
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Dakshinamurthy Ashtotharam

Dakshinamurthy  Ashtotharam

Translated   by
(Dakshinamurthy or 
Jnana Dakshinamurti (Tamil: தட்சிணாமூர்த்தி, Sanskrit: दक्षिणामूर्ति (Dakṣiṇāmūrti)) is an aspect of the Hindu god Shiva as a guru (teacher) of all types of knowledge (jnana). This aspect of Shiva is his personification as the supreme or the ultimate awareness, understanding and knowledge.[ This form represents Shiva as a teacher of yoga, music, and wisdom, and giving exposition on the shastras He is worshipped as the god of wisdom, complete and rewarding meditation.As per scriptures,if a person don't have any Guru then they can consider and worship Lord Dakshinamurthy as their Guru.Eventually they will be blessed with a human Self-Realised Guru if they are worthy.(Quoted from Wikipedia).He is seen as young lad   sitting below a Banyan tree   and teaching several sages .He is supposed  to be silent  and just  by seeing him the  Saints who are  old men learn everything. He is always seen facing the south  . The  temple of Mahakaleswar in Ujjain is  one of the great temples where  he is the main deity . In most of the Shiva temples, he  has separate sub temple dedicated to him.  It is believed   that problems if any caused  by  planet Jupiter  are solved by worshipping him.)

1.Om Vidhyaroopine nama- Salutations to the god who has  knowledge   as  his form
2.Om Maha yogine nama- Salutations to the god who is a great Yogi
3.Om Shuddha Jnanaya nama- Salutations to the god who has pure wisdom
4.Om Pinaka druthe nama- Salutations to the god who carries   the trident
5.Om Rathanalankrutha   sarvangayai nama- Salutations to the god who has all hos body parts   decorated by  gems
6.Om Rathna maline nama- Salutations to the god who wears a garland of gems
7.Om Jatadharaya nama- Salutations to the god who has a matted tuft
8.Om Gangadharaya nama- Salutations to the god who carries the Ganga
9.Om achala vasine nama- Salutations to the god who resides on a  mountain
10.Om Mahajnanine nama- Salutations to the god who  is greatly wise
11.Om Samadhikruthe nama- Salutations to the god who is in deep trance called  Samadhi
12.Om aprameyaya nama- Salutations to the god who is unfathomable
13.Om Yoga nidhaye nama- Salutations to the god who  has treasure  of Yoga
14.Om Tharakaya  nama- Salutations to the god who  makes us cross
15.Om Bhatha vathsalaya nama- Salutations to the god who is dear to his devotees
16.Om Brahma roopine nama- Salutations to the god who has the form of Lord Brahma
17.Om Jagadvyapine nama- Salutations to the god who is spread all over the world
18.Om Vishnu moorthaye nama- Salutations to the god who has the  form of Lord Vishnu
19.Om Purathanaya nama- Salutations to the god who is ancient
20.Om Ukshavahaya nama- Salutations to the god who travels on a bull
21.Om Charmadharine nama- Salutations to the god who dresses himself with hide
22.Om Peethambarayayai nama- Salutations to the god who wears yellow silk
23.Om Vibhooshanaya nama- Salutations to the god who is ornamented
24.Om Mokshanidhaye nama- Salutations to the god who is the treasure  of salvation
25.Om Moksha dhayine nama- Salutations to the god who grants salvation
26.Om Jnana varidhaye nama- Salutations to the god who is the ocean of wisdom
27.Om Vidhya dharine nama- Salutations to the god who carries knowledge
28Om Shukla thanave nama- Salutations to the god who has   a white body
29.Om Vidhya dhayine nama- Salutations to the god who  grants knowledge
30.Om Ganathipaya nama- Salutations to the god who is the lord of Ganas
31.Om Papa smruthi samharthre nama- Salutations to the god who destroys sin from memory
32.Om Sasi moulaye nama- Salutations to the god who is the original moon
33.Om Mahaswanaya nama- Salutations to the god who is the great roar
34.Om Sama priyaya nama- Salutations to the god who loves Sama Veda
35.Om avyaya nama- Salutations to the god who is imperishable
36. Om Sadhave nama- Salutations to the god who  is excellent
37.Om Sarva vedairalankruthayai nama- Salutations to the god who is decorated   with all Vedas
38.Om Hasthe vahni dharaya nama- Salutations to the god who carries fire  in his hand.
39.Om Srimathe nama- Salutations to the god who is glorious
40.Om Mrugadharine nama- Salutations to the god who carries the deer
41.Om Sankarayai nama- Salutations to the god who is Lord Shiva
42.Om Yajna nadhaya nama- Salutations to the god who is the lord of  Yajnas
43.Om Rithudwmsine   nama- Salutations to the god who destroyed   the seasons
 44.Om Yahnabhokthre nama- Salutations to the god who is the  who accepts  the Yajna
45.Om Yamanthakayai nama- Salutations to the god who killed God  of Death
46 Om BHakthanugraha moorthaye nama- Salutations to the god who blesses  his devotees
47.Om BHaktha sevyaya nama- Salutations to the god who serves  his devotees
48.Om Rishabhadwajaya nama- Salutations to the god who has a bull flag
49.Om Basmodhulitha sarvangayai nama- Salutations to the god who applies ash all  over his body
50..Om Akshamala dharayai nama- Salutations to the god who wears   the rosary
51 Om Haraya nama- Salutations to the god who is Hara.
52.Om Thrayee moorthaye nama- Salutations to the god who  is the trinity  of Gods
53.Om Prabrahmane nama- Salutations to the god who is the divine Brahmam
54.Om Nagarajairalankruthaya nama- Salutations to the god who is decorated by king of serpents
55.Om Santharoopaya nama- Salutations to the god who has a peaceful form
56.Om Mahajnanine nama- Salutations to the god who has great wisdom
57.Om Sarva loka vibhooshanayai nama- Salutations to the god who is ornament to all the worlds
58.Om Ardha nareeswaraya nama- Salutations to the god whose half part is a lady
59.Om Devaya nama- Salutations to the god
60.Om Muni sevyaya nama- Salutations to the god who is served by sages
61.Om surothamaya nama- Salutations to the god who is greatest among Devas
62.  Om Vyakhyana   devaya nama- Salutations to the god who  teaches and  explains
63.Om Bhagawathe nama- Salutations to the god who is luck giver
64.Om Agni Chandra Arka lochanayai nama- Salutations to the god who has fire , moon and Sun as his eyes
65.Om Jagatsrushte nama- Salutations to the god who  created  the world
66.Om Jagatgopthre nama- Salutations to the god who conceals the world
67.Om Jagatdwamsine nama- Salutations to the god who  destroys the world
68.Om Trilochanaya nama- Salutations to the god who has three eyes
69.Om Jagat gurave nama- Salutations to the god who is the teacher of the world
70.Om Mahadevaya nama- Salutations to the god who is as great god
71.Om Mahananda parayanaya nama- Salutations to the god who is the chief object of great  joy
72.Om Jatadharaya nama- Salutations to the god who  has matted tuft
73.Om Maha yogine nama- Salutations to the god who is a great Yogi
74.Om jnanamalankruthayai nama- Salutations to the god who  decorates himself wearing garland of wisdom.
75.Om Vyoma ganga jala snanaya nama- Salutations to the god who takes bath  in the Ganges of heaven
76.Om Shudhasamyamanachinthaya nama- Salutations to the god who thinks in a purely peaceful manner
77.Om Thathwamoorthaye nama- Salutations to the god who  has the form of philosophical truth
78.Om Mahayogine nama- Salutations to the god who is the great Yogi
79.Om Mahasaraswathapradhaya nama- Salutations to the god who  grants learned state
80.Om Vyoma moorthaye nama- Salutations to the god who  has a form of sky
81.Om Bhakthanamishtakama  phala  pradhaya nama- Salutations to the god who  fulfills the desired  of his devotees
82.Om Varamoorthaye nama- Salutations to the god who has the chosen auspicious   form
83.Om Chithswaroopinai  nama- Salutations to the god who  has  divine form
84.Om Thejomoorthaye nama- Salutations to the god who  has a shining  form
85.Om anamayaye nama- Salutations to the god who is free from defects
86.Om Veda Vedanga Thathwajnaya nama- Salutations to the god who is an expert in principles of Vedas and Vedanga
87.Om Chathusahshti kala nidhaye nama- Salutations to the god who is the treasure  of the sixty four arts
88.Om Bhavaroga bhaya  harthre nama- Salutations to the god who  destroys the fear of the disease of birth-death cycle
89.Om Bhakthanamabhaya pradhaya nama- Salutations to the god who  grants  protection  of all the devotees
90.Om Neela greevaya nama- Salutations to the god who  has a blue neck
91 Om Lalatakshaya nama- Salutations to the god who has  an eye on the forehead.
92.Om Gaja charma virajathe nama- Salutations to the god who shines in his elephant hide dress
93.On Jnanadhaya nama- Salutations to the god who  grants wisdom
94.Om Kamadhaya nama- Salutations to the god who  grants desire
95.Om Thapasvine nama- Salutations to the god who  is a sage doing penance
96.OM Vishnu vallabhayai nama- Salutations to the god who is the friend of Lord Vishnu
97.Om Brahmacharine nama- Salutations to the god who  observes bachelordom
98.Om sanyasine nama- Salutations to the god who  is one who has given up domestic life
99.Om Grahasthaya nama- Salutations to the god who is  a householder
100.Om Asrama karakaya nama- Salutations to the god who creates  the form of life
101.Om Dathre  nama- Salutations to the god who is the giver
102.Om srimatham sreshtaya nama- Salutations to the god who is the greatest among  the auspicious  gods
103.Om Sathya roopaya nama- Salutations to the god who has the form of truth
104.Om Dhaya nidhaye nama- Salutations to the god who is the treasure of mercy
105.Om Yoga pattabhiramaya  nama- Salutations to the god who is the crowned Rama of Yoga
106.Om Veenadharine nama- Salutations to the god who  holds the Veena
107.Om suchethanaya nama- Salutations to the god who is distinguished
108.Om Mathi prajna Sudha dharayai  nama- Salutations to the god who has with him the  nectar   of wisdom
109.Om Mudhra pusthaka dharakayai nama- Salutations to the god who  holds the  sealed book
110, Om Bhetaladhi   pisachogha   Raksougha vinasakruthe nama- Salutations to the god who destroys Vetalas  , Pisachas and Rakshasas
111,Om Rakyakshmadhi   rogaanaam   viniyanthre nama- Salutations to the god who  cures diseases  like  Tuberculosis
112.Om Sureswaraya nama- Salutations to the god of devas .

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