
Thursday, May 21, 2015

Vishnu Ashtotharam

Vishnu  Ashtotharam

Translated  by

(Lord Vishnu meaning the God who pervades   everywhere  is one  of the trinity of Hindu Gods who takes care   of the world. His heaven is called Vaikunta ( Some people believe  that his devotees go  to a heaven called   Go Loka.) With his wife Goddess Lakshmi   he lies down on    the serpent Adhisesha  which is floating  on the ocean of milk   . He rides on Garuda  , the son of Vinutha. He keeps Goddess  Lakshmi on his chest as Srivathsa. The Vaishnavas  a major sect of Hinduism    consider   him as their supreme God. Lord Brahma was born in the lotus flower    which grew from his belly  .  The God of love   is also his son. It is believed that  he has two more wives, the Goddess   earth and   Goddess  Neela Devi. The most famous of his two temples    are  Thirupathi (Where  he appears as Venkatesa) and Srirangam (where he  appears as  Sri Ranga Natha) .  Some of the other great temples dedicated  to him are Bhadrinath, Mukthinath, Kanchipuram ,  Guruvayur   and Trivandrum.It is believed   that he has taken nine  incarnations to protect  the world so far . It is expected    that he would be born as Kalki    in the future. There are also several  minor incarnations. Sage Narada , King Prahladha, King  Ambareesha , King Rugmadha etc   some of his great devotees. Ofcourse  he has very large  number  of Devotees   to each of his incarnations. He is believed   to hold , a conch, mace  , wheel and lotus flower  in his hands.)

1.Om Vishnave  nama-Salutations  to the God who is lord Vishnu
2.Om Lakshmi pathaye  nama-Salutations  to the God who is consort  of Lakshmi
3.Om Krishnaya  nama-Salutations  to the God who is Lord Krishna
4,Om Vaikuntaya  nama-Salutations  to the God who lives in Vaikunta
5.Om Garuda dwajaya  nama-Salutations  to the God who has Garuda in his flag
6.Om Parabrahmane  nama-Salutations  to the God who is  divine Brahmam
7.Om Jagannadhaya  nama-Salutations  to the God who is the lord of the universe
8.Om Vasudeva nama-Salutations  to the God who hides the world of illusion.
9.Om Trivikramaya   nama-Salutations  to the God who is the huge form taken by Vamana
10.Om Daithyanthakaya   nama-Salutations  to the God who killed Asuras
11.Om Madhuripave    nama-Salutations  to the God who  is the enemy of Madhu
12.OM Tharkshya dahaya  nama-Salutations  to the God who is like burning gold
13.OM Sanathanaya nama-Salutations  to the God who is without end
14.Om Narayanaya nama-Salutations  to the God who resides in everything he creates
15.Om Pamanabhaya nama-Salutations  to the God who has a lotus on his belly
16.Om Hrishikesaya nama-Salutations  to the God who controls the   five senses
17.Om Sudhapradhaya nama-Salutations  to the God who gives nectar
18,Om Madhavaya nama-Salutations  to the God who is the lord of Knowlwdge
19.Om Pundarikakshaya nama-Salutations  to the God who has eyes like lotus
20.Om Sthithikarthre nama-Salutations  to the God who determines your position
21.Om Parathparaya nama-Salutations  to the God who is superior to the best
22.Om Vanamaline nama-Salutations  to the God who wears forest garland
23.Om Yajna roopaya nama-Salutations  to the God who has the  form of Yajna
24.Om Chakrapanaye nama-Salutations  to the God who holds wheel in his hand
25.Om Gadhadharaya nama-Salutations  to the God who holds the mace
26.Om Upendraya nama-Salutations  to the God who is the brother of Indra
27.Om Kesavaya nama-Salutations  to the God who has given rays to lustrous bodies
28.Om Hamsaya  nama-Salutations  to the God who  remains in the state of Hamsa
29.Om Samudhra madhanaya nama-Salutations  to the God who churned the ocean
30.Om Haraye nama-Salutations  to the God who is Lord Hari
31.Om Govindaya nama-Salutations  to the God who can be attained by Vedic words
32.Om Brahmajanakaya nama-Salutations  to the God who is the creator of Brahma
33.Om Kaidabasura mardanaya nama-Salutations  to the God who killed Asura called  Kaidabha
34.Om Sreedharaya nama-Salutations  to the God who carries  Goddess Lakshmi
35.Om Kamajanakaya nama-Salutations  to the God who is the father  of God of love
36.Om Sesha sayine  nama-Salutations  to the God who sleeps on Adhisesha
37. Om Chathurbhujaya nama-Salutations  to the God who has four hands
38.Om Panchajanya dharaya nama-Salutations  to the God who holds conch called Panchajanya
39.Om Srimathe nama-Salutations  to the God who  is  the consort of Goddess Lakshmi
.40.Om Sarngapanaye nama-Salutations  to the God who holds the bow called Sarnga  in his hand
41Om Janardhanaya nama-Salutations  to the God who  troubles  bad people
42.Om Peethambara  Dharaya nama-Salutations  to the God who wears  yellow  silk
43.Om Devaya nama-Salutations  to the God who is a Deva
44. Om Suryachandra vilochanayai nama-Salutations  to the God who has sun and moon as his eyes
45.Om Mathsya Roopaya nama-Salutations  to the God who  assumed   the  form of a fish.
46.Om Koormathanave nama-Salutations  to the God who assumed the bodyof tortoise
47.Om Kroda roopaya  nama-Salutations  to the God who assumed the  form of a boar
48.Om Nrukesarine nama-Salutations  to the God who took the form of  man lion
49.Om Vamanaya nama-Salutations  to the God who took the form of Vamana   the dwarf
50.Om Bhargavaya nama-Salutations  to the God who took the form of Parasurama
51.Om Ramaya nama-Salutations  to the God who took the  form of Rama
52.Om Haline  nama-Salutations  to the God who took the form of one  with plough
53.Om Kalkine nama-Salutations  to the God who would take  the form of Kalki
54.Om Hayananaya nama-Salutations  to the God who took the form on one drove  the horses
55.Om Viswambaraya nama-Salutations  to the God who dresses himself with the world
56. Om Simsumaraya nama-Salutations  to the God who became the Simsumara Prajpathy
57.Om Srikaraya nama-Salutations  to the God who does auspicious acts
58.Om Kapilaya nama-Salutations  to the God who took the incarnation of Kapila
59.Om Druvaya nama-Salutations  to the God who is firm (Is King Dhruva)
60.Om Dathathreyaya nama-Salutations  to the God who is Dathathreya
61.Om Achyuthaya nama-Salutations  to the God who never changes
62.Om Ananthaya nama-Salutations  to the God who is endless
63.Om Mukundaya nama-Salutations  to the God who gives immortal bliss
64.Om Dadhivamanaya nama-Salutations  to the God who is sage Vamana
65.OM Danvantharaye nama-Salutations  to the God who is Dhanvanthari , the doctor of devas\
66.Om Srinivasaya nama-Salutations  to the God in whom Goddess Lakshmi lives
67.Om Pradhyumnaya nama-Salutations  to the God who is Pradhyumna
68.Om Purushothamaya nama-Salutations  to the God who best among men
69.Om Srivathsa kausthuba   darayai nama-Salutations  to the God who  Has on him Srivathsa  and Kausthubha
70.Om Muraraye nama-Salutations  to the God who is the enemy of Asura called Mura
71.Om Adhokshajaya nama-Salutations  to the God who has eternal knowledge
72.Om Rishbhaya nama-Salutations  to the God who is sage Rishabha (Is the bull)
73.Om Mohini roopa dharine nama-Salutations  to the God who assumed the form of Mohini
74.Om Sankarshanaya nama-Salutations  to the God who  brings unity
75.Om Pradhave nama-Salutations  to the God who gives
76.Om Kshweerabdhi sayine nama-Salutations  to the God who sleeps on the ocean of milk
77.Om Bhoothaathmane nama-Salutations  to the God who is the soul of all beings
78.Om Anirudhaya nama-Salutations  to the God who is Anirudha
79.Om BHaktha vathsalaya nama-Salutations  to the God who is dear to his devotees
80.Om Naraya nama-Salutations  to the God who is sage Nara
81.Om Gajendravaradhaya nama-Salutations  to the God who blessed the  king of elephants
82.Om TRidhamne nama-Salutations  to the God who has three places of residence
83.Om Bhoothabhavanaya nama-Salutations  to the God who takes care welfare  of all beings
84.Om Shwetha dweepe suvasthavyaya nama-Salutations  to the God who resides  in the  white island
85. Om Surymandala  madhyagaya nama-Salutations  to the God who is in the  solar orbit
86.Om SAnkadhi munidhyeyaya nama-Salutations  to the God who is meditated by   Sanaka   and other  sages
87.Om Bhagavathe nama-Salutations  to the God
88.Om Sankara priyaya nama-Salutations  to the God who is liked by Lord Shiva
89.Om Neela kanthaya nama-Salutations  to the God who is the  consort of Neela Devi
90.Om Dhara kanthaya nama-Salutations  to the God who is the consort of earth
91.OM Vedathmane nama-Salutations  to the God who is the soul of Vedas
92.Om Badarayanaya nama-Salutations  to the God who is sage Vyasa
93.Om BHageeradhi janma bhoomi   pada  padmaya nama-Salutations  to the God whose lotus ;like   feet touches   the land of Ganges
94.Om Sathaam prabhave nama-Salutations  to the God who is the Lord  of good  people
95.Om Swabhuve nama-Salutations  to the God who is self existent
96.Om  Vibhave nama-Salutations  to the God who is the Lord
97.Om Ghana shyamaya nama-Salutations  to the God who is black like a  dark  cloud
98.Om Jagatkaranaya nama-Salutations  to the God who is the cause  of the world
99.Om Avyayaya nama-Salutations  to the God who is imperishable
100.Om Budhavatharaya nama-Salutations  to the God who took  the incarnation of Budha
101.Om Shanthathmane nama-Salutations  to the God whose soul is peace
102.Om Leela manusha  vigrahaya nama-Salutations  to the God who has the form of  man of sports
103.Om Damodharaya nama-Salutations  to the God who was tied  by  the rope
104.Om Virad roopaya nama-Salutations  to the God who has   the form of great supremacy
105Om BHootha   bhavya  bhavath   prabhave  nama-Salutations  to the God who is the lord of past, present and future
106.Om  Aadhi Devaya nama-Salutations  to the God who is primeval
107 . Om Deva  Devaya nama-Salutations  to the God who is God  of Gods
108,Om Prahladha  paripalakaya nama-Salutations  to the God who looked after  Prahladha

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