
Thursday, August 3, 2023

श्रीराघवेन्द्रकवचम् Sri Raghavendra Kavacham


Sri Raghavendra  Kavacham

The armour  of Raghavendra



Sri Appannacharya


Translated  by





“No one can deny the fact that Mantralaya Guru Saarvabhouma Sri Raaghavendra Swamy (Sri Raayaru) is called as Bhavaroga Vaidya, doctor of worldly sickness. That`s why people keep rushing towards His feet seeking solutions for their problems. Hundreds of devotees have realized by themselves various ways of pleasing Sri Raayaru.  Still many people keep asking if there is any Stothra on Sri Raayaru that can bring them out of ill health both mental and physical.  Well, Sri Appanacharya an ardent devotee of Sri Raayaru, about 400 years ago had anticipated this question! So, He composed a wonderful Stothra on Sri Raayaru. Here, He admires Sri Raayaru by wonderful words and requests His compassionate sight on each and every part of the body.  This divine sight of Sri Rayaru acts like a bullet-proof jacket and protects us from all sorts of diseases. Hence this stothra is very meaningfully called Sri Raghavendra Kavacha.  If there is any one around you, suffering from any disease ask them to chant this stotra devotedly.”


Inspite of  my on line search, I could not locate  any translation of this great stotra. Possibly some book exists



(श्रीअप्पण्णाचार्य कृत)

कवचं राघवेन्द्रस्य यतीन्द्रस्य महात्मनः

वक्ष्यामि गुरुवर्यस्य वाञ्छितार्थप्रदायकम् १॥


Kavacham Raghavendrasya Yatheendrasya  mahathmana

Vakshyami Guru varyasya Vanchithartha  pradhayakam


The armour of Raghavendra , the  king of saints , the great soul

Was composed as per the  desire  of the greayest Guru


ऋषिरस्याप्पणाचार्यः छन्दोऽनुष्टुप् प्रकीर्तितम्

देवता श्रीराघवेन्द्रगुरुरिष्टार्थसिद्धये २॥


Rishirasya  appannacharya chandho  anushtup  prakeerthitham

Devathaa  Sri Raghavendra gurur  , ishartha  sidhaye


The sage who composed  is Appannacharya  , sung in meter Anushtup

The God addressed  is Guru  Raghavendra, is being sung for   realizing  your desires


अष्टोत्तरशतं जप्यं भक्तियुक्तेन चेतसा

उद्यत्प्रद्योतनद्योतभर्मकूर्मासने स्थितम् ३॥


AShtothara  satham  japyam  Bakthi yukthena  chethasa

Udhyath pradhyothanadhyothabharma koormasane sthitham


chanting 108 times with  mind full of devotion

Is like  gold in hiding coming out  with all brilliance


एद्यखद्योतनद्योतप्रतापं राममानसम्

धृतकाषायवसनं तुलसीहारवक्षसम् ४॥


Yedhya khadyothanadhyotha prathapam Rama manasam

Drutha  kaashaya   vasanam thulasi  Hara vakshasam


He whose    greatness  rose  by  his mind filled  with Rama

Wore ochre  robes and thulasi  garland  on his chest



अभयज्ञानमुद्राक्षमालाशीलकराम्बुजम् ५॥


Dhordhanda vilasadh dhanda kamandalu  virajitham

Abhaya jnana mudra aksha malaa seela karambujam


Holding a long stick , he shined with staff  and water pot

Showed signs of protection and wisdom , and was in habit of  having a beaded chain in his hand


योगीन्द्रवन्द्यपादाब्जं राघवेन्द्रगुरुं भजे

शिरो रक्षतु मे नित्यं राघवेन्द्रोऽखिलेष्टदः ६॥


Yogeendra  vandhya  padajam Raghavendra  gurum bhaje

Siro   rakshathu may nithyam  Raghavendra akhileshtadha 


I pray  Guru Raghavendra who had lotus like feet saluted by great  sages

Let my head be daily  protected by Raghavendra  in all his wishes


पापाद्रिपाटने वज्रः केशान् रक्षतु मे सदा

क्षमासुरगणाधीशो मुखं रक्षतु मे गुरुः ७॥


Papadri paatane vajra kesaan  Rakshathu may Sadhaa

Kshama  sura  ganadheeso  Mukham   rakshathu  may guru


The diamond which destroyed the  mountain o sins may  protect  my hair  always

Let the god of the group of patient devas, My guru protect  my face


हरिसेवालब्धसर्वसम्पत्भालं ममावतु

देवस्वभावोऽवतु मे दृशौ तत्त्वप्रदर्शकः ८॥


Hari  sevaa labdha sarva sampath balam  mamavathu

Deva  swabhaavo aavathu maydrusou thathva  pradarsaka


He who got service  to Vishnu  as all his wealth protect my hair

Let  the teacher of philosophy who had  conduct of devas  protect my sight


इष्टप्रदाने कल्पद्रुः श्रोत्रे श्रुत्यर्थबोधकः

भव्यस्वरूपो मे नासां जिह्वां मेऽवतु भव्यकृत् ९॥


Ishta  pradhanou Srothre sruthyartha  bodhaka

Bavya swaroopo may  naasaam jihwaam may aavathu bhavya  kruth


He who fulfills our desire and who is teacher  of meaning of Vedas  protect my ear

He who has form of humility may  protect my nose and toungue and make  them adequate


आस्यं रक्षतु मे दुःखतूलसङ्घाग्निचर्यकः

सुखधैर्यादिसुगुणो भ्रुवौ मम सदाऽवतु १०॥


AAsyam rakshathu may dukha thoolasa angha agni charyaka

Sukha  dairyadhi  suguno  broovo  mama  sadhaavathu


Let the one who does rituals are fire protect  the eyes shedding tears  during sorrow

He who had good habits  of joy and courage  always  protect  my eye  brows


ओष्ठौ रक्षतु मे सर्वग्रहनिग्रहशक्तिमान्

उपप्लवोदधेस्सेतुर्दन्तान् रक्षतु मे सदा ११॥


Oshto rakshathu sarva  graham  nigraha  sakthimaan

Upaplavaidhadhesethu  danthan  rakshathu may sadhaa


Let my lips be  protected  by him who was strong enough to destroy all planets

Let  the bridge over disturbances   always  protect  my teeth


निरस्तदोषो मे पातु कपोलौ सर्वपालकः

निरवद्यमहावेषः कण्ठं मेऽवतु सर्वदा १२॥


Niratha dosho may pathu kapolou  sarva palaka

Niravadhya maha vaisha kantam may  aavathu  sadhaa


Let he who has displaced  his defects , who protects all protect my cheeks

He who had many unblambale roles may always  protect my  throat


कर्णमूले तु प्रत्यर्थिमूकत्वाकरवाङ् मम

बहुवादिजयी पातु हस्तौ सत्तत्त्ववादकृत् १३॥


Karnamoole thu prayarthi mookathwaa kara  vaang  mama

Bahu vadhi jayee pathu hasthou sa thathwa vadha kruth


He who opposes all the gossip   make  me speak  if I am dumb

Let he who argued   with many  and won  and one who argued  philosophies  protect  my hand


करौ रक्षतु मे विद्वत्परिज्ञेयविशेषवान्

वाग्वैखरीभव्यशेषजयी वक्षस्थलं मम १४॥


Karou rakshathu  may vidwath  parijeya  viseshatha

Vagh vaigari bavya  sesha jayee vaksha   sthalam 


May the specialist in understanding intelligence  protect my palm

He who wins war of words with humility   , protect my chest



स्तनौ रक्षतु मे नित्यं शरीरावद्यहानिकृत् १५॥

SAthi, santhana  sampathi bakthi jnanadhi vrudhikrutha

Sthanou  Rakshathu may nithyam sareeraavadhya hani krutha


May he who can increase wife, children  , wealth devotion and wisdom

And  cures  diseses  which does  harm to body , Protect my breasts daily



नाभिं रक्षतु मे पार्श्वौ द्युनदीतुल्यसद्गुणः १६॥


Punya vardhana padabhja abhisheka jala  sanchaya

Nabhim rakshathu me parsou, dhyunadhi thulya sadh  guna


He whose  water which  washes his  lotus  like feet  which increases the  blessing

Who has good qualities like  the glowing river   protect my belly


पृष्ठं रक्षतु मे नित्यं तापत्रयविनाशकृत्

कटिं मे रक्षतु सदा वन्ध्यासत्पुत्रदायकः १७॥


Prushtam   rakshathu  may nithyam , thapa  thraya  vinasa  kruth

Kati  may  Rakshathu sadhaa vandhya  sath puthra  dhayaka


May my  back be daily  protected   by him who  destroys   three  type of suffering

May  my waist be always  protected by, he who gived child  to barren lady


जघनं मेऽवतु सदा व्यङ्गस्वङ्गसमृद्धिकृत्

गुह्यं रक्षतु मे पापग्रहारिष्टविनाशकृत् १८॥


Jaganam may aavathu sadhaa vyanga swanga   asamrudhi kruth

Guhyam  Rakshathu may  Papa gruha arishta vinasa  kruth


May my thigh be protected always by him who reduces   the  defects of the body

May my private  parts be protected by him who destroys ill effects  of evil planets



मूर्तिमान्पातु मे रोमं राघवेन्द्रो जगद्गुरुः १९॥


BHakthagha vidhwamsana kara , nija moorthi  pradarsaka

Moorthim aanpaathu may  roman  Raghavendro  jagath guru


 He who destroys sufferings of his devotees, he who shows  his real form

May make the hairs of my body shine  , The Guru of universe  Raghavendra


सर्वतन्त्रस्वतन्त्रोऽसौ जानुनी मे सदाऽवतु

जङ्घे रक्षतु मे नित्यं श्रीमध्वमतवर्धनः २०॥


Sarva thanthra swathanthrou aasou jaanuni  may  sadhaa  aavathu

Janghe  rakshathu may nithyam, Sri Madhva  matha  vardhana


He whois familiar with  all thanthras  protect my  knees   always

May my calves be protected daikly, by him who increased the religion of Madhwa



गुल्फौ श्रीराघवेन्द्रो मे यतिराट् सर्वदाऽवतु ॥। २१॥


Vajayeendra karabjotha sudheendra  vara  puthraka

Gulphou Sri Raghavendrou may yathi rat sarvadhaa


The blessed son of Sudheendra who atose  from lotus hands  of Vijayeendra

The king of saints   Raghavendra  may  protect my ankles   always


पादौ रक्षतु मे सर्वभयहारी कृपानिधिः

ज्ञानभक्तिसुपुत्रायुर्यशः श्रीपुण्यवर्धनः २२॥


Padhou Rakshathu   may  sarva bhaya  haari kripa nidhi

Jnana Bakthi  suputhra aayu  yasa   sri punya  vardhana


May my feet  feet  be protected by he who cures all fear , the treasure of mercy

He  who increases  wisdom, devotion, good sons , life span    and fame 


करपादाङ्गुलीः सर्वा ममावतु जगद्गुरुः

प्रतिवादिजयस्वान्तभेदचिह्नादरो गुरुः २३॥


Kara padhanguli sarvaa maam  aavathu  jagath guru

Prathivadhi jaya swantha bedha chihna  dharo  guru


Let the  fingers of my hand and feet  be protected  by guru of universe

Who wins those  who argues with him and the Guru who wears  symbol of absence of pride


नखानवतु मे सर्वान् सर्वशास्त्रविशारदः

अपरोक्षीकृतश्रीशः प्राच्यां दिशि सदाऽवतु २४॥


Nakhaan aavathu  may sarvaan  sarva  sasthra  visaradha

Aparokshi kritha sreesa praachyaam dhisi  sadhaavathu


Let all my nails  br protected by the greatest expert in Sastras

Let the God of Lakshmi who makes things invisible  protect the eastern direction


दक्षिणे चावतु मां समुपेक्षितभावजः

अपेक्षितप्रदाता प्रतीच्यामवतु प्रभुः २५॥


Sa  Dakshinai cha aavathu  maam  samupekshitha bhavaja

Apekshitha  pradathaa cha pratheechyaam   aavathu  prabu


Also let my south be  protected by him having havit of  abandoning

Let the lord  who gives to those  who desire  protect my west



सदोदीच्यामवतु मां शापानुग्रहशक्तिमान् २६॥


Dhayaa dakshinya vairahgya vak patatva mukhangitha

Sadhodheecyaa mavathu maam  sapanugraha  sakthiman


He whose part of face  is  kindness  ,skill  , detachment, skill inspeech

Who has  power to bless  those who are cursed  protect  all  beings


निखिलेन्द्रियदोषघ्नो महानुग्रहकृद्गुरुः

अधश्चोर्ध्वं चावतु मामष्टाक्षरमनूदितम् २७॥


Nikhilendriya   doshagnau mahanugraha  krutha  guru

Adhascodharva  cha  aavathu  maam  ashtakshara manoodhitham


He who removes  defects of all sense organs, the guru  who can grant  great blessings

And the one who is an expert  in  ashtakshara manthra  , my  Protect below   and above 


आत्माऽऽत्मीयाघराशिघ्नो मां रक्षतु विदिक्षु

चतुर्णां पुमर्थानां दाता प्रातः सदाऽवतु २८॥


Aathmaa aathmeeyagha rasignou maam rakshathu   vidhikshu  cha

Chathurnam  cha pumarthanaam dathaa pratha  sadhaavathu


He who destroys souls and attachment to it  may protect all intermediary  directions

He who grants to the four varnas  and depressed may  protect may  in the morning


सङ्ग्रामेऽवतु मां नित्यं तत्त्ववित्सर्वसौख्यकृत्

मध्याह्नेऽगम्यमहिमा मां रक्षतु महायशाः २९॥


SAngramo aavathu maam nithyam thathwavith  sarva saukhya  krith

Madhyahne agamya  mahimaa maam  rakshathu  maha yasa


May I daily be protected from war, the expert in philosophy and one who makes us  healthy

May the one with great fame daily protect  me from the sharmess  of coming of noon 


मृतपोतप्राणदाता सायाह्ने मां सदाऽवतु

वेदिस्थपुरुषोज्जीवी निशीथे पातु मां गुरुः ३०॥

Mritha  potha  prana dathaa sayahnou maam sadhavathu

Vedastha  purusho ujjevi niseertha pathu maam  guru


He who grants life to dead  plants protect me  always in the evening

The guru who encourages men learned of Vedas  protect me   at night 


वह्निस्थमालिकोद्धर्ता वह्नितापात्सदाऽवतु

समग्रटीकाव्याख्याता गुरुर्मे विषयेऽवतु ३१॥


Vahnisthamaaliko  udharthaa vahni thaapaad sadhaa  aavathu

Samagreatee  kavyaya khayaathaa gururme  vishaye  aavathu


He who saves from those  suffering in fire, protect from pain  caused by fire

The Guru   who gives lucid  explanation oh summary notes protect me  from issues


कान्तारेऽवतु मां नित्यं भाट्ट (भाष्य) सङ्ग्रहकृद्गुरुः

सुधापरिमळोद्धर्ता सु (स्व)च्छन्दस्तु सदाऽवतु ३२॥


Kaanthaaro aavathu  maam nithyamBhatta(BHashya) sangraha krudha   guru

Sudha parimaloddharthaa su(swa)chandasthu sadhaa  aavathu


May the Guru who wrote compilation of interpretations protect my  disease symptoms

Let he whosends perfume from himself protect always  my appetite            



अपस्मारापहर्ता नः शास्त्रवित्सर्वदाऽवतु ३३॥


Raja chora  visha vyadhi yadhova anya mrugadhibhi

Apasmaraapa hartha cha sasthra  vith sadhaa  aavathu


Let the  troubles caused by king thieves ,sickness  got from other animals

And seizhure  of epilepsy   be always  cured  by the expert in Sastras


गतौ सर्वत्र मां पातूपनिषदर्थकृद्गुरुः

ऋग्व्याख्यानकृदाचार्यः स्थितौ रक्षतु मां सदा ३४॥


Gathou  sarvathra maam pathu upanishadh arrtha guru

Rik vyakhyana kritha acharya sthithou   rakshathu maam sadhaa


Let  the guru who gave meaning for Upanishads what has affected me  in past all over

Let the author who wrote commentary on Rik veda what is affecting now always


मन्त्रालयनिवासी मां जाग्रत्काले सदाऽवतु

न्यायमुक्तावलीकर्ता स्वप्ने रक्षतु मां सदा ३५॥


Manthralaya  nivasi maam jagrathkale sadhaavathu

Nyaya mukthavali  karthaa swapne rakshathu maam  sadhaa


The saint who lives  in manthralaya may always protect  me at waking time

The one who wrote “Nyaya Mukthavali” always protect me  during dreams


मां पातु चन्द्रिकाव्याख्याकर्ता सुप्तौ हि तत्त्वकृत्

सुतन्त्रदीपिकाकर्ता मुक्तौ रक्षतु मां गुरुः ३६॥


Mam pathu chandrikaa vyakhaa  karthaa supthou hi  thathwa  krith

Suthanthra  deepika  karthaa mukthou  rakshathu  maam guru


Let the  commentator  of Chandrika, theauthor of philosophy  protect me  when I am awke

Let my guru, author of “Suthanthra  deepika”, protect me  from what  is left out  


गीतार्थसङ्ग्रहकरस्सदा रक्षतु मां गुरुः

श्रीमध्वमतदुग्धाब्धिचन्द्रोऽवतु सदाऽनघः ३७॥


Geethartha   sangrahakara sadhaa rakshathu  maam guru

Sri  Maadhva matha dugdhabdhi Chandro aavathu sadhaa  anagha


The one who wote compilation  of meaning of Gitawho is mu Guru  always protect me

Let the invaluable moon who came out of the ocean of milk  of Madhva matha  protect me always


इति श्रीराघवेन्द्रस्य कवचं पापनाशनम्

सर्वव्याधिहरं सद्यः पावनं पुण्यवर्धनम् ३८॥


Sri Raghavendrasya kavacham papa nasanam

Sarva  vyadhi haram sadhya pavanam  punya vardhanam


The armour of Raghavendra  destroys  sins

Cures  all disease, very holy and one increasing punya


इदं पठते नित्यं नियमेन समाहितः

अदृष्टिः पूर्णदृष्टिः स्यादेडमूकोऽपि वाक्पतिः ३९॥


Ya idham padathe  nithyam niyamena  samahitha

Adrushti poorna drushti syaadeda mookopathi vak pathi


If this  daily read  following rules  and with belief

Those who cannot see will see fully and even dumb one  start  to talk


पूर्णायुः पूर्णसम्पत्तिभक्तिज्ञानाभिवृद्धिकृत्

पीत्वा वारि नरो येन कवचेनाभिमन्त्रितम् ४०॥


Poorna aayu  , poorna sampathi bakthi  jnanapi   abhivrudhi kruth

Peethwaa vaari naro yena kavachena abhimanthritham


Those who drink the water from pot which is  chanted over by this

Would  get full life , full riches devotion wisdom and porogress


जहाति कुक्षिगान् रोगान् गुरुवर्यप्रसादतः

प्रदक्षिणनमस्कारान् गुरोर्वृन्दावनस्य यः ४१॥


Jahaathi kukshigaan rogaan  , guruvarya  prasadatha

Pradakshina  namaskaran guru vrindavanasya  ya


Avoid   the diseases  of stomach  due to blessings of guru

And by doing going round and saluting the brindavan of the guru


करोति परया भक्त्या तदेतत्कवचं पठन्

पङ्गुः कूणिश्च पौगण्डः पूर्णाङ्गो जायते ध्रुवम् ४२॥


Karothi parayaa  bakthyaa  thadeth  kavacham padan

Pangu  koonischa paiganda poorvango jayathe  druvam


If with attention and devotion    this armour   is read

Those who  ae lame and hunched back before  manhood  would certainly  walk properly


शेषाश्च कुष्ठपूर्वाश्च नश्यन्त्यामयराशयः

अष्टाक्षरेण मन्त्रेण स्तोत्रेण कवचेन ४३॥


Seshaascha  kushta  poorvascha nasyanthi aamaya  rasaya

Ashtaksharena manthrena stotrena  kavachena   cha


The leprosy remaining earlier would get destroyed and one would become healthy

If  Eight lettered manthra  and the armour prayer  are   chanted  regularly  


वृन्दावने सन्निहितमभिषिच्य यथाविधि

यन्त्रे मन्त्राक्षराण्यष्टौ विलिख्यात्र प्रतिष्ठितम् ४४॥


Vrindavane  sannihithamabhishinchya yadha vidhi

Yanthrou manthrasharanyashtou vilikhyartra parathishtitham


With proper  rules be present  and do anointing of  Brindavana(jeeva Samadhi)

If we  we write  yanthra and eight lettered  manthra and consecrate


षोडशैरुपचारैश्च सम्पूज्य त्रिजगद्गुरुम्

अष्टोत्तरशताख्याभिरर्चयेत्कुसुमादिभिः ४५॥


Shodaso upacharaischa sampoojya r trijagadgurum

Ashtothara sathaakhyaabhir  archayedh kusumadhibhi


After doing wwith with sixteen type of hospitality the guru of the three  worlds

Do   worship with flowers chanting  his 108 names


फलैश्च विविधैरेव गुरोरर्चां प्रकुर्वतः

नामश्रवणमात्रेण गुरुवर्यप्रसादतः ४६॥


Phalesha  vividhaireva guror archaa prakurvatha

Nama  sravana  mathrena guru varya  prasadatha


Then to worship of  Guru  offering various  fruits

And hearing the names only the Guru would be pleased


भूतप्रेतपिशाचाद्याः विद्रवन्ति दिशो दश

पठेदेतत्त्रिकं नित्यं गुरोर्वृन्दावनान्तिके ४७॥


Bhootha pretha  pisachadhyaa  vidhravanthi  dhiso dasa

Padeth athanthrikam  nithyam  gurur vrindhavananthike


The devils dead bodies and ghosts  would scateer in ten directions

If  this read without thanthra saily before  Vrindavana(jeeva Samadhi)  of the guru


दीपं संयोज्य विद्यावान् सभासु विजयी भवेत्

राजचोरमहाव्याघ्रसर्पनक्रादिपीडनात् ४८॥


Deepa,  samyojya vidhyaavaan  sabhasu  vijayee  bhaveth

Raja chora maha vyagra sarpa nakradhi  peedanaath


If he arranges for a lamp also the learned  one would become victorious in a meeting

And get rid of  attack of king, thief, big tiger and crocodile


कवचस्य प्रभावेण भयं तस्य जायते

सोमसूर्योपरागादिकाले वृन्दावनान्तिके ४९॥


Kavachasya  prabhavena bhayam thasya na jaayathe

Soma surya paragaadhi kaale vrindavananthike


Due to power  of  the armour, he would get rid of fear for them

At the time of  the time of eclipse  of sun and moon, near  the Vrindavana


कवचादित्रिकं पुण्यमप्पणाचार्यदर्शितम्

जपेद्यः धनं पुत्रान् भार्यां सुमनोरमाम् ५०॥


Kavachadhitrikam punyam   appannacharya   darsitham

Japedhya sa dhanam puthraan bharya  cha  sumanoramaam


The result of armour  was punyam   as seen by Appannacharya

If chanted you will get wealth sons and pretty  wife 



ज्ञानं भक्तिं वैराग्यं भुक्तिं मुक्तिं शाश्वतीम्

संप्राप्य मोदते नित्यं गुरुवर्यप्रसादतः ५१॥


Jnana  bakthu  cha  vairagyam  bukthim mukthim    cha  saswatheem

SAmprapya  modathe nithyam  guru varya prasadatha.


Wisdom , devotion  , detachment   , properity  and salvation which are  permanent

Getting them , you would  be happy daily due to blessing of  great Guru


इति श्रीमदप्पणाचार्यविरचितं श्रीराघवेन्द्रकवचं सम्पूर्णम्

Ithi  Srimad  Appannacharya  virachitham Sri Raghavendra Kavacham samaptham

Thus end the armour  of Raghavanendra  as composed by Sri  Appannacharya

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