
Saturday, October 1, 2016

Radha Stotram

Radha Stotram

Translated by

(This prayer  has been taken from a book Devi STotra  Rathna kara  published by Gita Press, Gorakhpur )

1.Vandhe  Radha Padambojam  , Brahmadhi sura  vanditham,
Yath keethi keerthanenaiva  punaathi  bhuvana thrayam

1,I salute lotus life feet  of Radha which is saluted  Brahma and other devas,
And by praising its greatness, the three  worlds get purified.

2.Namo  Goloka vasinyai, Radhikayai Namo nama ,
Satha srunga  nivasinyai   Chandra  vathyai namo  nama,

2.Salutations to  those who like  in Goloka  , salutations   to Radhika  ,
I also salute CHandravathi   who lives  on the hundred peaked mountain.

3.THulasi vana vasinyai  vrundaranyai  Namo nama ,
Rasa mandala  vaasinyai raseswaryai namo nama

3.Salutation to Vrundaranya   who lived  in the Thulasi forest,
Salutations to  the queen of dance who lived in the place where Rasa leela   was danced.

4.Virajathira  vasinyai   vrundhayai   cha  namo nama ,
Vrundavana  nivasinyai  Krishnaayai cha  namo nama

4, Slutationa   to  Vrundha who lived on banks  of river  Yamuna.
Salutations to Krisnaa (Radha)  who lived   in Brindavan

5.Nama Krishna priyaayai   cha  SAnthaayai Namo nama ,
Krishna Vaksha  sthithaayai   cha  thathipriyayai  cha namo nama.

5.Salutations to lover of Krishna, Salutations   to the peaceful  one ,
Salutations to her who lives on chest of Krishna and salutations to her  who is loved by Krishna

6.Namo vaikunta vasinyai  , Mahalakshmyai namo nama  ,
VIdhyadhishtathru devyai   cha saraswathyai  namo nama

6.Salutations to her   who lives in Vaikunta , salutations to the  Mahalakshmi  ,
Salutations to goddess   who presides  over knowledge  , Salutations to Saraswathi

7. Sarvaiswaryaadhi devyai    cha kamalaayai  namo nama
Padmanabha priyaayai   cha Padmaayai cha  namo nama  ,

7.. Salutations to goddess  of all prosperity , Salutations to her who sits on lotus,
Salutations to darling of Padmanabha  and salutations to her who lives  in lotus flower

8.Maha vishnvescha mathre   cha paraadhyaayai   namo nama
Nama  Sindhu suthaayai   cha  marthya lakshmyai  

8. Salutations to mother of Mahavishnu, Salutations to who grants  divinity,
Salutations to daughter of Sindhu , Salutations to wealth of man

9.Narayana priyaayai   cha Narayanyai namo nama,
Namosthu Vishnu Maayaayaii   Vaishnavyai cha   namo nama

9.Salutations   to she who is dear to Narayana   and who is power of Narayana,
Salutations to Vishnu Maya  and  the innate  power of Vishnu.

10.Maha maya  swaroopayai   sampadaayai  namo  nama,
Nama Kalyana  roopinyai   Shubhaayai  cha namo nama

10.Salutations to her   who has r the form of great  illusion and to her who is accumulated wealth
Salutations to her who has an auspicious form  and to her who  is divinely good.

11.Mathre chathurnaam Vedaanaa,   savithryai   cha  namo nama,
Namo Durga vinasinyai , durgaa devyai namo nama

11.Salutations to the mother who is the four Vedas and to Savithri,
Salutations to her who destroys difficulties and who is Goddess Durga.

12.Thejassu sarva devaanaam  puraa  krutha yuge mudhaa,
Adhishtana  kruthaayai  cha prakruthyai cha namo nama

12.Salutations to nature   and to the goddess    who with joy,
Was  earlier the  power  of a devas  in the Krutha  yuga

13.Namastripura haarinyai  TRipuraayai namo nama ,
Sundarishu cha ramyaayai   nirgunaayai    cha namo nama

13.Salutations to destroyer of three cities, salutations to her who is the three  cities,
Salutations to the   pretty one who  attracts    and to her who does not have  properties/.

14.Namo NIdhra swaroopaayai   Nirgunaayai  namo nama ,
Nama  DAksha  suthaayai   cha nama sathyaicha  namo nama.

14,Salutations to the   form of sleep, salutations to her who is devoid of charaterstics,
Salutations    to the daughter  of Daksha   and salutations to Sathi devi.

15.Nama Saila suthaayai  cha Parvathyai   cha  namo nama,
Namo namasthapasvinyai  hutyumaayai     cha  namo nama.

15.Salutations to the daughter of the  mountain, Salutations   to Parvaty,
Salutations   to one  who is sage who meditates and salutations to Uma.

16.Niraahaara  swaroopaayai  hyaparnaayai  namo nama ,
Gauri loka vilasinyai  namo Gauryai  namo nama.

16,Salutations   to one with form who was  not taking food  and salutations toAparna,
Salutations to her who is in the world of Gauri and salutations to Gauri.

17.Nama kailasa vaasinyai  , Maheswaryai namo nama,
Nidrayaayai cha Dhayaayaicha Sradhaayai  cha  namo ama.

17.Salutations to her who liveson Kailasa, Salutations to the greatest goddess,
SAluataiond to her who is skeep , who is mercy  an who is attention.

18.Namo druthyai, kshamaayai cha Lajjayai    cha namo nama,
Trushnaayai .kshuth dswaroopayai  sthithi karthryai  namo nama.

18Salutations to her who is fast , who has patience   and shyness.
Salutation  to thirsty  and who has a form of hunger and who  establishes

19.Nama samhara  roopinyai , mahaa maayayai cha  namo nama ,
BHavaayai   cha abhyaayai  cha mukthipradhaayai  namo nama.

19.Salutations to her   who has  the form of a killer  and who is great enchantress,
SAluations  to her who is the future , who grants protection  and who grants salvation.

20.nama swadhaayai  SWaahaayai  santhyai  kanthyai namo nama ,
Namo sthushtyai   cha pushtyai  cha  dhayaayai   cha  namo nama.

20.Salutations to her who is food of  manesm, who is the wife  of fire God, who is peaceful and who shines,
Salutations  r to her who satisfies, who grants health  and who is merciful.

21.Namo  nidhraa swaroopayai   sradhayai cha  namo nama,
Kshuth pipasa  swaroopayai Lajjayyai cha  namo nama.

21.Salutations to her with sorm of sleep    as well as  attention,
Salutations to form of hunger and thirst, Salutations  to her who is shy.

22.Namo druthyai  , kshamayai   cha  chethanaayai  namo nama,
SArva Shakthi swaroopinyai   sarva mathre  namo nama

22.Salutations  to her who is in a hurry, to her who is patient   and to her who is intelligence,
Salutations to her who is   the form of all strength and her who is the mother  of all.

23.Agnou  daaha swaroopayai   badraayai cha  namo nama ,
Shobhaayai  poorna   chandre cha sard  padme namo nama.

23.Salutations to one who burns like fire  and one keeps you safe  ,
Salutations to one who has luster  like full moon. Salutations to the autumn lotus.

24,Naasthi bhedho  yadhaa devi dugdha dhavalyayao sadaa,
Yadhaiva  Gandha bhoomyescha yadhaiiva  jala saithyayo.
25.Yadhiva   sabdha   nabhasor jyothi  sooryayoryadha,
Loke  vedhe purane   cha   Radhamadhavosthadhaa,

26.Chethanam  kuru kalyani   dehi   maam utharam sathi  ,
Ithyukthwaa   cho udhava sthathra pranamama puna puna.

24-26 .Oh Devi   just like   in milk and whiteness ,  scent   and  earth,
Just like   water   and coolness , just like   sound and the sky
Just  like   light and the sun , just like  people  and the Vedas,
Just like   Radha   and Krishna , there   is no difference ,
Oh Kalyani  bring  intelligence and oh Sathi ,life me out ,
Saying this   Udhava   fell at her   feet again and again.

27.Ithyudhava krutham stotram   ya padeth bhakthi poorvakam,
Yiha loke   sukham   bhukthwa yaathwanthe   harimandhiram.

27.He who reads this prayer   composed by Udhava   with devotion,
Would be blessed with joy and would later to go to the world of Vishnu

28.Na bhavedh   bandhu vichchedho , roga  , soka    sudharuna,
Proshithaa  sthree labeh kantham   bharyaa bhedhi  labedh priyaam.,

28.Parting with relatives   would not be there   for him,  Diseases and  sorrow would  go away,
And the Lady who has parted   with her husband  would rejoin with him.

29.Aputhro labhathe puthraan  , nirdhano labhathe   Dhanam,
Nir boomer labhathe bhoomir  , prajaa heeno labhathe  prajaan.

29.He who does not have sons would get sons , He without  money would get wealth,
He who does not have land would get land  people without  friends would get friends.

30.Rogaath vimuchyathe  Rogi  , Badho muchyathe  Bandhanaath,
BHayaan muchyathe   Bheethasthu  , Muchen aapanna  AApadha

30.Sick person would get freedom from sickness , The one who is imprisoned   wo ould get freedom,
He who has scared    would get rid of fear , he who is in danger would be saved

31,Aspashta  keerthi  suyasaa  moorko bhavathi   Panditha

31,He  who has ill fame   would get good fame  and fool would become  learned,

Ithi Brahma  Vaivartha purane Udddhava  krutham   Sri Radha stotram sampoornam

Thus ends the prayer to Radha composed by Udhava   which occurs in Brahma  Vaivartha  Purana.

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