
Friday, October 21, 2022

Yeka Sloki Nava Graha Stotram

Yeka Sloki  Nava Graha  Stotram


Prayer  to Nava Grahas  in one verse


Translated by



आधारे प्रथमे सहस्रकिरणं ताराधवं स्वाश्रये

माहेयं मणिपूरके हृदि बुधं कण्ठे वाचस्पतिम्

भ्रूमध्ये भृगुनन्दनं दिनमणेः पुत्रं त्रिकूटस्थले

नाडीमर्मसु राहु-केतु-गुलिकान्नित्यं नमाम्यायुषे


इति एकश्लोकीनवग्रहस्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम्


AAdhaare  pradhame sahasra  kiranam tharadhavam  Swasraye

Maaheyam  mani poorake hrudhi budham  kante   cha vachaspathim

Bhoomadhye brigu nandanam dhina mane puthram   trikoota sthale

Naadi marmasu Rahu  Kethu gulikaa  nithyam  namamayushe


The foundation first is the  one with thousand rays, and the lord of all stars I depend

Son of the earth the mars in the heart , on  the navel is  Budha, on its neck is  Guru

IN between the eye brows is Shukra  son of Bhrigu, son of sun god sani 

The secret eins are  Rahu and Kethu and gulika, I daily salute them


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