
Wednesday, July 31, 2024

श्रीरामनामसङ्कीर्तनम् Sri Rama nama Sankeerthnam


Sri Rama nama Sankeerthnam

The song  of the names  of  Sri Rama


Translated  by



(I have  translated  another Rama Nama Sankeerthanam by Swami Brahmananda which is entirely  different from this- )




The Worship


भयहर मङ्गल दशरथ राम

जय जय मङ्गल सीता राम


Bhaya  hara mangala  Dasaratha  Rama

Jaya Jaya Mangala  Seetha Rama


THe Dasaratha’s Rama killing fears and bringing good

Hail hail Sita’s Rama Who brings  all that is good


मङ्गलकर जय मङ्गल राम

सङ्गतशुभविभवोदय राम


Mangala kara  Jaya  Mangala  Ram

SAngatha  shubha vibhavodhaya  Ram


Hail auspicious  Ram who does good

Ram who makes good rise   to the group


आनन्दामृतवर्षक राम

आश्रितवत्सल जय जय राम


Anandamritha Varshaka  Ram

Aasritha vathsala Jaya Jaya  Ram


Ram who rains the nectar  of joy

Hail hail ram  who makes those  who depend  as dear


रघुपति राघव राजा राम

पतितपावन सीता राम


Raghupathi  Raghava  Raja Ram

Pathitha  Pavana  Seetha Ram


The King Rama who is the Raghava, the Lord of Raghu,
He is the Sita Ram, who makes the sinner pure,


       स्तवः Sthava  Song of Praise


कनकाम्बर कमलासनजनकाखिल-धाम

सनकादिकमुनिमानससदनानघ भूम


Kanakambara Kamalasana Janaka  Akhila  Dham

SAnakadhika muni manasa sadhanaa anagha  Ram


WEalring  golden silk , sitting on lotus flower., he who has home every where

The invaluable  Rama who lived in the minds of SAnaka   and other  sages


शरणागतसुरनायकचिरकामित काम

धरणीतलतरण दशरथनन्दन राम


SAranagatha  Suranayaka chira kamitha Kama

Dharani thala  tharana Dasaratha  NandanaRama


He who liked for long the lord of devas  who surrendered

The Rama who was son of Dasaratha who made us cross the world


पिशिताशनवनितावधजगदानन्द राम

कुशिकात्मजमखरक्षण चरिताद्भुत राम


Pishithashana vanitha vadha, Jagadhananda  Rama

Kushikathmaja  makha rakshana charithadbutha  Rama


THe  Rama who made world happy   who killed the lady who ate  meat

The rama with wonderful character who sprang  up to protect Lord Sita  born in ploughshare


धनिगौतमगृहिणीस्वजदघमोचन राम

मुनिमण्डलबहुमानित पदपावन राम


Dhani gauthama grahini swajadhaga mochana ram

Muni mandala bahumaanitha padha  pavana  Rama


Oh Ram who freed the wife of  great sageGauthama  from her own state

Oh Rama with a holy feet  respected   by the groups   of sage


स्मरशासनसुशरासनलघुभञ्जन राम

नरनिर्जरजनरञ्जन सीतापति-राम


Smara  sasana susarasana laghu banjana Rama

Nara nirjara jana ranjana Sita  pathi Rama


Rama who remembering the order easily broke seat  of arrows

Rama  husband  of Sita  young man  who was liked by people


कुसुमायुधतनुसुन्दर कमलानन राम

वसुमानितभृगुसम्भवमदमर्दन राम


Kusumayudha , thanu sundara Kamalanana  Rama

Vasu manitha bhrigu sambhava madha  mardhana  Rama


Rama with flowers as weapon is a very pretty  body and lotus like face

Rama who hit the pride  of  son of Bhrigu  who was respected by Vasus


करुणारसवरुणालय नतवत्सल राम

शरणं तव चरणं भवहरणं मम राम


Karuna rasa, varunalaya natha vathsala  Rama

SAranam thava  charanam BHava  haranam Mama rama


Oh Rama, ocean of feeling of mercy, who likes his devotees

I surrender  to your feet, please take  away my Karma, Rama


       श्रीरामप्रणामः Sri Rama Pranama- Prostration to Rama


आपदामपहर्तारं दातारं सर्वसम्पदाम्

लोकाभिरामं श्रीरामं भूयो भूयो नमाम्यहम्


Apadam apa hantharam datharam dana sarva sampadam,
Lokabhiramam Sriramam bhooyo bhooyo namamyaham.,

I again and again salute that Rama who is ever beautiful,
Who destroys all dangers and gives all sorts of wealth.



रामाय रामचन्द्राय रामभद्राय वेधसे

रघुनाथाय नाथाय सीतायाः पतये नमः


Ramaya  Ramachandraya Ramabhadraya  vedhase

Raghunataya nathaaya   Sitaaya patheye namaha


I  salute  Rama  , Rama Bhadra ,Ramachandra  the  expert in Vedas,

The Lord of Raghus who is my lord  and Sita’s   conso



       श्रीहनुमत्प्रणामः SRi Hanumath  pranama- Salutations  to Hanuman


अतुलितबलधामं स्वर्णशैलाभदेहं

दनुजवनकृशानुं ज्ञानिनामग्रगण्यम्

सकलगुणनिधानं वानराणामधीशं

रघुपतिवरदूतं वातजातं नमामि १॥


Athulitha bala dhamam, swarna shailaabha   deham,

Dhanuja vana krusanum, jnaneenaam    agra ganyam,

Sakala guna nidhanam vanaraanaam   adheesam,

Raghu pathi  priya baktham Vatha  Jatham namami


I salute the home of matchless  power  who has body like a golden mountain,

Who is the  forest fire  of Asura forest, Who is first  among those wise,

Who has    all good qualities, Who is the chief  of all monkeys,

Who is the darling devotee of Rama and son of    wind god


गोष्पदीकृतवाराशिं मशकीकृतराक्षसम्

रामायणमहामालारत्नं वन्देऽनिलात्मजम् २॥


Gospadhi  krutha vaaramseem , masakee krutha Rakshasam,

Ramayana maha mala rathnam vandhe  anilathmajam


He who crossed ocean like a cow’s hoof, who killed   Rakshasas like mosquito,

Who is the gem of the garland  of Ramayana, I salute him who is son of  wind God



अञ्जनानन्दनं वीरं जानकीशोकनाशनम्

कपीशमक्षहन्तारं वन्दे लङ्काभयङ्करम् ३॥


.anjna nandanam   veeram  Janaki soka nasanam,

Kapeesa maksha  hanthaaram  vandhe  Lanka  bhayanuaram


Salutation to son of  Anjana,valorous one, one   who removed   sorrow  of Sita,

The lord of monkeys, killer  of Aksha  and one who scared  Lanka



उल्लङ्घ्य सिन्धोः सलिलं सलीलं यः शोकवह्निं जनकात्मजायाः

आदाय तेनैव ददाह लङ्कां नमामि तं प्राञ्जलिराञ्जनेयम् ४॥


Ullangya sindho salilam salilam  ya sokavahnim  janakathmajaaya

Aadhaaya thenaiva dadaha lankam   namami  tham pranchalir anjaneyam


I salute him who crossed  the water  of sea like play and brought  the fire  of sorrow of Sita,

And who burnt   the city  of Lanka  with it and who is the son of Anjana  , with folded hands


मनोजवं मारुततुल्यवेगं जितेन्द्रियं बुद्धिमतां वरिष्ठम्

वातात्मजं वानरयूथमुख्यं श्रीरामदूतं शिरसा नमामि ५॥


Manojavam , marutha thulya vegam  , jithendriyam, budhi mathaam varishtm

Vaathathmajam vanara  yoodha mukhyam, sri Rama dhootham  sirasaa namami


He who has speed of  mind, speed of wind, whose organs aee  under control,

Who is son of wind god, who is chief of monekeys and I salute emissary of rama with my head.



आञ्जनेयमतिपाटलाननं काञ्चनाद्रिकमनीयविग्रहम्

पारिजाततरुमूलवासिनं भावयामि पवमाननन्दनम् ६॥


Anjaneyam athi patalalanam, kanchaneyadri  kamaneeya vigraham,

Pari jatha  tharu moola  vasinam  bhavayami  pava mana  nandanam


I see in my mind   Anjneya   who has  a very red face, who has a form like  mountain of gold,

Who lives  below a Parijatha tree and who is the son of wind God


यत्र यत्र रघुनाथकीर्तनं तत्र तत्र कृतमस्तकाञ्जलिम्

वाष्पवारिपरिपूर्णलोचनं मारुतिं नमत राक्षसान्तकम् ७॥


Yathra yathra Raghu Nadha  Keerthanam Thathra thathra  krutha  masthakanjalim

Bhashpavari pari poorna lochanam  Maruthim namatha  rakshasanthakam


Wherever wherever thereis song  about Lord Rama There there , with bent head and

Fully tear  filled   eyes  You can find Hanuman, the killer  of Rakshasa


इति अष्टोत्तरशतनामरामायणं समाप्तम्

Ithi  AShtothara satha nama Ramayanam samaptham

Thus ends Ramayana of 108 names  of Rama