
Monday, May 23, 2022

SrI Nagaraja Ashtothara

SrI Nagaraja Ashtothara

(108 names to worship king  of snakes)


Translated by



  This great  worship can be used  to get rid  of Sarpa saapa(curse of snale)  Sarpa kopa(anger of snake and sarpa dosha(The evil caused  by snake or to get rid  of doshas caused by Rahu or Kethu  or killing of snakes


(Click on this You will get ashtothara  in several languages)


1.Om Ananthaya  Nama  -om salutations to endless one

2.Om AAdhi seshaya nama-Om  Salutaioons to adhi sesha

3.Om agadhaya  nama-Om Salutations to one who never is sick

4.Om akhilorvicharai  nama – Om salutations to who is bothered  of every one

5.Om Amitha  vikramayai  nama- Om salutations to one with excess valour

6.Omanimisharchithayai nama-  Om salutations to one who is worshipped always

7.Om Aadhi vandhya  nivruthaye nama- Om salutations tp who cures worries on saluting him

8.Om Vinayakodhara Badhayai nama- Om Salutions to one who is tied  to belly of lord Ganesa

9Om Vishnu priyayai nama=Om salutations to who is dear to Vishnu

10.Om Veda sthuthaayai nama- Om salutations to one prayed by Vedas

11.Om Vihitha Dharmayai nama- Om Salutations to one  who observes proper Dharma

12.Om Visha dhaarayai nama- Om salutations to one who carries  poison

13.Om  Seshaya nama- Om salutations to Adhi sesha

14.Om sathru sudanayai nama- Om salutations to killer of enemies

15Om Asesha phanaa mandala mandithayai nama- Om salutations to one who always spreads his hood

16.Om aprathiha dhanu grauha dhayine  nama-Om salutations to one who will grand  irresistible house

17Om amithacharayai nama- Om salutations to one who moves  too much

18.Om akhanda  aiswarya sampannayai nama- Om salutations to one  who has endless wealth

19Om Amarahipa sthuthayai nama- Om salur tations to one prayed to by leaders of devas

20.Om aghora  roopayai nama –Om salutations to one has form which is not fierce

21.Om vyalavyai nama- Om salutations to to one who is serpent

22.Om Vasukiye nama –Om salutations to Vasuki

23,Om vara pradhayayakayai nama- Salutations to one  who grants boons

24,Om vana charayai nama- Om salutations to one  who moves  about in forest

25.Om vamsa vardhanaayai nama- Om salutations to one  increases our clan

26.Om Vasudeva sayanaayai nama- Om salutations to one on whom lord  Vishnu lies down

27.Om vata vriksharchithayai nama- Om salutations to one who is worshipped  below a banyan tree

28.Om Vipra vesha dharine nama- Om salutations to who dresses up as a Brahmin

29 Om Thwarithagamanaaya nama- Om salutations to one who comes fast

30.Om Thamo roopaya nama- Om salutations to one  who has dark form

31, Om Darpikarayai nama- Om salutations to one who acts  haughty

32.Om Dharani dharaya  nama- Om salutations to one who carries the earth

33.Om Kashyapathmajayai nama- Om salutations to son of Kashyapa

34. Om kalaroopayai nama- Om salutations to one having form of god of death

35. Om yugadhipaya nama- Om salutations to one who is the chief of eons\

36.Om Yugandharaya nama- Om salutations to one  holds the yoke

37.Om Rasmi vanthaya  nama- Om salutations to one who has shining

38. Om ramya gathraya nama- Om salutations  to one who has pretty form

39 Om Kesava priyaaya nama- Om salutations to one liked by Lord Krishna

40. Om Viswambaraya nama- Om salutations to one spread all over world

41.Om Sankarabharanaaya nama- Om salutations to one who is ornament of lOrd Shiva

42 Om Sankha paalaya  nama- Om salutations to who holds a conch

43. Om sambhu priyaya  nama- Om salutations to one  who is dear to lord Shiva

44.Om shadaananaaya nama- Om salutations to one   with six faces

45,Om pancha sirase  nama- Om salutations to one  with five heads

46.Om Papa Naasaya nama- om Salutations to one  who destroys sins

47 Om Pramadhaaya nama- Om salutations to the proud one

48. Om {rachandaya nama- Om salutations to one who is fierce

49.Om Bakthivasyayai nama- Om salutations who can be attracted  by  devotion

50 Om Baktha rakshakaayai nama- Om salutations  to one who protects devotees

51 Om Bahu sirase nama- Om salutations to one with many heads

52. Om bhagya   vardhanaaya nama- Om salutations to one  who increases luck

53.Om Bhava bheetha haraayai nama- om Salutations to one who destroys fear of fate

54. Om Thakshakaayai  nama- Om Salutation to thakshaka

55,Om Loka trrayaadheesaayai nama- Om salutations to on who is   god of three worlds

56 om Shivaayai nama- Om salutations to the  peaceful one

57, Om Veda Vedhyai nama- Om Salutation to expert of Vedas

58. Om Poornaayai nama- Om salutations to one   who is complete

59.Om Punyaya   nama- Om Salutations to one  with blessed  deeds

60. Om punya keerthaye nama- Om salutations to one who has blessed fame

61.Om Patesaaya nama- Om Salutations to God of serpents

62. Om Paaraagaayai nama- Om salutations to one  who is a master

63.Om nishkalayai nama- Om to one  who is faultless

64.Om Vara pradhayai nama- Om salutations to one  who grants boons

65 Om Karkotakaayai nama- Om Salutations  to Karkotaka

66. Om Sreshtaayai nama- Om salutations to one  who is greatest

67.Om Saanthaayai nama- Salutations  to the peaceful one

68. Om  Daanthaayai nama – Salutations  to the subdued one

69.Om Aadhithya ardhanaayai nama- Om salutations  to who beat  Surya

70. Om  SArva poojyayai nama- Om salutations to one worshipped by all

71Om Sarvaakaarayai nama- om salutations to who has  all forms

72.Om Niraasayaya nama- Om salutations  to one without  desires

73.Om Niranjanaayai nama- Om salutations to    supreme  being

74.Om Airabathaaya  Nama- Om Salutations  to airavatha

75. Om Saranyaya nama- Om salutations to one accepts   surrender

76 Om Sarva  Dhayakayai nama-  Om Salutations to one  who gives  everything\

77. Om Dhananjayaya  nama- Om salutations to one  who has one  over wealth

78Om Avyakthya nama- Salutations   to one   who is not clear

79 Om Vyaktha  roopaaya nama -  Salutations to one  who has a clear foem

80. Om Thamoharaaya nama0 Om salutations to one who destroys  darkness

81. Om Yogeeswaraaya nama- Om salutations to one who  is God of yogis

82.Om Kalyaanaaya nama- Om salutations to the auspicious one

83.Om baalaya nama- Om salutations to the boy

84.Om brahma charine nama- Salutations to the bachelor

85.Om sankarananda karaya cha- Om salutations to one  who makes Lord shiva happy

86.Om jitha krodhaaya nama- Om salutations to one who has  won over anger

87 Om jeevaaya nama- Om to one   with great life

88. Om Jayadhaaya nama- Om salutations to the victor

89Om japa  priyaayai nama- Om salutations to one who loves  to chant

90,Om viswa roopaayai nama- Om   salutations to one who has a super form

91Om Vidhi sthuthaaya nama- Om salutations to prayed to by Lord Brahma

92Om  vidheendra shiva samsthuthaayai nama- OM salutations to who is prayer by Brahma, indra  and Shiva together

93.Om sreya pradhaayai nama- Om salutations to one granting greatness

94. Om Pranadhaayai nama- Om salutations to one  who grants life

95 Om Vishnu  thalpaayai nama0 Om salutations  to bed of Vishnu

96 Om gupthaaya nama- Om salutations to one  who is secret

97 Om guptha tharaayai nama  om salutations to one  who is great  secret

98 Om raktha  vasthtraayai nama- om salutations to one wearing blood red cloths

99. Om Raktha bhooshaaya  nama- Om salutations to one who decorates with blood

100. Om bhujangaaya  nama- Om salutations   to the snake

101, Om Bhaya roopaaya  nama- Om to one with fearsome form

102.Om sarisrupaaya nama-  Om to one who is snake

103.Om sakala   roopaaya nma- Om salutations to one  with all forms

104.Om kasru vasa  sambhoothaayai  nama- Om salutations to one who lived with Kadhru

105 Om aadhaara  vidhi padhikaayai nama –Om salutations    to who is basis of  Brahma and walks  with him

106Om Sushmnaa dwaara madhyagaayai nama- Om salutations to one  who is in centre of Sushmnaa hole

107 Om Phani rathna vibhooshanaayai nama- Om salutations to who is decorated with hood gem

108.Om Nagendraayai nama- Om salutation to  king  of snakes

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