
Thursday, January 2, 2020

Sri Prapanna gitam

Sri Prapanna  gitam

Sri Krishna Lal

Translated by

Prapanna Pārijāta | Servant’s Heritage

(Prapanna is a Sanskrit word which means complete ‘surrender’, ‘dedication’. To make it easier for all kinds of people, Rāmānuja, the great Param-Āchārya of Śrī Vaishnava tradition, said that a person has to be just a 'prapanna', meaning completely surrendered to God.)

Parrama sakhe   Sri Krishna , bhayankara bhavarnavevyaya vinimagnam,
Mammudhara the   sri  kara lalitha  charana kamala paridhou  lagnam,  

Oh Very close  friend  KrishnsI am getting drowned   in the  fearful  ocean of past Karma,
Please  save me Oh Lord    whose  lotus like feet is fondled  by  the  hands of  Lakshmi.

1.Guna mruga   thrushnaa chalithadhiyam vishayaartha samuthsuka  dasa karnam,
Paribhootham durmathi nara nikarai mathi brama aarjitha guna   saranam,
Sathaham sabhaya mano nibvahantham  shad ripubhir nikhiledya gurum,
Kalindhi hrudhaya priya vishno charana kamala rajaso vidhuram,
Mana soka mathi moha kshathaye abhikamkshanthamaja mukha padam,
Mamudhara they  sri kara lalitha   charana kamala  paridhou  lagnam.

He whose brain is changed by animal like desires, whose ten organs are thirsting for enjoyment,
Who has been already insulted by evil  persons, he who has adopted evil habits leaving   service of God,
That person who is always scared and gets caught in the net of six   bad qualities   like passion, anger etc,
And  Oh Lord Vishnu who is liked   by river Yamuna, your  lotus like feet becomes far away to him,
His Mind becomes sad, brain  drained by passion and he would be thirsting to see your lotus like face  to get them destroyed,
Please  save me Oh Lord    whose  lotus like feet is fondled  by  the  hands of  Lakshmi.

2.Kalindi, Rukhmani, Radhika, sathya  , jambavathi suhrudham,
Nija saranagatha  bhaktha janebhya krupayaa gatha bhava  bhaya varadham.
Gopi jana vallabha raaseswaraa, govardhana  dhara, madhu madhanam,
Vandeham nikhiladhi pathim  thwaam athisaya sundara guna bhavanam,
Krishnalalaji dwijaathipam hey mano anisam thwam bhaja   yajnam,
Mamudhara they  sri kara lalitha   charana kamala  paridhou  lagnam.

Friend  of  Kalindi  , Rukhmani  , Radha,  SAthyabhama    and jambhavathi,
He  who mercifully removes  fear  of Karma and grants boons to , devotees   who completely surrender to him,
He who is the lord of Gopis, Expert in Rasakreeda, who lifted Govardhana and killed Madhu,
I salute him who is lord of everything , as  you are the store house  of wonderful  pretty  characters,
He who is the lord of  Brahmin called , Krishna Lal, Oh mind always  pray him who is  Krishna the lord of Yajna
Please  save me Oh Lord    whose  lotus like feet is fondled  by  the  hands of  Lakshmi.

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