
Monday, May 1, 2023

Rama anusmruthi stotram

Rama anusmruthi  stotram

Prayer  of recollecting names  of Rama


Translated by



Brahmo uvacha:-

Lord Brahma   said:-

1.Vandhe ramam , jagath vandhyam , sundarasyam  suchi smitham

Kandharpa koti lavanyam , kamidartha  pradhayakam


I salute  Rama , who is saluted  by the world, who has pretty looks  , clean  smile

Is as pretty as  one  crore  Manmathas  and one who grants   what  we desire


2.Baswath kireda  kadaka katee  suthropa  shobhitham

Visala  lochanam , brajatharunaa aruna kundalam


He who is with shining   crown  , bangales  hip thread  and shines

He who has  broad eyes,lustrous  youth and reddish   ear globes


3.Sri vathsa  kousthubha lasath vakshasam  vana  maalinam

Mukthaa  haara sushobhaadyam  mudrika  rathna  basuram


He whose chest shines with Kaushthubha called  Srivathsa, who wears a forest  garland

He who shines greatly with pearl  necklace and  has shining  gem seal  ring


4.Sarvanga  sundaram, hrudhyam  dwibhujam Raghu nandanam

Neela jeemutha  sankasam  neelalaka  vruthananam


He who is pretty in all limbs, Who attracts  the heart, who has two hands , who is  son of Raghu clan

He wh is similar  to blue cloud,He who has face is  surrounded by blue hair


5.Jnana mudhra lasad aksho bahum, jnana mayam, harim

Vama jaanu parinyastha vama hasthambujam prabhum


He who shines with sumbol of  wisdom , who has immovable hands, who is pervaded  with wisdom  , Who is Hari

He whose lotus like left hand is up too his left thigh , he who is the lord


6,Verasane samaseenam   vidhyuth   punjha  nibhambaram

Koti soorya  prathee  kasam  komalanga  samujjwalam


He who sits on elevated seat  , who is like   the sky filled with  clump of lightning

He whose is like one crore suns   , due to the great luster of his pretty limbs


7.Janaki lakshmanaabhyaam  cha vama dakshina  shobhitham

Haumath   ravi  mukhyaadhi kapi  mukhyascha  sevitham


He who shines  with   Sita  on his left and Lakshmaa on his right

He who was served by  Hanuman Sugreeva   and his chief  monkeys


8.Dhiva rathna samayuktha simhasana  gatham prabhum

Prathyaham   pratharuthaya  dhyathvaivam   Raghavam hrudshi


He who is the lord who sits on the  throne studed  with divine gems

And every one should  meditate in his heart, as soon as wakes up in morning


9.Yebhi   shodasabhir nama padhai sthuthwaanameddharim

Namo Ramaya shudhaya , budhaya   paramathmane


You  have to pray   these  sixteen  names and then get up

Salutation to Rama  who is pure  , wise   and is the  divine soul


10.Vishudha jnana dehaya raghu nadhaya  they  nama

Namo  Ravana hanthre they namo Vali vinasine


Salute  the  Raghu nadha  who  has pure  holy body of wisdom

Salutations  to killer of Ravana and salutation to destroyer  of Vali


11Namo  Vaikunta  nadhaya, namo  Vishnu swaroopine

Namo  yajna  swaroopaya  , yajna bokthre namo nama


Salutations to lord of Vaikunta  ,Salutations  to one  having form of Vishnu

Salutation  to form of Yajna(fire sacrifice) , salutation and salutations to the one  is addressed  in yajna


12.Yogi dhyeyaya yogaaya paramananda roopine

Sankara priya mithraya janaki  janaye  nama


He who is meditated  by yogis, he who is yga   who has form of divine  joy

He who is dear friend  of God Shiva, who is known to  Sita  , salutations


13.Ya yevamm  prathar uthaya, bakthi sradha  samanvitha

Shodaisathani naamani   Ramachandrasya  nithyasa


These  sixteen  names  of Ramachandra   should be chanted  daily,

  As soon as you get up  with devotion  and attention  



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