
Friday, October 21, 2022

Eka sloki Mallari Mahathmyam

Eka sloki  Mallari  Mahathmyam

एकश्लोकी मल्लारीमाहात्म्यम्

One sloka of greatness  of Lord Shiva as warrior


 Translated by


पूर्वं धर्मसुतास्तपोवनगता मल्लेन सन्तर्जिता

जिष्णुंविष्णुमतीत्य शम्भुमभजन् तेनावतीर्य क्षितौ

तत्रोल्का मुखमुख्य दैत्य निवहं हत्वामणिं मल्लकं

देवः प्रेमपुरेऽर्थीतोऽवतु वसन् लिङ्गं द्वयात्माऽर्थदः


Poorvam dharma  suthaa  thapovana   gathaa mallena  santharjithaa

Jishnum  Vishnum  atheethya sambhu mabhajan thenavatheerya kshithou

Thathrolkaa  mukha  mukhya daithya  nivaham hathwa manim mallakam

Deva prema pure adhitho aavathu vasan lingam dwayathmaa arthadhaa


Once up on a time, the  sages    went to park and was threatened  by  Mallari

Exeeding Jishnu and Vidshnu, she  prayed to lord shiva who descended on the ground

HE  with joy  fought   with  that asura, slaughtered   and killed   Mallaka

And the God  protected city of joy and  lived  as linga, with a meaning  of two souls

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