
Friday, November 17, 2023

Durga  Dwathrimsath nama mala

Garland of 32 names  of Durga


Translated by



(The Goddess  has told –Those  who read this garland of names of  Durga, without   doubt  they get out of all  fears)



1.Durga, Durgarthi nasini ,Durga apad nivarini

Durgama chedhini, Durga sadhini, Durga nasini


Durga, she who destroys terrible griefs, who avoids  terrible  accidents

Who cuts of  difficulties, who makes  difficult job possible, who destroys difficulties


2.Durgathodharini, durga nihanthri , durgamapaha

Durgama jnanadhaa, durga daithya   dhavanalaa


She who lifts people from bad fate, she who  destroys difficulties,She who steals difficulties

She who grants difficult knowledge,She who is fire which burns   bad asuras


3.Durgamaa , durgamaalokaa, durgamathma  swaroopini

Durga marga pradhaa , durgama avidhyaa, durgamasrithaa


She who is unattainable, She who sees people in difficulty, She who is form of difficult to attain souls

She who shows path  out of difficulties, who is difficult to attain for ignorant, Who is  depended by people in diffiiculties


4.Durgama jnaana samsthaanaa , Durgama dhyana  bhasini

Durgamoha , durgamagaa, Durgamartha swaroopini


She who terminates  known difficulties, She who shines  when meditated  during difficulties

She who is difficult for passionate ones , She who erases difficulties, She who has meaningful form  for those in difficulties


5,Durgama asurasya  hanthri , durgamayudha dhatrini

Durgamangangri  , Durgamathaa, Durgamyaa, Durgameswari


She who is to kill   terrible asuras, She who used to carry  difficult weapons

She  who used to have difficult sphere, she who is to go in to difficult places, She who is difficult to enter, She who is  godess  of difficulties


6.Durgabheemaa, Durgabhaamaa, durgabhaa, Durgadharini,

Naamavaleem imam yasthu  Durgaayaa  mama Manava


She who is huge and terrible, She who has terrible anger, She who is difficult  to approach, She  whi  carries difficulties

These  are the garland  of names  of Durga  , Oh man

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