
Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Hey naath sab sukhee(Hindi)

Hey naath  sab sukhee(Hindi)

Oh Lord , all  happy


Translated by



Hey NadhSab sukhi ho

Koi na  dukhari

Sab ho nirog bhagwan

Dhan dhanya ke  Bandaari


Hey Lord   , let every body be happy

Let no one  be sad

Oh God, let everybody be without disease

Let them be treasure of wealth   and grains



Sab BHadra  bhav deken

SAnmarg ke pathik ho

Dukhiya koi na hove,

Srishti  mein pran dhari


Let everyone see only the good

Let all paths be good

Let there be no one is  sad

Oh one who holds my soul, in this creation

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