
Thursday, February 9, 2023

Sri Dharma sasthru sthuthi dandakam

Sri Dharma sasthru sthuthi dandakam


Translated by



(This is from “The Dharma sasthra sthuthi kadambam of Kambangudi  sundaram iyer)


1,BHaja hridaya sathatham ,api  bhaja .  sakala  viswa  samposha, samplosha, sarva  thanthra prabhu

Dwandhwa nirdhwandhwa dhivyamsa sambhootha sampoorna  lavanya

THejo nidhim  Srinidhim, bhootha nadhakruthim, pushkalmba pathim


Oh mind always sing  the praise, and   sing about, him who nourishes  all the world with great  speed , the lord   of all thanthras, he who is  contesting and  not contesting against, he who is blessed with divinity  , he who is completely pretty

The shining treasure, The blessed treasure, with  the form of the lord of Bhoothas , the huband  of Goddess  pushkala


2.THapthakartha swarodhyath kireeetaanchitha anargha  , manikhya  , vaidorya  rathna prabha visphurath

Kalpa vriksha   prasoona adbuthasrak, parithabra jith

Kesa pasa  dhyuthim, klesa pasakshathim


Made of  shining   red hot gold, the  very valuable crown, which was shining with ruby  vaidoorya  and other  gems

Made of thekalpaka tree(wish giving tree of devas)   which  was greatly wonderful   and in whose  shine it won over  our pitiable state

And with shine  of the tuft  of hair  it reduced   suffering  caused by affection


3.  Vadana saraseeruha ajasra niryuthsu lavanyam adhwwe rasa asswadham

Kouthuhalaa aakrushta lolam amba malaa  samudhbranthi sandhayaka snigdha

Neelaala kale lasadh phala desam sabaryalayesam   vibhum


With perpetually lotus like face,  it extracted  the  beauty without stop and made us enjoy with great  interest

Attracting the joy was the garland of the mother which was also attracted by the affectionate management

The shining blue  hanging locks made the area of forehead of the lord of sabari shine


4.Pushpa chapekshu chapadhi  kodi sphurath   sath  padha lola

Mourvi   gunaabadha puspeshu  sankha kara  alpetharaa  aala

Soobru  latha Madhya vibhraji   nasaa putam, veerya   souryothkatam


On the  bow of flower, one crore bows are shining of the  one whose  feet  is moving

The string  made of   quality flowers, makes it difficult  to  shoot

The pretty brow   shines  in the middle  and  the nostril indicating    valour with braveness


5.Kuvalaya dala   spardhi karnantha visrantha  karunya  tharunya

Nethranchala lokan aanandhitha   sesha   sathru  mithra bhedha

Jeeva  lokothaka karam  charu   sonodharam


The petals of blue lotus flower were competing with eyes  which were up to ears  ,  resting  and  merciful

And it made  people  of  the  place   happy  and balanced   the difference between   enemies  and friends

And made the beings of the world, like pretty  gem


6.Pundariko  sath karnika kara,  sauvarna

Rathnojjwalath kundalantholana varnyaa

Shobha   samaakeerna ganda dhwayam  , punya lokasriyath


The lotus flower  , the good ear studs  , were  made of gold,

And shined due to gems and  were  of even   colour

And luster  of the two pieces  were evenly spread and were depended by  blessed people


7,vimala thara  , thuhina kara kirana satha  kandhalee garva

Sarvamkashaa apoorva saundarya sammohana smera vakthram

Tri nethrabja pathraksha puthram

Vethrana daksham  prabha vallabham, papinaam durlabham


Purest, lighted by hundred moons,  with pride  of hundred deers

The all pervading, with rare  beauty   , with very attractive smiling face

The son of the three  eyed and lord lying on leaf 

He who punishes with stick, the shining lord, who is very rare  to sinners


8,baktha vargai aiswarya  bukthi mukthi  trivargartha laabho athraiva

Pasyathamithyalam vakthu kamaa raktha rekha thraya paaththa

Lakshano petha saubhagya sampadh  galam  nishkalam

Vancheesa palakam


For the devotees , the three type of benefits  Prosperity  , enjoyment  , salvation were given

I see excellent  prospects and three  proscpects like time, passion and   red  lines,

Good prospects , the  prosperity and wealth    from father and undiminished food

AS per  desire  from the God


9.Ghusruna  Ghana saaramaaleya kasthurikam ardha sinchadhi maam  budra vamodhi

Visthara vaksha sthalo udhara  heeradhi samsaktha mukthavali  bandhuram

Sundaram   kaivalya   mandhiram  keraladheeswaram


Wearing  the garland of thick extract of saffron soaked  half in musk. Sitting  on the  pretty mountain with broad  tip,

wearing   generous diamonds, pearls  and corals,  in the pretty temple of  salvation is  the lord who is the king of kerala


10.Ruchiramani khachitha kanangadhalankruthan

Haara keyurapattambaradambaram

Charana  yuga  parilasitha kanaka  mani  noopuram

Chanda   vairi dwamsanasu godhyath  karam


Wearing the garland  decorated by splendorous gems 

 Decorated  by necklaces , armlets and wearing silk cloth

The twin feet shining   with  gold  gem studded anklets

And with the  hands ready with an arrow  to destroy  the angry enemy


11.Kara dhrutha saraasanam , trilokya  sasanam

Kali mala nirasanam , veera  simhasanam

Santhidham, kanthidham sarva sampath pradham  bhakthidham  mukthidham

Bhagya  keerthipradham sailagrya nandana vanaa aananda phulaa  aravindekshanam


The bow  held in his hand , ruling the three worlds

Hating  the ills of kali age, occupying the valorous throne

Making peace , giving out luster, granting all type of wealth, granting salvation to his devotees

Granting luck and fame  , he with eyes like the lotus flower  is on the  pleasure garden at  mountain top


12.Harihara  thanujanusham saraasana  , sasthra  paarangadham  thwaam

Sardhoola   dugdha aaharthum  udhyuktham  madhurapuri  niryatham


You are the Son of Hari and hara destroying with bow  , great  expert in sasthras

He who  made an attempt to  sieze the milk of the tiger and   went out of city of Madhura


13.Maargasya  chinthayaa  su chaithanya prabhava

Prakasa udhyaktha  viprasramam  gathwaa bukthwaa , thadh anantharam

Thwath  prema bhajanam thad vipr vamsam   sunischithya anyonya

Modhena  sambhavya kambamkudi sthanam aaropya


On the way  by assuming   the  divine power    getting luster , you went to the Brahmin home and later

That clan of brahimns became the object of your love definitely    and with mutual happiness you gave them  the position of Kambamgudi


12.  Dharma sasthru   prabhava  prakasa karthavya  karma saddddchara sampanna thadhbhoodeva vamsajam  bhoothesa  vamsena   sambhaavya samadhisya  yaatha!sarvothkrushta leelaa vigraha!

Sarva lokanugraha !Bhoothanadha! Pancha bhootha nadha! SArva bhootha nadha


That clan of Brahmins became lustrious due to power of  Dharma sasthaa and due to performance of their duty  became complete with good conduct and name  , got a preminant  status, , the lord of bhoothas , The lord of bhoothas of five hills, the lord of all bhoothas


13.Samasthaikanadhaa , prabho  ! Saranam!

Thwaam upagachami  Saranam Thwam upagachami Saranam upagachathaam

Jani marana rahitha parama sukha  varadha


Oh Lord of all, oh lord  , I surrender

, you come near , I surrender  I come near

Oh birthless deathless  boon giver of divine pleasure


14.Sailograyadhyana  vaasaa! Prabhakara  prakasa  bodha

Namasthe  Namasthe  , Bhagavan, sri poorna pushkala nadhaa

Thrahi maam  thraahi maam  , mama  sarvaparadham kshamaswa  akhilesa


Oh Lord who lives in the garden of mountain top  , oh giver of light   oh lustrous  teacher

Salutations, salutations  , oh Lord, Oh  Lord of Poorna  and pushkalaa

Protect me, protect me, oh lord of all please pardon  all my mistakes




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