
Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Apeetha kuchamba sthavam

Great prayer  to reduce fever


Apeetha kuchamba  sthavam

Prayer  to mother whose breast has  not been used for feeding



Appayya  Deekshithar


Translated by






        अम्ब स्मराम्यहमपीतकुचे वपुस्ते १॥


AAnanda  Sindhu  laharimamruthamsumoule-

Raase  vinamamrutha varthimakshamou

Aananda valli vithatheramruthardra  gucham

Amba smaramyahampeetha kuche vapusthe


Oh wave of ocean of bliss, who showers nectar  from her eyes,

On those who serve her, Though no nectar  is there  in her eyes

That   creeper   of joy would   distribute  it  in bunches

Oh mother  , I meditate on you and your form , Oh Apeethakuchamba



        नित्यं सुधानिकरवर्षि पदं त्वदीयम्

        मूर्छाकरज्वररुजा मम तापितस्य

        मूर्ध्नि क्षणं सकृदपीतकुचे निधेहि २॥


Nirnidhra , kokanadha komala kanthamamba

Nithyam sudha nikara  varshi padham thwadheeyam

Moorchakara jwara  rujaa mama  thapithasya

Moordhni kshanam   sakrudhapeetha  kuche  nidhehi


Oh mother your preety feet are like the   never  slepy lotus flowers

And your feet daily  showers rain which is equal to nectar

I am feeling faint due to   theillness  resulting hot fever

Please keep for a second your feet on it oh Apeethakuchamba



        शीतांशुकोटि सुषमाशिशिरैः कटाक्षैः


        कर्पूरधूलिमिव दिक्षु समाकिरद्भिः

        अम्ब क्षणं स्नपय मामरुणाद्रिमान्ये ३॥


Seethamsu koti    sushamaa sisirai katakshai

Avyaja bhootha karunaa  rasa poora  poornai

Karpoora dhoolimiva  dhikshu  samakirabdhi

Amba   kshanam snapaya mam  arunadhri  maanye


Your  side long glance is like   crores of  pretty moons granting coolness

And is  completly  filled up  with  fraud less mercy and given to all beings

And spreads like   the powder  of camphor   without bothering about directions

And oh mother  of Arunachala  please  shower it on me for a second


        आविर्भव क्षणमपीतकुचे पुरस्तात्

        अम्ब ज्वरेण महता मम तापितस्य

        येन त्वदङ्घ्रिरुचिजाल-सुधाप्रवाहे

        मग्नस्तदैव तनुतापममुं त्यजेयम् ४॥


AAvirbhava  kshanam apeethakuche purasthath

Amba  jwarena mahathaa  mama thapithasya

Yena thwadangri  ruchi jaalena  sudha pravahe

Magnasthadhaiva thanu  thapa mamum  thyajeyam


Please   come before me for a second , Oh Apeethakuchamba

oh mother, with very  high  fever  i am suffering a lot

And  those  who tasted  the  flow of nectar  from your feet

And get immersed in it  and get rid  of the heat  of their body



        आनीतमूर्छमधिकं क्षुभितैर्ज्वराद्यैः

        आश्वासय क्षणमपीतकुचे कराग्र-

        क्रीडाकनत्कनकहल्लकसौरभेण ५॥


Nana vidhair nalina jatha  lipi prakrupthai

Aaneetha moorcha madhikam  kshubidhair jwaradhyai

Aswasaya  kshana apeetha kuche karagra

Kreeda  kanath kanaka hallaka  saurabhena


With various types of application of tender  lily  leaves

The  fever   increases   and  gets in to delirium

Please  grant me relief with a second oh apeethakucha , by waving,

The resplendent   golden lotus   with  great  perfume that you have


        कण्ठे विषं विषमुचो भुजगाः कपर्दे

        पार्श्वे भूतपतयः प्रमथाश्च भीमाः

        शोणाचलेशमुपसृत्य भजेत को वा

        स्यात्तवाम्ब सविधे यदि सन्निधानम्


Kante visham  vishamucho bhujagaa  kapardhe

Paarswe  cha  bhoothapathaya  pramadhascha  bheemaa

Sonachale samupa sruthya  bhajetha  ko vaa

Nasyathavamba savidhe yadhi  sannidhanam


Near  to you is  he  with poison in his neck , poisonous  snakes on his hair

Who is lord of Bhoothas   and  the largest  among the pramadhas

And  who would come   and worship him  in Arunachala

If you were not   present    with him  in the sanctum



        भोगेषु दिव्यमहिषी तरुणेन्दुमौलेः

        सिद्धिः करप्रणयिनी तव सन्निधानं

        यन्नासि तस्य तदपीतकुचे जाने ७॥


Sakthir   jaga   jana palana  bhanjaneshu

BHogeshu   dhivyamahishi  tharunendu  moule

Sidhi   kara  pranaayini  thava  sannidhanam

Yannasi thasya thadha  Peetha  kuche na jaane


Oh sakthi responsible for   creation , upkeep and destruction

Who enjoys   as the divine   queen  with  youtful moon  on her crown

Oh  loving  one  with occult powers  ,  except your prescence in the sanctum

But for that  , I do not know   anything   , oh Apeethakucha


        त्वं साक्षिणी प्रलयभैरवताण्डवानां

        त्वं शेषिणी सहरिधातृ चराचराणाम्

        त्वं मोचिनी सकलसंसृतिजालकानां

        त्वां ब्रह्मसंविदमपीतकुचे नमामि ८॥


THwam Sakshini  pralaya bhairava  thandavaanaam

Thwam   Seshini  saharidhathru charaacharaanaam

Thwam  Mochini  sakala  sruthi jalakaanaam

THwam  brahma samvidham Apeethakuche Namami


You are  the witness to the vigorous dance  of  Bhirava  during deluge

You are the one  who remains  to grant salvation   except Vishnu, Shiva and Brahmsa

You are  the saviour  among  all the  wandering   illusions

You are the greatest  among all creations   , salutations to apeethakucha


        श्री अप्पय्यदीक्षितेन्द्रैः कृतः

                      अपीतकुचाम्बास्तवः सम्पूर्णः

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