
Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Kshurika Upanishad

 Kshurika Upanishad

Translated by P. R. Ramachander

Om! May He protect us both together; may He nourish us both together;
May we work conjointly with great energy,
May our study be vigorous and effective;
May we not mutually dispute (or may we not hate any).
Om! Let there be Peace in me!
Let there be Peace in my environment!
Let there be Peace in the forces that act on me!

Kshurika means knife. This Upanishad shows us the way to cut the attachment with this world using the knife called wisdom and shows us the way to salvation. It is called Kshurikopanishad.

I am relating to you the Kshurikopanishad. Using which we can attain awakening through Yoga and reach the birthless state. 1

(Slokas 2-9 are not available.)

Using the mind with very sharp wisdom as knife, you have to meditate on the secret place called "prabhada" which is above the feet and cut it and go above. 10

Using the path of a sharp mind you have to practice yoga relentlessly and have to reach out the secret place called "Indra Vajram" which is in a place above the knees and separate it out using meditation and Yoga. 11

Then you have to release the life power which is in between the union of thighs. Practicing skilful yoga you should separate it out and go upward. 12

Then you have to attain the group of nadis (nerves) near the neck and realize the 101 Nadis there and identify the best three Nadis. You have to identify the Ida Nadi which is the protector on the left side, the pingala Nadi on the right side and understand the proper position of Sushumna Nadi. The one who identifies this is the only one who understand the secrets of Vedas. 13-14

Sushumna Nadi is the one which makes you merge with the ultimate reality (Brahman) and is one without any deficiencies and is of the form of Brahmam. In each of the 72000 Nadis, there is a material which is like oil. This is taken out of it by meditation. Only in case of Sushumna Nadi, it is not possible to separate this oily material out of it. 15

Similar to the fact that oil gets the fragrance of jasmine flower when it joins with it, this Nadi gets the smell of the good or bad deed done by a person. So you have to meditate on this Nadi. 16

Then this person who has won over his mental senses should sit in a place without any sound and become detached, realize the philosophy of yoga, become one with no desires and should withdraw within himself like the lamps getting off one by one when they are lit together. 17-21

The one who realizes yoga through intense practice of pranayama and meditation on Om cuts off the bonds of family life using the very sharp mind which has been sharpened using an efficient sharpener of renunciation and gets freedom from all bondage. 22

The one who gets freedom from desires reaches the deathless state. The one who gets freedom from all desires by cutting off all desires and affection becomes devoid of all bonds. 23

Om! May He protect us both together; may He nourish us both together;
May we work conjointly with great energy,
May our study be vigorous and effective;
May we not mutually dispute (or may we not hate any).
Om! Let there be Peace in me!
Let there be Peace in my environment!
Let there be Peace in the forces that act on me!

Here ends the Kshurikopanishad belonging to the Krishna-Yajur-Veda.

[Publisher's Note: Kshurika Upanishad has been listed as one of the Krishna-Yajur-Veda Upanishads in our version of the Muktika Upanishad. But it has been shown as one of the Atharva Veda Upanishads in another Publication of Upanishads.]

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