
Saturday, March 5, 2022

Sri Sthuthi of Vedantha Desika

Sri Sthuthi of Vedantha Desika



Sri Nigamatha Maha Desika


Translation attempt by



(this is a prayer sung by the great  acharya in front  of  Sri Perumdevi thayar the   consort of Swami Varadarajan of Kanchi.It seems one young Brahmachari wilting  in terrible poverty  approached  Swami Desika.It seems he was taken before the Goddess  and Swami Desika sang this great prayer,It seems at the end of recital there   was shower of gold coins in front of them. It is to be chanted  with devotion to get wealthy)


1.Maanaatheeetha prathitha  vibhavaam , mangalam  , mangalaanaam

Vaksha peetim  madhu  vijayino bhooshayanthim   swakanthyaa

Prathyakshanu sravika mahima  prarthaneenaam  prajaanaam

Sreyo moorthim sriyam asarana  thwaam saranyaam prapadhye


With prosperity beyond al method of estimation, She  gives good to good  things

She  decorates her seat , the chest of Vishnu who   won over Madhu, by her luster

And  is known as “SrI”  and who grants fame  to all people who wants   to become great,

By what they know themselves and by knowledge of Vedas, to her I surrender


2.Aavirbhava kalasa jaladhow, adhware vaapi yasyaa

Sthaanam   yasyaa  sarasijavanam Vishnu vaksha  sthalam vaa

Bhoomaa yasyaa  bhuvanamakhilam Devi, dhivyam padham vaa

Sthoka prajnair anavidha gunaa sthooyase saa  kadham thwam


Goddess  Lakshi whose birth was from ocean of milk and  from yaga place

Who lived   in the forest of lotud and the   chest of Lord Vishnu

And whose prosperity was in all universe and in her divine position

How can she be prayed to by  people of lesser knowledge?


3.Sthothavyathwam  dhisathi bhavathi dehibhi  sthooyamaanaa

Thaamevathwaam anithara gathisthothum  aasamsamaanaa

Sidhaarambha sakala bhuvana slaaghaneeyo bhaveyam

Sevaapekshaa thava   charanayo, sreyase kasya  na syaath?


You goddess who is prayed to by men, show them how others praise them

And I who want to pray you who has such a quality  is without  any support

And due to my praying you, I become some  one  praised by all of the world,

And so who will not get any benefit by desire to serve your feet


4.Yath sankalpaath bhavathi kamale  yathra dehinyameeshaam

Janma sthema pralaya  rachanaa jangama jangamaanam

Thath kalyaanam kimapiyaminaam yeka lakshyam samadhou

Poornam theja sphurathi bhvathee padha lakshaara saangam


Oh  Goddess Lakshmi  , the creation, upkeep   and destruction   of all  moving and not moving,

Beings, which are  being made by the God whose    body they   all are, that  auspicious luster,

Which cannot be described and  is the only  aim of meditation of sages  who have controlled

All  their sense organs and is complete,and that  of applied lac  shines as  the red colour of   your feet.


5.Nishprathyuha prana gatitham devi, nithyaanapaayam

Vishnu sthwam   chethya navathi   gunam dhwandhwam anyonya  lakshyam

SEshaschitham   vimala manasaam  moulayascha srutheenaam

SAmpadhyanthe   viharana vidhou yasya sayyaa viseshaa


Oh Goddess, that which is joined by non stoppable love and can never be separated,

Is the   couple of you and Lord Vishnu, with combined aims of each other,

And in the  matter of sports ,   Adhi sesha , the  sages with a clean mind

And  the end of all Vedas (Upanishad)   becomes their  great bed


6.Uddhesya thwam , janani, bhajathor ujnithopathi gandham

Prathyag roope   havishi    yuvayor yeka seshithwa  yogath

Padhme  pathyusthava cha  nigamai nithyam   anvishyamana

Naavachedham   Bhajathi mahimaa narthayan  manasam na


Oh mother , You both  are offered in yagas  as one soul and attain a state  of existence

Of being without any reason  and having relation  of one ness

Oh  Lotus, The Vedas always search for the greatness  of you as wife,

And your husband and make our mind dance with immeasurable joy


7.Pasayantheeshu sruthishu paritha soorivrundhena saardham

Madhyekruthya triguna phalakam nirmitha   stana  Bhedham

Viswadheesa prayini sadhaa viswa madhtootha vruthow

Brahmesaadhyaa vadhathi yuvayo raksha sara  pracharam


Oh Darling of God who owns the world, the ladies called Vedas standing along with crowd of devas

Are seeing   the the plank with differences  in three   properties which has been created,

In which    the sports  of  gambling , where   the   gods   of Lord Brahma  and others,\

Are   the coins and are blocking their free  movement


8.ASyesaanaa thwamasi  jagatha samsrayanthi  mukundam

Lakshmi , Padmaa ,Jaladhi Thanayaa, Vishnu pathnenthiredhi\

Yannamaani  sruthi pari panaanyevam aavarthayantho

Naavarthanthe duritha  pavana prerithe janma   chakre


You are  goddess  of this universe but dependent on God Vishnu

Oh Lalshmi, OhLotus, oh daughter of ocean and the   wife  of Vishnu,

Which names are foundation of Vedas and those who repeat them again and again,

Would never undergo troubles , created by sins  in the wheel of life


9.THwamevahu kathchith apare thwath priyam  Loka nadham

Kim thairantha kalaha malinai kinchidh utheerya magnai

THwath sampreethyai viharathi harou sammukhinaaam sruthinaam

BhavaroodouBhawathu, Yuvaam dampathi  daivatham na


Some people  call you    as the one   who is leader of the world, others tell of your lord,

What is the use of creating this quarrel by those who have slightly got   saved,

But you and the lord   who plays   sports for the sake  of pleasing us,

Making you both meaning ful  , are the couple  who are  our gods


10.AApannarthi   prasamana vidhou badha dheekshasya  vishno

AAchakyusthwaam  priya  sahacharim  , aikamathyopa pannam

Pradhur bhavairapi sama thanuipradhma anveeyase  thwam

Dhooro ksipthairiva  madhu rathaa dugdha rases tharangai


To Lord Vishnu who has  determination  to remove sorrow   from those who suffer,

Sastras term you as  a wife you as one  having   unified thoughts,

Meaning that you are equal in thoughts to him and you follow him,

And that you follow him like the sweetness of waves  of ocean of milk, which goes afar


11.DAthe shobhaam  hari marathake thavako moorthiradhyaa

THanvee  thungs sthana bharathaa thaptha jambhunadhaabhaa

Yasyaam   gachathyudhaya vilayair nithyam aananda sindhou

Ichaa vegolla sitha lahari visramam vyakthayasthe


Firstly your form  which shines like gold and is  thin and  bent because   of heavy breasts

And is like  forever  the ocean of joy  contributes   to the luster of emerald  like body of Hari,

And due to its rising and fading  incarnations  , do they  attain  ,the speed

Of the waves of its change    due to your determination.


12. AAsamsaaram   vithatha makhilam vaangmayam yad vibhuthi

Yath brungaath  kusuma dhanusha kimkaro merru dhanwaa

Yasyaam  nithyam  naya nasa thakair yeka lakshyo mahendra

Padme  thaasaam parina thirasou bhava  lesai thwadheeyai


Oh Padma , the way  the forms of words  that   are spread   every where the  power of goddess  Saraswathi,

The way Goddess  Parvathi  made  lOrd shiva who had mount meru  his bow ,as slave to one with her flowery bow,

The way that Sachi devi made devendra  with thousand eyes  , her     as his only   aim

All these   are   small aspects    of   your   determinations only 


13.Agre   Bharthu  sarasijamaye bhadra peede nishannam

Amboraase adhika sudhaa samplavaadh udheeyathaam  thwaam

Pushpa saarai swagitha bhuvanai pushkala   varthakaadhyi

Klupaarambha kanaks kalasair abhyashinchan gajendraa


You were  born in ocean of milk with the nectar  filled   flow,

And were  sitting  on the golden throne full of lotus flowers in front of her husband

And  had a world hidden by shower of flowers, showered by clouds of   pushpasara  and  avarthaka,

And  Thinking that it was the beginning , kings of elephants anointed you with golden pots.


14,AAlokya   thwaam amrutha sahaje, Vishnu vaksha sthalasthaam

Saapaakranthaa  saranamagaman saavarodhaa   surendraa

Labdhwaa bhooya thri bhuvana midham lakshitham thwad kadakshai

SArvaakaara sthira samudhayaam sampadam  nirvisaanthi.


Seeing you, who were born along with nectar and sitting on chest of lord Vishnu

Some devas cursed by a sage  surrendered to you along     with their wives,

And by getting your glance, they got back    all the   three worlds

They are  enjoying prosperity which is permenant   and no destruction


15.Aartha thraana  vidhibhir  amruthaasaara neelaambuvaahai

Ambhojaanaam   ushasi   mishathaa antharangair apangai

Yasyaam yasyaam  disi viharathe Devi, drishti thwadeeya

Thasyaam Thasyaam ahamaha mikaam  thanwathe sampadhoghaa


Oh Goddess  your eyes  are determined to protect those suffering, and are like,

The  blue clouds   which shower nectar and are similar to lotus flowering a dawn,

And  in  which ever direction they     have   determined   to travel, the flow of wealth,

Competing with each other run  to that   place to occupy .


16.Yograbath thwaritha manaso yushmathair kanthi  yuktham

Dharma prapathum  pradhamamiha  ye dhaarayanthe   dhanaayaam

THeshaam bhoomer dhana pathi gruhaath ambaraath ambudhervaa

Dharaa   niryarnthu adhikamadhikam  vaanchithaanaam vasoonaam


Those  who are interested  to begin Yoga and are determined to get attached,

To the Dharma   attaching   both of you  and  for that purpose  ,

Are first interested in getting money  , then the flow  of wealth they are interested

Would come from earth, palace of Khubera, ocean  or sky again and again


17. Sreyaskama kamala nilaye chithra m amnayavaachaam,

Chooda peeda, thava  padha yugam chethasaa dharayanthaa

Chathra chaayaa subhaga sirasaas chamara smera  paarswaa

Slaagha sabdha sravana mudhithaa trigvina sancharanthi


Oh goddess on lotus, Those who want salvation/wealth , would  wear   your,

Twin feet, which are decoration to the words of Vedas

Would have clean head  due to shade  of umbrella, would shine,

Due to fans fanning both sides, would be happy to hear praiseand wear garland, wonderful


18.OOrikarthum kusalamakhilam jethum  aadheenaraatheen,

Dhoorikarthum duritha nivaham thyakthum  aadhyaam avidhyaam

Amba sthambavadhika janana gramaseemantha rekhaam

AAlambanthe vimalamanaso vishu kaanthe   dhayaam they


To win over all good aspects of life, to win over the chief enemies,

To drive away  the crowd of sins, to  sacrifice things like  ignorance,

Oh mother, very simple people who have grass as bones  and are having a pure mind,

A re holding to  your kindness  0h wife of Vishnu and I meditate on you


19.Jathaa kamkshaa Janani yuvayo reka   sevaadhikaare

Mayaa leedam vibhavam akhilam manyamaanaas trunaaya,

Preethyai vishnosva cha kruthina preethimantho    Bhajanthe

Velaa bhanga prasamana phalam  vaidheekam   Dharma  Sethum


Oh mother, Those who are interested in serving  both of you,

And who think  that the prosperity   related to illusion is like apiece of grass,

And for the  love of yourself and Vishnu, with the single  aim of not crossing the bounds,

With love towards the  dam of Dhama  as recommended by Vedas, depend on it.


20.SEve devi tridasa mahila mouli  malarchitham they

Sidhi kshethram   samitha vipadham  sampadhaam  pada padmam

Yasmin  eeshanamitha   siraso yaapayithwaa   sareeram

Varthishyanthe vithamasi padhe vasudevasya   dhanyaa


Oh Goddess , I serve your lotus feet, which is the home  of earning of wealth

And which is   worshipped by the bevy of heads   of deva ladies,

And to which the lucky persons with bent  head, leaving out their body

And grow up  to the  feet of Vasudeva, which is beyond the   world


21,SAnu prakathitha  dayai  saandra  vathsalya dhigdhai

Amba  , Snigdhair  amrutha lahari  labdha sa brahma charyai

Karme thapa thraya   virachithe gada thaptham kshanam maam

AAkinchanya kalpitham anaghai aardhrayedhaa  kadakshai


Oh mother , Using  your glance   filled with uninterrupted mercy, coated with full affection,

Pretty,  which is  like the getting  of the waves  of nectar,and which are invaluable

The heat genetrated  by the three   types of suffering  in me  making me very sad,

And  completely wilted , may be  reduced by making me wet


22.SAmpadhyanthe   bhava bhaya thami banava thwath prasaadath

BHavaa sarve  Bhagawathi harou  bakthi udhvelayantha

Yaache  kim  thwam ahamiha yatha seethalo dhara  sheelaa

Bhooyo bhooyo dhisasi mahathaam mangalaanaam  prabandhaan           


Oh Goddess , by your  getting pleased, I get  all the thoughts which are,

Sun like to the darkness of samsara and which increase my devotion to god

In this state what should  I beg from you  because you who are  generous,

AS well as cool, are continuously giving series of great auspiciousness


23.Mathaa devi thwamasi BHagawan Vasudeva  pithaa may

Jatha  soham  Janani yuvayoe yeka lakshyam  dhayaya

Datho  yushmath parijana thayaa desikair apyathasthwam

Kim they bhooya priyamithi kila smeravakthraa vibhaasi


Oh goddess you are my mother and God Vasudeva  my father

And so oh mother, I am born with the only aim of affection of both of you,

After giving all that, I have been made both your slaves by my Gurus

And still  are you not shining with smile on your lips  and asking What do you want?


24Kalyaanaam  avikala nidhi kaapi karunya seemaa

Nithyamodhaa nigama vachasaam  mouli mandhara  malaa

SAmpadhivyaa  madhu vijayina sannidathaam   sadhaamay

SAishaa  Devi   sakala bhuvana prathanaa Kama Dhenu


Being never decreasing of auspiciousness, indescribable store house of  mercy

Always happy , the flowery garland to the head of all the Vedas(Upanishads)

And the treasure to the God who has won over Asura Madhu, be always in my front

And that type of you goddess, is the wish giving cow to all the world

24.Upachitha guru bakthe uthitham Venkatesaath,

Kali kalusha nivruthyai kalpamaanaam prajaanaam

SArasija nilayaya stotramethath padantha

Sakala kusala seemaa  Saarva bhouma  Bhavanthi


She who was  bormout of Venkatesa  , being brought up by devotion to the Guru

And she lives  on this lotus capable of removing ills of Kali age,

Those   who are  reading this great prayer , would become,

The emperors  of the limit of all pleasures of this World





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