yuktah parikshitah ||

He blesses   with hisleft hand and  with right hand  provides protection,
And he ofen cures   those mad with power and those caught by ghosts

त्यागी भोगी महायोगी नित्यानन्दो निरंजन:
सर्वरूपी सर्वदाता सर्वग: सर्वकामद: ।।12।।

tyagi bhogi mahayogi nityanando niranjanah |
sarvarupi sarvadata sarvagah sarvakamadah ||

One who sacrifices, one who enjoys, great saint, forever happy  he is stainless,
He has form of every one, giver to all, knower of everything and capable of satisfying all desires

भस्मोद्धूलितसर्वांगो महापातकनाशन:
भुक्तिप्रदो मुक्तिदाता जीवन्मुक्तो संशय: ।।13।।

bhasmoddhulitasarvango mahapatakanashanah |
bhuktiprado muktidata jivanmukto na samshayah ||

He covers his entire body with sacred ash and destroys all very bad deeds,
He grants pleasures in this life and without doubt grants  salvation

एवं ध्यात्वाsनन्यचित्तो मद्वज्रकवचं पठेत्
मामेव पश्यन्सर्वत्र मया सह संचरेत् ।।14।।

evam dhyatvananyachitto madvajrakavacham pathet |
mameva pashyansarvatra sa maya saha sancharet ||

If I am  meditated like this and if the  diamond armour is read,
He will be seeing only me and wherever he  goes   he will be with me

दिगम्बरं भस्मसुगन्धलेपनं चक्रं त्रिशूलं डमरुं गदायुधम्
पद्मासनं योगिमुनीन्द्रवन्दितं दत्तेति नामस्मरणेन नित्यम् ।।15

digambaram bhasmasugandha lepanam
chakra trishulam damarum gadayudham |

He  is without cloth and applies sacred aAnd meditate  sh all over,
And he carries  Chakra, trident small   drum and the mace

padmasanam yogimunindravanditam
dattetinamasmaranena nityam ||

Sitting in the lotus pose, saluting the yogis and sages
And always   remember and chant    the name of Datha

अथ पंचोपचारै: सम्पूज्य, “ऊँ द्रां” इति अष्टोत्तरशतं जपेत्

panchopachara puja

om lam prithivitatvatmane shri dattatreyaya namah, gandham parikalpayami
om ham akashatatvatmane shri dattatreyaya namah, pushpam parikalpayami
om yam vayutatvatmane shri dattatreyaya namah, dhupam parikalpayami
om ram agnitatvatmane shri dattatreyaya namah, dipam parikalpayami
om vam amritatvatmane shri dattatreyaya namah, amritanaivedyam parikalpayami
om sam sarvatatvatmane shri dattatreyaya namah, tambuladi sarvopacharan parikalpayami

Om Iym soul of the earth ,Salutation to dathathreya I am  offering sandal paste
Om ham soul of the sky  ,Salutation to Daththeya c  I am offering you flowers
Om Yam soul of the wind., salutation to Dathathreya, I am offering  smoke of incense
Om Ram soul of the fire, Salutations   to Dathathreaya, I show  you the lamp
Om Vam soul of nectar , Salutations to dathathreya , I am offering nectar like  offering to you,
Om Sam Soul of everything, Salutations  to Dathathreya,I am offering Thamboola and all other hospitalities

anantaram "om dram" iti mulamantram 108 varam japet

Then Chant the  Root chant  of Om Dram  108  times

om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram
om dram

atha vajrakavacham
Now the armour  of Diamond

ऊँ दत्तात्रेय: शिर: पातु सहस्त्राब्जेषु संस्थित:
भालं पात्वानसूयेयश्चन्द्रमण्डलमध्यग: ।।1।।

om dattatreyah shirah patu sahasrabjeshu samsthitah |
Phalam patva anasuyeyashchandramandalamadhyagah ||

Om let  Dathathreya  , who is thousand petal lotus protect my head ,
Om Let the son of Anansuya    who is moon’s orbit protect my forefead 

कूर्चं मनोमय: पातु हं क्षं द्विदलपद्मभू:
ज्योतीरूपोsक्षिणी पातु पातु शब्दात्मक: श्रुती ।।2।।

kurcham manomayah patu ham ksham dvidalapadmabhuh |
jyotirupokshini patu patu shabdatmakah shruti ||

He who pervades the mind and sits on two petalled lotus   protect my upper part of nose,
Let the lustrous form of the God protect my eyes anD the dathawhose soul is sound protect my ears

नासिकां पातु गन्धात्मा मुखं पातु रसात्मक:
जिह्वां वेदात्मक: पातु दन्तोष्ठौ पातु धार्मिक: ।।3।।।

nasikam patu gandhatma mukham patu rasatmakah |
jihvam vedatmakah patu dantoshthau patu dharmikah ||

Let God whose soul is sandal   protect my nose and the one who is taste   protect  my face,
Let he whose soul is Vedas protect my toungue anD he follows Dharma  protect my teeth and lips

कपोलावत्रिभू: पातु पात्वशेषं ममात्मवित्
स्वरात्मा षोडशाराब्जस्थित: स्वात्माsवताद्गलम् ।।4।।

kapolavatribhuh patu pa tvashesham mamatmavit |
sarvatma shodasharabjasthitah svatmavatad galam ||

Let the son of Athri  protect    my cheeks and Athmavetha dathathreya protect all parts of body,
Let the soul of the sound who sits on  the twelve  petal lotus protect  my throat.

स्कन्धौ चन्द्रानुज: पातु भुजौ पातु कृतादिभू:
जत्रुणी शत्रुजित् पातु पातु वक्ष:स्थलं हरि: ।।5।।

skandhau chandranujah patu bhujau patu kritadibhuh |
jatrini shatrujit patu patu vakshahsthalam harih ||

Let the younger brother of Chandra protect my body and the one   who wasborn in krutha yug protect my hands,
Let the winner of enemies protect my collar bones and he who has looks of Vishnu protect my bosom

कादिठान्तद्वादशारपद्मगो मरुदात्मक:
योगीश्वरेश्वर: पातु हृदयं हृदयस्थित: ।।6।।

kadithantadvadasharapadmago marudatmakah |
yogishvareshvarah patu hridayam hridayasthitah ||

Let the God   who sis on the tip  of the twelve petalled  lotus.
Who is the god of even great yogis protect my heart   which is in my chest

पार्श्वे हरि: पार्श्ववर्ती पातु पार्श्वस्थित: स्मृत:
हठयोगादियोगज्ञ: कुक्षी पातु कृपानिधि: ।।7।।

parshve harih parshvavarti patu parshvasthitah smritah |
hathayogadi yogajnah kukshim patu kripanidhih ||

Let the   God who is on my side protect my  organs on the side,
And  the King of Hata yoga    , the ocean of kindness  protect my belly

नाभिस्थले वर्तमानो नाभिं वह्न्यात्मकोsवतु ।।8।।
वह्नितत्त्वमयो योगी रक्षतान्मणिपूरकम्
कटिं कटिस्थब्रह्माण्डवासुदेवात्मकोsवतु ।।9।।

dakaradiphakaranta dasharasarasiruhe |
nabhisthale vartamano nabhim vahnyatmakovatu ||
vahnitatvamayo yogi rakshatanmanipurakam |
katim katisthabrahmandavasudevatmakovatu ||

Let him who lives on my belly in the  ten petalled  lotus,
The  Yogi of the fire protect my  navel,
Let him   in whose belly part   all universes   stay,
Protect  all my belly   parts

जलतत्वमयो योगी स्वाधिष्ठानं ममावतु ।।10।।

bakaradilakaranta shatpatrambujabodhakah |
jalatvamayo yogi svadhisthanam mamavatu ||

Let the Yogi  who lives on the six petalled  lotus,
Who is Dathathreya protect my Swadhishtan chakra

सिद्धासनसमासीन ऊरू सिद्धेश्वरोsवतु
वादिसान्तचतुष्पत्रसरोरुहनिबोधक: ।।11।।
मूलाधारं महीरूपो रक्षताद्वीर्यनिग्रही
पृष्ठं सर्वत: पातु जानुन्यस्तकराम्बुज:

siddhasana samasina uru siddheshvarovatu |
vadisantachatushpatrasaroruhanibodhakah ||
muladharam mahirupo rakshatad viryanigrahi |
prishtham cha sarvatah patu janunyastakarambujah ||

Let the great Sidha Dathathreya who sits on Sidhasana,
Protect both my     shoulders and let that Brahmachari  ,
Who sits on the   four petalled   Chakra protect,
My mooladhara  Chakra and may he  protect my seat

जंघे पात्ववधूतेन्द्र: पात्वंघ्री तीर्थपावन:
सर्वांग पातु सर्वात्मा रोमाण्यवतु केशव: ।।।13।।

janghe patvavadhutendrah patvanghri tirthapavanah |
sarvangam patu sarvatma romanyavatu keshavah ||

Let      the Avadhootha protect both my knees and he  ,
Who purifies all   the sacred waters protect all the hais of my body

चर्म चर्माम्बर: पातु रक्तं भक्तिप्रियोsवतु
मांसं मांसकर: पातु मज्जां मज्जात्मकोsवतु ।।14।।

charmam charmambarah patu raktam bhaktipriyovatu |
mamsam mamsakarah patu majjam majjatmakovatu ||

Let the god wears   the animal hide protect my skin
And let the God who loves his    devotees  protect my blood,
And Let that God   who increases our flesh protect my flesh and muscles

अस्थीनि स्थिरधी: पायान्मेधां वेधा: प्रपालयेत्
शुक्रं सुखकर: पातु चित्तं पातु दृढाकृति: ।।15।।

asthini sthiradhih payanmedham vedhah prapalayet |
shukram sukhakarah patu chittam patu dridhakritih ||

Let the stable minded God  protect my bones, the God who has  Form of Brahma,
Protect my intelligence and he who grants joy protect strength   as well as mind

मनोबुद्धिमहंकारं हृषीकेशात्मकोsवतु
कर्मेन्द्रियाणि पात्वीश: पातु ज्ञानेन्द्रियाण्यज: ।।16।।

manobuddhimahankaram hrishikeshatmakovatu |
karmendriyani patvishah patu jnanendriyanyajah ||

Let the Godwho controils   organs  protect my mind, brain   and pride,
And let God Dathathreya protect all my organs and my organs of wisdom

बन्धून् बन्धुत्तम: पायाच्छत्रुभ्य: पातु शत्रुजित्
गृहारामधनक्षेत्रपुत्रादीण्छंकरोsवतु ।।17

bandhun bandhuttamah payachchatrubhyah patu shatrujit |
griharamadhanakshetraputradin shankarovatu ||

The God who is my greatest relation, protect all my relatrions.
And he   who wins over enemies , protect me from enemies,
And let him protect the gardens  , properties as well as my children  

भार्यां प्रकृतिवित् पातु पश्वादीन्पातु शार्ड्ग्भृत्
प्राणान्पातु प्रधानज्ञो भक्ष्यादीन्पातु भास्कर: ।।18।।

bharyam prakritivit patu pashvadin patu shar‍ngabhrit |
pranan patu pradhanajno bhakshyadin patu bhaskarah ||

The God who is expert in nature protect my wife and he who wears a bow,
Protect my animals and the chief one protect my soul  and he who eats  protect the eatables

सुखं चन्द्रात्मक: पातु दु:खात् पातु पुरान्तक:
पशून्पशुपति: पातु भूतिं भूतेश्वरी मम ।।19।।

sukham chandratmakah patu duhkhat patu purantakah |
pashun pashupatih patu bhutim bhuteshvaro mama ||

He who is having form of moon  protect my pleasures.
And the destroyer of tripuras   protect my sorrow  ,
Let Pasupathi protect my cows and the ghost shaped,
God protect   me against     attack  of ghosts

प्राच्यां विषहर: पातु पात्वाग्नेय्यां मखात्मक:
याम्यां धर्मात्मक: पातु नैऋत्यां सर्ववैरिहृत ।।20।।

prachyam vishaharah patu patvagneyyam makhatmakah |
yamyam dharmatmakah patu nairrityam sarvavairihrit ||

Let him who cures poison protect the east, the God who does Yajnas protect the Southeast,
He who has the form of God of death  the south  and he who kills all  enemies  the South west

वराह: पातु वारुण्यां वायव्यां प्राणदोsवतु
कौबेर्यां धनद: पातु पात्वैशान्यां महागुरु: ।।21।।

varahah patu varunyam vayavyam pranadovatu |
kauberyam dhanadah patu patvaishanyam mahaguruh ||

Let God   who has Varaha form   protect the west  and he who travels like wind  the North west
Let God who is like   Khubera   protect the north  and he who has form of Rudra protect  the North east

ऊर्ध्वं पातु महासिद्ध: पात्वधस्ताज्जटाधर:
रक्षाहीनं तु यत्स्थानं रक्षत्वादिमुनीश्वर: ।।22

urdhvam patu mahasiddhah patvadhastajjatadharah |
rakshahinam tu yat sthanam rakshatvadimunishvarah ||

Let the great Sidha  protect the top  and he with tufted head   protect below,
Whiver position is  not protected, let it be protected by primeval sage  Datha threya

hridayadi nyasah  Salutations to heart

om dram hridayaya namah  Om Dram salutation to the heart
om drim shirase svaha  Om Drim  salutations to the head
om drum shikhayai vashatOm Drum salutation to hair on head
om draim kavachaya hum Om draim salutations to the armour
om draum netratrayaya vaushat  Om Draum  salutations to the eye
om drah astraya phat  Om Drah salutations to the arrow

om bhurbhuvah svaromiti digbandhah
Om Buvarbhuvaswarom  Freedom from ties

एतन्मे वज्रकवचं : पठेच्छृणुयादपि
वज्रकायश्चिरंजीवी दत्तात्रेयोsहमब्रुवम् ।।23।।
त्यागी भोगी महायोगी सुखदु:खविवर्जित:
सर्वत्रसिद्धसंकल्पो जीवन्मुक्तोs वर्तते ।।24।।

etanme vajrakavacham yah pathet shrinuyadapi |
vajrakayashchiranjivi dattatreyohamabruvam ||
tyagi bhogi mahayogi sukhaduhkha vivarjitah |
sarvatra siddhasankalpo jivanmuktodya vartate ||

If this diamond armour   is heard   or read,
He becomes like  Diamond due to blessings of Dathathreya
He  would sacrifice, enjoy and great yogs  ,
And bereft   of all sorrows and  all his desires,
Would be fulfilled  and he  would gain  all occult powers.

इत्युक्त्वान्तर्दधे योगी दत्तात्रेयो दिगम्बर:
दलादनोsपि तज्जप्त्वा जीवन्मुक्त: वर्तते ।।26।।

ityuktvantardadhe yogi dattatreyo digambarah |
daladanopi tajjaptva jivanmuktah sa vartate ||

After telling all this  the great  Yogi Dathathreya  disappeared,
And  the sage at Daladhan chanted this    And,
Even today   He can be seen in the form of Jeevan Muktha

भिल्लो दूरश्रवा नाम तदानीं श्रुतवादिनम्
सकृच्छृवणमात्रेण वज्रांगोsभवदप्यसौ ।।27।।

bhillo durashrava nama tadanim shritavanidam |
sakrichchravanamatrena vajrangobhavadapyasau ||

And that BHilla  who heard   all this from distance,
And  with that one time  his body  became as strong as Diamond 

इत्येतद्वज्रकवचं दत्तात्रेयस्य योगिन:
श्रुत्वाशेषं शम्भुमुखात् पुनर्प्याह पार्वती ।।27।।

ityetad vajrakavacham dattatreyasya yoginah |
shritva shesham shambhu mukhat punarapyaha parvati ||

Having heard this   Diamond armour of Dathareya  ,
Goddess  Parvathi   told like this  to him.

Phala Sruthi  (not  needed  for  chanting )

shri Parvathya uvacha
The Goddss   told

एतत्कवचमाहात्म्यं वद विस्तरतो मम
कुत्र केन कदा जाप्यं किं यज्जाप्यं कथं कथम् ।।28।।

etat kavachamahatmyam vada vistarato mama |
kutra kena kada japyam kiyajjapyam katham katham ||

Oh God please  tell me in detail the  greatness  of this Kavacha
Who can chant how,  and   when and where

उवाच शम्भुस्तत्सर्वं पार्वत्या विनयोदितम्
उवाच शम्भुस्तत्सर्वं पार्वत्या विनयोदितम्

uvacha shambhustat sarvam parvatya vinayoditam |
shrinu parvati vakshyami samahitamanavilam ||

श्रीशिव उवाच
Shiva Uvacha
Lord Shiva told

Lord Shiva   Then told all this for entertaing Parvathi
Dear Parvathi , please  , I will tell all about it.

धर्मार्थकाममोक्षाणामिदमेव परायणम्
हस्त्यश्वरथपादातिसर्वैश्वर्यप्रदायकम् ।।30।।

dharmarthakamamokshanamidameva parayanam |
hastyashvarathapadatisarvaishvaryapradayakam ||

By reading this   all together they will get Dharma, wealth  and salvation,
And you will also  get army consisting of Elephant, horses, chariot and also wealth

धर्मार्थकाममोक्षाणामिदमेव परायणम्
हस्त्यश्वरथपादातिसर्वैश्वर्यप्रदायकम् ।।30।।

putramitra kalatradi sarvasantoshasadhanam |
vedashastradi vidyanam vidhanam paramam hi tat ||

It will grant, son, friend wife    and also   all types of joy,
And learning this is like   learning Veda, Sastras as well  as all knowledge

बुद्धिविद्यास्मृतिप्रज्ञामतिप्रौढिप्रदायकम् ।।32।।

sangita shastra sahitya satkavitva vidhayakam |
buddhi vidya smriti prajna mati praudhipradayakam ||

It will help you get mastery of music, Sastras , literature  and good poetry,
It will also help you get intelligence, knowledge, mastery in Smrithis and make you very energetic

सर्वसन्तोषकरणं सर्वदु:खनिवारणम्
शत्रुसंहारकं शीघ्रं यश:कीर्तिविवर्धनम् ।।33।।

sarvasantoshakaranam sarvaduhkhanivaranam |
shatrusamharakam shighram yashah kirti vivardhanam ||

It is the cause of all type of joy and destroyer  of all sort of sorrow,
It will destroy enemies and with great speed  increase your fame

अष्टसंख्या महारोगा: सन्निपातास्त्रयोदश
षण्णवत्यक्षिरोगाश्च विंशतिर्मेहरोगका: ।।34।।

ashtasankhya maharogah sannipatastrayodashah |
shannavatyakshirogashcha vimshati rmeharogakah ||

It will cure eight  types of great diseases and thirteen type  of great feavers,
Ninety six type of eye diseases, twenty types  of Diabetes.

अष्टादश तु कुष्ठानि गुल्मान्यष्टविधान्यपि
अशीतिर्वातरोगाश्च चत्वारिंशत्तु पैत्तिका: ।।35।।

ashtadasha tu kushthani gulmanyashtavidhanyapi |
ashitirvatarogashcha chatvarimshattu paittikah ||

It cutes  eighteen types of Leprosy, eight type of piles,
Eighty types of Arthritis, forty type  of anemia

विंशति श्लेष्मरोगाश्च क्षयचातुर्थिकादय:
मन्त्रयन्त्रकुयोगाद्या: कल्पतन्त्रादिनिर्मिता: ।।36।।

vimshati shleshmarogashcha kshaya chaturthikadayah |
mantra yantra kuyogadyah kalpatantradinirmitah ||

It cures   twenty type of lung congestions, seven types  of TB,
And diseases caused by Manthra, Yanthra  and sufferings caused by sorrow

संगजादेशकालस्थास्तापत्रयसमुत्थिता: ।।37।।

brahmarakshasa vetala kushmandadi grahodbhavah |
sangaja deshakalasthastapatrayasamutthitah ||

Apart from that It cures   diseases caused by Brahma Rakshasa,
Vetala, khooshmanda   and due to anger  of Goddess and,
All types of sickness  coming over time    and space.

नवग्रहसमुद्भूता महापातकसम्भवा:
सर्वे रोगा: प्रणश्यन्ति सहस्त्रावर्तनाद्ध्रुवम् ।।38।।

navagrahasamudbhuta mahapataka sambhavah |
sarve rogah pranashyanti sahasravartanad dhruvam ||

It cures thoise  caused by nine planets and due to doing great crime,
And all diseases   would be destroyed by reading it thousand times

अयुतत्रितयाच्चैव खेचरत्वं प्रजायते
सहस्त्रादयुतादर्वाक् सर्वकार्याणि साधयेत् ।।40।।

ayutatritayachchaiva khecharatvam prajayate |
sahasradayutadarvak sarvakaryani sadhayet ||
lakshavrittya sarvasiddhirbhavatye na samshayah ||

By reading it thirty thousand times, people can fly in the sky,
By readiing it thousand to ten thousand times, all desires would be fulfilled,
If you read it one lakh times without anydoubt    any thing can be achieved

विषवृक्षस्य मूलेषु तिष्ठन् वै दक्षिणामुख:
कुरुते मासमात्रेण वैरिणं विकलेन्द्रियम् ।।42।।

vishavrikshasya muleshu tishthan vai dakshinamukhah |
kurute masamatrena vairinam vikalendriyam ||

Sitting at the root of Peepul  tree , sitting on the south,
If  you chant it for month, all organs of the enemy will  get completlty destroyed

औदुम्बरतरोर्मूले वृद्धिकामेन जाप्यते
श्रीवृक्षमूले श्रीकामी तिंतिणी शान्तिकर्मणि ।।43।।

audumbaratarormule vriddhikamena japyate |
shri vrikshamule shrikami tintrini shantikarmani ||

Sitting under peepul tree and chanting, you  can also become prosperous,
For getting rid of sufferings sit under Bilwa tree and for  peace sit below a Tamarind tree

ओजस्कामोsश्वत्थमूले स्त्रीकामै: सहकारके
ज्ञानार्थी तुलसीमूले गर्भगेहे सुतार्थिभि: ।।44।।

ojaskamoshvatthamule strikamaih sahakarake |
jnanarthi tulasimule garbhagehe sutarthibhih ||

For getting   energy    and power sit below Peepul tree ,
Sit under new mango tree to get married, sit below Thulasi to get wisdom,
And in the sanctum sanctorum to get   a son, this should be chanted

धनार्थिभिस्तु सुक्षेत्रे पशुकामैस्तु गोष्ठके
देवालये सर्वकामैस्तत्काले सर्वदर्शितम् ।।45।।

dhanarthibhi stu sukshetre pashukamaistu goshthake |
devalaye sarvakamaistatkale sarvadarshitam ||

Those who desire for money should sit in any good place  ,
Those   desiring for cow should sit in the cow shed, they  should chant,
Sitting in temple   and chanting would fulfil  your wishes temporarily.

नाभिमात्रजले स्थित्वा भानुमालोक्य यो जपेत्
युद्धे वा शास्त्रवादे वा सहस्त्रेण जयो भवेत् ।।46।।

nabhimatra jale sthitva bhanumalokya yo japet |
yuddhe va shastravade va sahasrena jayo bhavet ||

If you stand in water till youbelly  and seeing the sun if you chant,
In war or debate of sasthras , you will succeed.

कण्ठमात्रे जले स्थित्वा यो रात्रौ कवचं पठेत्
ज्वरापस्मारकुष्ठादितापज्वरनिवारणम् ।।47।।

kanthamatre jale sthitva yo ratrau kavacham pathet |
jvarapasmarakushthaditapajvaranivaranam ||

If you stand in water  till your neck and Chant the Kavacha   at night,
Sufferings due to fever  , leprosy  and great fever  would get cured

यत्र यत्स्यात्सिथरं यद्यत्प्रसक्तं तन्निवर्तते
तेन तत्र हि जप्तव्यं तत: सिद्धिर्भवेद्ध्रुवम् ।।48।।

yatra yat syat sthiram yadyat prasaktam tannivartate |
tena tatra hi japtavyam tatah siddhirbhaveddhrivam ||

Wherever  there are  problems   due to epidemics, failure of crops  etc are there,
If you go there and chant, the problem would go away and peace would be restored

इत्युक्तवान शिवो गौर्यै रहस्यं परमं शुभम्
: पठेद् वज्रकवचं दत्तात्रेयसमो भवेत् ।।49।।

ityuktavan shivo gauryai rahasyam paramam shubham |
yah pathet vajrakavacham dattatreya samo bhavet ||

This secret   which was auspicious was told by Shiva    to Parvathy,
And by reading this  diamong armour   you can become    equal to dathathreya

एवं शिवेन कथितं हिमवत्सुतायै
प्रोक्तं दलादमुनयेsत्रिसुतेन पूर्वम्
: कोsपि वज्रकवचं पठतीह लोके
दत्तोपमश्चरति योगिवरश्चिरायु: ।।50।।

evam shivena kathitam himavatsutayai
proktam daladamunayetrisutena purvam |
yah kopi vajrakavacham pathatihaloke
dattopamashcharati yogivarashchirayuh ||

This has been narrated by Shiva to daughter  of Himalayas,
Which was  taught to us  by sahe Dalada, earlier,
If this   diamond armour   is read   by people,
They would become equal to datha and become great yogi

iti shri rudrayamale himavatkhande mantrashastre umamaheshvarasamvade shri dattatreyavajrakavachastotram sampurnam

This  Diamond armour of Dathathreya told in the discussion between Shiva and Parvathi,
Which occurs in the manthra sastra of chapter on Himalayas in the Rudra  Yamala ends

shri guru datta - jaya guru data
Sri Guru datha-Hail  Guru datha


  1. Nicely explained. Can I read only kavacha part(22 slokas) without purvanyasa and phala stuti? Do I get same benefits? Please reply.thank I.

  2. Yes u will get same benefits yatbavam tatbhavathi.

  3. Even I have the same question going on in my mind?? Can I read only main vajra kavacham and omit phala stuti And purvanyasa

  4. Can I get the meaning in telugu.....please 🙏

  5. Very beautiful, thanks very much.

