
Saturday, October 1, 2016

Dasamayi Bala Tripurasundari stotram

Dasamayi Bala  Tripurasundari stotram

Translated by

(This stotra was taken from a book called  Devi Stotra  Rathnakara  published by Gita press , Gorakhpur)

1,Sri Kali , bagaalaamukhi   cha  lalithaa   dhoomravathi  BHairavi,
Mathangi BHuvaneswari cha Kamala  Sri Vajra vairochini,
THaraa  poorva maha padhena kadhithaa  vidhyaa swayam  shambunaa ,
Leela roopa mayi   chadesa dasadhaa Balaa  thu maam pathu  saa.

1.Like  Lord Shiva   who from early   days  used to  assume  the form he likes,
The goddess  assumed   as sport the ten forms of  Balamukhi , Lalitha, Dhoomravathi,
Bhairavi  , Matangi, Bhuvameswari, Kamala,Vajra vairochini and  Tharaa,
And let that Bala  having ten forms  protect me   always.

2.Shyaamaam  syamaghanava  bhasa ruchiraam   neelaalakaa alankruthaam,
Bimboshtim Bali sathru vanditha padaam  Balarka koti prabhaam,
THrasa thrana krupaa  muda dadhadhim bhakthaaya  dhanodhyathaam,
Vandhe   sankata  nasinim  BHagawathim   Balaam swayam Kaalikaam.

2.Salutations to her  who shines in her black form. Who shines like black clouds,
Who has   pretty decorated  long blue hairs  falling from  her head,
Who has lips of red colour like  Bimba fruits, Whose feet   is saluted by Indra  the enemy of Mahabali
Who shines like   crores Suns of dawn, Fearing whom the  evil ones wear garland of headless bodies.
Who wants always to give boons to her devotees, Who is  the goddess  destroying sorrow,
And who herself is  theGoddess    assuming the form of Bala.

3.Brahmasthraam , sumukhim bakara vibhavaam  balaam  balakeenibhaam,
Hastha nyastha samastha vairira samanamanye dadhaanaam gadhaam,
Peethaam  bhooshana  gandha malya ruchiraam  peethgambaraangaam varaam,
Vandhe sangata  nasinim  bhagawathim  Balaam cha  Bagaalaa  mukhim.

3.Salutations to her who  has Brahmastra, who has pleasant disposition , Who likes the sound of “Bha”,
Who resembles  a  girl, who by one hand pulls   the toungues  of all her enemies and keeps them,
Who carries the mace  in her other hand, Who wears yellow   ornaments ,
Who is interested in sandal paste   and garlands, Who looks   extremely pretty,
Who destroys all our sorrows  and who is Goddess Bala   assuming the  form of Bagalamukhi.

4.Balarka sruthi baskaraam  trinayanaam  mandasmithaam sanmukhim,
Vame pasa  danurdharam  suvibhavaam  banam  thadhaa   dakshine,
Paaraa vara viharinim para mayim padmasane samsthithaam,
Vandhe  SAnkata  nasinim bhagwathim balaam  swayam Shodasim

4.Salutations to her   who shines  like  the infant sun , who has  three  eyes,
Who has a pretty  face  with a smile, who holds bow and rope in left hands ,
And   arrows  on her right hand  , who  moves  between two banks,
Who has divine  wealth with her  , Who sits in the  lotus pose,
Who destroys sorrow and who is God Bala who is Shodasi.

5.Deergaam  deerga kuchaam udagra nasanaam Dushtachidhaam  devathaam,
Krvyaadhaam  kutilekshnaam  cha kutilaam   kakadwajaam  ksuthkrusaam,
DEvim   soorpakaraam   maleena vasanaam  thaam pippaladarchithaam,
Balaam  SAnkata nasinim   bhagwathim  dhyayami   dhoomaavathim.

5.I meditate  on the goddess who is tall , who has  high breasts .
Who has protruding teeth , who destroys  evil people, who has form of Goddess,
Who eats meat , who has cruel bent eyes, who is cruel by nature,
Who shines with a  crow flag , who appears   weak due  to hunger,
Who is Goddess, who holds winnow  in her hands, Who wears  dirty cloths,
Who is worshipped  by Pippaladhas, Who is strong , who is destroyer of sorrow,
And   who is the goddess  Dhoomavathi  .

6.Udhyath koti divakara prathibataam  Balarka  bhakarpataam,
Mala pusthaka   pasa mangusa dharaam   daithyendra mundasthrajaam,
Penothunga payodharaam  trinayanaam   Brahmadhibhi samsthuthaam,
Balaam    sankata nasinim   Bhagawathim   Sri Bhairavim   dheemahi.

6.I meditate  on  her who has the luster  of one crore rising   suns,
Who wears the dress  of the purple    colour   of the rising   Sun,
Who carries  beaded chain   , book  , rope    and goad,
Who wears the garland  of corpses   of   the kings of Rakshasas,
Who has very high breasts, three eyes, who is prayed  to by Brahma and others,
Who is  Bala, who destroys sorrow and is the  Goddess BHairavi.

7.Veena vadhana  thathparaam , trinayanam, mandasmitham sanmukhim,
Vame  Pasa Dhanurdharam  thu nikare Banam  thadhaa  Dakshine  ,
Paaraavara  viharinim  paramayim  Brahmasane   samsthithaam,
Vandhe  SAnkata  nasinim Bhagawathim  Mathangineem baalikaam

7.I salute her  who is interested in playing Veena, who has three  eyes,
Who has pretty face with  slow smile, Who holds  rope and bow on her left hand ,
And holds the arrows in her  right hand , who moves between banks,
Who is  pervaded  with divinity, Who sits    in the  seat of Lord Brahma,
Who destroys sorrows and is the Goddess Mandakini who is Bala.

8.Udhyath surya nibham cha indhu mukuta mindhi vare  samsthithaam,
Hasthe   charu varabhayam  cha dadhathim   prasam   thadhaa cha angusam,
Chithralangrutha  masthakaam  trinayanam   brahmadhibhi   sevitham,
Vandhe   sankata  nasinim   cha Bhuvanesim   aadhi baalam Baje

8.I sing about her   who shines  like the rising sun  . who keeps   moon on her head,
Who sits on the red lotus flower  , who shown giving of boons and protection by her hands,
As  well  as holds the rope and the goad, Whose forehead  is decorated in various  ways,
Who has  three  eyes , who is served  by Lord  Brahma    and others,
Who is destroyer of sorrows and who is BHuvaneswari   as well as Baala.

9.Devim  Kanchna sannibham   trinayanam  phullaravinda sthithaam,
Vibraanaam   varamabja   yugma mabhayam   hasthai   kireetojjwalaam,
Praaleyachala  sannibhaischa   karibhiraashichamaanaam  sadaa.
Baalam  sankata naasinim   BHagwathim   Lakshmim  Bhaje  chondhiraam

9.I sing about  the goddess  who is like gold  , who has three  eyes,
Who sits on  fully opened lotus , who shows protection and boons by her hand,
Who holds two lotus flowers, who shines   wearing  a crown,
 Who is like the  Himalaya  mountains, who is always  anointed by two elephants
Who is Bala who destroys  sorrows who is Goddess Lakshmi  also called as Indiraa.

10.SAchinnam  Swasiro vikorna kutilaam   vame kare bibhrathim,
Trupthaasya  swa sareerajaischa   rudhirai   santharppayanthim sakhim,
Sadbhathaaya   vara pradhana  nirathaam   prethaasanaadhyasineem,
Balaam   sankata  nasinim  Bhagawathim   Sri Chinnamasthaam bhaje.

10.I sing about who  stands erect, Who appears  fearsome due to her cut head,
Who holds her cut head on left hand  , Who looks satisfied   her friends ,
By giving them her own blood to drink, Who   grands boons to her true devotees,
Who sits on a corpse, Who is Bala destroyer of sorrow and Goddess Chinnamastha

11.Ugrameka  jadaam anatha   sukhadhaam   doorvaa  dalai bhamajaam,
Kathri khadga pala neela kamalaan  hasthair vahanthim Shivaam,
Kande   mundasthrajaam  karala  vadanaam , kanjasane samstthithaam  ,
Vandhe   sankata nasinim   bhagawathim Balaam   swayam tharinim.

11.I salute  the goddess  who is fierce, who maintans tufted hair, Who enjoys pleasyres,
Whose colour is like the shine of Doorva  grass, Who does not have  births ,
Who holds in her hands  scissors ,  sword, skull   and blue lotus , and who is peacefull
Who wears a garland of corpses, who has a black face, who sits on a lotus seat ,
Who  is a destroyer of sorrow  and who is  the Goddess  Bala who makes us cross samsara.

12.Mukhe sri Mathangi thad anukilatharaa cha nayane,
Thadantharangaa  kali   brukuti sadane  bhairavi paraa,
Katou  Chinna  Dhoomavathi  Jaya  kuchendhou  Kamalajaa,
Paadamse  Brahmastra jayathi  kila  Balaa  Dasamayi.

12.In her  face is Mathangi, in her well disposed eyes is Thara,
Within her inside  is Kali, in her eye brows  lives   divine Bhairavi,
In her waist is Chinnamastha and Dhoomavathi  , in her breasts Kamala
In her feet   Brahmastra  and let Bala with ten forms  be victorious

13.Virajan  mandhara druma kusuma  harasthanathati,
Paristhaathranasphutika gutikaa  pusthakavaraa,
Gale  rekhasthisthro  gamaka gita gitaika  nipunaa,
Sadaa peethaa  haalaa jayathi   kil balaa  dasamayi

Ithi Sri Meru thanthre dasamayi bala tri[urasundari stotram sampoornam.

13.She whose chest is decorated  by the  garland of Mandhara  flowers and shines,
She  holds in her  hand  the sign of protection which drives  away fear,
A  crystal bead chain , book and symbol   of granting   boons,
And in whose   neck there are  three  shining lines, who is an expert in singing,
Songs with  Gamaka and Gathi, who is always engaged in drinking alcohol,
Is the one with ten Vidhya forms  and is called  Goddess Bala.Let her be  victorious

  Thus ends   the prayer   addressed to Bala Tripurasundari which occurs in Meru Thanthra.

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