
Monday, June 1, 2015

Chandra Ashtotharam

Chandra Ashtotharam

Translated by

(Chandra  the planet moon arose from the ocean of milk when it was churned  for taking out nectar  . He is thus  a brother of Goddess Lakshmi. He was made as the Lord of the night. He is   young  , pretty , fair, has two arms  and holds a lotus   and mace in his hands.  He rides on a  chariot drawn by ten horses. He married   the 27 daughters  of Daksha Prajapathi   and kept them with him on the sky.  When the other stars complained to their father that  he was only interested in Rohini   and was neglecting them, Daksha cursed him to daily lose  fifteenth portion of himself. Before the  15th day he approached Lord Shiva  , who gave a boon to Chandra that from the 15th day he will  grow for another 15 days.  He  travels round the rasi Chakra  in 30 days   and would be with a rasi for two and one fourth  days.Normally he does not cause any harm to any one but those who are born in the waning moon period suffer due to him.He is the lord of Karkidaga Rasi  and is exalted in Rishabha rasi and feeble(neecha)  in Vruschiga rasi  . He controls the minbd , imagination , mother etc. Bad or good caused by  Chandra is of  only two and one fourth day duration. iN second house, fourth house, fifth house, eighth house, ninth house and twelfth house. For solving problems caused by him  , he can be worshipped  . The God associated with him  is Lord Shiva and by praying to Lord Shiva also he can be pleased. Planet Budha is his son through wife of planet  Guru.)
1.Om Srimathe nama –Salutations to the lord who is venerable
2.Om Sasidharaya nama –Salutations to the lord who carries the crescent
3.Om Chandraya nama –Salutations to the lord who has a brilliant hue of light
4.Om Tharadheesaya nama –Salutations to the lord  of the stars
5.Om Nisakaraya nama –Salutations to the lord who makes the night
6.OM Sudhanidhaye  nama –Salutations to the lord who is the treasure of nectar
7,om sadaradhyaya nama –Salutations to the lord who is always worshipped
8.Om Sathpathaye nama –Salutations to the lord who is the good  master
9.Om Sadhupoojithaya nama –Salutations to the lord who is worshipped by good people
10.Om Jithendryaya nama –Salutations to the lord who has  one  over his senses
11.Om Jayodhayagaya nama –Salutations to the lord who wins in his job
12.OM Jyothischakra pravarthakayai nama –Salutations to the lord who works in the  wheel  of astrology
13.Om Vikarthananujaya nama –Salutations to the lord who is the  younger brother of the sun
14,Om Veeraya nama –Salutations to the lord who is  valorous
15,Om Viswesaya nama –Salutations to the lord  of the universe
16.Om Vidhusham pathaye nama –Salutations to the lord  of the  learned people
17,Om Doshaakaraya  nama –Salutations to the lord who has defect in his body
18.Om  Dushta dooraya nama –Salutations to the lord who keeps  evil people  far away
19. Om Pushtimathe nama –Salutations to the lord who  is well off
20.Om Sishtapalakaya nama –Salutations to the lord who maintains discipline
21.Om Ashtamoorthi priyaya nama –Salutations to the lord who is loved by Lord Shiva (Ashtamurthi)
22.Om Ananthaya nama –Salutations to the lord who is endless
23.Om Ashta daru  kutarakaya nama –Salutations to the lord who has axe   with eight  splits
24.Om Swaprakasaya nama –Salutations to the lord who has his own luster
25.Om  Prakasathmane nama –Salutations to the lord who is the lustrous soul
26.Om Dhyuchara nama –Salutations to the lord who lives  in the sky
27.Om Devabojanaya nama –Salutations to the lord who is the meal of Devas
28.Om Kaladharayai nama –Salutations to the lord who carries the crescent
29.Om Kalahethave nama –Salutations to the lord who is the cause of time
30.Om Kamakruthe nama –Salutations to the lord who creates passion
31.Om Kamadhaya nama –Salutations to the lord who brings passion
32,Om Mruthyu samharakaya nama –Salutations to the lord who destroys death
33.Om amarthyaya nama –Salutations to the lord who is immortal
34.Om Nithyanushtaya nama –Salutations to the lord who does  his  daily rituals
35.Om Kshapakaraya nama –Salutations to the lord who creates  night
36.Om Ksheena papaya nama –Salutations to the lord who has  decreasing  sins
37.Om Yaksha vrudhi samanvithayai nama –Salutations to the lord who is associated with growth of  Yakshas
38.Om jaivathrukaya nama –Salutations to the lord who is long lived
39.Om Suchaye nama –Salutations to the lord who is clean
40.Om Subraya nama –Salutations to the lord who is  bright
41.Om Jayine nama –Salutations to the lord who is victorious
42.Om  Jaya phala  pradhaya nama –Salutations to the lord who gives victory as   result
43.Om Sudhamayaya nama –Salutations to the lord who is coated    with nectar
44.Om Suraswamine nama –Salutations to the lord  of the devas
45.OM Bhakthanam ishta dhayakayai  nama –Salutations to the lord who fulfills the desire of his devotees
46.Om Bhukthidhaya nama –Salutations to the lord who grants pleasure
47.Om Mukthidhayai nama –Salutations to the lord who grants salvation
48.Om Bhadraya  nama –Salutations to the lord who is pleasant
49.Om Bhaktha daridrya  banjanayai nama –Salutations to the lord who destroys   the poverty of his devotees
50.Om samagana priyayai nama –Salutations to the lord who likes singing of sama veda
51.Om sarva rakshakaya nama –Salutations to the lord who protects  everybody
52Om sagarodhbhavayai nama –Salutations to the lord who e rose   up from the   ocean.
53.Om Bhayantha kruthe nama –Salutations to the lord who  puts an en end to fear
54.Om Bhakthi gamyaya nama –Salutations to the lord who can be approached  by  devotion.
55.Om Bhava bhandha vimochanaya nama –Salutations to the lord who  frees you from shackles  of birth death cycle
56.Om Jagat prakasa  kiranaya nama –Salutations to the lord whose rays light the world
57.Om Jagat ananda karanaya nama –Salutations to the lord who is reason for happiness to the world.
58.Om Nissapathnyaya nama –Salutations to the lord who expelled rival wives
59.Om Niraharaya nama –Salutations to the lord who does not take food
60.Om nirvikaraya nama –Salutations to the lord who does not have any emotions
61.Om niramayayanama –Salutations to the lord who is without any taint
62.OM Bhoochaya achadhithaya nama –Salutations to the lord who wears the shadow of the earth
63.Om Bhavyaya nama –Salutations to the lord who is handsome
64. Om bhuvana prathipalakaya nama –Salutations to the lord who looks after  the world
65.Om sakalarthi haraya nama –Salutations to the lord who defeats  all  the grief
66.OM soumya bhanjanayai nama –Salutations to the lord who breaks the placidity
67.Om sadhu vandhithayai nama –Salutations to the lord who is saluted by good people
68.Om sarvagamajnayai nama –Salutations to the lord who places his footmarks everywhere
69.Om Sanakadhi muni sthuthayai nama –Salutations to the lord who is prayed to by Sanaka  and other sages
70.Om sithachathra dwajopethayai nama –Salutations to the lord who  has a  flag  completely covered  by light
71.Om Sithangayai nama –Salutations to the lord who  has a white form
72.Om sithabhooshanayai nama –Salutations to the lord who   has light as his ornament
73.Om swethamalyambara dharayai nama –Salutations to the lord who   wears white garland and white dress
74.Om  Swetha gandhanulepanayai nama –Salutations to the lord who   applies  the  white sandal paste
75.Om dasawa radha  sammoodaya nama –Salutations to the lord who rides on a chariot with ten horses
76.Om dandapanaye nama –Salutations to the lord who   holds a staff
77.OM Dhanurdharaya nama –Salutations to the lord who   is armed with a bow
78.Om Kundha pushpojjwalakaraya nama –Salutations to the lord who   shines like an opened jasmine flower
79.Om Nananabja samudbhavaya nama –Salutations to the lord who   has lotus  like eyes
80.OM aathreya gothrajaya nama –Salutations to the lord who   belongs to aathreya gothra
81.Om athyantha vinayaya nama –Salutations to the lord who   has very great  humility
82. Om Priya nayakaya nama –Salutations to the lord who   is the dear leader
83.OM Karunarasa sampoornaya nama –Salutations to the lord who   is full of essence of mercy
84.Om karkataka prabhave nama –Salutations to the lord who  is the lord of house of cancer
85.Om avyayaya nama –Salutations to the lord who  is imperishable
86.OM Chathurasrasanaroodaya nama –Salutations to the lord who   sits on  a quadrangular seat
87.Om Chathuraya nama –Salutations to the lord who   is clever
88.Om Divya vahanaya nama –Salutations to the lord who   has a divine vehicle
89.Om Vivasawan mandala jneya vasaya nama –Salutations to the lord who  is known to live in the   shining  orbit
90.Om Vasu samrudhithaya nama –Salutations to the lord who   has great amount of luster
91.OM Maheswara priyaya nama –Salutations to the lord who    is dear to Lord Shiva
92.Om Daanthaya nama –Salutations to the lord who  is subdued/mild
93.Om Meru gothra pradakshinaya nama –Salutations to the lord who   goes round Meru mountain
94.Om Grahamandala madhyagaya nama –Salutations to the lord who   is in the middle of other planets
95.Om  Grasitharkaya nama –Salutations to the lord who   was swallowed by the Sun God
96.Om Grahadhipaya nama –Salutations to the lord who   is the lord of planets
97.Om dwijarajaya nama –Salutations to the lord who   is the king of the twice born
98.Om dhyuthilakaya nama –Salutations to the lord who  has a shining forehead
99.Om Dwibujaya nama –Salutations to the lord who   has two hands
100.Om Dwija poojithayai nama –Salutations to the lord who   is worshipped by Brahmins
101.Om oudhumbara   nagavasaya nama –Salutations to the lord who  lives in Oudhumbara  mountain
102.Om Udharaya nama –Salutations to the lord who  is generous
103.Om Rohini pathaye nama –Salutations to the lord who   is consort of  Rohini
104.Om nithyodharaya nama –Salutations to the lord who  is daily lofty
105,Om Muni sthuthaya nama –Salutations to the lord who   is prayed to by sages
106.Om Nithyananda phala pradhaya nama –Salutations to the lord who   gives  daily happiness
107.Om Sakalahladha karaya nama –Salutations to the lord who   makes every one happy
108.Om Palasa  samidha  priyaya nama –Salutations to the lord who   likes the sticks  of Palasa   tree

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