
Friday, February 18, 2022

Draupadhi Sthuthi of Krishna

Draupadhi    Sthuthi of Krishna


Translated by


(From SEngalipuram's book) 


1.Sankha   Chakra  Gadha pane, Dwaraka Nilayaa achyutha

Govinda Pundarikaksha, Rakha  Maam Saranagatham


Oh Lord who holds , conch, wheel and mace, He who stays  in Dwarak

Oh Govinda, oh lotus eyed one, Please save me , I have come   to surrender  to you


2.Ha Krishna  , Dwaraka Vasin, kkasi Yadava  Nandana

Imam avastha sampraptha manadhaam kim upekshase


Het Krishna  , who lives in Dwarakaand who makes  Yadavas happy

I have reached  this miserable stage, Oh Lord  why this neglect?


3.Govinda  , Dwaraka Vasin Krishna, Gopi  Jana Priya

Kauravai  pari bhoothaam maam , kim na jaanaasi   Kesava


Oh Govinda   who lives in Dwaraka who is darling  of the Gopis

Oh Kesava  , do you not know   that the Kauravas  are   troubling me?


4.Hey Nadha , Hey Rema Nadha vrja nadha , aarthi nasana

Kauravarnavamagnaam  Mam udharasva  Janardhana


Hey Lord , Hey Lord of Lakshmi, Lord  of Gokula , destroyer of great desire

I am drowned  in ocean of Kauravas , Oh Janardhana  , please  save me


5.Krishna, Krishna Maha YoginViswathman, Viswa bhavana

Prapannam pahi   Govinda Kuru madhye avasee dathim


Oh Krishna, Krishna,  Great Yogi, Man of the world , He who things of all the world

Please save  this devotee oh Govinda as I am suffering in the  middle of Kauravas


6.Neelothpala dala Shyamaa, padma  Garbha runekshanaa

Peethambara pareedhana Lasadh  kausthubha  bhooshana


He who is blue like  petals of blue lotusHe who has eyes like middle of lotus flower

He who wears the  yellow silk, He who shines  in the Kauthubha  of his chest


7.Thwam Aadhir antho bhoothaanaam, thwameva  cha paraam gathi

Viswathman, Viswa Janaka, Viswa harthaa, prabho avyaya


You are beginning and end of all beings, You are the final aim

Oh Soul of the world, Of father  of the world Oh Lord   who never changes


8.Prapanna pala, Gopala, prajapala, parathpara

Aakotheenaam cha  chitheenaam Pravarthaka, Nathasmi they


Protector of devotees, Protector of cows , Protector of people , the divine among divines

You who make  the lims of action and perception work, I am saluting you

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