
Sunday, October 31, 2021

Sri Chandra Shekara Guru Mahima sangraham(Maha Periyava)

 Sri Chandra  Shekara  Guru  Mahima  sangraham(Maha  Periyava)

Collection of  greatness  of Guru  Chandra Shekara


Translated  by



1.Yathraiva  kanchyaam  , bhuvi sankaraya,

Sarvajna peetam guru  raru rohha

Thathraiva peete sriyaya Abhishiktham

Sri  Kamakotyadhipathim Smarami


In Kanchi is the  eminent  Sankara  of earth

His Guru  climbed  the seat  of the most  wise

Sitting on that peeda, he got faboulously  anointed

I think of   the lord  of the  Kama koti  peeta


2.Yath pancha lingeshviha cha aathmalingam

Sri Sankarena  archithamathra  kaanchyaath

Parampara  swagatha  linga  poojaam

Sri Kama kotyadhipathi  Karothi


The pancha lingas as well as the Athma linga

Were  worshipped  in Kanchi   by Sankara

And generations  welcomed  the worship of linga

And  was done by the  lord of  Kama koti peetha


3.Yadhaiva  saakshaath  Guru  Sankararya

Sadhaika dandena  chachara  bhoomou

Sadhaika   dandena  sadhaa  charantham

Sri kamakotyadhipathim  smarama


Like the eminent  Guru  Sankara did,

He  moved through earth   with a staff

And with a staff , he always  moved about ,

And think of the  lord  of Kamakoti  peeta


4.Trayambake  Lakshmana  joola  Madhye

Madhyarjuna  chaadhi Guroscha  Bimbaa

Prathishtithaa Kanchi  mateswarena

Tham Chandra  choodakhya  gurum  smarama


In trayambaka in the middle  of Lakshmana joola,

In Madhyarjuna the primeval guru’s  statue  is there

Consecrayed  by the lord of Kanchi mata

And so I remember the Guru called  Chandra shekara


5.Vedantha  vedagama  veda bashyaa

Shilpaadhi  sachasthra sabhaa  prasidhaa

Samyojithaa hyanena hithaaya  loke

Tham Kamakotyahyadhipam   smaraama


The engraving  of vedantha  ,vedagama

And Veda bashya in the hall  is famous

Which was organized for the good of people

And due to that  I remember the lord of Kama koti peeta


6.Puraa  Kurukshethra  gathaya  thasmai

Parthaaya   geetham Bhagavan uvacha

Thathraiva Krishna ssa  radhassa  parthaa

Prathishtitha  Kanchi  mateswarena


He had can   in olden times  to Kurukshethra

Where  The God has taught  Gita  to  Arjuna

And there  The lord of  Kanchimata   consecrated,

 The statueof   Krishna  as  charioteer of  Arjuna


7.Athraapi  Kanchi puri  desikena,

Sishyai  samethasya Guroscha  Bimba

Prathishtitho loka  hithaya  thena

Tham Chandra  choodakhya  gurum smarama


In that  place  the  Guru  of town of Kanchi

Consecrated   the  statue  of Guru  ,

Along all his disciples for good of the world at that time

And so I think of  The Guru  called  Chandra  shekara


8.Ya Kamakotyadhipo  Mahathma

Chakre adha thadanga  yuga  prathishtaam

Yadhaiva  saakshaath Guru  Sankararya

Sri Jambukesyaa khalu  tham smarama


9.That  great one who was the lord of Kamakoti peeta

Consecrated  the chakra  and two   ear rings

Which were done  by  the real   Guru Sankara

In Thiruvanaikaval  and so I remember him


10.Bakthaasadachara rathaa  susheelaa

Pouranikaa , lakshna  pandithaascha

Prothsaahithaa Kanchi mateswarena

Dhanaischa  vasthrair mrudu  bhashanaischa


The lord of kanchi kamakoti mata  encouraged,

Good religious  behavior, good  conduct ,

Scholars of epics  and  model  learned  people

By money  , cloths   and   soft  speech to them


11.Paraa bhavaabdhe cha  manojna  varshe

Masai ravai kumbhagathouprasidhe

Kanchayam mate asmin , sriyaya abhishiktha

Sri  Chandra  choodaakhya gurur mahathmaa


In the parabhava (year when periyava took over) year which is the  pleasing year

In the famous travel  of lord  Sun to kumbha rasi

The kanchi mata   anointed  it self to great  prosperity

By the great  guru   known as  Chandra shekara


12.Parabhavabdhesthviha kama koti

Peete  abhishiktham sasi sekharakhyam

Bhajanthi   ye they nithyam prabathe

Parabhavam naiva cha  yaanthi sathyam


In the year  Parabhava in the  Kamakoti

Petam, Chandra  Shekara  was anointed

And  on account of which  , daily morning , he was praised

And the truth  was that  there was no worry at all.

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