
Friday, December 13, 2019

Prayer Book for every Hindu Child in English

Prayer  Book   for every  Hindu   Child  in English

Compiled   and translated by

(This is a compilation of simple  prayers   and their meanings  , so that   all our   children can chant them.Please copy   and paste  and circulate  to every parent that you  know. This is the greatest  service you can do  to our  great religion)

A.Prayers to be recited daily

1.Wake up prayer

Karagre vasathu Lakshmi,
Karamadhye Saraswathi,
Karamoole sthitha Gowri,
Prabhate Kara Darshanam.


Lakshmi lives in the tip of my palm,
Saraswathi lives in its middle,
And Gowri lives at its base,
So I see my palm in the early morning.

2.Prayer   while bathing
Govindethi sada snanam ,
Govindethi sada japam,
Govindethi sada dhyanam ,
sada Govinda keerthanam.

Think of Govinda while taking bath,
Think about Govinda in your prayers,
Think about Govinda always,
And always sing the name of Govinda

3.Prayer  before sleep

Achyutham, Kesavam, Vishnum,
Somam, Janardhanam,Hamsam,
Krishnam,Narayanam, Jayethu
Duswapna nasaye

Victory to Achyutha, Kesava, Vishnu,
Soma, Janardhana, Hamsa
Krishna and Narayana
Please do not show me any bad dreams

B.Prayers   to different Gods


We worship Lord Ganesa before starting anything and pray him to help us complete it.

Vakra Thunda Maha Kaya,
Koti Soorya Sama prabha,
Nirvignam Kuru me Deva,
sarva karyesshu sarvadha.

God who has an immense body,
God who has a broken tusk,
God who shines like millions of Suns,
Remove all my problems,
From all that I do and at all times.


Shiva, the abode of peace is also the God of destruction and lives on Mount Meru.

Shivam shivakaram, shantham,
shivathmanam, Shivothamam,
Shivamarga pranetharam,
pranamai sada shivam.

Salutations to the God who is peaceful,
Who lives in peace,
Who creates peace,
Who is peace itself,
Who is the soul of peace,
Who is greatest peace,
And who shows the path of Peace.


Lord Krishna , the son of Vasudeva and Devaki killed lot of bad elements

Vasu deva sutham devam
Kamsa Chanura mardhanam,
Devaki pramanandam
Krishnam vande jagat gurum


My salutations to Lord Krishna,
Who is the teacher of the entire world,
Who is the son of Vasu deva,
Who killed Kamsa and Chanura,
And who is the darling of Devaki

Lord Rama who was the son of Dasaratha killed several Asuras including Ravana

Aarthanaam aarthi hantharam,
Bheethanam bheethi nasanam,
Dwishatham kaladandam,
tham Ramachandram namamyaham


My pranams to that Ramachandra,
Who wipes of all sufferings from those who suffer,
Who takes away all fear from those who are afraid,
And who is the killer of all his enemies


Lord Subramanya , the son of Shiva and Parvathy is the commander in chief of Devas.

Shadananam Chandana lepithangam,
Mahorasam Divya mayoora vahanam,
Rudrasya soonum Suraloka nadam,
Brahmanya devam saranam prapadye

My salutations to that God ,
Who has six faces,
Whose body is coated with sandalwood,
Who is the behind everything,
Who rides on the holy peacock,
Who is the son of Lord Shiva,
And who is the leader of all devas


Ayyappa os the son of Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu.
Loka veeram , Maha  Poojyam,
Sarva Raksha Karam, Vibhum,
Parvathy  Hrudayanandam,
Sastharam Pranamamyaham

My pranams to Sastha,
Who is the hero of the world.
Who is the most adorable,
Who is the lord who protects all,
And who gave great joy to mind of Parvathy

Dathathreya is Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva made togather

Jatadharam, Pandurangam,
Soolahastham Krupanidhim,
Sarvaroga haram devam,
Dathathreyamaham bhaje

My salutations to Dathathreya,
Who is with matted hair ,
Who is Lord Vishnu,
Who holds soola in his hand,
Who is store house of mercy,
And who is the cure for all illness.


Hanuman is a monkey and is the son of wind God.He was a great devotee of Rama
Manojavam marutha thulya vegam,
Jithendriyam budhimatham varishtam,
Vathathmajam vanara dhootha mukyam,
Sree rama dhootham sirasa namami


I bow my head before,
The servant of Lord Sri Rama,
Who is faster than mind,
Who is as fast as the wind,
Who has won over his wishes,
Who is wisest among the learned,
Who is son of God of wind,
And who is the chief emissary among monkeys.

9.Sun God

This world is provided food by Sun God.Let us pray Him.

Bhano, bhaskara Marthanda,
Chanda rasmai, divakara,
Ayur, arogyam, budhim,
sree yamscha dehi mae.


He who gives me morning,
He who brings light to the world,
He who brings heat to the world,
He who has scorching rays,
And he who is the maker of the day,
Give me long life ,health , intelligence and wealth.

10.Goddess  Parvathy

Parvathy is the wife of lord Shiva and daughter of Himalayas
Anyadha saranam nasthi,
Twameva SAranam mama,
Tasmad karunya Bhavena,
Raksha, raksha Maheswari

I cannot depend on any one else,
Except you, the greatest goddess,
So take pity on me,
And protect me , Of great goddess.

11,Goddess  Lakshmi
Lakshmi is the wife of Vishnu and is the Goddess of wealth

Namosthesthu Maha Maye,
Sree peede, sura poojithe,
Sanka , chakra, Gadha hasthe,
Maha Lakshmi Namosthuthe


My pranams to Goddess Mahalakshmi,
Who is the great magician,
Who lives wherever wealth is there,
Who is worshipped by all Gods,
And who has conch, wheel and mace(gadha) in her hands.


Saraswathy is the wife of Brahma and Goddess of knowledge

Saraswathi Namasthubhyam,
varade Kama roopini,
Vidhyarambham karishyami,
sidhir bhavathu me sada.

My pranams to Goddess Saraswathi,
Who can take any form,
Who is the giver of all boons,
And I start learning now,
With the prayer to her,
To make it very effective
Prayer   to teacher

13.Pray our teacher, who gives us knowledge and makes us great

Gurur brahma,gurur vishnu
gurur devo Maheswara,
Guru sakshad param brahma ,
tasmai sri gurave nama

Salutations to that Teacher,
Who himself is Lord Brahma,
Who himself is Lord Vishnu,
Who is chief of all Gods,
And who is the truth himself.


After bathing go to the prayer room, light a lamp and recite this prayer

Shubham karothi kalyanam,
aarogyam, dhana sampadam,
Budhi vruddhi Shatru vinasaya,
deepa jyothi namo nama.


Salutations to the holy flame of the lamp,
As this bestows on me all that is good,
Health as well as wealth,
Increase my intelligence
And destroy all my enemies.

15.Remembering Story of Rama

Remembering the story of Rama , who was a great human being, shows us how to live.

Aadho Rama thapo vananu gamanam,
Hathwa mrugam kanchanam,
Vaidehi haranam,
Jatayu maranam,
Sugreeva sambhashanam,
Bali nigrahanam,
Samudhra tharanam,
Lanka pureem dahanam,
Paschad Ravana Kumbha karna madanam,
Ethat ithi Ramayanam


Once Rama went to forest,
He chased the deer,
Sita was stolen,
Jatayu was killed,
There were talks with Sugreeva,
Bali was killed,
The sea was crossed,
Lanka was burnt,
And later Ravana and Kumbha karna, were also killed. This in short is the story of Ramayanam.

16.Story of Krishna

Helps remember the story of the enchanting child Lord Krishna, who gave  us Gita, the most important book to Hindus

Aadhou devaki devi garbha jananam,
Gopi gruhe palanam,
Mayaa poothana jeevithaa apaharanam,
Kamsa chedana,
Kouravadi hananam,
Kunthi sutha palanam,
Ethad bhagawatham purana kaditham
sri Krishna leelamrutham

Born to queen Devaki,
Brought up by Gopis,
Took out the life of Ogress Poothana,
Lifted the Govardhana mountain,
Cut the head of his uncle Kamsa,
Helped in killing the Kouravas,
And looked after the children of Kunthi,
This is in short the ancient story of Bhagawatha,
And this describes the nectar like play of Lord Krishna.

16.Prayer  for peace

One of the greatest prayers of our religion , requesting for peace
Asatho Maa Sath Gamaya
Thamaso Maa Jyothir Gamaya
Mrithyor Maa Amritham Gamaya
Om Shanti, Shani Shanti.


From darkness lead me to light,
From ignorance lead me to knowledge,
From death lead me to immortality,
Let there be peace, peace and only peace.

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