
Saturday, October 1, 2016

Bhuvaneswari Kathyayani Sthuthi

Bhuvaneswari Kathyayani  Sthuthi

Translated by

( Part of this stotra has been translated as  Narayani Sthuthi and this entire stotra   which is a part of the eleventh chapter  of Devi Mahathmyam also has been translated by me.This time   I have taken it from Devi sttra Rathna kara  published by Gita press  as Bhuvaneswari –kathyayani stotra.My acknowledgeents to them.)

OM  Bala Ravi vidhyuthi , indhu kireetaam thunga kuchaam  , nayana thraya  yukthaam,
Smera mukhim  vadangusa pasa bheethi karaam   prabhaje   bhuvanesim.

Meditating   form
I pray  Bhuvaneswari  who shines like sun of dawn, who   has the crescent  on her crown,
Who has  lofty  breats   and has   three eyes,
Who has a smiling face , and who is fearsome holding the rope and the goad.


1.Devi Prapannarthi   hare praseedha ,
Praseedha mathar  jagadhokhilasya,
Praseeda Visweswari pahi viswam,
Tham easwari  devi characharasya.

1,Be pleased Goddess  who removes the problems  of those  who surrender  to her,
Be pleased oh mother with the people of earth as   well as the universe,
Be pleased oh Goddess  of universe   and protect the   universe,
Because  you are the goddess of all  stable and unstable  beings.

2.Aadharabhoothaa  jagadaswam eka,
Mahee   swaroopena    yatha   sthithaasi ,
Apaam   swaroopa sthithayaa thwayaitha,
Dhaapyathe  kruthsna   malanghya veerya

2. You are the one   who alone  is the holder of the universe ,
For you are    standing   as the   earth  ,
You have a  valour that  cannot be defeated,
For you  are the one  who stands as the   form of water.

3.THwam Vaishnavi   sakthir  anantha  veeryaa,
Viswasya  bheejam  paramasi  maayaa,
SAmmohitham devi  samastha methath,
Thwam vai prasannaa  bhuvi mukthi hethu.

3.You are  the sakthi called  Vaishnavi  with immesurable  valour  ,
You are the divine  Maya   which is the   seed of the  universe,
And  you have  bewitched   the   entire  universe ,
And  the earth   can get salvation only  if you re pleased.

4.Vidhyaa samasththaa thava Devi bhedhaa,
Sthriyaa  samasthaa    sakalss  jagathsu,
Thvaikaya pooritham ambayaithath,
Ka they sthuthi sthavya   paraa  parokthi.

4.All   the wisdom and learning are but  your different forms,
All the   ladies  in the world   are but   your forms,
And  you , oh mother  have completely filled the universe ,
And  the one who prays you , is praying  all that need to be prayed to.

5.SArva bhoothaa  yadhaa Devi   swarga  mukthi pradhayinim
Thwam sthuthaa   sthuthaye  kaa vaa   bhavanthu   paramokthaya,

5.Oh Goddess  who has all forms you  are the one  who grants  heaven or salvation,
And the one   who prays   you, what more   does any one  need,

6.SArvasya  budhi roopena janasya   hrudhi samsthuthe,
SWargapavargadhe  Devi Narayani   namothuthe

6.Oh Goddess  who lives  in the heart of  every one as  wisdom ,
OH goddess  who grants  heaven and salvation , I salute that Narayani.

7. Kalakashtadhi roopena parinama pradhayini,
Visvasyoparathou shakthe, narayani namosthuthe.

7..Hey powerful one, who leads to evolution of earth from the micro time
and who is the main force in the destruction of the world, Our salutations to you, Narayani
(Kashta is the time when eyes blink and open naturally for 18 times and kala is 30 kashtas. These are small measurements of time. )

8. Sarva mangala mangalye, Shive, sarvartha sadhake,
Saranye triambike Gowri narayani namosthuthe.

8.Oh Goddess who is a giver of all good things, who is peaceful,
Who is a giver of all wealth, who can be relied upon,
Who has three eyes and who is golden in colour, Our salutations to you, Narayani

9. Srushti sthithi vinasanam sakthi bhoothe, sanathani,
Gunasraye, gunamaye, narayani namosthuthe.

9.Hey goddess who is the power behind creation, upkeep and destruction.
 Hey goddess who is for ever, who is depended upon by three characters of sathva, Rajas and Thamas And who is filled with all good characteristics, Our salutations to you, Narayani

10. Saranagatha deenaartha, parithrana parayane,
Sarvsyarthi hare devi, narayani namosthuthe.

10.Hey Goddess, who takes care of those who surrender to you
And those who are suffering, Hey Goddess who removes all sufferings
From the entire world, Our salutations to you, Narayani

11. Hamsa yuktha vimanasthe, brahmani roopa dharini,
Kaushambha ksharike devi, Narayani namoshthuthe.

11.Oh goddess who travels in the air plane with swans,
Who is having the form of Lord Brahma and
Who sprinkles water mixed with Dhurbha grass, Our salutations to you, Narayani

12 Trishula chandrahi dhare, maha vrushabha vahini,
Maheswari swaroopena narayani namosththe.

12.Oh Goddess who has the form of Lord Shiva,
Who holds a trident, who adorns herself with the crescent and snake and
Who rides on the great bull, Our salutations to you, Narayani

13. Mayura kukkuda vruthe, maha shakthi dhare anaghe,
Kaumari roopa samsthane, Narayani namosththe.

13.Oh Goddess who is with cock and peacock,
Who holds a great spear, who is without sin,
Who is of the form of Lord Subrahmanya, Our salutations to you, Narayani.

14. Samkha chakra gadha sarnkhya graheetha paramayudhe,
Praseedha Vaishnavi roope, Narayani namoshthuthe.

14.Oh Goddess who holds mace, wheel, conch and bow in your hands,
And who is the form of Lord Vishnu, be pleased with us, Our salutations to you, Narayani

15. Graheethogra maha chakre, damshtro dhyutha vasundhare,
Varaha roopini, shive, narayani namosthuthe.

15.Oh Goddess who holds aloft the great holy wheel, who holds the earth in her frontal teeth,
Who has the form of Lord Varaha and who does only good, Our salutations to you, Narayani

16 Nrusimha roopenogrena hanthum daithyan kruthodhyame,
Trilokya trana sahithe, Narayani namosthuthe.

16.Oh Goddess who has the form of the Lord Narasimha,
who has a horrifying look and who is ready to kill asuras
And who takes care of the three worlds, Our salutations to you, Narayani

17. Kiritini, maha vajre, sahasra nayanojwale,
Vruthra prana hare, narayani namoshthe.

17.Oh Goddess with the holy crown, who holds aloft the great Vajrayudha, who shines with thousand eyes, who killed the Vruthra asura and who has the form of Indra, Our salutations to you, Narayani

18. Shivadhoothi swaroopena hatha daithya maha bale,
Ghora roope, maharave, Narayani namosthuthe.

18.Oh Goddess who has the form of Shiva Dhoothi,
who killed the great army of asuras, who has a horriying look
And who has a great sound, Our salutations to you, Narayani

19. Damshtra karala vadane, siro mala vibhooshane,
Chamunde, munda madhane, narayani namosthuthe.

19.Oh Goddess who has a fearful face because of her teeth,
Who adorns herself with the garland of skulls,
Who killed the giant called Munda and who is goddess Kali, Our salutations to you, Narayani

20. Lakshmi lajje mahavidhye, sradhe, pushti swadhe, druve,
Maha rathri maha maye, Narayani namosthuthe.

20.Hey Goddess Lakshmi, who is the personification of shyness,
Who is of the form of upanishads, who has a religious temper,
Who looks very strong, who has the form of the manes, who is permanent, who is the night of deluge And who is the cause of all the worlds, Our salutations to you, Narayani

21. Medhe, saraswathi, vare, bhoothi bhabravi, thamasi,
Niyathe, thwam, praseedhesa, narayani namosthuthe.

21.Oh Goddess who is wisdom of intelligence, who is the goddess of words, Wwho is greatest, who is the goddess of the properties of Sathva, Rajo and Thamas, and who is our Goddess,
Please be kind on us, Our salutations to you, Narayani

22. Sarva swaroope sarveshe, sarva shakthi samanvithe,
Bhayebhya sthrahino devi, durga devi namosthuthe.

22.Oh goddess who takes all forms, who is the goddess of every thing
And who is having all types of strengths, please save us from fears,
Our salutations to you, Goddess Durga.

23. Ethathe vadanam soumyam, lochana thraya bhooshitham,
Pathu na sarva bhoothebhya, kathyayani namosthuthe.

23.Oh Goddess Kathyayani, our salutations to you,
Let your pretty face adorned with the three eyes protect us from all beings.

24.. Jwala karala mathyugra maseshasura soodhanam,
Trishoolam padu no bheeder bhadrakali, namosthuthe.

24,Oh Goddess Bhadrakali, salutations to you,
Let your horrifying trident surrounded by flames,
Which is very angry and is being kept to trouble all asuras, protect us from fear.

25.Hinasthi   daithyejaamsi  swenanapoorya yaa jagath,
Saa ghantaa pathu no devi   papebhyon  suthaniva.

25.Oh Godess   who just by the spread  of voice kills all  asuras in the world,
Please spread the same voice   and   free us all from all  our sins, like we are your sons.

26.Asurasrugvasaa panga charchithasthe karojjwala  ,
Shubhaaya   khango bhavathu chandike thwaam natha  vayam.

26.Let the  shining  bangles in your hand   which becomes  coated  with blood of asuras,
May become  the bangles  of auspiciousness, We salute   you oh Chandike.

27. Rogaanaseshaan   apahamsi  thushtaa  ,
 rushtaa thu   kamaan   sakalaan abheeshtaan,
Thwamasrithaanaam   na  vipannaraanaam,
THwamaasritthaa  hyaasrayathaam  prayaanthi.

27.Oh Goddess ,when  you are happy,  you  cures all our diseaees,
When you are   angry   you completely destroy all our desires,
And to those who have surrendered to you no dangers come ,
And  they  who depend on you are able to protect  all others

28.Yethath krutham   yath kadhanam   thwayaadhyaa ,
Dharmadwishaam    devi mahasuraanaam,
Roopair anekair   bahudathma  moorthi,
Kruthwaambike  thath  prakarothi kaanyaa.

28.Oh Goddess  . assuming very  many forms .
And    taking recourse   to various  methods  ,
You completely exterminate   all the asuras,
Except you  , who else   can do  like   this.

29.Vidhyaasu saasthreshu vivekadheepe,
Shyaadhyeshu   vaakyeshu cha kaa  thwadhanyaa,
Mamthwagarthe   athi mahaandhakaro,
Vibrahmamayathyethadhatheeva   viswam.

29.In  Knowledhge , in sasthras  , t in the light of wisdom,
Who has else   has been described   except you,
And who is else   there  in this world   except   you,
Who can drown this word in pride  and selfishness.

30.Rakshaamsi   yathrogra vishaascha nagaa,
Yathraarayo dhamyubalani   yathra ,
Dhaavanalo   yathra   thadabdhi  madhye  ,
Thathra sthithaa thwam paripasi viswam.

30. Though staying    in the middle of ocean,
Of Rakshasas,  very poisonous snakes  ,
Enemies,  army   of robbers  and forest fire
Oh mother   you protect  this universe.

31,Visweswari thwam paripasi viswam,
Viswathmika  Dharayaseethi viswam  ,
Viswesa vandhyaa  bhavathi  bhavanthi  ,
Viswasrayaa   ye  thwayee  bhakthi namraa.

31.Oh Goddess of universe  you protect the universe
AS a soul of the  universe  you   carry   the universe,
Oh Goddess you have become one saluted by Lord Shiva,
And those  who bow  their  head in devotion before you ,
 Would become   ones  whom the  universe depends.

32.Devi praseedha   paripalaya  noari bheether,
Nithyam   yadhasura  vadha dadhunaiva sadhya,
Paapaani   sarva  jaggathaam   prasamam  nayaasu,
Uthpatha paka  jani nithamscha mahopasargaan.

32.Oh Goddess be pleased  , please protect  us from fear of enemies,
Just like now   you have killed the Rakshasas and  protected us ,
And please protect the entire   world  from  getting in to sin,
And also   severe  ire  of  nature and all other troubles by not following Dharma,

33.Pranathaanaam  praseedha thwam  devi  viswarthiharini,
TRilokya vasineemeedye  lokaanaam    varadhe bhava.

33.Oh Goddess   who drives  away the sufferings of the world, We salute you ,
Oh Goddess who is being worshipped by three worlds, please give boons to them

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