
Thursday, September 1, 2022

Sri Hanumath Pancharathnam


Sri Hanumath    Pancharathnam

(From Prof VK’s  book)

TRanslated by


1.Sri Rama  hrudayanandam, baktha  kalpa  maheeruham

Abhayam  varadam dhobhyo kalaye maruthathmajam


He who makes  mind of Rama happy, He   who is strongwish giving tree  to devotees

The son of wind god  grants protection and boons


2.Hanuman anjani  soonu, vayu puthro maha  bala

Rameshta, Phalguna sakha pingaksho amitha vikrama


Hanuman, son of Anjana, Son of wind god, is of great  strength

He was dear  to Rama, friend of Arjuna, brownish eyed and extremely  valorous


3,Udha  adhikramana  chaiva, sita  soka  vinasana

Lakshmana  prana  datha cha dasagreevascha  darpahaa


He who crossed the ocean,The one who destroyed   sorrow of Sita,

The one who gave soul to Lakshmana, one  who destroyed pride  of Ravana


4. Evam dwadasa  naamaani, kapeendrasya mahathmana

Swapa kale  prabodhe cha yaathraa kaale cha  ya  padeth


These  twelve  names  of the  very great king of monkeys

If chanted   in dreams, morning  and during journey


5.Thasya  sarva  bhayam naasthi rane, cha vijayee  bhaveth

Raja dware gahware sa bhayam naasthi kadha  chana


He  will  not have any fear during war and will become victorious

Anfd there  are will not be any fear in palace gates  and  

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