
Monday, February 10, 2014



Translated by

(There are many references that it is written by Adhi Sankara   but in the complete list of the works of   Adhi Sankara, this prayer does not find place. The addition of a prayer at the beginning and end  which is there in  this octet, is  very unusual to find in works of Sankara. )

1.Rama Rama  Namosthuthe , jaya  Ramabhadra Namosthuthe,
Ramachandra Namosthuthe  Jaya Raghavaya Namosthuthe  ,
Deva deva Namosthuthe  , jaya Deva raja   Namosthuthe,
Vasudeva Namosthuthe , Jaya Veera raja Namosthuthe

Oh Rama, Rama, salutations , Victory to Ramabhadra,  salutations,
Oh Ramachandra  salutations , Victory to Raghava salutations,
Oh God of Gods salutations, Victory to king of Gods Salutations,
Oh Vasudeva salutations , Victory to valorous king, salutations.

2.Raghavam, Karunakaram,  Munisevitham  , Sura vandhitham,
Janaki vadanaravinda  divakaram, guna Bhajanam,
Vali soonu Hrudheekshanam  , Hanumath priyam,Kamaleshanam,
Yathu Dhana Bhayangaram  ,Pranamami Raghava Kunjaram.

I salute the elephant like  Raghava  ,  who is   of the Raghu clan,
Who is doer of mercy  , Who is served by sages , Who is saluted by devas,
Who is the sun which opens   the lotus like  face  of daughter of Janaka,
Who  is the vessel of good characters  who is saluted by   the son of Vali,
Who is  liked by Hanuman  , who has   lotus like eyes and  who is terrible looking to Rakshasas.

3.Maithili kucha bhooshanaa amala neelamoukthika   meeswaram,
Ravananuja   palanam,  Raghu pungavam  , mama daivatham,
Medhini  thanayaa mukhaambuja bodhakari Divakaram,
Surya vamsa vivardhanam, Pranamami Raghava Kunjaram.

I salute the elephant like  Raghava   , who is     the God who is ,
The  pure blue pearl which decorates   the breasts of Maithili,
Who looks after Vibheeshana the brother of Ravana , Who is the great one of Raghu clan,
Who is my God,  Who is sun who wakes up the lotus like  face of daughter of earth,
And who is the one who  furthers   the clan of the Sun God.

4.Hema kundala manditha amala ganda desamarindhamam,
Satha Kumbha  mayura nethra  vibhooshanena vibhooshitham,
Charu noopura hara  kouusthubha  karna bhooshana bhooshitham,
Bhanu vamsa vivardhanam,  Pranamami Raghava Kunjaram.

I salute the elephant like  Raghava  , who wears the  golden ear globes,
Who has a pure neck    and  is the killer   of his enemies ,
Who  is ornamented    with  golden eye  similar to pea cock,
Who has pretty anklets  , Kausthubha necklace   and also ornaments in hands,
And who is the one who  furthers   the clan of the Sun God.

5.Dandakakhya vane  ratham, Sura sidha yogi ganasrayam,
Sishta palana  thathparam, druthi saali Vali krutha sthuthim,
Kumbhakarna  bujaa bujanga   vikarthena suvisaradham,
Lakshmananuja vathsalam, ,  Pranamami Raghava Kunjaram.

I salute the elephant like  Raghava  ,Who is pleased   by the Dandaka forest,
Who is the support to devas   and hoards  of Yogis and Sidhas,
Who is interested in supporting people     with discipline 
Who was praised by Vali who   was speedy  by nature,
Who was an expert  in cutting the snake like hands of Kumbhakarna ,
And who was greatly affectionate towards his younger  brother Lakshmana.

6.Kethaki karaveera jathi  suganda malyaa shobhitham,
Sridharam, Mithilathmaja kucha kunkuma aruna vakshasam,
Deva devam  asesha bhootha manoharam , jagatham pathim,
Dasa bhootha  janaavanam  ,  Pranamami Raghava Kunjaram.

I salute the elephant like  Raghava  , who shines wearing  scented garlands ,
Made of  Ketaki,Karaveera and Jathi flowers , Who caries Goddess Lakshmi,
Whose  chest  has a  red Kumkum mark from   the chest of  the daughter of Mithila,
Who is God a of Gods , Who is the most pretty among beings  , Who is lord of the world,
Who is the protector of all beings who serve   him.

7.Yaga dhana Samadhi yoga  Japadhi karma karair dwijai,
Veda paragathairaharnisa maadharena  supoojitham,
Thatakaa vadha dheera mangadha nadha vali nishoodhanam,
Paithrukoditha palakam  ,  Pranamami Raghava Kunjaram.

I salute the elephant like  Raghava  , who is being worshipped day and night,
By  great Brahmin experts in Vedas   who   do Yaga, Charity , Samadhi, Yoga and other rituals,
Who is the valorous one who killed Thataka , Who killed Vali the  lord of Angadha,
And who takes care of all that  he inherited from his ancestors.

8.Leelayaa Khara Dhooshanadhi   nisachara suvinasanam,
Ravanathakam achyutham ,hari yoodha koti samavritham,
Neerajanana ambujangri  yugam harim  , Buvanasrayam  ,
Deva Karya Vichakshanam ,  Pranamami Raghava Kunjaram.

I salute the elephant like  Raghava  , who like a play   completely  killed,
The Rakshasas called Khara and Dhooshana, Who is Lord Vishnu who killed Ravana ,
 Who  is surrounded by millions of monkeys  , who is Lord Vishnu ,
Who   is Lord Hari  who has two lotus like feet  ,who is the support of the world,
And who is clear sighted in looking after the affairs of devas.

9.Koushikena  su sikshithastra kalapamayatha lochanam,
Charu hasam anadha bandhu masesha  loka nivasinam,
Vasavadhi  surari  Ravana  sasanam cha gathim,
Neela Megha nibhakruthim  ,  Pranamami Raghava Kunjaram.

I salute the elephant like  Raghava  , who  uses the   arrows and quiver  ,
Given and taught    by sage Viswamithra  with a very keen eye,
Who has a pretty smile , who is friend of orphans ,
Who lives among  the entire people of earth,
Who  punished Ravana who was the enemy of Indra  and devas  and gave him salvation,
And who has the form of blue water  rich cloud.

10.Raghavashtaka sidhidham   achyuthalaya   sadhakam,
Bukthi muthi phala pradham  , Dhana dhanya   putha vivardhanam,
Ramachandra krupa kadaksha madarena sada padeth,
Ramachandra Padambuja   dwaya  santhatharpitha   Manasa.

This octet on Ravana would  make it possible to reach the land of Achyutha,
Would result in pleasures and salvation , increase of wealth  properties and sons,
If it is always read with   devotion under the merciful look of God  Ramachandra,
With the mind   completely surrendered to the   lotus like feet of Rama.

11.Nigama sarasi  rathnam, nithya masaktha rathnam  ,
Nikhila  sukruthi rathnam , Janaki roopa rathnam,
Bhuvana valaya rathnam  Bhoobruthameka rathnam,
Prakruthi  sulabha rathnam, Maithili prana rathnam

The gem from lake of Vedas , The gem we get for ever attached,
The gem of all virtues  , the gem of the form of Janaki,
The gem that encircles the world  , the only gem that carries the world,
The gem that is by nature easy   and the life like gem of  Maithili.

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