
Monday, February 10, 2014

Kandu Krutha Vishnu Sthuthi

Kandu Krutha  Vishnu Sthuthi
(Prayer to  Lord Vishnu by sage Kandu)

(The Sanskrit    original is available in and occurs in Brahma Puranam   )

Translated by

Kandur Uvacha:-
Sage Kandu said:-

1.Narayana  hare Krishna  Sri Vathsanga  , Jagat pathe,
Jagat bheeja, Jagad dhama, Jagat Saakshin  Namosthu the.

Oh Narayana, Oh Hari  , Oh God having Srivathsa on his body , Oh Lord of the world,
Oh seed of the world , Oh place where world lives , oh witness of the world , My salutations  to you.

2.Avyaktha   Jishno  , Prabhava  , pradhana-purushothama,
Pudareekaksha  , Govinda , Loka Nadha  , Namosthu the.

Oh Lord who is not clear , Oh Lord who wins , Oh  Lord who influences , Oh main Purusha,
Oh Lord with lotus like eyes, Oh Govinda , Oh Lord of the world , My salutations to you.

3.Hiranya Gharbha  , Sri Nadha , Padma Nadha , Sanathana,
Bhoo Garbha  , Druva , Eesana  , Hrishikesa Namosthuthe.

Oh God who  carries  the  world within him , Oh Lord of Lakshmi, Oh Lord of lotus , Oh primeval  Lord,
Oh God in whom earth lives, Oh permanent one , oh Eesana* , Oh Hrishikesa, My salutations to you.
*Protector of North east

4.Anadhyantha   Amitha thejasa, Jeyaa , jaya thwam jayathaam vara  ,
Ajithaa , Akhanda , Sri Krishna, Sri Nivasa , Namosthu the

Oh Lord without end and beginning  , one who has limitless luster, one who wins  , victory to you oh best among  those who win,
Oh Lord   who cannot be defeated , who is unbroken , Oh Lord Krishna  , Oh Lord  in whom Lakshmi lives , My salutations to you.

5.Parjanya-dharma-kartha  cha dushpara   duradishtitha  ,
Dukharthi Nasana , hare Jala saayin  , Namosthuthe.

OH God who gives us rain as gift,  one who cannot be easily   approached, one who lives in a  difficult place ,
One who destroys sorrow and pain  , Oh Hari who sleeps on water , My salutations to you.

6.Bhoothapaa avyaktha   bhoothesa  Bhootha thathwair   anaakoola,
Bhoothadhivasa  , Bhoothathman  , bhootha garbha namosthuthe.

Oh Lord  is not understood by beings , oh lord of beings  , Oh principle of beings  who is not confused,
Oh Lord in whom beings live  , of soul of beings , Oh generator of beings , My salutations to you.

7. Yajna yajwan,  Yajna dhara  , yajna dathaa, abhaya pradha,
Yajna garbha  , Hiranyaanga  , prasni  garbha , namosthuthe.

Oh Lord who makes Yajna sacred, one who manages Yajna  , one who grants us  Yajna , one gives us protection,
One who has Yajna as a part of himself  , one who has golden limbs, one who generates curiosity , My salutations to you.

8.Kshethragna  , Kshethrabruth , Kshethri  , kshethrahaa , kshethrakrudh vase,
Kshethrathman   Kshethra rahitha  , kshethra srushte  , namosthu the.

Lord who knows   the body  , one who maintains the body  , one who is the body  , one who kills the body , one who makes the body and lives in it,
The soul of the body , one who does not have body , one who creates the body , My salutations to you.

9.Gunaalaya, Gunaa vaasa, Gunasraya , Gunaavaha ,
Guna bhokthru  , gunaarama  , guna thyagin   Namosthu  they.

Oh Lord   who is the temple of virtue  , One who lives in virtue  , one who depends on  virtue, one who carries virtue,
One who consumes virtue  , one who rests on virtue , one who gives up virtue , My salutations to you.

10.Thwam Vishnu , Thwam Harischakri  , thwam jishnus thwam Janardhana,
Thwam Bhoothas thwam Vashatkaras  thwam bhavyas thwam bhavath prabhu.

You are Vishni,  You are Hari who holds the wheel , You the victor  , You are one who destroys birth,
You are the being , You are the sound “Vashat” You are  the future and  the past, Oh Lord.

11.THwam bhootha kruth  , thwam avyakthas thwam bhavo -bhootha bruth –bhavaan,
Thwam bhootha bhavano  devas  thwaam   aahur ajam easwaram.

You are one who makes the past , you are one who is not clear  and  Oh Lord   you are  what is going to happen and one   who carries the past,
You are  the reflection of the past  and oh god you are the god who is the unborn sacrifice.

!2,Thwam anantha  kruthajnas   thwam prakruthees  thwam vrushaakapi,
Thwam rudhras  thwam duradarshas    thwam amodhas    thwam easwara.

You are limitlessly grateful  , you are nature  . you are the Sun,
You are Rudhra  , You are difficult to attain  , you are fragrant scent  and you are  God shiva.

13.Thwam Viswakarma , Vishnu sthwam  , thwam Shambhum    thwam vrushakruthi,
Thwam Shankara  , thwam usana  , thwam sathyam   thwam thapo jana.

You are Viswakarma, you are Vishnu  , You are Lord Shiva , you have very stable form,
You are Lord Shankara ,  You are in haste , you are truth   and you are saintly people.

14.Thwam Viswa jethaa , thwam SArma  , Thwam saranyas thwam aksharam,
Thwam shambhu ,thwam SWayambhoo   cha  thwam jyeshtas thwam parayana.

You are the winner of universe you are the Brahmin  , you are the refuge  and you never decay,
You are Lord Shiva, You are Lord Brahma  , you are   eldest and you  are the principal one.

15.Thwam Aadhithyas thwam omkaras, thwam pranas   thwam thamisraha,
THwam parjanyas  thwam pradhithas   thwam vedhaas  thwam sureswara.

You are the Sun  , you are the sound Om  , you are the soul , you are the darkness,
You are the fire , you are learned, you are the Veda  and you are the lord of all devas.

16.Thwam rig yaju  SAma chaiva    thwam aathmaa sammatho bhavan,
THwam agnis   thwam cha  pavanas   thwam AApo  vasudha Bhavan,

You are rig, Yajur and Sama Veda , you are regarded   as the soul,
You are the fire, you are the wind , you are water    and oh Lord you are the earth.

17.THwam Srushta sthwam   Thadha Bhoktha   hothaa , thwam cha Havi,
Thwam Prabhu sthwam   Vibhu srestha   sthwam  loka pathir  Achyutha,

You are the creator , you are the consumer and destroyer  , you are the offering,
You are the lord, You are the greatest king   and you are Achyutha    the Lord of the world.

18.THwam Sarva Darsana   srimaan sthwam   sarva dhamanoriha,
Thwam Ahas  sthwam thadhaa   Rathris   thwam aahur   vathsaram  Budhaa.

You  see everything  , you are great   and  you control everything,
You are   the offering  , you are the night , you are and you are called the year.

19.THwam kaala , thwam kalaa  kashtaa  thwam muhurtha   kshanaa lava ,
THwam Balas thwam   thadhaa vrudha sthwam   puman, sthree , nampumsaka.

You are  time, you are the  crescent and the cardinal point , you are divisions of time,
You are young lad, you are old man  , you are man, lady and eunuch.

20.THwam Viswa Yoni   sthwam  Chakshus thwam   Vedangam   thwam Avyaya,
Thwam veda veda sthwam  Daathaa Vidhatha thwam samahithaa.

You are the generative mechanism of the world  , you are the eye  , you are the branch of Vedas  and you are stable,
You are Veda of Vedas, you are the giver and receiver,  and  you are the final product.

21.THwam Jalanidhir aamoolam   thwam dathaa, thwam Punarvasu,
Thwanm Vaidhya  sthwam    druthathma   thwam atheendriya  Gochara

You the whole treasure of water , you are the donor m You are the star Punarvasu,
You are the doctor , you are  the swift soul , and you can be seen by those who are above senses.

22.Thwam agaranir  agramanir thwam    thwam suparnaa  sthwam aadhimaan,
Thwam sangraha sthwam   sumahath thwam   druthathma   thwam    achyutha.

You are the first, you are  the last  , you are Garuda  , you are     the presence ,
You are the collection   you are very great   ,  you are  the speedy soul   and you are Achyutha.

23.Thwam Guru  , thwam yama  sthwam  nIyama sthwam   pramsu  thwam Chathurbija,
 Thwmevan antharathma  , thwaam Paramathma  , thwam uchyathe.

You are the teacher  , you are god of death, , you are the law , you are intense, you are four armed,
You are the inner soul, you are the divine soul and you are the one who  is delighted.

24.THwam guruthama sthwam  Vama  sthwam  Bala   sthvam  Pradakshina,
THwam pippala  sthwam agama  sthwam vyaktha sthwam prajapathi 

You are my great teacher, you are the left  , you are the lad  , you are perambulations,
You   are the sage Pippala , you are the Aagamas , you are that which is clear , and you are Prajapathi.

25.Hiranyanabhasthwam, devasthwam ,SAi thwam Prajapathi,
Anirdeshya vapusthwam vai sthwam yamasthwam surariha.

You are one with golden navel , you are devas  and you are Prajapathi,
You are the indefinable form , you  are Yama    and you are  the protector of devas.

26.THwam cha sankarshano devas  thwam kartha thwam sanathana,
THwam Vasudevoameyathma thwameva guna varjitha

You are the God  who attracts , you are the doer  and you are one without beginning ,
You are the magnanimous Vasudeva , and you are one who does not have any properties.

27.Thwam jyeshta sthwam Varishta thwam sahishnuscha Madhava,
SAhasra seershosthwam Devasthwam avyaktha sahasra  druk.

You are the elder , you are the best  and the madhava who is patient,
You are one with thousand heads , you are    the god who is not clear who has thousand looks.

28.SAhasra padasthwam devasthwam virat thwam sura prabhu,
THwameva thishtase bhooyo  deva deva dasangula.

You are one with thousand feet , you are God you are the valorous form and you are   the lord of devas,
You   stay there    as the deva of devas with   ten fingers.

29.Yad bhootham thathwam  yevoktha , purusha , sacra uthama,
Yad bhavyam  thathwam eesaanam thwam amrutham  thwam thadhaa   amrutha.

You are the past and it is said you are  the Purusha and the  greatest Devendra,
You are the future principle of Eesana, you are the nectar   and you are one who never dies.

30.THwathom  rohthyayam  loko  maheeyamsu  thwam anuthama,
Thwam jyayan  purushas thwam   cha thwam  deva dasadhaa   sthitha.

You are the ascending Om  and  among people of the earth, you are matchless,
You are the elder brother, you are Purusha and you are one who stands ten times as devas.

31.Viswabhoothas chathurbhago navabhago amrutho divi,
Nava BHago  anthareekshastha pourusheys Sanathana.

You are one fourth of the beings of the world and one ninth  of the immortal beings,
You are one ninth  of the masculinity of  the environment   and  one who was never born.

32.BHaga dwaya   cha bhoo samstham  chathurbhago apya bhoodh iha,
THwatho Yajna  sambhavanthi , jagatho vrushti karanam.

You are half part of the earth , and one  fourth of the beings of water also,
Due to Yajnas are    carried out and you are the cause of rain in this earth.

33.Thwatho virat   samuthpanno , jagatho hrudhi  ya pumaan,
So athirichyutha  bhoothebhyas  thejasaa  yasasaa sriyaa.

You have produced the supreme   form and you stay   in the  minds of earth,
You excel among the beings  in  luster  , fame and opulence.

34.Thwatha suraanam  aahara , prushad aajyam   ajayatha ,
Gramya aranyaa  scha oushashadyas thwatha pasu mrugaadaya.

You  are the food of the devas, you are the purified ghee offered in Yajna,
You are the village , forest , herbs  and all types  of animals.

35.Dhyeya, dhyana prasthwam  cha kruthawan  asi cha oushadhi,
Thwam Deva deva  sapthaasya  kaalakhyo dheeptha vigraha.

You are beyond the meditation and  its object and you act like medicinal herbs,
You are God of Gods  and seven times the shining form  the  total time.

36.Janghama jangamam  sarva jagad  yetha characharam,
Thwatha   sarva idham  jatham thwayee sarva prathishtitham.

All the living beings   of the universe including those who move and not move,
Al are    born from you and all of them are thriving  because  of   you.

37.Anirudham thwam, Madhavas thwam , Pradhyumna surariha ,
Deva sarva sura sreshta, sarva loka parayana.

You are Anirudha, You are Madhava  and Pradhyumna the killer of enemies of Devas,
You are the greatest among devas and Suras   and are worshipped in all  worlds.

38.Thrahi maam Aravindaksha , Narayana namosthuthe,
Namasthe BHagwan Vishno , Namasthe Purushothama.

Help me lotus eyed one , salutations to Narayana,
Salutation to God Vishnu , salutations to the best of Purushas.

39.Namasthe Sarva LOkesa , Namasthe Kamalalaya,
Gunalaya  Naasthesthu , namosthesthu Gunakara,

Salutations to  God of all the worlds , Salutations to one who is on the lotus,
Salutations to the home of good qualities and salutations to one does good.

40.Vasudeva Namosthesthu , Namosthesthu Surothama,
Janardhana namosthesthu , Namosthesthu sanathana.

Salutations to Vasudeva , Salutations to the best among devas,
Salutations to Janardhana , salutations to him who is primeval.

41.Namasthe Yoginaam gamya , Yoga vasa namosthuthe ,
Gopathe, Sripathe Vishno Namosthesthu Maruthpathe.

Salutations to him to whom Yogis go , Salutations to one in whom Yoga lives,
Lord of cows, Lord of Lakshmi , Oh Lord Vishnu , salutations to  the lord of wind.

42.Jagat pathe Jagat Soothe , Namasthe jnaninaam pathe,
Divaspathe Namosthesthu, Namosthesthu Mahipathe.

Lord of the universe , the upkeeper of the world, Salutations to you   Lord of Wise persons,
Salutations to the Lord of the sky  and salutations to the Lord of earth.

43.Namasthe Madhu hanthre cha Namasthe puskarekshana,
Kaidabagna  Namosthesthu, Subrahmanya Namosthuthe.

Salutations to killer of Madhu , Salutations to the lotus eyed one,
Salutations to killer of Kaidaba, salutations to Subrhamanya.

44.Namosthu they Mahameena  sruthi prushta darachyutha,
SAmudhra salila kshobha Padmajahladha Kaarine.

Salutations to the great fish , who carried the Vedas on his back,
Oh Lord who shakes the mountain and sea   who creates joy to Goddess Lakshmi.

45.Aswa seersha maha  Ghona . Maha purusha  Vigraha,
Madhu Kaidaba hanthre  cha namasthe  thurragaanana.

Oh Lord  with horse’s head and nose , Who has the form of great Purusha,
Oh killer of Madhu and Kaidabha , Salutations to the horse   faced one.

46.Maha kamata  bhogaaya Pruthwiyudharanaya   cha,
Vidhruthadri  cha aadhi varahaya  viswa roopaye Vedhase .

Oh God in the form of a great tortoise who supported the world,
Salutations to the great turtle   who took the form of carrying a mountain.

47.Namo Maha Varahaya  Pruthvi udharana kaarine,
Namascha Aadhi Varahaya  Viswa roopaya  Vedhase.

Salutations to that great boar, who  saved the earth,
Salutations to the primeval boar  who took the supreme form  worshipped by Vedas.

48.Namo ananthaya  sookshmaaya , mukhyaya   cha varraya cha,
Paramanu swaroopaya  yogi gamyaya they nama.

Salutations the endless  one   who  has micro form  , who is chief and the chosen,
Salutations to him who assumes the form of an atom  who is approached by   Yogis.

49.Thasmai nama Kaarana Kaaranaaya ,
Yogeendra vrutha nilayaaya  suduruvidhaaya,
KsheerarnvasrithaMaha hisu thalpagaaya,
THubhyam  nama   kanaka rathna sukundalaaya.

Therefore I salute the cause of the causes,
Who is difficult to understand  though he stands among Yogis,
Who sleeps on a great serpent  on the ocean of milk,
Salutations to you who wears gem studded gold ear studs.

Phala Sruthi

Sri Vyasa Uvacha:-

50. Ya padech   srunuyaadh   vaapi  kadhaam  Kandor Mahathmana ,
Vimuktha sarva paapebhyo , swarga lokam cha Gachathi,

He who reads or hears this  which was     told by the great Kandu,
Would get free of all sins and also go to heaven.

51. Yevam Mayaa Muni sreshta, karma bhoomir udahruthaa,
Moksha kshethram cha paramam devam cha purushothama.

Like  this    my sage  declared  in the   field   where actions take  place  ,
Which is temple of salvation  about   the divine god who is best  among Purushas.

52.Ye Pasyanthi  Vibhum sthuvanthi   , varadam   dhyayanthi mukthi pradam,
Bhakthya  Sri Purushothamakhyam  ajaram   Samsara  Dukhapaham.

Those who see that the lord  who is the one who blesses and who can  give salvation  is being praised ,
With devotion  , that great purusha   forever would remove all his    sorrows.

53.  They Bhukthwaa   Manujendra  bogam amala   swarga  cha divyam sukham ,
Paschad  yaanthi  SAmastha Dosha Rahithaa   Sthanam Harer  avyayam.

He would enjoy the pleasures of a king  , reach the pure heaven   and attain divine  pleasure,
And then later  attaining a place   of no blemishes would reach the place of Hari.

  Ithi Sri Brahme Maha Purane   Kandopakhyane  Sri Kandu krutha 
                                  Sri Vishnu Sthuthi  sampoornam          

This prayer  of Vishnu   which was composed by Sri Khandu  which occure =s in the chapter  on teaching of Khandu which occurs in  The great Brahma purana   comes to an  ens.

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