
Friday, April 29, 2016

॥ कावेरी प्रार्थना ॥ The prayer to Cauvery

कावेरी प्रार्थना

The prayer to Cauvery

Translated by

(Cauvery   is the greatest and biggest  sacred river of South India. It is due to it that   the major part of South India is fertile. The people of Coorg worship her as their chief Goddess. Source: )

          मरुद्धृते महाभागे महादेवि मनोहरे
          सर्वाभीष्टप्रदे देवि स्नास्थितां पुण्यवर्धिनि १॥

Maruth druthe , maha bhage  , Maha devi  , Manohare,
Sarvabheeshta  pradhe devi   snasthithaam  punya  vardhini   1

Oh Goddess  who brings the breezw  , Oh great one  , Oh great goddess  , Oh pretty one  ,
Oh Goddess  who fulflls all desires  , who increases Punya  if we bathe   in her.

          सर्वपापक्षयकरे मम पापं विनाशय
          कवेरकन्ये कावेरि समुद्रमहिषिप्रिये २॥

Sarva papa  kshaya kare  , Mama Papam  vinasaya ,
Kavera  kanye, Kaveri, Samudhra  mahishi  priye.    2

Oh Goddess who  weakens all sins , Please destroy  my sins.
Oh Lady Cauvery , Oh Cauvery who is dear the queen  of the ocean.

          देहि मे भक्तिमुक्ति त्वं सर्वतीर्थस्वरूपिणि
          सिन्धुवर्ये दयासिन्धो मामुद्धर दयाम्बुधे ३॥

DEhi may  bhakthi mukthi  sarva  theertha  swaroopini,
Sindhu varye ,dhaya  sindho  maam udhara  Dhayambudhe .  3

Oh Goddess  who has the form of all sacred waters, please give devotion  and salvation,
Oh Chosen one of the sea, Oh ocean of mercy, please uplift me  , Oh ocean of mercy.

          स्त्रियं देहि सुतं देहि श्रियं देहि ततः स्वगा
          आयुष्यं देहि चारोग्यं ऋणान्मुक्तं कुरुष्व माम् ४॥
Sthriyam dehi  Sutham dehi  Sriyam dehi  thatha  swagaa,
AAyushyam dehi  cha aarogyam  Rinaan muktham   kurushva  maam,  4

Then  please give me wife, Please give me sons, Please  give me prosperity,
Please give me long life span  , Please give me health and free  me from debts.

          तासां सरितां मध्ये सह्यकन्याघनाशिनि
          कावेरि लोकविख्याता जनतापनिवारिणि ५॥
THaasaam cha sarithaam  madhye  sahaakanyaagha naasini  ,
Kaveri LOka  Vikhyaathaa  janath  aapan nivarini.

Oh river who among other   other great rivers,flows from the mountains  and destroys sins  ,
Who s the  world famous Cauvery and who removes dangers of people

          इति ब्रह्माण्ड पुराणे कावरी प्रार्थना
The prayer to Cauvery occurring   in Brahmanda Purana

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