
Monday, September 25, 2023

Ganesh Kavach from Ganesh puran

Ganesh Kavach  from Ganesh puran


Translated  by



श्री गणेशाय नमः

Sri Ganesaya nama

Salutations to Ganesa


गौरी उवाच-

Gauri  Uvacha

Goddess  Gauri told


एषोऽतिचपलो दैत्यान्बाल्येऽपि नाशयत्यहो
अग्रे किं कर्म कर्तेति जाने मुनिसत्तम ।।1।।


Yesho athi chapalo Daithyaan balyopi nasayathyaho

Agre ki  karma karthethi Na jaane  muni sathhama


He who is very  inconsistent , though a boy has  killed  Asuras

Oh great saint , I do not know  what  type of job  he will do further


दैत्या नानाविधा दुष्टा: साधुदेवद्रुह: खला:
अतोऽस्य कण्ठे किंचित्त्वं रक्षार्थं बद्धुमर्हसि ।।2।।


Daithyaa  naanaa vidhaa  dushtaa saadhu deva drooha khalaa

Athosya kante kinchithwam rakshartha badhumarhasi


Asuras , different type of evil people, the bad ones   who trouble  great sages

To save him from them, what   type of thalisman  to be tied in his neck


ऋषि उवाच-

ध्यायेत्सिंहगतं विनायकममुं दिग्बाहुमाद्यं युगे
त्रेतायां तु मयूरवाहनममुं षड्बाहुकं सिद्धिदम्
द्वापरे तु गजाननं युगभुजं रक्तांगरागं विभुम्
तुर्ये तु द्विभुजं सितांगरूचिरं सर्वार्थदं सर्वदा ।।3।।


Rishir  Uvacha

 The sage said

Dhyayo  uthsaha  gatham vinayaka mamum, dig bahumaadhyam yuge

Trethaayaam thu  mayura vahanamamum shad bahukam sidhidham

Dhvapare  thu  gajananam yuga bujam  rakthanga  ragam vibhum

Thurye thu dwibujam sithanga  ruchiram sarvathidham   SArvadhaa


Meditate  with  enthusiasm Lord Vinayaka with ten hands and riding on lion in the first  yuga

In the thretha  yuga meditate on him with six hands    and riding on a peacock,

In the dhvapara yuga meditate on   him with four hands and the lord having blood  red colour

And in Kali yuga meditate on him with two hands with pretty white colour and who grants all benefits to his devotees


विनायक: शिखां पातु परमात्मा परात्पर:
अतिसुंदरकायस्तु मस्तकं सुमहोत्कट: ।।4।।


Vinayaka  Shikaam patthu paramaathmaa  parathpara

Athi sundara kayasthu  masthakam  sumahothkata  4


Let  the great  God vinayaka, the best among God protect my hair,

The one with very pretty body, who is very capable  protect my head


ललाटं कश्यप: पातु भ्रूयुगं तु महोदर:
नयने भालचन्द्रस्तु गजास्यस्तवोष्ठपल्लवौ ।।5।।


Lalaatam kasyapa pathu, brooyugam thu  mahodhara

Nayane bala chandrasthu gajasyasthavoshta  pallavai  5


Let  the  God Kasyapa protect my forehead, let the  one with great  paunch protect my two eye brows

He who wears moon’s crescent may  protect my eyes and he with elephant face  protect my lips


जिह्वां पातु गणाक्रीडश्रिचबुकं गिरिजासुत:
पादं विनायक: पातु दन्तान् रक्षतु दुर्मुख: ।।6।।


Jihwaam pathu ganakreedasri , chubukam girijasutha

Paadham vinayaka pathu danthan rakshathu Durmukha


He who plays with  Ganas of Shiva  protect my toungue and let my chin protected by son of Parvathi

Let my voice be protected by Vinayaka and let my teeth be protected by him who  prevents delays


श्रवणौ पाशपाणिस्तु नासिकां चिंतितार्थद:
गणेशस्तु मुखं कंठं पातु देवो गणञज्य: ।।7।।


SRavanou  pasapaanisthu naasikaam  chinthirthadha

Ganesasthu Mukham Kantam pathu devo gananjaya


Let he who holds rope  protect my toungue, Let he who fulfills our desires protect our nose

Let Ganesa protet my face  and let he who wins over ganas  protct my neck


स्कंधौ पातु गजस्कन्ध: स्तनौ विघ्नविनाशन:
ह्रदयं गणनाथस्तु हेरंबो जठरं महान् ।।8।।


Skandhou pathu gaja skandha, sthanou  vighna  viinasana

Hridayam  gana nadhasthu , herambo jataram  mahan


Let his shoulders be protected by him who has elephant shoulder, let his breasts bt protected by him who destroys obstacles

Let Chief of  Ganas protect our heart and let great Heramba protect our belly


धराधर: पातु पाश्र्वौ पृष्ठं विघ्नहर: शुभ:
लिंगं गुज्झं सदा पातु वक्रतुन्ड़ो महाबल: ।।9।।


Dharadhara pathu  parswai , prushtam vighna hara Shubha

Lingam gunjam pathu  , vakra thundo maha  bala


Let he who lifts the earth protect the sides and he who destroys obstacles our back

Let the very strong Maha bala  protect  our penis and private  parts


गणाक्रीडो जानुजंघे ऊरू मंगलमूर्तिमान्
एकदंतो महाबुद्धि: पादौ गुल्फौ सदाऽवतु ।।10।।


Gana Kreeedo janu jange , ooru mangala moorthimaan

Yeka dantho maha  budhi padhou gulphou  SAdaavathu


He who plays  with Ganas protect my thigh  and knee  and the lord with auspiciousness  protect my calves

Let the very wise lord  with one tusk always protect  my ankle


क्षिप्रप्रसादनो बाहू पाणी आशाप्रपूरक:
अंगुलीश्च नखान्पातु पद्महस्तोऽरिनाशन ।।11।।


Kshipra prasadena bahu  paani  aasa pooraka

Anguleeshu nakhaam paathu padmahastho  Ari nasana


Let him who becomes  pleased fast protect my arm  and he who fulfills  our desires protect our hand

Let lotus handed one who destroys enemies protect  the fingers  and nails.


सर्वांगनि मयूरेशो विश्र्वव्यापी सदाऽवतु
अनुक्तमपि यत्स्थानं धूम्रकेतु: सदाऽवतु ।।12।।


Sarvajani  mayureso  viswavyapi  sadhaavathu

Anukthamapi  yath  sthanam dhoomrakethu   sadhaavathu



Let  the knowing one  who is the peacock god  protect  everything

Let  the God dhoomskethu protect all ilmbs which are  not protected


आमोदस्त्वग्रत: पातु प्रमोद: पृष्ठतोऽवतु
प्राच्यां रक्षतु बुद्धीश आग्नेय्यां सिद्धिदायक: ।।13।।


Amodhasthvagrtha pathu pramodha prushtatho  aavathu

Prachyaam  Rakshathu budheesa aagneyaam   sidhi dhayaka


He who is sweet smelling protect my front and he who is joyous  protect  my back side

Let  the god of wisdom  protect protect the east and  he  who grants powers protect the south east


दक्षिणस्यामुमापुत्रो नैर्ऋत्यां तु गणेश्वर:
प्रतीच्यां विघ्नहर्ताऽव्याद्वायव्यां गजगर्णक: ।।14।।


Dakshinasya  uma puthro  nairathyam  ganeswara

Pratheechyaam  vighna harthaa avyaad , dhvayavyaam  gaja  karnaka


Let southern side be protected by  son of Uma and south west be protected  by Ganeswara

Let  the west be protected by the destroyer of obstacles and norh west by elephant eared


कौबेर्यां निधिप: पायादीशान्यामीशनन्दन:
दिवोऽव्यादेलनन्दस्तु रात्रौ संध्यासु विघ्नह्रत् ।।15।।


Kauberyaam  nidhipa paayad, eesanyaam   eesa nandana

Dhivo avyadhelanandhsthu rathrou sandhyaasu  Vighna  hruth


Let the god of treasure  protect North  and son of Lord Shiva   protect  north east

Let  in day time we are  protected  by God with one tusk and  desrtroyer  of obstacles night , dawn and dusk


पाशांकुशधर: पातु रज:सत्त्वतम:स्मृति: ।।16।।


Rakshasa  asura  vetala graha bhootha  pisachatha

Pasangusadhara pathu raja sathva  thama smruthi


May Lord Ganesa who holds rope and goad and knows  about three gunas,

Protect against   Rakshasas, asuras   vetalas , planets ghosts  and  devils


ज्ञानं धर्मं लक्ष्मीं लज्जां कीर्तिं तथा कुलम्
वपुर्धनं धान्यश्र्च ग्रहदारान्सुतान्सखीन् ।।17।।

Jnanam  dharma  cha  Lakshmim  cha lajjam  Keerthi  ThadhaKulam

Vapur  dhanam cha  dhanyas cha Graha  dharan  suthan sakheen


He may also protect  wisdom,  Dharma wealth shame fame  and lineage

And also protect body   wealth  grains  wife, children   and friends


सर्वायुधधर: पौत्रान्मयूरेशोऽवतात्सदा
कपिलोऽजाबिकं पातु गजाश्रवान्विकटोऽवतु ।।18।।


SArva ayudha  dhara pouthraan  Mayureso avathath  sadhaa,

Kapilo ajabikam  pathu gajasravan vikato  aavathu


Let the god of peacocks who carries all weapons protect my grand sons

Let Lord Kapila protect goats and cows and let Vikata  protect the horses  and elephants



Result of reading


भूर्जपत्रे लिखित्वेदं : कण्ठेधारयेत्सुधी:
भयं जायते तस्य यक्षरक्ष:पिशाचत: ।।19।।


Burja puthre likhithwedham ya  Kanta dharayeth sudhi

Na bhayam jayathe thasya, yaksha Raksha pischatha


Before hose who write it on palm leaf and wear  it on neck

No yakshasha , rakshasas   or ghosts will come before him


त्रिसंध्यं जपते यस्तु वज्रसारतनुर्भवेत्
यात्राकाले पठेद्यस्तु निर्विघ्नेन फलं लभेत् ।।20।।


Trisandhyam japathe yasthu vajra saara  thanur bhaveth

Yaathrakaale  padedhyasthu nirvighnena phalam labheth


The body of those who read in it in dawn, noon and dusk, will become hard  like diamond

Those who read it while   travelling would complete it without any problems


युद्धकाले पठेद्यस्तु विजयं चाप्नुयाद्ध्रुवम्
मारणोच्चटनाकर्षस्तंभमोहनकर्मणि ।।21।।


Yudha kale  Padedhyasthu vijayam cha aapnuyaadh  dhruvam,

Maarano uchadanakarsha sthambha  mohana karmani


Those who read it during a war will certainly get victory

Though enemies use varios types of black magic

सप्तवारं जपेदेतद्दिननामेकविशतिम
तत्तत्फलमवाप्नोति साधको नात्र संशय: ।।22।।


SApthavaaram japed edathdhinenam  yeka visathima

Thath phalamaapnothi Saadhako  naathra samsaya


To those who read it seven times a day,

Their desire would be fulfilled  on twenty first day


एकविंशतिवारं पठेत्तावद्दिनानि :
काराग्रहगतं सद्यो राज्ञा वध्यं मोचयेत् ।।23।।


Ekavimsathi vaaram cha padeth va dhinaani ya

Karagraha gatham sadhyo rajna vadhyam   cha mochayeeth


If a person reads in twenty one times for  twenty one days

They would get rid of going to prison  by the order of the king


राजदर्शनवेलायां पठेदेतत्तत्त्रिवारत:
राजानं वशं नीत्वा प्रक्रतीश्र्च सभां जयेत् ।।24।।


Raja darsana  velayam padeth thatha  trivaradha

Sa raajaanam vasam neethvaa praakruthischa sabhaam jayedh


Those who read it thrice at time of seeing the king

He would be able to influence the king and would get victory   from government


इदं गणेशकवचं कश्यपेन समीरितम्
मुद्गलाय तेनाथ मांडव्याय महर्षये ।।25।।


Yidham Ganesa Kavacham kasyapena sameeritham

Mrudu laya cha thenaadha mandavyaya maharshiye


This Armour of Ganesa   was    told by sage  Kasyapa

To sage Mrudula who told it to sage Mandavya


मज्झं प्राह कृपया कवचं सर्वसिद्धिदम्
देयं भक्तिहीनाय देयं श्रद्धावते शुभम् ।।26।।


Majnam  sa praaha prupayaa  kavacham sarva sidhitham

Na dheyam Bakthi heenaaya, dheyam  sradhavathe    shubham


He with kindness told me  this armour which grants everything,

Please do not give to person without devotion but one who hears it wih attention

अनेनास्य कृता रक्षा बाधाऽस्य भवेत्कचित्
राक्षसासुरवेतालदैत्यदानवसंभवा ।।27।।


Anenaasya kruthaa  rakshaa na  bhaadhaasya bhaveth  kachith

Rakshasaa sura  vetala daithya dhanava   sambhaavaha


It would protect you from everything and every attack  definitely,

And Rakshasas, devas, vetalas daithyas and Dhanavas will never be our enemy


।।अथ श्री गणेश पुराणे गणेशकवचं सम्पूर्णम्।।

Aadha  Sri Ganesa purane ganesa  Kavacham  SAmpoornam

Thus ends the armour of Ganesa occurring in Ganesa purana


Hear the great  Kavacha

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