
Sunday, January 16, 2022

Sri Dharma Sastra Stotram (Sringeri Jagad guru virachitham)

श्री धर्मशास्ता स्तोत्रम् (शृङ्गेरि जगद्गुरु विरचितम्)

Sri Dharma Sastra  Stotram (Sringeri Jagad guru  virachitham)

The prayer  to Dharma Sastha


Composed by

Sringeri  Jagad Guru





जगत्प्रतिष्ठाहेतुर्यः धर्मः श्रुत्यन्तकीर्तितः

तस्यापि शास्ता यो देवस्तं सदा समुपाश्रये


Jagath  prathishtaa  hethurya  Dharma sruthyantha  keerthitha,

Thasyaapi  Sasthaa  yo  devastham  Sadhaa  samupasraye


He is the  the cause  of establishing the world , having fame as  one who hears dharma

And in spite of it , I surrender   always  to the God    called Sastha


श्रीशङ्कराचार्यैः शिवावतारैः

धर्मप्रचाराय समस्तकाले

सुस्थापितं शृङ्गमहीध्रवर्ये

पीठं यतीन्द्राः परिभूषयन्ति


Sri Sankaracharya   Shivavatharai

Dharma pracharaya samastha  Kale

Susthapitham Sringamaheedra  varya

Peetam  yatheendra pari bhooshayanthe


Sri Sankaracharya , the incarnation of Lord Shiva

At all  times  propagated   Dharma

He established well the sringeri in this  world

Which seat   was greatly decorated by  great saints


तेष्वेव कर्मन्दिवरेषु विद्या-

-तपोधनेषु प्रथितानुभावः

विद्यासुतीर्थोऽभिनवोऽद्य योगी

शास्तारमालोकयितुं प्रतस्थे


THeshveva karma  indhivareshu  vidhyaa

THapodhaneshu pradhithaanubhava

Vidhyaa  sutheertho abhi navodhya  yogi

Saasthaara aalokayithum  prathasthe


There  the duty of blue lotus like  knowledge

Was   experienced by very great   sages

And the great  yogi called   Vidhya  theerthaa

Established   centre   for knowing Sastha



धर्मस्य गोप्ता यतिपुङ्गवोऽयं

धर्मस्य शास्तारमवैक्षतेति

युक्तं तदेतद्युभयोस्तयोर्हि

सम्मेलनं लोकहिताय नूनम्


Dharmasya  gopthaa  yathi  pungavoyam

Dharmasya  saasthaara avekshathethi

Yuktham thadhe adhyubhayoshtayorhim

SAmmelanam loka hithaaya  noonam


The  great sage   for the sake of establishing  Dharma

With a foresight foresaw the Sastha  of Dharma

And thought that  it is only proper to call  ,

For a conference for the sake for good of the world


कालेऽस्मिन् कलिमलदूषितेऽपि धर्मः

श्रौतोऽयं खलु विलोपमाप तत्र

हेतुः खल्वयमिह नूनमेव नान्यः

शास्ताऽस्ते सकलजनैकवन्द्यपादः


Kaalesmin kali mala  dhooshithe api  dharma

Srothoyam na khalu vilopa maapa  thathra

Hethu khalvayamiha nonameva  naanyaa

Saastha as the sakala janaika vandhya  paadhaa


With a march of time Dharma was   stained by the dirt of Kali age

But could not take  away the speciality of Vedas

Because  of  the windstone  was not allowing to take it,

As   SAstha’ who had a feet was  being saluted by all


ज्ञानं षडास्यवरतातकृपैकलभ्यं

मोक्षस्तु तार्क्ष्यवरवाहदयैकलभ्यः

ज्ञानं मोक्ष उभयं तु विना श्रमेण

प्राप्यं जनैः हरिहरात्मजसत्प्रसादात्


Jnanam  shadasya vara  thatha krupaika labhyam

Mokshasthu thaakshya vara vaha  dhayika laabhaa

Jnanam  cha moksha ubhayam thu vinaa  sramenaa

Prapyam janai hariharathmaja sath  prasaadaath


The wisdom  was got by the boon of the mercy of six gods

And salvation was   also got by boons   given by them

Because   both  wisdom and salvation    were  without effort

Attained by people   by the blessing of son of hari and hara


यमनियमादिसमेतैः यतचित्तैर्योगिभिः सदा ध्येयम्

शास्तारं हृदि कलये धातारं सर्वलोकस्य


Yama niyamaathi   samethai yatha chithair yogibhi sadhaa  dhyeyam

Saashthaaram  hrudhi  kalaye dhaathaaram sarva lokasya


Following discipline and rules , if yogis  always  meditate  in their mind

They would be able to get  Sastha in their heartand he would give   them all the worlds


शबरगिरिनिवासः सर्वलोकैकपूज्यः

नतजनसुखकारी नम्रहृत्तापहारी

त्रिदशदितिजसेव्यः स्वर्गमोक्षप्रदाता

हरिहरसुतदेवः सन्ततं शं तनोतु

Sabari giri  vaasa sarva lokaika poojya

Natha  jana  sukha kaari namrahyathaapa haari

Tridasa dithija sevya, swarga moksha  pradathaa

Harihara  sutha deva santhatham  sam thanothu


He who lives on sabari mountain, He who is worshipped  by all the world,

He who makes life of devotees pleasant,He who removes pain from mind of  people  with humility

He who is served by three  crore devas, he   who grants heaven and salvation

I  always   give u  myself for   the god who is son of hari and Hara


इति शृङ्गेरि जगद्गुरु श्री श्री भारतीतीर्थ महास्वामिभिः विरचितं धर्मशास्ता स्तोत्रम्

Ithi   SRingeri  Jagath guru sri BHarathi theertha Mhaswamibhi virachitham Dharma sasthaa  stotram

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