
Friday, February 18, 2022

Surya Kavacham

Surya Kavacham


Translated by



Om Asya  sri  Surya Kavacha Maha manthrasya, agasthyo bhagawan rishi, anushtup chanda , Suryo devatha, sreem bheejam  Nem Sakthi, soom keelakam ,


To the great manthra  of the armour of sun God  Agasthya is the sage  , Anushtup is the meter , god addressed is Sun God, Sreem is the root  nem is the power and soom is the nail


Mama  Surya prasada  sidhyartheJape Viniyoga

For me to get lord Sun pleased  , I am starting the chant


Hraam Angushtabhyam nama- say Hraam touch your chest with thumb

Hreem Tharjaneebhyaam nama- say hreem touch chest   with pointer finger

Hroom Madhyamabhyaam nama  Say Hroom and touch chest   with middle finger

Hraim Anamikabhyaam nama- Say Hrain and touch chest with ring finger

Hroum Kanishtikabhyaam nama  - Say Hroum and touch chest with little finger

Hra karat ala   prashtabhyaam nama- Say Hraa and touch chest with palm


Hraam Hrudayaya nama- say this  touch your chest

Hreem sirase swaha- Say this and touch the head

Hroom Shikayai Vashat- say this touch your hair

Hraime  Kavachaya hoom- say this and think of your protection

Hroum nethra thrayaya  Voushat  say this touch your eyes

Hraa asthraya phart- Say this think of an arrow

Bhoorbavaswarom ithi Dik Bandha  - I tie myself to chant this prayer


Dhyanam –Meditation


Japa  kusuma sangaasam, dwibujam  , padma  hastham

Sindhrarambara malyancha Raktha gandhanu lepanam

Manikhya rathna kachitha Sarva abharana  bhooshitham

Sapthaswa Radha vaaham  cha merum  yaantham pradakshinam

Devasura varai vandhyam rasmibhi pari veshtitham


Suryam  dhyaathwaa   suvarnabham  padecha  kavacham mudhaa


He with colour  of champaka flower , having two hands , havoing lotus like palm

Wearing red clothand garland, applying red sandal paste

Wearing all type of ornaments studded   with Manikhya gem

Carried by chariot  drawn by seven horses and going round meru mountain

Who is saluted  by devas and asuras and covered also by his rays


Meditating  on Sun God  , read this Golden Kavacha happily


Atha Kavacham

Now the armour


1.Grunee pathu siro desam , soorya pathu lalataka,

Aadhithyo  lochane pathu, Sruthi pathu Dhivakara


Ler Grunee  protect area of head , lord Surya   the forehead

Adhithya  protect eye  and one who makes it morning protect my ears


2.Graanam pathu  sadhaa bhanu, mukham paathu sadhaa Ravi

JIhwaam pathu Jagannethra, kantam pathu  Vibhavasu


Let one with forever light protect my smell and let Ravi always  protect my face

Let eye of the world  protect my toungue  and let my neck be protected  by maker of light


3.Skandhou Graha pathi pathu , bhujou pathu  prabhakara

Kara abhjakara pathu hrudayam pathu Baanumaan


Let the lord of planets protect my two shoulders and maker of light my two hands

Let maker of time protect my palms and let my heart by  protected by Bhanumaan


4.Madhyam pathu susapthaswa, naabhim pathu nabhomani

Dwadasathma  katim pathu, savitha  pathu sakthini


Let one with seven horses protect my middle, let gem of sky protect my belly

Let  the one with 12 souls  protect my hip  and Savitha  my thighs


5,Ooru pathu surasreshta, januni pathu bhaskara

Janghe may pathu Marthanda, gulphou pathu thwishaam pathi


Let my knees be protected  by the great deva, my calves by one makes things bright

My outer feet be protected by lord of klight  let my feet  be protected by lord of the day


6.Padhou dhinamani pathu, pathu mithro akhilamvapu

Aadhithya kavacham punyam abhedhyam  vajra sannibham


Let  my feet  by protected by gem of the day  and the Friend God   protect everything

This armour of Sun God  is holy , cannot be broken and is like diamond


7.Yo dharayathi punyathmaa  sakthiman sa thu manava

Sarva roga bhayadhibhya muchyathe  nathra  samsaya


The blessed one who wears  this would become a strong man

And would get rid of fears of all diseases without any doubt


8.Samvathsara  mupasithvaa, samrajya padhavim  labheth

Anekaathra samyuktham swarna manikhya bhooshanam



Those who chant it for a year would get  the power over the country

And with all things would be covered with gold and manikhya gem


9.Kalpa vruksha   samakeernou kadamba  kusuma  prabham

Asesha  roga santhartham suryam dhyayesthu mandale


They would be like wish giving tree  and have a shine of Kadamba flowers

All diseases would be cured, if they meditate on Sun of the sky


10.Sindhoora varnaaya sumandalaaya  suvarna rathnabharanaaya thubhyam

Padhmaabhi nethraaya supankajaaya, Brahmendra Narayana sankaraya

Samraktha   choornam  sasuvarna thoyam sa kumkumabham  sadrusam sapushpam

Pradathamaadhaaya cha  hemapathre sahasra bhano bhagawath  praseedha


You areof red colour , with a pretty orbit and shine as if you wear gold and Manikhya

You haveeyes with the shine of lotus flower , has the form of Brahma, Indra  and Sankara

Are  like red coloured powder mixed in golden liquid and are  like the lotus flower itself

Oh god who is thousand sun in a golden vessel, please  get pleased with me

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