
Thursday, August 24, 2023

One lettered great Manthra of Ganapathi

एकाक्षर गणपति महामन्त्रः

Ekakshara  Ganapathi  Maha Manthra

One lettered great  Manthra of Ganapathi


Translated  By



(Though the manthra  is just  one letter  , there  is detailed  procedure to chant it.Learning from Guru I ideal  .If Not possible  , Sit in Front of Ganapathi statue and pray him to be  your guru)


You  would  achieve all that  want  by chanting this  manthra

अस्य गणपति मन्त्रस्य

गणक ऋषिः


गणेशाय देवता


बिन्दु शक्तिः

सर्वार्थ सिद्ध्यर्थे जपे विनियोगः


Asya  Ganapathi manthrasya

Ganaka Rishi


Ganesaya  devathaa

Ga bheejam

Bindhu sakthi

To the great manthra of Ganapathi

The sage is ganaka

The meter is nivruth

The god  addressed is Ganesa

The power  is do

For realising everything  the chanting is being done


7. Dhyānaṃ (ध्यानं

रक्तो रक्ताङ्गरागांशुक कुसुम युतस्तुन्दिलश्चन्द्र

मौलिर्नेत्रैर्युक्तस्त्रिभिर्वामन कर चरणो वीज पूरात्तनासः

हस्ताग्राकृष्ट पाशाङ्कुश रद वरदो नाग वक्त्रोऽहिभूषो

देवः पद्मासनो नो भवतु नत सुरो भूतये विघ्नराजः


rakto raktāṅga-rāgāṃ-śuka kusuma yutas-tundilaś-candra maulir-

netrair-yuktas-tribhir-vāmana-kara-caraṇo vīja-pūrātta-nāsaḥ 

hastāgrākṛṣṭa pāśāṅkuśa rada varado nāga vaktro'hibhūṣo

 devaḥ padmāsano no bhavatu nata suro bhūtaye vighnarājaḥ  1 


 He  is of blood red colour, who wears  blood red cloths, wearing a flower  garland, wearing crescent  of moon on head,

He has thre eyes  , short  statured with short hands and legs, has fan like  ears and tusk

He holds in his hand   rope goad , Blesses with his tusk and   has a serpent ornamenting his neck

He sits in lotus pose  and is worshipped    by all devas  and ghosts and is the king  preventing all obstacles


रक्ताम्बरं रक्तवर्णं रक्तबन्धानुलेपनं

रक्तपुष्पैः पूज्यमानं तुन्दिलं चन्द्रमौलिनम्

त्रिनेत्रं वामनं विघ्नाधीशं पूज्यं शुण्डिनं

वामे दक्षे द्वयोः पाशाङ्कुशौ पाण्योस्तु विभ्रतम्

पद्मासनं सर्वभूषं ध्याये विघ्न विनायकम्  


RAkthambaram Raktha varnam  Raktha bandhanulepanam

Raktha  puspai  poojyamaanam, thundilam  Chandra  moulim

Trinethram  vamanam  vighnadheesam poojyam  cha sundinam

Vaame  dakshe  dwayo  pasungasou paanyaisthu  vibhratham

Padmaasanam sarva bhoosham dhyayai  vighna  vinayakam


He who wears blood red cloths  , is  of red colour, ties with red ropes  , applies  red unguents

Worshipped  by red flowers  ,  has a tusk  and wears   crescent  of moon on his head

Has three  eyes, short statured, the lord of obstacles and has tusk  of elephant

In his left and right hand he holds  rope and goad and  he is restless

He sits  on lotus p[ose  , wears  all ornaments  and I  meditate on destroyer  of obstacles


ध्याये स्वैक्येन देवं वृहदुदार तनु

तं चतुर्बाहुमेकदन्तं पाशाङ्कुशाढ्यं

गजमुखमरुणं दन्तभक्ष्ये दधानम्   

Dhyayai  swaikhyena  devam    bruhad  udhara  thanum

Tham Chathur bahum  eka dantham Pasankusadyam

Gajamukhamrunam dantha  Bakshye   dadhaanaam

I meditate  on God  with elephant heaf , Has   big generous  body

Has four hands and a tusk  and carried rope    and goad

Has elephant face  is red  and eats all that is given


रक्ताक्षमालापरशुं दन्तं भक्ष्यं दोर्भिः परितो

दधानम् हेमाभाकान्तिं त्रिदशं गजास्यं लम्बोदरं चैकरदं नमामि 


Rakthaksha malaa  parasum cha  dantham bakshyam   cha  dhornhi paritho

Dadhaanaam hemabhakanthim tridasam  gajasyaam  lambodharam  chaikaradham namami

He holds read beaded chain   axe in his upper hands and eatables  in lower hands

He gives  out gold like  luster ,has  elephant head nd huge belly   and I salute  the divine one


 Japamālā mantraṃ (जपमाला मन्त्रं) :- Recite the below mantra once, to pray to the japa māla and invoke the blessings for a fruitful japa.



मां माले महामाये सर्वमन्त्र स्वरूपिणि
चतुर्वर्ग स्त्वयिन्यस्त स्तस्मान्ये सिद्धिदा भव॥


Om   Maam  Maale maha maaye   , sarva  manthra  swaropini

Chathurvarga sthavayinyastha sthasmad anye  sidhidhaa  bhava


Om  Beaded chain  , great  enchantress  , who has  form of all manthras

Make  four type of wealth as mine  and also  all other  powers


10. Guru Mantra (गुरु मन्त्र) :- Recite the following guru mantra once, to seek the blessings of all gurus and the Guru.

om̐ hrīm̐ siddhaguro prasīda hrīm̐ om̐

ह्रीँ सिद्धगुरो प्रसीद ह्रीँ

Om  Hreem  Sidhaguro  Praseedha  Hreem Om

Om Hreem  Most powerguru be pleased  Hreem om


11. Atha Śrī Ekākṣara Gaṇapati Mahā Mantraḥ (अथ श्री एकाक्षर गणपति महामन्त्रः) –

Now the one lettered great  Ganapathi manthra


The 1 lettered mantra of Śrī Gaṇapati is -



The mantra should be recited at least 108 times. Initiation by guru  is suggested.

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